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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1948, p. 1

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IIII*M I -^.ty > V .fruf i• . *? / - K *» "»**' , - Mi#l«Wf«**" '•j^m .. ...,*.. •. . mom 78 **»+•' * & * * - - • * : , { * > _ * "-<*j' • , ~ * * * r , J 3 | ;... x&nv***-</- »*• % *.--•..<*»*** rr : -f;f>t *v. I ~ "^1 '& *J?> "-*?• v*** sv*1 -»*•»• • • -•' --V -Vr-. i *\y ,.«*, .* ..,.«- ....J-, -. ...... • - ......... • < ^ *'} S ' ^ ^ ^ ^ *71' " • "i. " - i • > V ^ 4 ' ^ •i <-j McHENSY COUNTY KeHBfST, ILLINOIS, T*UR8DAY, MAT 13,1948 No. 98 % ILL HAVE HEW po STATION WILA-FM To M x Mobile Unit To ^ S Each Community > ->ji new radio station now in con- Mruction in McHenry county is news which is being greeted en^iusiasticby residents of this area. The i tinthern Illinois Broadcasting company, which will extend over a radios of fifty miles from its F. M. station - located two miles west of Woodstock, will soon be ready for operation. Harold Z. (Benton, manager of. the jjr, announces that completion station' and its inauguration iy take place in the very near He has announced that if progress continues as it has been, fftsy will go on the air temporarily la time to broadcast the sessions of the World Citixenship Conference to be held on May 21 and 22 in Woodstock. The name WILA has been selected TOXTR LOCAL PSOPL* SELECTED TOSBEVE ON HEW PETIT JUS? Four McHenry tesident*- were in- <cluded in the new petit jury selected last Saturday to serve during the *; gneat term of court. The following ^fjmafce up the jury: , McHenry--Bernard Tonyan, Myrtle .Harrison, Alex J. Justen and Frank '^Kempfer. Nunda--Haxel E. Mortensen, Jean* ette Anderson and Harry W. Adams, Jr. Algonquin--Clyde E. Clause, John B. Schugard, Dorothy Hemola, Gladys R. Rooney, and George Zolesky. Riley--lola Anthony. Marengo--Ralph J. Deneen and Elisabeth C. Miller. Chemung--Florence S. Lyles anil George F. Pries. ' Alden--James Madsen, Jr. Seneca--Martha Eddy and Morris DeVogelaere. . Coral -- George R. Mallett add Grace E. Schauer. Grafton--Lillian Wirt*. Dorr--LeRoy W. SCott, Mabel A. Hunt, Glencora Henning, Robert J.* McDonald, Ida M. Gilles and Florence Ladefoged. Greenwood--Lyle S. Given and L. Russell Beard. Hebron -- Gertrude L. Andeiton and Elia E. Higdon. Richmond--Roland Winn and Leola asathe county's first full time static E. May. MM man made noise-free community _ __ radio station. Flans are being made LOCAL TENOR AMONG for musical drama, news, market and public service broadcasts of eighteen Mills per day and ten hours on 8mtday. According to Mr. Benton, the station will co-operate with the Cmeral public of the county. He has mentioned plans for special programs for every city and village in the county. _ Home talent in all communities will be giy&n an oppor- PUfflS MADE FOR WATER CARNIVAL HERE JUNE 27m Marine Activities ^ r Committee Meets Tfr Plan Special Events There is going to be a big splash in McHenry on Sunday, June 27,' if the newly appointed "Marine Activities Committee" has co-operation in carrying out plans. In fact there will be a lot of splashing as Fox River will be the scene of a big water carnival. Success of boat races in past years prompted the McHenry Business Men's Association to designate a "Marine Activities Committee;" This committee met Tuesday evening of this week and started the 'ball arollin' toward not only boat races, but to include swimming events, diving exibitions, canoe tilting contest and any form of entertainment that will add up to a gigantic water carnival. The Chain-O-Lakes Boat Club will MANY VECTORS ATTENDED OPEN BOOSE AT SCHOOL A treat many interested persons attended open house at the new kindergarten, formerly the Cristy house, on Waukegan street last Thursday evening. Moat of tkan were surprised, all were delighted at the very spacious and bright Tooms which provide educational quarters for McHenry youngsters. The house was purchased by the consolidated school board some months ago, when the problem of adequate space in the TWO RESIDENTS OF COMMUNITIES NEARDY ME DEAD Mrs. Agues GeransoiV ; Mrs.. Lucelia Dowell1 ^ Died