TKITHEWIY PUUWEALER preoeatsd 1 he Ludty the Ine <• ehibe in*Tru£$ . .-» y. ! afternoon of last tnek. Following muft 111., by A. Howard Mosher. [th« 4-H plcdp, demonstrations were Editor--Adele Proehlich | given by Catherine Freand, Elaine ! T* urner and Pefgy Whiting, after _ which a short musical profrt-am was Altered as second-class matter at i presented, including a duet dv Janice flu postoffiee at McHenry, 111., under | Oelfling and Dorothy Ann Hiller and tfee act of May 8, 1879. fa piano solo by Adele Schmitt. - V - -- ' m c a j Th e highlight of the afternoon was Qfc rmt 1 the style snow, at which time the ---------------- ^ r jg m < K j e i e <| t h e s k i r t s a n d d r e s s e s ; which they had made this past sum-' mer. A very tasty lunch was served the guests, after which plans were Completed for a joint picnic which the clubs will have at Wilmot Park on Aug. 18. j Members of the Johnsburg J's who iteft for Camp Wetomacheck at Lake i Geneva, Wis., on Tuesday were Janice jOeffling, Dorothy Hiller, Betty jHufF, Elaine Turner, Mildred Hiller and Mary Ann Miller, i • • » NATIONAL €DITORIAl_ Win W ASSOCIATION ie Williams and *liss n left last Sunday fo> Scientific research has cam* op with a couple of new ones, to bless mankind. It reported, first, that one out of every three persons in the United States is 46 years did, or older. organ home That's about fifty million Americans. " that' this oM *>** * ? *«r» t J ' *>'#" *iW* ? ^pC>:, •n eight-day triP_ to Denver, Entes fturk, Colorado Springs and points of interest in the West. air. and Mrs. Joswah J. Miller visited in the William Morgan home, at Elkhorn on Thursday. ! It reported, second, The L. D. Mitchell family of Wau-' f *« ,a!*er arfi healthier irnn wbm fiatnrJav pvumnff rftllitm than ever before, because of improved Ek-anor Nye Hostess To Pinochle Cliib Slany Atteaded a ! Horse Laugh , ONE evening Jones was discovered by Brown trying to push a horse on to his doorstep. "I say, old man, do give me a hand," he pleaded, and Brown, wondering, did so. "Now," continued Jones, "let's get him up the stairs and into the bathroom." After a lot of struggling, they, got w , <a*ablic Card Party .. S , Mrs. Eloanor Nye entertained mem-' Fine weather prevailed last TnOTSbersof the East River Road Pinochle dajr afternoon as approximately 125 u m m cluh at her home on Friday a^er" J«dies gathered at the McLaughlin horse safely installed, and Jones neon, with prizes merited by Mrs. home east of cne river to enjoy the. , . ; hi George Glos, Miss Rose Huemann, public card party sponsored by the} ,maf, ,, ... nKZ,,tT.. Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. Thomas Altar and Rosary sodality of St.' What s a" this about? a,ked •„ Thonneson. Miss Huemann will enter- Patrick's church. The loveiy lawn M " tain the group next on Aug. 12^ 'with its stately trees was a perfect, * M tell you, said Jones. I ve 1 V * » background for the attractively! got a brother-in-law living with me " Btrt J \twood dressed women who assembled to en-, and he knows everything. When he Was Club Speaker v joy a tasty luncheon followed by I goes in the bathroom tomorrow Burt J At wood ofthestateoffice several hours of cards. Almost all! morning he'll shout down: 'Hey, UV' *£r ~cL WaTs- cSSV-lffiS '.'nT 22??^ movie film entitled Clear Waters n„Vnta was also a feature of the evenings ia*L *$ ' _ a ^ entertainment. - This was the first such party of # j.which the "Canadian ladies were Are nrrnrrf 'completely in charge and they may Y'*t a » well be proud of the success of their * . . . undertaking. Very special mention Today, Aug. 5, is the date f&r the -s ^jiss Kathryn McLauglin, dessert-bndge which is being held chairman, for the use of her lawn at the jMcHenry Country Club, spon- an(j j,er donations of a box of home sored by the Eastern Star chapter. ^)ce^ goods and other articles. The public is invited for tasty re- ^ ^ 1:36 °'Ck>Ck' io&owi>d surt of Egg Noodles j y + p • ! The first egg noodle in recorded | 1v«hW 'Mstory was made in the year 1548 Noptials Aug. 7 near the village of Immenwald in i A marriage license has been issued the Bavarian Alps. The egg noodle j in Waukegan to James A. Walsh is a German vanaUon of spaghetti, of