BP* FOR SALE -- Three-room Sparton CARP»m« ^ Manor house trailer; like new; can and repairs of all Knott «Fre*_esti ___ be seen at IBen Connor's, 1V4 miles mate. Lessari A Pansa. Phone; HELP W, number «t in tke NOTICB of the great ids whfch apg each found it impossible to _ on such small accounts. Thawfore, in the future, only ads wttdi are paid for before this section <£ ""x-Lrr ? " »• #aOCK On WfBBWBif wiD bo prints#. north of McHenry on Route 31. Fred Wirtt. ^ FOR SALE!--Large beefsteak Ponctorosa tomato plants; also green kand red cabbage plants. First house ; north on Sherman Hill road and ' Rt. 120. Tel McHenry 610-J-2. 2 McHenry 634-R-2. •46-9 NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts unless contracted bv myself personally. Vernon L.Jtichard, Jr. . . . *2 FOR SALE--Six-room house, full basement, on 100 ft. lot; now vacant; electric and gas; nice garden; $4,000. Tel. McHenry 667-R-l. 8 FOR SALE SALE--Choice lots on Waufce- USED CARS FOR SALE. 1940 Ford 2-door. 1939 Plymouth sedan. ^ -. . 1946 Ford club coupe. ;~ 1947 Chevrolet 2-door. ARMAND PAQUIN MOTORS i Rt. 12 and Old Rand Rasd ». Across from Breezy Point. WEED SPRAYING -- Lawns and fields; whitewashing and DDT spraying. A1 Phannenstill. Phono McHenry 433-R. 1-4 gan street, one block fromschools SALE--1930 Nash sedan, new and business district. Phone Mc- r"B TTonrv RQ R r 2-tf tires, good running conditio.n, snisoou-, Henry 89-R. ^J . f Simmons bed spring, mattress, $7. FOR SALE--4 room furnished cot- fhon* 189~W or C*U at Mc nio tage at McCullom Lake on Oiphard Laundry. • Drive. Close to beach. Turney. *2 |^R SALE--All Equipment and stock c ^ . necessary to start in gc1[>d paying SALE--5-room modern home; business; Can be operated from here bath, enclosed porch, full basement, or moved Can ^ }iandled by man garage, chicken house attached; and wife inquire at 220 West 3rd f 0 u f rna^e, St., Woodstock, 111.,-or Phone Wood- Nbrth Park St., Tel. McHenry 151-^L 195. m *2-2 RENOVATE YOUR BRICK OR STONE BUILDING New and old brick tuck pointed, cleaned, replaced. Water proofing, window caulking, iconcrete restoration, patios, sidewalks, barbecues. Free Estimates -Hank Jackson, (Be* 862, Fox Lake, Illinois. Phone McHenry 207-W. •61-4 part • part meat. eslady, full or in ready-to wear dables, West McHenry. HELP „ _ Lee's, Sit -Porter at Art and tide Drive, McHenry. 2 -- Dishwasher for Sundays. Nagy's N. Riverside Drive. 422. 2 HELP WANTED--KITCHEN HELP. WAITBttfiM FOR DINING ROOK. FULL fftii OR -PART TIME WORK. VILLA HOTEL RESORT, PISTAKEJI BAY. TEL. McHENRY 378. 2-tf HELP WANTED--Middle-seed woman, general housework, stay or go home nights; good salary. Robert E. Ludferd. CaUMcHenry 609-R-l. 2-tf GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick HELP WANTED--Year-round work, Hasler. Route 3, McHenry, 111; Phone 1 J. W. Raycraft, West McHenry, 111. McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. Call McHenry 298-R. *2-2 Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone 1 --• •• • • ----r- 7 Brunswick 9022. *51-13 HELP W ANTE®--Woman to help ' with light housework, one day a TREE SPRAYING -- Frank Henkel, Volo, P. O. "Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 643-J-l. 46-tf FOR SALfe--Leather couch. Wm. FOR SALE---Three^ hp. Champion Barclay, Lqt 11, Orchard Beach Sub., 1941 outboard motor; overhauls! McHenrv. Cail Saturdays or Sundays. perfect condition. Address K-^3, n * *2 B®x 141« McHenry, 111. CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf FOR SALE--5 pieces of reed porch FOR SALc--Thor mangle, fuirsize; furnjture; Simmons bed and dresser, table model; Jery go^ coition; double'ccts (can ^ used as twin reasonable. Mrs Winfield ftetsch, g&s ^ Very reas0nable. McHenry, ph<>ne McHenry 599.J.2; Saturday •2.1 PAINTING--Painting and decorating; plastic tile; first class work; insured. For free estimate phone McHenry 552-W-l. (Bert Engstrom. week. Five miles from McHenry; can furnish transportation; ^ good wages. R. F. Blash. Mail applications to Plaindealer, Box 19. *62-4 HELP WANTED -- Waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry. 52-tf HELP WANTED--Yard man. Lumber and coal. Alexander Lumber Co. McHenry. 