Daring Week The entire community, and Mc- HOME TALENT PLAT "PUN POR YOU" TO BE PRESENTED JUNE 10-11 Dramatic-minded residents of this community will be happy to learn that^ a home talent play "Fun For You will be presented in the high school auditorium on Thursday and Friday evenings, June 10 and 11, TKSjJLiS 8**ed from out-of town to^ taket over the production, according to information received from Mrs. George Kramer, chairman of the event. irr&ri* itKaaI I n Ti v \ vwiuiuuiMvjf, mwM w. iMurrss.. KAxraammeerr e< ntertained members building became Mrioofc The BISHOP BOYLAN OFFICIANT AT TWO SERVICES Altars Dedicated In ; - City; Confirmation - Held At Wonder Lake it'; Two - most impressive churdfc' services were held in this communis last Sunday, 9, when the Most tlM ...im i.ini aWMi f„j. ... ithls week mourned the untimely last Friday afternoon «t »• !« b"nday. May 9, when the Most *"* Sax-* !•:« » ht 8, 1948. Mrs. Goran son had been ?• '-"'-'ii t^?1* ' 1 jilj06ly ! 7ho ^assed sway at the Woodstock ffn?r^. tthh*• P•. llTay?,g»r•o und n^ed's of- »thPefcscee Ihso. s1p9it4a8l . onM mSa turday evenhinJgj, May k little folks. Mural paintings drew one's attention to the walk of the front room, as did similar smaller drawings in other rooms. Samplei of the chilin poor health since early last fall and for several weeks. her condition had been critical. V« " , """ii Doyi«n, oisnop oi tne as secretary-treasurer in £ u di^ese' J^s'ted Christ the 1. Uirer m CBai*« of King church at Wonder Lake and event of < later in the morning was present at the St. Patrick's church, McHenry. The Goranson family had been It®1 Friday entertained confirmed seven children "ai permanent residents of McCullom he in iomm,ttee who will • adults. Those confirmed an< wax™ jst JZJJPVL. OUTSTANDING ARTISTS IN SUNDAY CONCERT On Sunday afternoon, May" 9, Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Mrs. Ethel Jones attended the eighth annual meeting of the Illinois State Music Teachers' Association held at the Cordon Club, Fine Arts Building, ing was the election of officers, dren's painting and drawing were j La , placed in books and were open for I she had entered into many activities inspection by the visitors. One large! of the community. She was an untable contained the completed pro-[tiring worker with the Methodist jects of the children who worked church choir and was a member of with modeling clay. Circle 2, W. S. C. S. Fruit punch and cookies were Survivors include the widower, served in what was formerly the George; two children, George Gramp . , , . kitchen and which now normally con-1 an<* Patsy Remee Goranson; three take charge of the boat racing and;tains a large table on which small sisters, Mrs. R. F. Ekblad, Mrs. J. J. promise to have some of the fastest j saws, hammers and other equinnvent Tope and Mrs. Walter Pearson; and boats in the country competing for j which the younsters use for build- tw° brothers, Alfred and Arthur prises. Attracts His--ands This community is blessed with a beautiful river and many beautiful lakeft. To these shores come thousands of visitors each summer. The committee feels that thousands more will be attracted by such activities as they are now planning. Perhaps the greatest enthusiasm has been shown by the younger set. i • . .. . .. . , They have learned to appreciate and I g vlsltors *° the *hool. enjoy opportunities afforded by this ing. Two wash rooms are located the west of this work room, while! Funeral services are being held at off the center room is an ample sized | n t°°n todey (Thursday) from the closet for the children's coats. chapel at ^ 5149-51 N. Ashland avo. Mr^ Floyd Cooley, kindergarten I «e' at 1 I^st®r' with interment in instructor, greeted the many guests! Memor«»l p«r«fand explained features of the re- . Mf8- Lucelia Dowell modeled home. She was assisted by j The many friends and acquaintupper grade girls in serving lunch; ances acquired through a long period!18 "ow and two eighth grade boys in welcom- • of residence in this community this j SO j „®8t arrangements. Another future Mothers club is Lilfian0^ f".