K - T W - ? * * wrr. , r -TV * \ i; *->W„5 ** 4nV^./V' . '/\-K '< Weisenbergcr and Hoffman, c-th 6, lcsud through thfce rounds o£ intense slugging- It hsd been jT m _ i pre-arranged for one of the little IjflKc boys to lie down in the third round, far** t l l M I I I IKt'Xti********** ^enesse art. - - Harrison Carnival ^ The school grounds at Harrison school blossojned into a carnival area on Sunday of this week, with all the exciting features of any boardwalk on display for the customers. The little folks of the first and second grade, under the supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Bernice Blount, were cute in several little folk dances. The children of the third and fourtl) grades did an old-time Virginia Reel, •nd how the skirts flew as they dashed through the sets of the dances. This group is taught by Mrs. Suzanne Marshall. The fifth and sixth grades, and the seventh and eighth grades, taught by Mrs. Jane Richards and Mrs. Eleanor Foley, respectively, did several square dances. One of the most amusing was called ' Dive for the Oyster," and was enjoyed by the crowd watching. Ray Von Bampus, elegant in top ; hat and tails (the hat topless and: the tails made of tailored gunny , sacking) and with feet which werej absolutely repulsive and also impossible-- we hope--(these feet, made of some red material were like those seen in a cartoon) ,directed the boys. A wrestling match between Kurt the eehool OA :ussicn on the place on Saturday. There wwt 382 votes cast In the election and the bond issue was defeated. At tide butwheriit came arourtd, both werej writing tabulation of the vote* is 1' ' - - v' " ' A **ony due shedding tears of pure anger and j not available, according to Anthony both refused to quit! The fight i Audino, president of the board, 'to a technicality recently pointed out to the judges and the clerk. T^ie complete report will be published next week. , J was declared a draw. Jerome Reihhard won two falls ioet of three in a wrestling match with Chuck Majercik, both 9, and I both of the fourth grade. A special program was put on in > The American Legion •will hold its front of the side-show in which I regular meeting onLf^ay even ng at Betty Holocwist did a hula; Tommy, Harrison school. They would like a Holocwist played a number on his j good turnout of members. accordian; and Tommy Martin did The new Legion Auxiliary will one trick from the magic show which! participate in Poppy Day on Saturhe was performing with Jimmiejdsy of this week. JacobsenA :4Stfe -'.'-.ifpi W* ' ..HK'... The freaks were Gravel Gertie, played by Peggy Selsdorf; snake Mother'® Tea Probably one of the most beautiful charmer, played by Clayton Dorn- I events held this year at the Mcbush; wild woman, Betty Jo Wright;!Henry high school was the Mother's educated bear, Philip Armstrong;; Tea and Fashion show held last siamese twins, by the B|iller twins;; Thursday afternoon in which fiftystrong man, Jerry Cristy and glass, seven girls modeled garments .they eater, Bill Cusick. j had made under the able direction of Refreshments were served at a I Jfiis May Justen, head of the Home special stand and a bazaar featuringj Economics department of the school, many items of hand work were also | A low white fence and a high part of the midway. Mothers and j square trellis painted gleaming white members of the community clubland garlanded with hundreds of served on the committees caring for I crimson roses crossed the front of these stands. jthe stage. Forest scenes formed a . | background which showed the en- Sympathy to the Boldt family of , sembles wwn by % girls to great Indian Ridge over the illness of Mrs. advantage. - # Boldt, which will confine her to a! I" the fashion parade from Chicago hospital for at least another ! Wonder Lake were several girls weejl » | wearing costumes they had created. A community meeting was held at Jo»n . Dornbush was smart in a corded green two-piece dress trimmed P_ aecessorfas to complecostume. etfcar Martin, in a striped print^ i two-ptece, wore an on-the-face --, carried a white shouder bag, and wore high-heeled white wedge sandals and bins nylons. (Betty Smith, also in a striped print, but in a sport dress instead «f a street dress, was very cute In yards of ruffling which ended in a big bow in the back. Sfiavon'Grace Sells, in a pink and gray sheer formal, had her hair tied up in a pink bow, wore anklestrapped slippers and long white mitts.. Sharon Grace was chosen one of the two girls most likely to succeed as models. Following the fashion show, the mothers were taken to the hpmemaking room, where fancy cookies, open faced sandwiches, tea and punch were served. Both the cookies and the sandwiches had been made by the ?irls participating