mm *mam! *19*1 - *- - ; ' " / * r * ' ; It \ \ ,,_\ z:>.; ^#*SR1 >Ji ! *i£pih. VW -,f - " mtiDi m*mwm n(«n?i wen r ijyy p «c: |\«i> HEAR" by EARL R. WALSH Add ia January. Somitr tmn tei be slipping away. BALL £B Our boss, a considerate sort of • Mlow, thinks we are working too hard. In the next breath he grumbles that we are over paid. Right now he thinks we should BEAT HEBRON 7 TO 1 With Murphy twirling a 5-hitter and the middle of the batting order pounding the ball hard, the McHenry ttrinoi BA&EBALlrT^•flrst answer, but do not forget the'LQflAT. INTKSK8T TV b°Vs themselves. They want to play battim . _ _ . _ ball and will play ball. To pay lor BOUTS AT ROUND T.AfTl! Jf StsA£^%3 £ *«"»* "W McHwry dtiiw,. ttii»ide, w„ i! form^'^A0*1°here8!" .o2L* .."J. ^ Bwn. ftw, 1 have help in covering the many i Shamfocka beat the Hebron nine ^•as, far k^raissr xssJrzJiriU: *«i spoils events in the community. One i here last Sunday 7 to 1 fellow can cover only one event at i Kuecker pitched seven innings for County. 8chnritft 'hat iMMr wrestling in McBeiu? Qppili enj limit according to asMndwrOrr. Gene Peters, clever hard hitting1 ^'J'"c #r athlf>tp FMM Rnnnj D..L yeorge Brown from L4bertyviBe will •M nu**A u:m T„ , <(Cv -- -. men. Wonder Lake tad some" bard•W1" *wlMn*e ,blow» >n the main f^ cZ»iSr A1**!1? mottO to hun. To hear Shorty" i iuck for awhile Thev lost some!event of Fred Kohler's open air Fri- ?r?*Tn or kfd?"*Sd t^*see°the'result f°f ?e touKh on^s- But win or lose those <*•* eveninp boxing and wrestling weiJTto° the ChieJIJo ^ha?""1 . «»e eve. If the fellow cove* a 'SlSive SSJ^STf^ Tth^^hitiM^ '° tT'suTum^ \SZ ££ Pari' L , 8pfce". • u v i Lyle Johnson with a 4 to 1 score. 1 baseball games between young men ™ ? „ . hltch,-h,k*d h™e- . with FranlT Humph^s cantain ofit £lff,c»lt T « Popular Gene Jones f3 • j In the past we have asked that| Murohv had nom* trouble with < of from nine to fourteen vears ofiTL j- . no haphazard affair. | HiwhlanH P*rk Amnnpin T «„; „ Round Lake Park who won >.vinH TWhen the O'Briens and the Gaus- j ««w« *» turned in by some membwr control in ^ gr8t inning, but fanned!*** is h«T« "h®* insight into the' JaMbiHt£?l?f ? mea8Ured *£ ^ I team. Peters won a close hard-fought 22 P?X Riddle' hard hittiPr ®«&|. dens work together, they get results. , °f each However, we find L le JohnBon with the bases loaded volume of effort Shorty has put into ^ hivl y™"£er arms- Satfu h' battle two weeks ago over CapUin ^ Parker" -• ' if It happened last wik as the'that unless some Particular person is fo'r the third out D*8e8 ithe organization of an athletic pro-' f" f*?A and the Humphrys. Humphry? won a decS , !• -srjt j-sjs. si"" :"s.j£f „ „ „ a™ s ffta j-iSSSfSf-S -i.T -- biss».-»»-• -waseusnuOMjs* •-- ViTVSSSfi&ftg " » f ^ party and shindig on McLaughlins' spacious lawn. •rry \j onvu tosi. «ICI - - r, » ^ , - ' • wgger SIMCK mio me wind in center --, "r ^ youngest leaguers. io watch the develonment w™ wrr nt.s arrangeo -n/i aji1,-»„Ki« u --* book so got another one and im- ,field- "Sonny" Miller hit the first of ™en the public. It_ is, there- of some of the players make? one for ,two heavyweights for three headcaDabtenf pp.Sun L ^Pp1^ l „<• tu. MI rounds or less for next Pridav i-apaoie oi a cusnioned rocking - -~J a* &Urved foot fittm mediately sold a chance to Mrs. ^ShortJ'" ^ two doubles in this inning-that Joie only reasonable to offer first a feel that some of them will some- J?,unds or --- -- . Angela Gausden (a relative, you Shorty L o n g. * i ended with McHenry leading 1 to 0. bn®f summary of what has happened