* "i™?1"9 ®iso : Mrs! Wonder ^kVmiskTon,'Bishop and two and their preparation for the annual"Flower, Falaw, " with " Patrick""Suilivantn«» _ a" S °^,' 10 ** held this sponsor; Pearl Matthews, with Jass year on August 20. | Doyle as sponsor; Donald ReuteV, rra' "*nry Smith has been ap-' w'th William Mahoney as sponsor; pointed chairman of the ways and ^>au' Reuter, with Alvin Reuter as •"•f"8 committee for the Mothers sponsor; Shirley Saranec, with Vir-, club. They are making plans for a i ^'n'* Louis as sponsor; Jean Sels> social event to take place in July. . f-orf, with Mrs. Margaret Alletag _ . 'as sponsor; Charles Wiedmann, wTtn LARGEST OUTDOOR t Charles Hackbush as sponsor; Miss THEATRIC OTTT T bi Betty Druml, with Mrs. L. Kampow- ^ ski as sponsor; and Miss Josephine. ERECTED NEAR HERS i Carver, with Miss Joan Weber as j sponsor. What will probably be the largest1, Actin* as the bishop's attendants outdoor theatre in, the country i4,„ confirmation service were scheduled to open on August 1 near , v" A. J. Neidert of Johnsburg anil Grayslake. The new structure *^ev* Raymond Eipers of Woodstock* which will accomodate 1,004 autos' ^ev- Msgr Louis J. Fianey, under construction on the' c"ancellor of the diocese, acted aa corner of iBelvidere Road bishop's master of ceremonies. Friends of Miss Bessie Ryan will jriver and, lakes area- Mfn>' °{ the Nominate Mrs. Minnie Green know she of this was fine younger boys are now getting boats1 For Vice President Post m shape for races throughout the: . These !boys will be seen in' week mourned the death of Mrs. Lu-15,nc* ?t- 83, one-half mile east of 5eT*. ^,r* Vanderpool cf St.' celia Mary Dowell, 66. She passed Grays,?kfx The cost is expected to Fatr.,ck 8 Pan®h ^as master of cere- **• -- _ * i ov/to^o/1 C9AA AAA u*ifh Ki* Cfau>a parts of the county to pick up | pr special programs. Transcriptions will ^ interested to be made so that those taking part elected president eordings*' 1 *1F °Wn V0ices °n re" iorganization . ! the speedy events'as time roes on1 " meewnK OI w« neaun ior time Fr~ Protn S,.«c ». ^I fj* JDyjU -s^orn & away in Victory Memorial hospital, iexcece $300,000. Waukegan, on Saturday morning,! The drive-in theatre is being | May 8, 1948, having been confined, planned by the Grayslake Outdoor, *». . 1 there only two days. She had been in : 2Jeatre Lt<i- ^ Illinois corporation. serv,c®' Bishop At a meeting of the county council-poor health for some time. ! The corporation purchased the site If ,RCKe a w words to the con- - . , nrmation class, stressing the gre; monies, with Fr. Steve Geusic of tit Sacred Heart Seminary at Geneva as his assistant. Following the service, Bishop Boy- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lake from Maple L_ine Fa_rm s. _ _ e f t Radio .bl, tolSe^'S ^UHSEl'S? m i h?" Woo.wVr >7i:; m,d iid this ««£• Pl.n8 ,re to provide LeoT^iSlv't.C'of^th'^p'llf iar programs with a clarity which vounB.er. Rev. 'rwin St. John -filler!,nto this _area last summer to wit- j wl0^^ ITJi"' °f A*.!;-11?!!.- .u ® J_esuied. ^,th. a P*rson*1 sPeaker suing the teachings of their f' if.i. k l»ar . _ Is not possible with the A younger. Rev. Irwin St. John fucker, „ sy'tem | gave a most interesting talk 3 of broadcasting F» M. is an entirely; which he interpeted new kind of radio, free from static j rhvthm "cf life" "TfTer This^proiram'! 1 ra K cin<? timf approached AF rrhAi* inravfavAMAoe omW ««rtf k 4- m * n 1 .... C " . * i nrhA nrA*M/\fA/i VKA AWAnf < the boat races. Parking places'Yer! nominated to be elected June near Slocum's Lake at the time of adaptable to the patrons' own revantage points were scarce as'4 "£ McHenry: Gale Benton of Ma-j her death. quirements AU types of refreshrens- o, president: Mmnie Green of1 Survivors include four daughters, ments will to served during Mrs. Ethel Dor- shows. ^ an4 vantage points scarce The few , . I r.Hewa, ^autifunydecoratVfr wiSi^f I C.