in the program. Miss Jaaien said that she had to count tHa cookies both before and atffer they went into the; oven to insure a supply for the tea!) The invitations to the tea were all hand painted and showed the red roses of the Future Homemakers flower. Other Wonder ILake girls who assisted with the staging of the show and who helped as hwtesses were Joan Andreen and - Nancy Cristy. • Art ___ had iunch, and attended a teenage fashion show at Mandel Brothers. The Handy Helpers met at the home of Betty Jo Wright on Tuesday of this week. As it was also Betty Jo's birthday, there was a werner roast. The girls started making the hmM»s they Vill embroider. . Reporter, Sandra Sells: fhaepel Center Twenty--ffiivvee Boy Scouts of the Summerdale Evangelical Free church Chicago, camped in the Benwell woods from Friday evening till Sunday afternoon, May 21-23. On Sunday morning they air attended Sunday School at the Gospel Center. Scouting is a fine and wholesome thing when under true christian leadership as is the case with the See T. P. on the Lake Shore for your Real Estate and Insurance WONDER LAKE ATTRACTIVE FOUR ROOM HOUSE furnished, modern conveniences. Lot 80xl20-ft. $5,950.00. COZY, FOUR ROOM HOME with enclosed sun porch, automatic hot water heater, water softener, completely furnished. Located on 3 lots overlooking lake and countryside. $9,500.00. ATTRACTIVE VACANT lake frontage, 100x400-ft., $8,950.00 GEORGEOUS LAKE FRONT YEAR-ROUND 5-ROOM HOME, completely furnished, electric range and refrigeration, tile bath and kitchen, large master bedroom with cedar clothes closet, natural stone fireplace; ba«ement, laundry tubs, furnace heat, garage, boat. Must be seen to be appreciated. $18,750.00. ' v BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM HOME, sun porph, complete bath, gas hot water heater, 2-car garage, two lots beautifully landscaped. Full price, $8,65C.CO. Large choice of beautiful lake front hoirte* and vacant at Wonder Lake, MeCullom Lake and Fox River. n . List your property FOR RENT or FOR SALE, T. P. MATHEWS SEAL ESTATE AMD INSURANCE BR0KEK lAke Shore Drive, Wonder Center Wonder Lake; 111., P. 0. Ringwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 with white pique. featured a fish-tailed back and she MODERN GATES ^ P E N P A R T I T I O N S Grand honors were tendered Mrs. Johanna Thompson of Wonder Lake on Friday evening by the Woodstock The short jacket Chapter of the Older of Eastern Star on ftheir Advance Officers Night. Mrs. Thompson, recently returned to her Wonder- Lake home after a Winter in Florida, _ is past worthy grand matron of Illinois. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Urban Baeur, now honeymooning, who were married last Saturday at St. Mary's church in McHenry. The bride is the former Dorothy Jones of Wonder Lake. The complete wedding story appears "elsewhere in the paper. Overnight visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Viola of Deep Spring Woods were D. J. Viola of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Lussman, and their two daughters, also of Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Lussman went on to New York, where they embarked for b trip to Switzerland, and Mr. Viola will stay in Winder Lake for an extended visit. boys from Sumqierdale. Next Sunday morning, May 80, five little children will be dedicated unto the Lord at the morning se: iDfcVld Allen irvice 11 o'clock. They are: Dimon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimon; Charles Harry James, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. James, Sandra Lynn Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson; Richard Laddie Ruzicka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruzicka; Ruth Harriet Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord."--Psalm 127:3. Paul Anderson, soloist, will sing; at the occasion, the pastor preaching. The daily vacation Bible School at the Center is scheduled to open on Monday, July 12, and will continue for two weeks. Detailed announcements later. '-tVpilfl at the United Btatee was sooesr. a was played spaauoOeally, and not according to established ndes, as early as rm USD's. Ths firet regulation game was In 1MB. between Princeton and Rutgers. But late In ths 1870*8, the players proossded to Mend soccer with rogby and the result, with tnspbed Changes, became football of the American species of today/Vte lore of sooesr continued, despite the tKjal wave which swept America's own brand of football into popularity, aoeosr was featured for a time as a professional sport for amateurs, played hi the hours not devoted to regular occupation, and favorite at a number of orikpta. _ ' • , -- - . • WOMan Ike 8heer * Horse shoeing was introduced