McHenry and Miss Lucille Tres- Spaghetti had been introduced into i pick of 118 Raymond avenue, Bar? Italy many years earlier by mem- : rington. The wedding will take place bers of Marco Polo's crew. Travel- ! on Saturday, Aug. 7, at St Anne's crossing the Alps from Italy church, Barrington. brought spaghetti into the various j * * ,* 'duchies and * provinces that cen- 4-H Club - j turies later were formed into the ' * ax. ' German state. At a little roadside j The last meeting of the Jwmwurg near immenwald, where cour- J s 4-H club was held on Wednes- j frequently stopped to change ! ^ afternoon of last week at the ^ j proprietor's wife school hall. A demonstration was,!*" j... given by Dorothy Ann Hiller and a expermienting^with spaghetti talk by Janice Oelfling. Plans were! douEj1- ^h® teied adding eggs to completed for Friday's style show, i the doughbefore drying it in long m m * jgtrands. The results surpassed her Style Show For ! fondest hopes. Travelers came from 4-H Girls' Mothers ' and wide to sample her "Nr.del" A style show and program were, or "Nudelin" which became the speuuwimwiAnj- Lruuuu^rjjmruuLrLru- ' cialty of that little Bavarian Lui. kegan were Saturday evening callers in th« Ihsm of Mm Zena Bacon. Sunday visitors were Bob Bacon of Chicago^ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hiatt and family of Waukegan and Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha, Wis. George Adams of Elgin was a McHenry caller on Saturday _ health habits, especially sound nutri tion. Ten years ago there were ap proximately thirty million in this age group; at the turn of the century there were only about twentythree million.. And it is reported, third, that these fifty million can Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith of Chi> !ive longer, and be happier, if they cago visited his parents, the Arthur ,mProve then eating habits, Smiths, Sr., last weekend. Mife. Rjotoert Kralow^tz and daughter, Karen, spent last week at Roller Plane, Ind., summer home of the William Martinsons. Mr. Kra A survey in geriatrics (that's what the science of caring for the aging is called), reveals these things and gives some practical hints on htiw to live longer and have more fun in PAYS TO PAINT*'3 5 lowetz joined them for the weekend1 living. Eat less but take care in and they accompanied him home oi» Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Price and family are yacationing in the Ea»t for two Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and selecting the proper food*.. THEY ADD ZEST FILES SUIT Kred W. Sells, Wonder -Lake in-, surance agent, has brought suit in the Lake county circuit court at Waudaughter, Jeanne, of Elkhorn, Wis.,'kegan asking $10,000 damages from and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald^ Miller and j the Central Wisconsin Transport Co. children were Sunday visitors in the I and W. Gault of Wisconsin Rapids, J. J. Miller home. (Wis., one of its drivers. His corn- Mrs. Thomas Kane spent Monday .plaint states that he was seriously inin Racine, Wis. ^ Ijured when his car'was struck Feb, Mr. and Mrs. David Rosencranz of 16 by Gault's truck, which failed to Berwyn and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rohles stop at a stop sign at- Skokie highof Elgin visited in the George Kane.way and Belvidere street in Lake and Thomas Kane homes on Sun- county. I Quests of Mrs. Frank Zimmermann' RECRUITING CAMPAIGN ilast Thursday were Mrs. Rink, Mrs. .- AVm nAWPTWTT*£ Keller and Mrs. Ruth, all of Chicago, I ARMY CONTINUES Who were entertained at the card DESPITE DRAFT T.iWl;S^ party held on the McLaughlin lawn.! " Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hay^s and family and Richard Hayes of Chi- Mr.'and Mrs. George H. Johnson,pa^e p d' W"d thl- Wee.k' - 1 ine two services will continue to Ip-AINT protects your T against weather and waiar--and it attractive in the proceasi • us help you finance needed re*;^ ;r |>airs with a hdme improvement loan&" ; wmm Member Federal Reserve System , Member Federal Peoosit Insursrxe Corooratioji Th army and the air force recruit- OMTO ».« weekend »&'"In ?