day use real big league resin Oliver Diets of Libertyville, 220 move"»ent and know). ! r?,V ^ ! Hebron tied it up in the third, so far- Ri»rht now on Ihe streneth of an Rounds of brawn and muscle, gainst Proyiding a secure contact for ON Mrs. O'Brien than asked Mary Jf, keep ? y P He dld Andersen was hit by a pitched ball. "Shorty" Long, we know, will be H-3 victory over the Crusaders in ^ Schmitt from Johnsburg also 220 CHiteh, recently was patented. Miller, daughter of the George i11'- A this wp„k ._a S Kuecher drew a pass. Jerry Larkin honestly miffed at the frequent men- the finals of a weekly play off, the pounds- !t ,wil! hf the first boxing --^ Millers of "Canada," to draw the i **fa *e _J*.ut! Picked up L. Schmidt's bounder, tion of his name, but the organiza- Lily Lake Mud Hens are the team toex,pene"ce for b°th men "n^1- AAU Complete line of Lee's poaltn lucky number. Mary was on the job 1*"®n Tf** Ifr_cu* ,8 -JT ! stepped on second to force Kuecker, tion of the baseball league for boys beat. But August 2 Wonder Lake ™,es- D,eU " contractor is one of remedies at Wattles Drug Ston, as one of the willing waitresses., snorter to ^ive ^en fi™d "»* for .<¥ doub,« X" ®nd.,/ ven a quick roared over the Ramblers 12 to 4 and the most pewerful men in Lake (Henry. g4f The number was drawn. „« nP» J frnm the e-olf course That! B- Schmidt's triple scored history of league would be incomplete are itching to meet Lily Lake and the -- 1 You guessed. Vh»h U I ^rv iniMrtant Mrt of l A,^re8fJohnson rolled out to short. jf 't neglected to state just that, untired Johnsburg team. This week's ' -- ; Mrs. Gausden held that luclty ™ib J* *n^y imporu 1 ^ j The Urkin boys started the fourth This spring "Shorty" moulded a team finals will be played Saturday evenumber. AnH «rtnn down the line One ^ith th®1 old one-two punch, each called the Crusaders in5 order^ to give ning. If we can, we will furnish Of course, 'twas all in ftin, "but * th j_vb we wjii 8iav jn cur' b:its to the right of second, boys a chance to play ball under box scores later. At least, however, O'Briens and the Gausdens took °Ln Ht?ip corn7r known as "So l l,ase- McCracken forced Jerry. Jim proper guidance and with the best in readers will *nd high spots of the pfcnt, „ , y ZSl&Z'-pr? 'S^T«SA t vr'zaay ^ zszins .s-« °°r hieh AM lh« people who lift and the' JOHNSBURG LOSES dowr^->rry StiUin* hit l«t fc.tL..real W|f *«•*»« material uni- W^ierever'you go you find the | FIRST OF SEASON A 1 ^gBJSrr- * * TO DUNDEE 5 TO 4 Are always divided in just these two, cli find, to score Miller. ' forms. Jerry Larkin's single and Miller's More boys wanted to play, what i'TOSTO | double gave McHenry another run -boy doesn t. Practically overnight **ONTENa WITH FOUR lift the sixth mning. ,"Shorty" had two more teams on his TOP TEAMS IN BATTLE j Lyle Johnson pitched the eight hands. One was from Wonder Lake, The Johnsburg Tigers d r'o p p e d |'"ning and was greeted by hard the other from Lily Lake. "Shorty" their first game of the season last hlows off the bats of the Larkms, Mc-! at this point was umpire, coach, , " y"i ^ts ~ 10-inning' Cracken and MUler .as Mcliexiry- put t schedule " maker, financial arranger, o f^p i "V ®?nr iL- equipment "keeper, and organizer of y fu Du"dee J111"?'1 the that s no other team has been able to ac lasses. And, oddly enough, you wiU too, I ween, There is only one lifter to twenty who Sunday at Dundee in a _ _ lean. ; battle, 5 to 4. j the gama on fa* In which class are you? Are you1 Pitcher Schuldt, who is well-known; easing the load ®s a member of the Dundee basket-1 McHenry Of overtaxed liftefs who toil doWh ball team, struck out 13 batters.; ('°'^vay, 3b . the road? Schuldt also had the honors of send-1 ®*cCulla, cff Or are you a leaner, who lets ing the winning run across the plate. Stilling, If , others bear Eggert walked in the tenth and'«L Larkin, rf *..»