52-tf Tel. McHenry 665-M-2. ! to Monday* IF YOUR WATER IS RED, and *2 i your heater's plugged up, correct with MICROMET. Modern water HELP WANTED--Housekeeper for *52-3 j employed couple; stay or go home nights; no laundry work. Tel. McHenry 486 or 93-R. , 51-tf r?11 SwL (fi--Fle^lleBeau11^Phone7mV FOR SALE--Sixteen acres of first softeners and heaters. Doherty and Hen™ 634-R-2? *2 Y**r al™f*'rt hemvy Crop- C*U I McCafferty, Wo_nder\Lake, Rin^wood, takee 642-R-2. •21 111. Tel. W. L. 388, or McHenry 259-M. 48-tf * year around lumie, complete- betmanApinsch«,remale1 ^Fraiik^Zim-' HaVe YOU A GARBAGE PROBly furnished. Phone McHenry &4-R-1, | LFM? Call us ft*- prompt and on Pistakee Bay Road. Tel. Mc-' ^purteous YEAR-ROUND SERVICE. FOR SALE^-hp. outboard Johmmn Henry 664-M-2. : (FRED WIRTZ. °*PhoSe McHeniy n^tor; one gas stove. Call PisUkee ¥QR restaUrant 1751-J. r 47-tf -- ' [business; good location; in McHenry; -- Vi rttbiFai rONTR ACTOR FOR SALE 2 baby beds, 6-yr. old modem equipment; 4-room apart- . Uti JSmate HELP WANTED -- BARTENDERS TO WORK AS EXTRAS. VILLA HOTEL RESORT, PISTAKEE BAY TEL. McHENRY 378. 2-tf size; one wardrobe attached; 1 Pal ment available for purchvser. Must stroller; hand crocheted bed spread sell immediately. -Priced right. Tel. for double bed. Mrs. Edward Esch- McHenry 422. 2 bach, Sh^Jimar Sub. Tel. McHenry - 699-W-l. ' *2 FOR SALE -- New 4-room year- : round home; modern; close to Mc- FOR SALE--Mohair davenport with Henry. $7,500; terms. Phone Mcchair to match. Also antique brass Henry Phone McHenry 227-J. 2 table with onyx top. „Phone McHenry 89-R. 2 FOR SALE--Convertible Chevrolet, 1931 model; good condition; good FOR SALE--;Lawn chairs. Tel. Mc-. tires. Box 4iZ," care McHenry Plain- Henry 131-W or call at 117 W. dealer. *2 Washington street. ' *2-3 , . FOR SALE--Two double beds, com- FOR SALE!--Coal or wood heating p]ete with springs and mattresses; stove with brown enamel finish. Tel. one dresser. All for $5. Floyd Lewis, McHenry 644-J-2. *2 McCullom Lake. Call McHenry FOR SALE -- SUMMER HOMES 545-J-l. Sundays. *2 your next job. ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. *46^6 Phone McHenry 760. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSUREDFREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 'Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L 45-tf PLOWING, ROTARTILLER, wood sawing, etc. Herman Dowe, 208 Richmond Road, Phon^ McHenry 241. 45-tf HELP WANTED--Laborers, See I. Fredricksen at Wonder Lake or call W. L. 221. 46-tf HELP WANTED--Girl for general work in drug store. Bolger's, Green St., McHenry. 39-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. 20-tf FOUND FOUND--Baby's gold ring in McHenry Taxicab Thursday, May 20. Owner may have same by proving property. McHenry Cab. 2 PORCELAIN WACL TILE FO» ALL PURPOSES FRED KLING VEOS -- TILE -- SERVICE 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave., * Crystal Lake 41-tf Phone Crystal Lake 490 CARPENTER WORK -- Remotfefttlg and repairs of all kinds. Free estimate. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *46-9 32^00 and up. CaU at our office at FOr SALE--ALL-YEAR HOMES-- i2^5sbJir?- w t?0B RE£L: Four rooms and bath, large lot, 120 TOR. Tel. McHenry 37. 