*. Inspector: "Do you folks around attended the golden wedding celebra- , .. tion of the August Wilsons in St. enlirtments asthe Charles on Satnrdnv principal means of obtaining needed Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoney ^turned ?ervice A®4 to their home in Oak Park 6n Sun- ' °nly 0 rt m.ak« "P ^ I day after spending a week's-vacation ^"/ strenj?th in the Frank Weingart home. i i " ^ ' volunteers. I Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scheid a»<i *lany enlistment choices still are here have much trouble with insects sons, Norman Jr., Jerry and Larry, "ojp:e?n" to thAth rtewen- y^eravri /.Zv«o luTntTee^rst in getting fn your corn?" |of Woodstock spent Sunday visiting ^fJJ*5S°^v'ce*:o U"der the "We sure do " M i d the native ^n Scheid and daughter, Rena. I A™y T^h" cai School Plan thev can ... . sul.e ,' . sai<J nauvej , M Alfred Reirner and infant choose training in one of more than •but we jes' fishes 'em out and ! daJi{ier who Was C last w«k It 8jxty. specialties before enlisting, drinks it anyhow. •»- Libertyville hospital, have re- Service overseas irt Japan and Korea to tnr*s- 1 !- |,s a,so PLAN LOVELY SHOW j Excitement is at white heat ait Horticultural Hall in Lake Geneva! where members of the Lake Geneva i Garden Club are putting on their fortieth annual Flower Show on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 6 and 7. The chairman of the show, Mrs. Warren Shoemaker and tha president of the club, Mrs. John Eliot • Warner, are at the hall daily aiding and abetting, wielding paint brush or' trowel, encouraging and admiring and by their unlimited enthusiasm drawing into! shape one of the loveliest flower shows ever put on at Lake Geneva.! CARE PACKAGES - The McHenry county chapter ||r the Red Cross received word last weekend from national headquarters, that 500 CARE packages (11,000 pounds) are to be sent each day- to Franfurt, Germany, and from there by plane to Berlin. Those wishing1 to contribute a CARE package may send the money directly to the Red Cross in New York City. With the added airplane service now; necessary the cost is $12.50 rather than the former $10 cost. ° the turned eir home in Volo. available. Veterans nave Paul and Marie Steffan are visit-^1 *hoice"L' Up°r? their experience and the Military Occuparevious service. olunteers in the air force have, similar enlistment inducements in which they may choose an air force1 f f i i LL€ n THUS., FRIM SAT., AUG. 5-6-7 ROY ROGERS in "THE GAY RANCHER0" - Pl'«s - "ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD" By Technicolor with Errol Flynn SAT. MAT. ONLY KIDDIES' ^ GIANT CARTOON SHOWSUN. - MON- AUG. 8 - 9 S i l v e r river -JOHSgaMBBie trnwrn^ TUES^ WED., AUG. 10-11 b2k0Soik CiEmNTURY Amhi CO- HIT Tyrone Power in "THE MARK OF ZORRO" Elevator Travel Some 17 billion passengers yearly travel more than 241 million miles in elevators. About 5,000 new elevators went into operation in metropolitan areas throughout the United States in early 1948, at an estimated cost of 60 million dollars. • Old Compliment inir Elo-in relatives thU week experience ana me in unary uccupa- Hubby: "You look like Venus this j firs. Henry Frett of Chicago is Specialties (MOS) they held morning, honey." j visiting in the new home of Mr. m P1""1""" ««•«««- Wife: "Do you really think so?" and Mrs. Richacrd Frett in the Coun Hubby: "Yeah. You look about try Club subdivision. three thousand year, old." I Miv> Barbara Kommplik of Elgin ^".11,""™h<3 Tf^alfUed"'^ I has been spending a few days in „pf; . • ^ . ,r , ^e the Harold Steffan home. , enlisting. Aviation cadet training is Miss Virginia Williams of Chicago °P®n to, ^ 20 to 28^, Wlth two is spending a few days wth h«-r,ye^8, of f colle*e or lts equivalent ! parents, the Joseph Williams. | Volunteers may contact Master i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger' SerK'ea»t Norman E Gardner Re- | left Tuesday for a trip to Estes^ark, crm%n* Serv!c n e' at Woodstock P. 0., !f;0j0 3 r '.on Fridays, 10 a. m. to S p. m. of ! Mrs. May Morton of Geneva!each week for further information, 'attended the A)tar and Rosary card I party in McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E<1 Skoney and Mr, CARD OF THANKS In this way I wish to thank everyone for their cards, prayers and visits during the time I was confined to the hospital. These kind remembrances were ^p-eaUy^ appreciated. IN MEMORIAM In 'taring memory of B#y dear father, Henry Block, wh6 passed away six years ago, Aug. 14. 