™', of W<S: iiT of is bein^ .u- J gram and with more diversified lists 1 L°.VR,VeI Sr2!e' ^P'^ Laura Me.le, of McHenry; or ether interferences and with true-1 a del'icious tea was'served'8 The^lonelwho Promoted the events had ample /Vt h to-life clearness. L_ui_ i t?me' j ' . ^ -^inroef that boat races are nonulnr.1 Cowlin of Crystal Lake, second_vice- j waldt of JVIcIIenry, Mrs. Olive Reh-. The broadcasting studio is :'.l» all details. The finest equipment nimit£rs an^ 8tudi? is * At 8 o'clock in ths Cordon Musici«Iam, ^ >J|C . tOWCr J T H.U, a largs agdisnee assembled to ^ entertamment, the 48 water car- ™11 b^ 1^35 faS'.bi/'Sfld 1et;?ihear » ^Tby outsUnding ' UP ^ ZrlL ftA.wl , n L ? •„1 young artists from Chicago and Z * i t07^' the 8tatloI! W1 suburbs Warren Jones from Mc- S fovera?e to a n Henry was one of the vocal soloists. McHenry county and the neighboring Miss Ryan presented Roemary A,V. . . . . . jAnderman and Jean Kleinman on opening of the'this program, which will be Station will not take place for a jVItwert'trilT music tevew"VhThaw! ?raaP the importance of these corn- First, the committee must carry through with their plans for June 27. When that is over, plans will be started for another, similar entertainment to be held September 12. It is hoped that local people will CnaTpnply? over the thpOroSseJpHec,ts C hoafJ *bLe*inrge had the pleasure of hearing them in concert iTere able to bring county residents the! kighlights of the long conference. SAILOR QUESTIONED awaited | GANGER FUND DRIVE HAS BEEN EXTENDI® IN STATE AND NATION ing events and will join the committee in carrying the plans to a successful conclusion. Georgia; a son, y; two brothers, Steffen cf Hebron, historian: Mae John and Vasey, and a sister, Mrs. Chesak of Huntley, sergeant-at-arms, Frank .Wilson, all residing in the Bettv Duff of Harvard was endorsed . community etist of McHenry. as alternate director of the district. NEW OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ET.EOTED AMONG BUSINESSMEN The body rested at the Peter M Justen funeral home until 2 o'clock Dedicate Altars To the strains rf the "To*® a", Sacerdos" offered by the church chcifT Bishop Boylan, twelve priests ard several acolytes formed a procession into St. Patrick's church -^receding the 11 o'clock low mass. Fr. Vanderpool officiated at the mafs, with Fishop Boylan presiding at the • j dedication of the altars. Serving as George McComb, 78, a lifelong resi- the tishop's chaplains were the Very dent of McHenry county, who of Rev. Conard Torweihe, superior of Mrs. Marion IIFFL0NG RESIDENT OF COUNTY TRAMPLES! TO DEATH BY HERD on Tuesday afternoon when funeral late re*id*'i in the community south- the Sacred Heart Seminary at GeservicM were he^d °h'eM, with Rev! i Harvard was trampled by nova, s„d Fr. Neidert. The Rt Rev Ralph Smith of Wauconda officiating, ia hea.rd of you"? heifers last Sunday 1 Msgr. Franey served as master of ;*V ' officiating Burial was in Woodland cemetery. BODIES OF THREE morning, resulting in | the Harvard hospital ' A truck belonging to " the Jacob Justen Sons undertaking establishment was stolen last Saturday evening from in front of the funeral home and later was wrecked .when ft crashed into a tree in Lake Forest. John Littlefoot, a sailor stationed at Great Lakes naval training sta- The Illinois division of the American Cancer society is extending its annual fund drive in order that the full state goal of $1,160,000 may be attained, it has been announced by Edward Foss Wilson, general campaign chairman. On April 3Q, MANY OUTSTANDING BEEN WILL ATTEND WORLD CONFERENCE Many outstanding speakers are scheduled to attend the World Citizens' conference in Woodstock on May 21, and May 22. Dr. Quincy Wright, who is pro \RE ENROUTE HOME New officers and directors of the; McHenry Businessmen's Association!COUNTY VETERANS were elected last Thursday evening. Re-elected to the presidency was John Looze, with other officers elected as fellows: George Collette, vice-president; A. J. Wirts, secretary; and Earl Walsh, treasurer. Directors were named as follows: East McHenry--Art Henchel, Richard Jager, Harold Miller and Andrew Worwick, his death in ceremonies. Other priests present' a short time' on the altar were Fr. William later. .