into England from Normandy in 1066 by William the Conqueror. f I hait t tamMd tabs*. Dnt nHfly a km em mid abuad«rt mmm flf proteins, mirndi and vitamlna tor livestock. They will ganic matte jupity and break m packed aoite- Lnnpiaa ttat hnl had plenty of phosphorus and pot> will push orgnl^ matter down beta* plow depth, » storing to good tilth tha top 1ft t» 96 inches of soft. The tap roofs wB. penetrate closely packed M^.a^ ate it and anaUa crop* fdHovfog In the rotation to sand their roots dMB» er for plant food and wattt. Tl m Becauae it was admitted to Union in lffTO, Just 100 the Declaration of Colorado ia known as ftt nial state. nam l-A' % A CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Olive Armstrong would like,, in this manner, to thank all of her friends for their many kindnesses to her during her long illness. She felt that the cards, the gifts, the flowers, and the many kind inquiries added to her morale, and assisted her in regaining her health. 2 FREUNTCS DAIRY: ^ GRADE A MILk Homogenised Milk, Coffee Cream, Whipping Cream, Buttermilk, Chocolate llilk, Butter, Eggi, Half and Half Creun, Cottage Cheese. . H " PHONE McHENRY 636-W4 : • These gates are designed to work--properly braced to keep from dragging or sagging. They are horse-nigh, bull-strong and pig tight. Easy to build, light if' weight, economical. Wool * ^uei have another advantage^* replaced. boards can be easily epla Pen panels always come i handy. Extension, plain an hinged panels. Low cost an long-lasting. nans are available. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHONE McHENRY 5 WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS A long weekend at Squirrel Lake, Minocqua. Wis., was a second honeymoon for three couples last week. They were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Marius- Hansen, and Mr and Mrs. Peter Paulsen of Chicago. All three couples left their children behind and followed an agreement not to mention any of the little folks. (This was plenty! hard)! They stayed .at Shorewood| Lodge and caught thirty nice wall- j eyed pike. * j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stedman are: parents of a son, born on May 23. j 4-H News ! Five little girls from the Handy! Helpers 4-H club of Wonder JLakej were members of the 4-H Chicago! tour which ninety-five county j youngsters madf last Saturday on chartered buses. 'Betty Joe Wright, j Shirley Saranec, Virginia Audino, i Etta Reinhard and Sandra Sells were! among the youngsters who visited! "GO O D Pennsylvania Production Farmers of Pennsylvania pour 88 per cent of their production into the channels of trade and industry. This output is accomplished by 731,000 people, living on 172,000 farms, covering 52 per cent of the land area of Pennsylvania. Complete line of Lee's. poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Subscribe ftr The Plaindealet mmmfum THE LAK| VIEW AWNING COMPANY ANNOUNCES 'MM:? eir New Location POX LAKE. ILLINOIS w - Eoute U. S. 12, Near Grand A*«. Awning* Lawn Furniture Venetian Blinda Canopies Canvas'Boat Covers Window Shades "SPEEDY" NICK MILLER'S McHENRY GARAGE ^ AND NO* Mcmce, THANKS TO THE SMELL SERVICE JOBS Cf . NKKMIUER'l ft SMKatvettMt HOMPM6T MM 608 FRONT STREET ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R V .. OLD FAITHFUL TREATMENT FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK Bring her in, folks, and we'll give --:; her that badly needed bath, that blows the ftolt crust to smithereens* penetrates the spots where rust tan happen, shoos away the barnacles of winter with our VQld Faithful" treatment. Give your car or truck this break,-- this fountain of youth, no lesp. r MUSI C I S F U N " e o o d FOOD For Excellent FOOD, FUN and ENTERTAINMENT m SOME OTHER THHMt TO TMNK Of Wfcffa you're with us M m overhaul you tor good Spring <|nd Summer going. I We'll change your oils and greases, • We'll adfust your bralwa, • Well tune your enghte, i We'll scrub and clean you, • We'll align your wheels. We'll do eveiytJiJng Ibsfl needed. OONT DMVI WITH YOUR •PINOIM CROSSIO And If you'll let us we'll gbf your vehicle our expert summer checkup and adjustment,--as IOIIOWIK *&:Z7r; A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES SOI & PEABL STRER PHOHI1M McHKNRY, DODGE • PLVmOUTH Dodge Trucks at V I L LA H O T EL R E S Q R T Lim V I L L A H O T E L . R E S O R T D I N N E R " HUNCH B R E A K F A S T - Every "IT'S A PERFECT DAY'S RECREATION," Says Everybody Who Visits Dining Room and Cocktail Lounge • ; " - r • ' : ' " 7 ' ' - # > Now Feajtfiring Nightly DON KINGSTON at > Our HAMMOND ORG •. '^-.P I y s . : - ' . ' . The Best Food Particular People Desire Come See Us! Mrs. "Z" Invites You Tp VILLA MOTEL RESORTp PISTAKEE BAY Phone Pistakee 461