2-tf ft. from Hwy. 12o. Price $5750. Two- FOR SALE*--1940 Dodge truck, one ^r^-ro°ni home on Fox River, ton panel; looks and rons like new. 120 f ft" Ti^ f ? K Wr Tel McHenrv 595-J-l *2 ment cal1 at Johnsburg JACOB "lc"enry J l. - FRITZ, REALTOR. Tel. McHenry FOR SALE--One dining room set, 37. . , 2-tf 6 chairs, $30; metal day bed; double „„„ nr,n .. , « „ . bed, spring and mattress, $7; port- F0R full 2-in. cyable phonograph with records, $7; Pr.e8.3 ^mber. Best lumber for reand miscellaneous items. P. Weder,! ^ain,I)K wa^s- Call-McHenry 631-M-l. Arbor Road, Deep Spring Woods,' Wonder Uke. . *2, FOR SALE -- Ready to show each FOR SALE-One 3 to 4-room oil e"d at th t e f"m, *?!! Rou,te ^°" Heatrola. $50. Phone McHenry 236-W. 20- 2 Jn',es west of ©elvidere for the . *2 1 res J t °lthe sea90IJ> Hereford, Shorthorn. Harry c Calhoun--Woodstock 1063-W -^p OA1- -- ------- a n d A n g u s y e a r l i n g s a t s o m e t h i n g l i k e o r H a r r v j . G e a r m a n -- C a r y 4 5 0 2 FOR SALE -- Three 24x24, 2-lt. reasonable prices. Guaranteed against! windows, complete with frames, death loss. Priced the same for one | screens and storm sash, $45. Call Mc- or a hundred. Visitors welcome. Henry 428-R. *2 Clean, healthy cattle are what you; WELLS DRILLED OK DRIVEN. ZZTT7I , get when you buy here. Financed to! WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair FOR SALE -- New Boe-Craft 16-ft. reliable peojde at reasonable rates. I and install pomps. Bill Bacon, 206 inboard runabout and utility, $1,650 H. L. Dunning. 2-3 Main Street, McHenxy. Telephone and up complete; also 12-ft deluxe -- -- -- 93_j. ' i(Mf C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 11L PIANO TUNING & SERVICE Members of American Society of Piano Technicians 28-tf HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf outboard runabout and heavy service FOR SALE--Pints, quarts, gallons 14-ft. row boat (ideal for resort and 5-gallon cans of WEEDONE, the owner.) Boe-Craft Boat Co., S. Mc- original 2,4-D weed killer. Priced Henry avenue, Crystal Lake. Tel. C. reasonable. McHenry Mills Inc., W. L. 1273. l-tf McHenry. Tel. 92-R. 1-3 FOR SALE-- Four-room year-round FOR SALE--Choice river lots, one home at McCullom "Lake; 2 bed- mile from McHenry; twelve feet , _ „ rooms, complete bath, furnace heat, above water level. Priced to sell, noes; no help needed to load. Day plastered walls, .garage. George Tel. McHenry 227-J. 50-tf' and night, Sundays and holidays. •1-21 r,,„--~--; • 1 -- Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, FOR SALE--Used ears and trucks. Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and Baumbeck. Phone 678-W-l." FOR SALE--One and. one-half ton! Downs Nasb Sales, McHenry, used International truck. Box body. -Alexander Lumber Co., McHenry. MISCELLANEOUS < • 52-tf 44-tf MISSING --> One plywood row boat. M-tf CLOGGED SEWERT -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction, No digging, no lawn mess. Septic FOR SALE--Generators, armatures, I Reward. Outside painted white. Al- tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, starters, fuel pumps, distributers | most new. Tel.- McHenry 684-M-l. 2 repaired. University engineer on all voltage regulators and ignition parts i --:---- -- | construction. Lake County Sanitary for Ford and all other cars. Seaco NOTICE--I will not be reasponsible Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. '• 48-tf 8ales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. ifor any debts unless contracted by: ' Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. myself personally. Vernon A. Richard. REPAIRING CARS -- Greasing, 47-tf ! 