* |0"Rourke of McHenry, Fr. J:seph The elderly man, who lived in the, E*an of Woodstock. IFr. John Dordtenant home on the Arthur Deneen! of Hartland, Fr. John Daleiden of farm, was in the habit of going to! sPrin« Grove, Fr. John Blake of I the Deneen barn every mcrning for! Iwhmond, P.t. C S. Nix I milk. It was vh<?n enrout lack to |qncl Fr- Eugene Baumhofer of St; Mary's, McHenry, and Fr. Leo Keenan of Harvard. The bodies of three veterans from'his own house about 11 a. m. that he this area who lost their lives in took a short cut through the pasture service are enroute home, accord- [ last Sunday, where the herd was ing to word received this past week grazing. The heifers became frightty t>:eir families. One, Lt. Harold ened and sta^neded, running Mc- Kinreed, is among 2,024 American; Comb down ho lost their lives during World safety. Green Street -- Sam Liebsohn,: War 2 being returned to the United An employee at the farm, Andrew tk>n, has been held there ^ this" week I "J**"!"1 cloa u i"f ^ 0°c f,the drive I Illinois reached only. 36.4 per centt at the request of McHenry county iLUj°18 authorities. The sailor driving the K**1" truck escaped injuries and was al w Wright, who has been with "the Uni- "If the American Cancer society yers'ty of Chicago since 1931, has lowed to continue to fci. '* to carry cn the full resnonsibili- taught at Harvard and at the Uniauthorities w*re unaware that the ties .entrusted to it by the American (^"'ty^f .Minnesota. In 1943-44, hej •he fessor of international law at the1 Kauss, Holgar Pedersen and, States from Honolulu aboard trans- Fraiier, noticed the strange be 4™. University of Chicago is one of the Anthony Noonan. j oort Cardinal O'Connell. Announce- hfvior of the herd and then saw J ^ speakers who will' srnnsr Dr ' .West McHenry--Harold Steffan, ment o f the arrival of the vessel at McCorrb's body on the ground. H< 'Cllt j Ma • . . " # GniAeAoI*rIgVeA PP. IFTlr*eAuI1n n/d1, • VwAllflil Ga n kamA a M a ma Lj. mI. a ^ ^ u^ J A. 1-- A and Jake Stoffel. Elmer ..r'.'fe:- Freund Machine was stolen When MpHm™ p«°ple in. the .fight against cancer,(Yas consultant to foreign Economic S£,«SU®S SS rii. • - 4*^ i'-srassrsnisJ tssz DOMING EVENTB May 11, 12, IS, 14 tar « Lakes officials under arrest. Karls Cafe. SENIOR CLASS PLAY PROVIDED AUDIENCE WITH MANY LAUGHS to nlae* "l i+tlcffwit1 orogram in cancer research, educa , -. ... place Littlrfoot; tjon and 9ervice. With over 12,500 Dr; Wright believes completely in people being claimed annually in j world peace through world citizen- \ . _ May 13 Illinois by this disease we dare noti^'P. and ,s. a dean among scholars Knights of Columbus Meeting. fail to support this vital work." °'. international law and political May IS. 1*. thoatro »nH w>. • v*t«r«n «f He asserted that other states were ] »«ence Rummage Sale--Methodist Church also extendng their drives. A sUte-1 Another outstanding speaker at the j Basement--Sponsored by W. 3. C.S. ?*anT combat missions. He met ment released by national head- j conference will fee R. L. Whitehouse,! May 14 quarters in New York on April 29,1wlvo »• • founder and chairman for t Mothers Club--Mrs. Peter M. Justen. He the San Francisco port of embarka- and Mr. Deneen entered the pasture tion is expected soon. j end rescued the injured man, who Lt. Kinreed, a brother of Mrs. was later fcund to have sfiffered Carney Gilkerson of Marengo^ was several frastures, bruises and inkilled when his B-29 bomber crashed ternal injuries. In Calcutta. India, on Feb. 7, 1945. | He is survived by the widow, two Other members of the crew para-, sons, two daughters, five grandchilchuted to safety following orders dren and two brothers. %. from the pilot, but he remained at the controls in a futile effort to reach base with the disabled plane. In November of 1944 he was assigned to the Chinese-Burma-India • , More than the family tree was'urging all divisions to continue their t^e 8™UP known as World Republic. flSuken h the hifh school ftuditorium; eunptitni until they retched their' • .Whitchoyie was ft pre-divinity; Annual wt Friday evening as the senior [ goals, explained that the drive was j l*2M*en* a* Northwestern University j rick's class presented its amiual play,' being extended nationally because of Iw en he _ was called into service. He i bus. May 16 .ft«r taking p.