mS$£t - *<• ' '^v J ^ * • *T . ?15'"¥ <• 'V^t "t .>.-i *l;V•>' Diabetics «nr can trior |M cream. A new Wiacomlnfaw seta standards for a special in cream sweetened solely with saccharine. IV#* UNGWOOD TELEVISION Fish Fry Every Friday Night FEAOEB BKES Crime Detectioa lffOTHER was trying to discover. FRED BOWMAN f 'y-'fUr! lis Fag» Swm SCHEDULE DEBATE j The Re*. Donald P. Landwer of! the Chureh Federation .of Greater! Chicago, a former resident of Barrinffton, will take part in a debate opposing Mrs. Vasnti McCullom of Ch&mpaign, an affirmed atneist, in Chicago Thursday, May 27, it has, been announced. " Mrs. McCullom, j whose opposition to religious train-. Chuck fer SMe^p I Anerieaa WMMIH America's first church expressly i * ^olloday of Connecticut is tor college students was organised ID invented the first American 'first 1906 at University of Illinois. | class windmill. ing in public schools was upheld byj polygyny-the system under which Bates la Bee--< place m* Oast af, Lhriag *' ' Awke river canyon in the 1 ioag most peoples that permii Devils' region of Idaho Is second the U. S. supreme court, joined by Prof. Walker M. Alderton of the Chicago Theological seminary, will argue against the Chicago policy of dismissing children from public, schools for religious' education. a man is married to several women at the same time--the large majority of men nevertheless live in monogamy. One reason is the added expense of multiple marriage. / its impressive Grand Canyon beauty only of Colorado. to that r : Complete line of Lee's remedies at Wattles Drug Stare. ; Henry. HOI rovwy nuvn WMM 's fifef to k * Uf tUoWOCT/ Why Tokt Umttctsswy DMM9S?...YM,H S«v» ftUNty, TMI ; Why take chances? Let OW trained mechanics check your front wheel alignment and steering--NOW! You're assured of prompt and de> - pendable work--at reaaoaft~ able prices. When front wheels are only % inch out of alignment, tires an dragged sidewise 87 feet in every mile of travel. Rubber it scraped oil. Tires wear out fast. A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES SL PEARL STREET McHENRY; ILLINOIS PHONE 15€ which of her three youngsters had scrawled pictures on the back of her davenport, but all she could get were blank looks and repeated denials. At length father intervened. "Let me try," he whispered to the little woman. "You?" she hooted. "Do you think you know more about my children j than I do?" "Who knows?" rejoined daddy. "At least 1, can try." He examine< the scrawled pictures carefully. "My ^goodness," he finally remarked, "but these are fumy looking pockets here." "They're not pockets," sniffed little Margie. 'They're supposed to be buttons!" And .thus the culprit was reveals^. SEEKING PROOF < Strolling through the card room of a businessmen's club the other night, one of the members was surprised to see three men and a dog playing poker. Pausing to watch the' proceedings he commented oh the extraordinary performance of ^th# dog. "He's not so smart," the dog's owner remarked in disgust. "Everytime he gets a good hand he wags his tail." Many School Buses Nearly five million children in 1 United States ride school buses. U C T I O N Ed Yogel, Auctioneer The Wroag Reattne The mother was briefing little Mary, who was going to return her little friend's call. "If they ask you to dine," the mother instructed, "say, 'No, thank you, I have dined.' " But the conversation did not run as anticipated. "Come along and have a bite with us," invited the friend's father "No thank you," Mary replied with dignity. "I've already bitten." Order your rubber stampi at fhf Plsindealer. ,'f On account of moving to Arizona, we are selling at public auction at the Kornelle residence located on Route 1, Spring Grove, 111., % mi. E. of [ city limits the followjpg property on: SUNDAY, MAY 9$. 