12 MILDRED LINDSAY. Toni Permanent Wave Kits, $1JS and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 864f Shrimps for A 8hrimp "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are," said a lunch-counter philosopher. Whereupon a meek little man, sitting a few stools away, called-, to the waitress: "Cancel my order for shrimp salad, please." Order your rubber stamps at The j Plaindealer. 1 McHenry, Illinois FRI. - SAT. Margaret O'Brien George Murphy (1) "TENTH AVENUE ANGEL" Penny Singleton Arthur Lake (2) "BLONWE'S REWARD" SUN. - MON.,, AUG. 8 - % Errol Flynn Ann Sheridan "SILVER RIVER'* Plus - World News A Cartoon TUES. - WED. William Hklop Ann E. Todd (1) "DANGEROUS YEARS" George Raft .. ' - June Havoc (2) "INTRIGUE" STARTING THURS. In Color Carson Doris Day Don DeFore "ROMANCE ON THE HIGH SEAS" ° Pacific Power Increases Bonneville and Grand Coulee and Mrs. Frank Weingart spent a' power plants produced a total of « j recent dav at Mwe "Geneva. i o,753,737,320 kilowatt hours of en- j Henry Kennebeck and daughter,1 ergy during 1947. This" was slightly 1 Elvira, an»1 his sister, Mrs. Alfred below the peak year of 1944, when, ! Weingart, left Thursday by car for with the assistance of the two tem- ' Alhambra, Calif. On Monday, Mrs. porary Shasta units, energy produc- Kennebeck and son, David, and Miss tion reached 9,239,823,452 kilowatt Susan Nimsgern began the lone trip h The year's production by tram to Alhambra. The Kenne- •/>•«! Km tk. becks are planning a visit with thier S°" «JW° son, Vernon, and family. 1 .Qp-f beginning of opera- Mr. and Mrs. Math N. Schmitt co"^ined total of spent last week in Friendship, Wis.,1 42,593,819,005 kilowatt hours. where they visited their son and j „* family, the Edward Schmitts. They, A Breadbasket of America made the acquaintance of their - new | Agriculturally speaking, Kansas granddaughter, Bernadette, born a ^ breadbasket of America. She few weeks ago. j is a state of fertile valleys, choked Miss Lily Breyer of Milwaukee, with alfalfa, vegetables, melons and Wis., visited friends in McHenry last grains. Pastures amkieed jots are week. ; crowded with livestock. Kansas has Miss Emma Christianson of Green more land in farms than any other Bay, Wis., was a weekend visitor state except Texas, which is thiee They had recently acquired a dog pn the Cornelius Quinlan home. I times as large. Her farmers plant and were demonstrating his good | Mrs. Louise Knupfer of Chicago Daorc wheat than 28 other states harpoints to a visitor. j8?^ la8V weekvisiting In the home VMt^ producing more wheat than •Mind you." Mid the man of-th. IM" and Mr. 'waiiM V.U. aod' CAUTIOUS WATCHD house, "I know he's not what you 'daughters, Louiae and Mary Mar-,to flAir alfalfa seed, wheat u"4 garet, of Lincolrv N«br., spent a few 5"a<e capacity, and is among the a . _ S n t t h r e e s t a t e s i n g r a i n s o r g h u m s , would call a thoroughbred, but no tramp or burglar can come near the house without his letting us know about it." "What does he do?" asked the visitor. "Bark the place down?',' aays the past week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, erttlo and sweet clover seed. She Sr. mi a higher farm property valua- Mrs. William Sail and son of, ttan than 40 other states, the second Chicago spent last week visiting he»' largest livestock market in the na- . _ . , l4>arents, Mr. an<) Mrs. C. H. Romei- tion, outranks 41 states in meat Well, no--he crawls under the , ser, at Pistakee Bay. > packing, has the largest grain eleva- °«a- j Miss Kathryn Kwtendick of Rock- tor in the nation and the larsest iford spent the weekend In the home iroomcorn market ill the worlf of her sister, MA. John Bolger. | • I Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake {visited her parents, the Martin Con-j * Read the Want Ads! after dinln, Uk, welL " wh. hM -- Heedless Adviee , ' Two men left a banquet together • - PHONE 40 ICE CREAM PMilo ol hUBo--l Otiry Ctifc • FLAVORS FOR JULY COCOANUT-PINEAPPLE VANILLA TOASTED HAZELNUT NEAPOLITAN , CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY - VANILLA 'S DRUG STORE McHENRY "When you get home," advised one, "if you don't want t6 disturb your family, undress at the foot of the stairs, fold your clothes neatly and creep up to bed. It's the undressing in your room that awakens the wife." Next day they met at lunch. "How did you get along?" asked one. "No good," said the other. "I took off all my clothes at the foot of the stairs, as you told me and folded them neatly. I didn't make a sound. But when I got to the top of the stairs, I found it was my neighbor's house!" ^ - . • i : • ::;ii A Hot Retort The chorus girl was telling the others about her birthday party. "You should have seen the cake," she said. "It was divine. There were 17 candles on it--one for each year." There was a disbelieving silence for a moment or two, then her best friend smiled. "Seventeen candles, eh?" she purred. "What did you do--burn them at both ends?" the past two months with her sister and family, the Paul Achors, in Frankfort, Ind., has returned home. William Smith and daughter, Ann, of Chicago were McHenry visitons on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Eck of Chicago visited in the A. H. Mosher home on Sunday. c Among those .from out of town who attended the public card party spbnsored by the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church on the McLaughlin lawn last Thursday were Mrs. Julia Murray and daughter, Marjorie, of Geneva, Mrs. George Sterling, Mrs. Ted Holden and Mrs. Frank 'Biggy of Chicago. Math Laures and daughter, Mary Jane, have been vacationing in Canada. Mrs. Alida Mead, Mrs. Homer Bartlett and Mrs. Ray Jones of Skokie visited in the home of Mrs. Nettie Weber and Miss Clara Schiessle on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Mead remained for a longer visit. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and family of Waukegan visited in ihe home of relativea on Sunday. Vint FWliara The chest was the first ptoc* et furniture and the ancestor of all other furniture. Starting out as a crude box for kerning a few po--« sions, it eventually got a lid, then turned out to be handy as a seat, and when it grew to larger size it could be used as either a bed or a table. Eventually some inventive cabinet maker added a drawer and another added some shelves above. Today lift-lid chests may be bought to * www. Smithsonian Instttattea The Smithsonian Institution In Washington, r C., was established by statute (1846) under terms of the will of James 8mlttason an who bequeathed his fortune (1836) to the United States to found an Institution for the "lncresae and diffusion of knowledge among men." pOPUMK -- ALBUMS *- - by FATS WALLER (Played by James J. JohnspB^ EDDIE HAYWOOD (Piino) • NO HOME JIVB Unnecessary Food Less Waste and spoilage costs - selfservice grocery stores $7.40 for each $1(M) worth of fresh fruits and vegetables sold. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- INK SPOTS % (Souvenir Albu^) ' ART TATUMF (Piano) =r= previnlIplays the piano SONGS OF GEARGE COHAN VIC DAMONE (A Young Man Sings) LARRY ADLER (Awl His Harmonica) Also Shiglee Select Your Needles Herel Don't Forget Oar Record dell. StetfoMi. QitmUtf 514 W. Main Street. McHenry Tel. McHenry 11S-J GxhhMm WASHABLE Afternoon Dresses Eearsucker, Tissue Gingham, Percak v Assorted Colors and Styles Sixes 9 - 18 Formerly $ 8.95 Seduced to $5.91 Formerly $10.95 Reduced to $6.9$ Formerly $11.95 Reduced to $7.9R * Formerly $13.95 Reduced to $8.9| WASHABLE -- PLAY SUITS a&worted Colors and. Styles Sixes 10-18 $13.95 Reduced to $& 9T BUTCHER LINEN SUITS - PINK, AQUA, BLACK, WHITE; GOL»- Sizes 10-18 . formerly $ 8.95 Reduced to $5.95~ Formerly $10.95 Reduced to $6.95 SLACK SUITS Tailored, Shortsleeved of Rayon Gabardine -Sizes 12 - 16 $12.95 Reduced to $9.75 MISSES1 CLASSIC BLOUSES Cotton and Rayon Assorted Styles in Halite and Pastel Shades Sizes 32- 38 .95 Reduced to $2.49 .95 Reduced to $2.95 Reduced to $3.95 FOOD MIXERS Mixmcster $39.00 iDarmeyer "406^, $37.50 K-M Mix All ............ $34.95 O. E. Mixer j $34.95 '*• ' v ' " ' The Pnendfy Slove GEO. COLLETTE, Owner Aatfcuiited Dealer 521 Ifiktn Street Pheoe McHenry 459 v West McHenry if --t - fh; „> ' •Ali :