« in . r.id « Dedication of the altsi-s, donated by Mrs. Lillian Kelter in honor of •Tovn and Edward Kelter, preceded before he could" reach ithe ™«8S- Bishop Boy Inn spoke to ! he large group of parishicners in -ttend ince during the service, which was followed hy solemn benediction, 'he latter having the bishop as the officipnt. He was a-si.ted by Fr. Baumhofer as deacon and Fr. Ega% is sub-deacrn. Bishop Boylan expressed the s|~atiude of the narish for tne gejnerosit?- •>f M»s Kelter and, spoke of the -'Port'nce "f beautifying the H^use • » f G o d . H N ' i r ® Secome complacent in regard to their fine parish, warning that one must either progress or fall back. He imphasized the spirit which has lone Seen shown in the spiritual and maerinl building of St. Patrick's •hurch and expressed the hope that this s<<me zealous spirit might eoNi* tinue in the years to come. Jk TENANTS MAY BE EVICTED ON NINE GROUNDS UNDER ACT enemy bases. He is survived "^We Shook the Family Tree," under j ' overlapping campaigns and adverese the direction of Mrs. Thelma Dotson. weather conditions." A total of $8,- fc fact, everyone was shaking with! 780,000 of tile national goal fot $16,- "•®S™ter as the twelve members of 000,000 was reported at this date. -Dm cast put forth their " ~ entertain fam Z finest I and! »»»»•< BIRTHS >»4»*W«I«) »<l •tock th.t th. oM nnin William R. Musser, killed in action in the African theatre of law, or commission of a nuisance, or use of the accommodations for an ; served in the army (thirty-ninth, Benefit _ . {infantry) for three years. In Ger-j Society--Muzzy's Hall. Ringwood many he was wounded and spent j Dessert Card Party Sponsored by eleven reeovering. Hei Mother's Club--Legion HsIL oosesses the DSC and the Purple i Program Sponsored by Legion Aux- Heart. * I iliary--St. Patrick's Church Hall. On his return to civilian life, Mr.! M»y 19 Whitehouse resumed his studies at! McHenry Home Bureau--Mrs. Curtis Northwestern, where he headed a; Newman. , _ -. ,vx ........ committee in Anchor it E^gle, a Forester Dance--Nell's Ballroom--j Byron R. Olcott cf Harvard ts J*-j the quarters Sponsored by St. John's Catholic ing returned^ from the Solomons fot 4.--Written contract by the land- * ~ ,n hu c5!In?u",ty- i lofd to sell his place to a purchaser Tm vfvumr min was kiIImI 'Chnstmis i » n_ • •*_i._ « Eagle, a i pus studytalent to friends. - It was one of the- most enjoyable! riays ever presented here, much of j * * the credit due the director, the re-1 mainder to the enegetic east and! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Sr., veterans grcup on r_ „--, . if _ •Mmbers of the production crew,(are the grandparents of a son born in? the problems of war. Out of. Order of Fo^sters. No. 96. all of whom spent many weeks in1 to the junior Art Smiths of' this committee came the seed for i May 20 (reparation. i Chicago at West Suburban hospital Students for Federal World Govern- C. D. of A.--Social Meeting. _ Leading part was taken by Miss Oak Park, on May 7. j ment subsequently the World Repub- East River Road Pinochle Club-- Setty Long, as an unhappy teenager, A daughter was born to Mr. and lie Organisation. I Mrs. Thomas Thonneaon. e)ported bv Bill Hecht and LuAnn Mrs. Merle Blowers of Fox Lake at j The conference In Woodstock is the i Miy 28 uer as her parents; Margaret St. Therese hospital cn May 4. Mrs., first ma^'or one to be held in a small Annual Meeting of Red Cross Bolger as her sister; Larry Haug Blowers is the former Miss Cylvia! community, where all of the people Chapter--City_ Hall. and Pat Williams as her tr-others; i FreunH, daughter of the * --J sister, Mrs. Holy Communion--St Pat-; ^re,yn. "fw "T?"!?1 rMiiin* which church--Knights of Colum-" " " " Card Party -- Cemetery 2 .i!.' ^ <mwoa city las in the west and his Gilkerson, of Marengo. Word has been received this week at the John Musser home in Wooda landlord may evict his tenant: I 1.--Nonpayment or rent. I 2.--Violation by the tenant of his --x. W" ! xr.i,.r d'ix ^ funeral arrangements have not been pQSM * announced. t 3--Desire of a landlord or member .!!? 