6 *2, sharpening - lawn jnowers, saws, FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE ELECTRIC WORK DONE TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- MEDIATELY -- One outlet or an Front St. 8ULATI0N. Guaranteed not to settle, entire house. Work guaranteed to knives; welding. Phone McHenry IM-1148-R. Buchert Service Stn. 601 *51-i-tf CROOKED AS CAN BE A The teacher asked Johnny, who was in the third grade, if the world was round- He answered: "No." "is it flat?" persisted the teacher. "No." "If it iSh't round and it is'nt flat, what is it?" Johnny looked very confident as he replied: "Daddy iif •"-"TTs crookedl" ProoPs the TWng "Pardner," said the Western rancher, "where'd yuh move from?" ••Illinois." "Illinois, heh? How come you leave a settled country like that and come to these lonesome hills?" "Well, sir, my neighbors got to sayin' mean things about me." "Why didn't you challenge them to prove their slanderous statements?" "I did. And they did." Uncle Sam Says Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or meet Public Service standards. Tom SHEET METAL AND FURNACE write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl Allan, McHenry 651^-R-2 or Fox Lake WORK --Gutters and furnaees re- St., Tel. McHenry 18. tf 4081. *52-4 paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 772-M. FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK 38-tf ING MACHINES. Service on all Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stangamakes. Also ribbons for all makes; rone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry GARBAGE lOLLBCTING -- Let us caifcon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., ( 661-J-l. 50-tf . dispose of your'garbage each week, Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf> "--r --1 or eftener if desired? Reasonable wre ^OR SALE--Lota, 50,350 ft. .n^iL'ey ™ ^H*lon Route 31, about two block from land's large, power suction cleaner. | Henrv Phone 36fi TJn<,u,r^,-o ^ ® Center St. Call or write John Conerty, Wood- -- 1 TeL McHenry 278-J.. 22-tf ( stock. Telephone 301-&. *2 WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS --CLARK CHEVROLET SALES, McHenry, I1L Phoae 277. 4»-tf WANTED 274, Mc- Helen Weber Says: a All of the lovely fresh looking frocks you aee smart women wearing, aren't all new. -\ Thanks to oi, many *1947 models sUghtily altered, then cleaned and pressed to perfection have given them that new fresh look. McHenry Cleaners! 1M-* 1M Helea Wdber. Mgr. WANTED--Dwelling to rent or purchase, within city limits of McHenry. Earl R. Walsh. Phone 4S. •37-tf WANTED--Watchsa trt Jevelry to repair. Anthony Hoonan. 206 8o. Green street, MeHentry. (Front part of Claire Becvty Sboppe.) U-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have <»sh buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. TeL McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1983. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY--House or eotloeated on or near river. Write SSx "VB," care Plaindealer. 52-tf WANTED TO KBNT WANT TO RENT--Furnished cottage tox .month, of. Augtist, in or near MeHenry; two adults. E. it Clark. Address care of Plaindeialer. *2 Miracle Han-Made Ttatber Speeds Homttf Of a clever mating ef plftstlta and that is of jsw n>atsrlals. this sitiba' bunding Ideal tor wane, radio cabinets and ftmiltare of an "PHmbsr* n belpttg co Mn Britain's ooioessl htaitaft ptoMfm. It far towards aeeeieri's speedy, low-oost home buUdbig program. Adsptsble to many Mads of construction. It I* also polling Its weight la Britain's port market Strong enough to withstand any iSlBiats. tf tSRsa a ttm waeesr finish for home furnishings Uu|t stands comparison with top-quality natural woods. * Developed over the past three yean, "pllmber" is now in msss production