1W8 at p. M. D. S. T. ~ Cabinet lumber; plywood; 4<Mt . e*- tension ladder; £ overhead doom, (site 8x7); complete hardware; window frames; doors; skafold boards; and »cement forms. FU RN ITU RE--Deep freeze, 600 lb.; radio; davenport and chairs: lamps; 2 sets twin Hollywood beds; 1 double bed; dresser; end tables; washing machine; fish stand; chairs; clothing and large gilt edge mirror. MISCELLANEOUS -- Cord wood; house jacks; water tank jmd pig pen. KORNELLE & SON Spring Grove, Illinois Rom where I sit .. Jby Joe Marsh! If* Leap Year, Girls! tlrst girl in oar town to "get her •MB" on Leap Year was the Cappers' daughter, Jane, who wed Bfll Webster's boy last Saturday. . When I asked Bill Jr. if it was true that Janey really did the proposing, Bill said: No, but she made "it plain she'd make an ideal wife. Instead of looking for diversion or excitement every evening, she Was content to chat beside the fire. rI could plainly see," says Bill, "that we'd really hsve a happy home life--which is just exactly what I want from Marriage." I know it's usualfor older felks shake their heads over the young# generation. (It's gone on for hua> dreds of years, now.) But from where I sit, young people of marrying age today are every bit as commendable as their elders were--in their temperance (a glass of beer for instance), tolerance, and common sense. 8o te Jane and Bill--the best of lockl Copyright, 1948, United Stmtes Brewers Foundation •REAT POMS WOm MOD An American film producer was selecting a chief for his scenario staff. The producer insisted that the < successful applicant must be a col-1 lege graduate. He looked with favor 1 upon one 'applicant and asked if he had a college education. The answer < was in the affirmative. i "Show me your diplomas," de-1 manded the producer. The applicant tried to explain that j it was not customary for college | graduates to carry diplomas around with them. "Well, then," demanded the pro-, ducer, "say a big word." IT'S A PICNIC TO SHOP AT A&P A&P s policy is to give you the highest 'quality merchandise* ... at the lowest possible price . . . every day of the week... and all A&P'i merchandise is at the peak of freshness. JUMVKI S VTITMRS "VstMWH... UNfTE0 he purely you will receive V,F.«i» it is abo a pillar for food in our coontry, raiting opoo a foundation of beetberhood among patriots... Ma who have •« led awnml ; s Post No. 4600 « McHenry, Illinois THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY Prayers deeded A visitor at the Capitol companied by his small son. The little boy watched from the gallery when the house of representatives came to order. f'Why did the minister pray for all those men. Pop?" "He didn't. He looked them over and prayed for the country*" • 8arpr|*e The man was buying a fountain pen for his son's graduation gift "It's to be a surprise, I suppose," |i! said the clerk. "I'll say it is," said the father, j i "He's expecting a convertible!" c o u p e . " i ; ; McHENRY LUMBER CCT West McHenry VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE U . S . Large Irrlgattsa lite section In souflaarn Idaho irrigated b| the American Falls dam and reservoir la one of the largest continuous irrigated sections In the United States. ^Consolation in Sorrow Lilce the fragrant beauty of, a..service at Jacob Justen Sou. ' Funeral Home consoles yoa in times of sorrow and loss. Our svmpathet ic assistance will take the buiden of an angements from your gtoulders. Our services an adjusted to fit every financial situation. Call upon us with confidence.