'w i".m«H.f taa.il, W octupj The young man kHled-Christmas , f M occu- Day in 1942 dunng the fierce fighting in the Pacific theatre of operations. AMONG THE SICK 1 MUs Louanne Bauer of Ringwood I underwent an appendectomy at the Nick B. lean take part and attend all sessions.! Mav 29 Joan Andreen and Marion Conway j Freunds of McHenry. j Recently the General Federation Bpke Sale--Sponsored w Altar and as two young friends; Alan Bock- A son was born at St. Joseph's j of Woman's Clubs changed the name! Rosarv Sodalitv rf 8L Patrick* man as her timid admirer; Kurt hospital, Elgin, on Mav 4 to Mr.iof the "Citisenship Department" to; Church--Prie« Market. Voss and Carol Harrison as Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leschke. [that of "World Citizenship" because,! Jane 3 ( . - .- - !. „,«« --...v Bockman's parents, and Kathleen i Their first child, a girl, was born! *s Mrs. T. C. Carrcll chairman of C. D. cf A. Installation of Officers-- Wo^astoek hospital the first or tne improvement. Anglese a young neighbor who helps on May 4 at St. Joseph's hosoital, I that department, so aptly states:! St. Mary's-St. Patricks School we^_ ^ ^ r u 1 8.--Desire of a Involve the family in many em- Elgin, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert!"We mu"t realise our security and Itarrassing situations. ] Adams of Algonouin. Mrs. Adams i wel'are in our local community dels an English girl who came to the i pend as much upon the conduct of pancy. 5.--Deside of the landlord to demolish the building ot alter it substantially or convert it into additional housing accomodations under specified conditions. 6.--Withdrawal of the housing accommodations from the rental market. 7.--Acquisition cf the property by a state or municipality for public STATIVE OF JOHNSBURG KILLED {United States a bo it a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt. 1 Mr. and Mr* Francis Wirt* are Hr. and Mrs. Math N. Schmitt and the parents of a son, horn at the John R. Schmitt of McHenry, Mr! j Woodstock hospital cn May 5. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Miss Kathryn I A daughter wa« born to Mr. and other nations as upon our own." . In answer to the question "How can citizens help organise the world? Mrs. Carroll states, "They can, as citizens, meet in town meet- Hall. June 7 Altar and Posary Sodality Meeting. Jane 10. 11 _ . _ T_ . . . , .. - landlord exempt Mrs. Frank E. Harrison has^ been from taxation under Section 101 (6) a medical patient at the Woodstock i 0f international Revenue Code to hospital this week. . us«? the nremises to house staff nifem- Mrs. Earl Paddock underwent j Home Talent Play--High School | surgery at the Wloodstock hospital Auditorium -- Sponsored by (during this past week. Mothers Club. ' June 18. 19 «uu auao. a ^uivn, wioo 1 A U«UVI!VCr wa* UVIII W Ml. «liu «'VVV ••• ssawv- ^ . - . „ Schmitt and Mrs. John Thelen of, Mrs. Richard Schraider st St. ings of the world, first locally, then I Musi"®! Comedy, Plantation "srty --Higti School Auditorium- Henry Choral Club. Johnsburg have returned from a "Hierese hospital, Waukegan, on May regionally, and finally on a global -Mcirio to Stillwater. Minn., where they 3. i scale and develop their joint conattended funeral services oi a rela-! Mr. and Mrs. Marion Messman of sensus and proposals* for official! -- live, Peter Schmitt. Mr. Schmitt.; Woodstock are tJ^e parents of their adoDtion." SUCCESSFUL DANCE f2. a native of Johnsburg.- was i frst child, a son, bom on May 2 at The meeting of those interesting! a large crcwd of between 250 and •liilled last week when struck by a I the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Mess- World Citizenship to be held in 300 nersons attended the annual --:«(ar. {man is the former Miss Grace Mary, Woodstock is one of those local 1V-E Day dance held at Nell's ball- 'Thompson cf McHenry. Mrs. Eliza-j "town meetings," and, as such, any {room and sponsored by the Veterans the Joe Guzzardos, to the upper OPENS SERVICE STATION DONALD BAUER KILLED ibeth Thompson is the proud grand-lone who cares to may attend. ©f Foreign W«rs last week Wednes- apartment in the Cecil Ballowe home The many friends cf John Mc- Th* many McHenry relatives of mother. I • day evening, May 5. It was a gala1 on Waukegan street. Carthy who regretted his decision Don*Id Bauer, 21. of Antioch, were! -- ! Mother's Day guests in the home!evening for those fortunate enough! fto leave the local police force to Shocked to received word of his1 MAY QUEEN 1 of Mrs. Edith Hayes were Mr. and | to be in attendance, the entertain-1 Mrs. Marie Zimmer and daughter, enter private enterprise, will be 4eath early this (Thursday) mom- KESIDENCR CHANGES The section exempts non-profit, religious, charitable and educational institutions. 