•>• i Your portion of labor and worry and crossed the plate when Schuldt'g hit Larkin, ss ....... care? Igot away in the outgeldfi. ! wf,Vra 5n' "" • Schumacker, with a home run and Mi'H'r, lb Nobody is having more fun than triple was the clouter of the day. Stilling, cf, If AB & R 4 1 4 1 5 • 4 0. 5 0 4 • 1 5 0 3 0 the people who play that pee-wee BOX SCORE golf course and try their swings On Johnsburg--4 _Bernie Peschke's popular grounds'H. Preiind, 2b east of town. " | G. Jackson, c .... j B. Miller, cf .... John Knor was chosen to play with ^ Fi*eund, ss ... the Huntley 4-H nine in the district A- Jackson, 3b tournament at Geneva. Huntley had S. Meyers, rf the privilege of choosing two players -W. Smith, lb ..... from other clubs in the county. Wbs Pitten, If a time when a fellow named Knox Klapperich, p ... put a lot of fire in McHenry teams.! w " Keep it up, Johnl | TOTALS 39 It had to happen some time. Dun-! dee beat the strong Johnsburg Tigers 5re.n ' 1, last Sunday--5 to 4 in 10 innings. |Bakow, 3b 1 Schumacker, lb .. The Tigers hadn't been beaten be- Thompson, cf ........ fore this season--winning some games Faber, S8 by big scores, some by the skin of Schuberg, c their teeth--but always winning. i Miller, 2b ..... _____ Ortmann, if ........ The Tigers have a fine record and ®8jrert, rf great bunch of ball players. Watch Schuldt out for them the rest of the way. „ - They will be playing for keeps. TOTALS • Score by Inninga: The Shamrocks mowed down He-| Johnsburg 020 020 000 bron here to the tune of 7 to 1.1 Dundee 100 210 . 000 1--5 The visitors couldn't do much with1 Three-base hits -- Menke. Schu- Murphy's offerings. : macker; home runs -- Schumacker; AB R H 8 0. 2 5 - 0 2 4 2 2 5 O 0 5 0 0 4 •" 0 5 0 fo 2 1 0 1 1 0 5 1 2 ^6* 11 jW. Bolger, c H; T. Bolger * • 3 j Wagner, 2 Murphy, p J j Totals ............ j! Hebron 01 Behrens, 3b, If .... 11 Andreson 2b 01 Keucker, p, 3b ........ |L. Schmidt, s* .... g; B. Schmidt, c ....... Johnson, If, p ........ Slavin, cf G. Tibhitts, lb .... Tibbitts Man, rf Halsted AB tjr 2 4 4 4 2 1 R 0 4> I t r-r i i o • o Totals 35 AB 6 3 1 4 t "4 ' J 81 0 1 0 0 0- 0^ 0 0, 90 :a..: H 0 0 0 2 : 4 l 3 1 0 0 o: i 12 II 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Score by Inninga: Hebron 001 000 000--1. McHenry ........ 010 301 03--7. Stolen Bases: L. Stilling (2), Miller, Kuecker (2), Slavin. Two-base Hits: G. Larkin, Miller (2),! Behrens. Three-base Hits: G. Larkin, Miller, B. Schmidt. j four complete teams of scrappy, en- • °\-X ^tm 1as ™ a,Dle to *c* -fthusiastic, serious fellows who needed convp ' ^hey beat Johnsburg. The. (no more than the drop of a glove to sf°,e .was t0 ,r^ a ^'""'ng : play the game. struggle. j A good deal of the load is off of in/^»nd Place' right !"Shorty's" shoulders now. A fifth the heels of Johnsburg. Next; ' team, Johnsburg, recently asked to comes Richmond, having won more | be admitted and Lloyd Freund. Johns- ?ames th*n any other team in the turg's brilliant shortstop who him- „eaFue" holds fourth place, i eel f is headed for the big time If P . may tough the rest of the. | major league offers mean anything, wa**; , ! has generously offered to coach them. R'chmond beat Barrington 5 to 3 r"Sonny" Miller and Hugh Murphy 'ast Sunday while Algonquin blanked' : of the McHenry Shamrocks volun- Crystal Lake 10 to 0. ! iteered to coach Lily Lake. In addi- STANDINGS W (tion, Hugh, will offer pointers to'J®hnsburg .... Iiitchers from all the teams in the McHenry ...... eague. Mr. Harold Freund and Mr. Richmond .... Harold Aim are also to be seen on £undee the coaching lines now. Mr. Freund Barrington .... will handle the Ramblers and Mr. Hebron Aim the Crusaders. Both men know Algonquin .... baseball and will be more than valu- Ci*ystal Lake VFW .... 