« Our competent staff is at your seryioe. Jacob Jus ten Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Funertal Hoate • . Phone McHenry 1M-R Green, Cor. Elm., McHenry 1"! 1H"11' 1 HEAT AND SERVE. BROADCAST Corned Beef Hash • • FANCY QUALITY. A&P Grapefruit Juice - • • •! FANCY QUALITY ORANGE OH Blended Citrus Juice* • • SERVE WITH SALADS. AAP Grapefruit Sections • • LARGE, TENDER, DELICIOUS IOM Sweet Peas • •.* • SERVE WITH K)RK ROAST A*P Applesauce • • • 14-OZ. > TIN uxa. TINS 440Z. TINS NO. 2 TINS NO. 2 TINS NO. I TINS SPREAD ON CRACKERS ARMOUR'S DEVILED HAM J'A-oz. TIN 19* WONDERFUL FOR WASHING CHIFFON SOAP FLAKES 34* LARGE FKG. ^ £A00N -- ,-fv-fri ,-j - . . „ lb. 03c HORMEL'S . O/.NNID HAM" • 6»/i-lb. $6.49 MICKELBERRY'S ' SKINLESS FRANKS ......... mm? FRESH COTTAGE CHEESE s - ; «HIVE AND PLAIN , BTNEAPPLE - 23c CHET 0 BIT CHEESE ^ lb. loaf 97c 4 BARBECUE SAUCS OSCAR MAYER'S WIENERS 14-OZ. GLASS FOR LOVELY SKIN USE PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP 3REGULAR CAKES SOP" .MHE FOR DISH* VEL LARGE KG. St KOSHER OR Plain Dill Pitklis FIK-NIK SHOESTRINS Pofatoes ADDS FLAVOR TO MEALS Thor't Horseradish % 27c ^ 17c l i e (PLUS DEP.) 3^ 27c O o 9 9 NOUNCEMENT We desire to announce the opening of our new DELICATESSEN * at 134 Riversidp Drive, McHeo||r r THURSDAY, AAAY 27th Carrying iafComplete line of Wisconsin Cheese, ^ home-triade Milwaukee Sausages, home-made Danish Pastries and Coffee Cakes of all kinds, Johnston'* Candies, Swiss, American and Richelieu brands of fancy Groceries* MALTED BULKS AHD ICS 0EK1ME ™;; ^ ' COMPLETE LINE OF FEOZlf FOODI Open Every Dity From 8:30 4. m. to 10:30 p. 6L, Tnnlwrfing Sundays 1, 02 41C FRESH HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS FLORIDA i WATERMELON .. CUBAN PINEAPPLE CALIFORNIA, IX*NG WHITE POTATOES FRESH GREEN CABBAGE . SOUTHERN CUTUMBERS JLlg. bunches 37c Whole or Cut lb. 5c ASSORTED YUKOM CLUB Beverages. YUKON CLUI " (PLUS DEP.) Roottar I7c Th. PauM Thai ItofrMkw (PLUS DEP.) Coea-Ctla 6 .TLS 25C FINE QUALITY FIESTA Paper Napkiis ... COUNT I8C LOW IN PRICE Broadcast ^ A "MUST" FOR YOUR PICNICS Armour's Treat THRIFTY ANN PAGE FOODS SOMETHING NEWI ANN PAGE PflJ laau WITH a 16-OZ. aE* NW MHV| DUHS PORK • • • • FT TINS c«' A TASTY SPREAD FOR MARVEL IREAD AN Page Para Srapa JALLY ANN PA«E PRCPARID smimii Wh For Tom VaMtabI* STML, ANN PAFM Fraial Dressli „„ Jg. sise 33c M lb. lor 59c lb. 5c % for 25c THE PANTRY DELICACIES, INC. Phone McHenry 754 ! ' ' J:'; r :1 r "v" ' : : " : > ' •K: SOOTHING--REFRESHING PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP BATH SIZE CAKES JAR FOR YOUR PICNICS MARVEL FRANKFURTER OR SaNwfah Rails JANE PARKBI FRESH *WiWlpt ^7I« MARVH FRtSH SNMM ^ I7c NSW IMPROVB) RINSO SULTANA RED KIDNEY OR ^ l l c REMOVES DRUDGERY F^OM WASHDAYS FOR POTS AND PA*$ AJAX CLEANSER CUEANStS THOROUGHLY LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP SIIPEFT SIIDS HV *MC FOR DAINTY THINGS LUX SOAP FLAKES 34* Y CLEANING S SATJ3HESj>L|Ml GOLD DUST POWDEFC J36 RNE FOR IAMES 1 SWAN TOILET REGULAR CAKES WONDERFUL FOR RAKING SPRY SHORTENING I"