9.--Desire of the landlord to recover possession of an apartment in co-operative for occunancy by the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener are j purchaser of - the stock in the comcving from the Nimsgern home on, operative. Waukegan street to the upper, anart- The landlord cannot evict a tenant ment in the Bassett place on Main just, because he doesn't have a lyue street. : or because he wants to rent to a Mr. and Mrs. John Gettner have j friend. mcved from the home of her parents, FATALLY INJURED EAST OF RICHMOND Donald Taylor, 17, son of Mr. aftf' Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Genoa City, Wis., wss ffctally injured in an acesdent early Saturday afternoon. May 3, when he apparently lost control q| the motorcycle he was riding tnd crashed into a mail box and a tree. The accident occurred about 1 mile east of Richmond. He was ^ken at cnce to the Elkhorn hospital. where he died at 7:20 p. m. Services were conducted from thft Klement funeral home in Genoa City in Wednesday afternoon, with burial :n Hillside cemetery. Rev. Wittenberg of the Genoa City Methodist hnrch officiated. Besides his parents, Donald is sut^ ; vived by two brothers, John aM 'owiH, of <Vnoa City; two sisters* Mrs. Leota Willman of Genoa City, "id Mrs. John Holy of Woodstock; "Ho his. grandparents, the Clarence "Hdys, of Genoa City. PI.ATNHEALER BIRTHDAY T^e Pl^indealer is this week ob- *er»i*-* jts seventy-third birthday •nniversary. having been founded alno «t thre*-iuarters cf a century '-vV in 1875. Reviewing the files ->f the past seventy-odd years, one '<« convinced that the paper has kept with the erowth of the community in general. It is the hope of He entire staff that they may have ••ly* opnortunitv ti continue serving their readers by brinsring them the *»ew8 of the community and the ovsb- •tanding happenings for many yeall •:o come. T7'- INJURED IN ACCIDENT Mrs. Francis Hemelits, who resides on East River Road, was painfully ..k -c | injured last Sunday evening . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and Mrs. Donald Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. I ment having been planned by Vernon I Joan, and Mrs. May Zimmer of Pala-f happy to learn that he is now pro-1 the truck which she was^dnvme MR on the faes fag, Mav 13, 1948. in an auto crash Miss Mary MoAuleiy attended a special Richard Gustafson and daughter, [ Reinbolt, in charge of general ar-1 tine were Sunday visitors in the; prietcr of McCarthj-'s Service Sta- j the highway on let. 13L northsJof which occurred while enroute home program at St. Thomas school in Mercedes, and Richard Hayes, sll of 1 rangements, George Brda, / ticket'home of McHenry relatives. |tion, located east of the bridge on Volo, and turned over. an. noma* from Chicago. He was the_. son of Crystal Lake on Tuesday evening, at Chicago. chairman, and Gene Dobyns, p^ncityi Mrs. Paul Tanda left last Friday, Hwy. 120, formerly known as Ba- litx suffered cuts Mr and Mrs. Lewis Bauer. No whieti name Miss Fatty Purvey,; Mrs. Mae Lester of Elgin attended I chairman. u u:-- ---k- --*« --ffoneral arrangements1 havs been daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jack Pur- dedication of St. Patrick's altars aft ijpade at this time/ j vey, was crowned Queen of May. the church last Sunday. 4 Subscribe for The Pfaindealer ' for Winnebago, Minn., where she will1 confs Service Station. The station leg injurl 1 spend some time visiting her parents, is now open every day of the week, jlfr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie. .handling Marathon products. . < V 1 DM Wank Mi © . M •

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