0 able to the boys, they manage. Al i * this writing we do not know who will. Tip for Wemen coach Wonder Lake, but by the time' To keep shoes and hose «*l»»n the paper is in print they will surely1 women who wear boots or overbe in capable nands. "Shorty" has shoes should' put a pair of men's ; also been m consultation with Father gocks, large sire, over their shoes, | Baumhofer and Father Regmer who n>>ttin« m «h* wt. 1 have been backing him as far as they befc)r* PUttmg on ?e bootM' are able. j How has so much been done? The Toni Permanent,Wave Kits, $1.2& impetus provided by Mr. Long is the and $9.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf - ' 'V ::::::::::: I 10 7 4 4 3 IS Pet. .900 .800 .769, .700; .364! .333! .273 .000 I N G WREST LING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT - Lake Goonty Stadium ' Round Lake Road Round Lake Park •*v * ;»- r*! A "(J :^3§l • - ^ - < * double plays -- Faber, Miller, Schu- J*>ubl l e puy": <?• Parkin to MHler. "Sonny" Miller slammed out two "lacker; struck out by--Klapperich, St™^k out ,by Murphy 6, Kuecker 6, doubles and a triple besides playing 3: Schuldt, 13; bases on balls off-- I Johnson 1. I first base like it should be played.1 Klapperich, 5; Schuldt, 3; winning Bases on balls off Murphy 4, Kuecker "Sonny" knew there was a Phillies j pitcher--Schuldt. , scout in the stands to look him over: and made the most of his chance to! Apple Merchandising Law do his stuff. Maryland apple growers will pay • special tax on apples in. view of a Wisconsin Centennial Opens Saturday, Aug. f After the game, '"Sonny" signed law passed by the state legislature The Wisconsin Centennial Exposia contract to report to the Phillies with approval of the growers. The j tionrthe' Wi^aifTworid""Fair,1^- unU^„n ,eaffue first 500 bushels sold by any grower gins Saturday, Aug. 7, and continues' through Sunday, Aug. "S9, to be held ; at State Fair Park. Milwaukee. The grand stand entertainment will! i n c l u d e " S o n g of t h e C e n t u r y a He will report next spring. are exempt from the tax so growers w * ' ,, . _ , selling leas than 500 bushels pay no We are told that Lloyd Freund ^ ^ Mie« of all apples, over 500 -*~has also signed with the same club. there is a tii of one cent ^*33 SSI yt°rWnandtheseefr«S! ,«.p i„«o or« We wish both boys a lot of luck apples and promote their sales, and will be pulling hard 'for them Pennsylvania, Virginia and West to make the grade. , Virginia have similar laws. Have you seen "Connerville" lately? It's a regular little village. Ben CHy af Contra*ts sin stars of stage, screen, radio and: the musical world. Another attrac-' tion will be 4 Show of the Century,"! a tremendous dance and musical pro- i ducticn featuring fourteen of the] country's truly great thrill and comedy acts. In addition to the Conner is the president ..Henry Mil-1 city of Lib with more ^ nf?,via% lei«™0m,natl0n f°r th* 100.000 inhabitants. Its -Moslem office of treasurer. j mosques and christian cathedral. Our 4 S.B.C." sends a football1 its rambling Old Quarter and