at Jlx plants In Britain. It consists largely of & wood fibers chemically treated and bonded with synthetic resins. These same adhesive* were used In making aircraft during the war. The wonders of the mongrel Wood are almost unlimited. It can be sawn, cut, drilled nailed, screwed and generally treated like real timber in every way. Wanderiqg Date of Easter Pnssles Millions Annually r The wandering date ot Caster Is puzzling, to almost everyone but astronomers and ecclesiastical authorities. March 23 Is the earliest possible date; April 25 is the latest. This year It fell on March 28. The early Christians were sharply divided between Jews and Gentiles. Those whose ancestral faith was Jewish wished to have the celebration of the Resurrection follow the Passover supper by three days, always, while the Gentilei wished to celebrate Easter always on Sunday. The declsoln wss a compromise, to the effect that Easter should be the first Sunday after the beginning of the Passover. It is not stated that way, however, ^nd Passover sometimes falls a month late, when an extra month Is Inserted in the Jewish lunar calendar In order to keep It In step with the seasons. That happened this year, for example, when the Passover began on Saturday, April 24. Easter Is the first Sunday after the first full moon to follow the beginning of spring, so It happened that Sunday, March 28 was Easter In 1948. Easter precedes the beginning of Passover, thus violating the original spirit of the regulation (lead the Want Ail ! • •,. V7H '• vateran of ths Franoe misslon Ways Is credited with the Invention of the tmiefspring mattress. He had been injured during the war aad spent much time on a bard Mfipltal bed. Through Us dtocomfort, he couedved ths Msa for ths tonerspring msttrses. had one made and is sosnlnl It to Prince ^tsmarck In 1871. He lacked the funds to capltattse 09 Ms Investment, however. Sad the patent expired. Rsesarch la this country got underway In the early lMtfe, bat it was the late IW before innersprings were produced In any quantity. Since then, perfected lnueraprlng unit constructions, improved tailoring and other features developed by Individual manufacturers have added more The famous duel between vice-president Aaron Burr and Gen. Alexander Hiimiitnn took place on the morning of July 11, 1804. at a few minutes past seven o'clock In the morning. When a second cried the word "Present!" Burr fired immediately and Hamilton pitch-1 ed forward on his face, tils pistol discharged in the air. Hamilton was carried to the edge of the Hudson river I and revived with spirits of hartshorn. Burr's bullet had pierced his liver aad lodged in his spine. He died in New York after many hours of agonizing pain. The duel took place on the wooded heights of Weehawken, N. J. Its cause went far back into the lives of both men. After the duel, Aaron Burr was as dead--politically--as Hamilton. Radar Port for Isle of Maa Radar how guides the way for the mllion British^Bcottish and-Irish vacationists who pour onto the Isle of Man every season. Douglas, the holip day island's port, has equipped its harbor to the first radar-controlled anchorage in the British Isles. Next in line is Liverpool, great English port where most of Man's visitors embark on the 80-mile Irish sea voyage to the "Monte Carlo of the North." The harbor of Douglas is often fogbound, and in the height of the season crowded steamers are arriving and departing almost constantly, says the National Geographic society. Shore-based radar and shoreto- ehip radio will help move tWa tea/- flc safely. ^ ;L1 MhTlsf Mltttty LMMiI talrltaiaSM Years Afe Coal mlntatg, which ranka as one of Great Britain's major postwar problems, has been one of thi leading industries in that country for more than 300 years. In this period the easily worked waloped rapidly In fairly working units, and whea> it a necessary la comparatively recant years to prepare long-term plana aad invest large sums oI money tor capital expenditure, fee heterogeneity of the hkUOtry and its ownership prevented any development. Geological conditions aggravate these groblema, and help to explain the great difference in output per man in the British and United States coal industries. Thick seams near the surface now having been largely worked out in Britain, the coal is much more diffl&ilt to get. On the average, the British seams are approximately 960 feet below the surface, three times as deep as the U. a average (321 feet). About 58 per cent of British output comes from seams less, than four feet thick, as Compared with 25 per cent of U. S. output, British seams are faulted and, unlike the majority of those in the United States, are fairly steeply inclined. In general, U. S. coal gives off little gas, is worked under sound roof and floor conditions and is free from water-bearing strata; while British seams are gassier, require extensive roof support and are subject to water accumulation. In soma British mines, up to. 10 tosis of water are pumped for each ton of coal output, First White House Baby First child born in the White House was James Madison Randolph, a grandson of P?es. Thomas Jefferson. Alii Plumbers Were The famous Roman aqueducts and related water supply systems are historic. About 330 B. C., the Romans began to bring water from the hills to the city by open stone ducts, and by the time of Frontinus in 90 A.. D. there were available in Rome 332 gallons of water per day per person, or about 332 million gallons of water a day delivered by nine aqueducts. Rome, too, gave plumbers their name. Most of the mains and piping in the houses were of lead. In Latin, lead is "plumbum," and since the early pipe fitters were primarily lead workers, the name "plumber" was evolved. Subscribe ior ihe Fiaindealer Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. I Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Tear part la the SSiailii aUaates bat tTnigts ed year i lest a ttfetlae. By the ptjrnfl savfciL Halted Stales Bevfcvs: work, er the >wl a p 9*»fceak,IC yeaate^ifeenaasred, yea irtB »e ea ths read «e sseaiMf. Sad savings isissss Mg savtags wfcsa yea save sylsmsllssBr i prsetsMy^-ssfely. Per art ef IMS a week «sr _ SMaals te ttMMS la Jssl IS faan. Year Sesartty is 4--rtsaV Sssa^j. 9. S* TVilW'J Dtfrnimmt L08T LOOT -- Snail brown' leather purse I in vicinity of John street. West Mc-1 Henry. Tel. 129-R. *2 i Floor Sanding Refinishing, Tarnishing and Dnro-SeaL Waxing new and o|d floors; also Kentile, * lifetime floor. Free estimates. Call McHenry 481-W ' ^ MMi INVITATION We invite' the public to our first posfe-wat, Demonstration Day, Saturday, May 29th. Mr. Ruth, from the Chicago Paint Go^ will be here to * tpJk over your paint probjeia# wi&|£ve every adult, « free can of enamel. ,,•«'** i •• Frances Wolf, noted Home Economist, will demonstrate the Roper Gas Ranges and will jjpve vou a sample of " Jt$r baking and the recipes.r lla Hall Wells, Home Economist, will demonstrate the Philco Home Freezer and Refrigerators. . tCjbe Roper Gas Range displayed in our window will be given away on this day, together with some other prizes, v 0Dn't forget the date, Saturday. May £9^ v ALTHOFF HARDWARE HOUSE PAINT $4.98 per gaL Porch snd Floor ENAMEIi $1.35 per qt BU-KWIS Quick'to-Dry ENAMEL $1.65 per qt 35c 8IZK CAH DU-KWIK I* ^ Ikll W1TV TJBQS siVTuiyjAY, mxim Your Nan|i ' ft fjrtZFWEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS •/car