the schedule. Can fall be far away? substantial European structures of ' the new hint at the story of the Jim Tinney, former resident of; diverse peoples and cultures meet- McHenry sends news that officers! ing there. A Tripoli crowds halted of the Illinois K. of C. Bowling Asso-( for a passing automobile, donkey or ciation will journey to Springfield, j camel, may, for example, include a Wednesday, August 11, to conclude British, French or Turkish army arrangements for their 19th annual; offi an Italian peasant from a S"hSdnto'%S; «'"» f»m or . Greek a,herm^ Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. > Tripoli is ine capital ,and largest ] above there will be a musical festival, Read ithe Want Ads 1111M hi 1 profossional quality When you buy toois, kAow what yon'ri* gettinf! Shop here, where you can always depend on professional quality at money-saving prices. With our rugged equipment, your work is easier, fast**, more satisfactory.. Keeping the home and farm in repair with our precision-made tools is a real help in cutting costs. Stop in today and fill your tool needs at our thrifty price*. Nickels Hardware Phone 2 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL. fireworks, auto, harness and motorcycle races and thrill shows. ? Women Secure Increasing Number of Public Offices A woman's place--among others , --is in state government, according 1 to a recent survey of at least 30 j states. i Citing a study now being made by { Women's National institute, the civil service assembly reports that in the' majority of states women are being | appointed in increasing numbers to public jobs, expetially in social welfare, health, education and labor. California, Connecticut, Illinois, Oregon, New Jersey and New York | are among states greatly increasing ; the number of women in public ofj fice during the past few years. I These states also have passed laws i recently protecting 'feminine inter- j ests generally. I Current trend in such legislation | is toward laws which safeguard women's interests by insisting on j equal pay for equal work, regard- ' less of sex, by opening jury duty to women and by granting community property rights to married couples. One state now maintains counseling service to help women set up mod ran their, own businesses, while another meets with women's representatives to discuss legislation of special interest to women. In New York, women now are employed in every department of the itete. New YDifc has named a woman aa deputy commissioner of its commerce department. In California, SO women have been appointed to public posts in_ three years. Haw Nylon Is Made The commonest textile form of nylon is made from two chemical compounds, hexamethylene diamine : and adipic acid. The diamine is | made from coal (coke), air and > ' water; from cyclohexane, a petro- j leum product, or from furfural, an agricultural by-product. Adipic add j is made either from coke, air and water or from cyclohexane. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- Henry. 8*tf FOOD Om «i lt» M Mw la M* xHMI The THINGS m a r e n°* *r e e but they are LOW PRICED at National^ SOY« of National! . "DELij^r •&-M& raacy PIMM \ . SALE--WORLD .WIDE SWANCO MMMMME HIRE GRANULATED SUUR • # t li 29# lo-Li. 70* • • • BAG L~ Halves, California BarHett No. 21/2 Can CHIFFON SOAP PLAKSS L««- sse •OOO QUALITY pfc«. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 ZZh 33c BREEZE Ur»* 3H AMERICAN HOME HALVES IN HEAVY SYRUP CHOICE HALVES O* C~'2Wi WHOLE PEELED Plnh APRICOTS . NO. 7V2 CAN APRICOTS I9e -....Quarts Vi-PWt TaM C*M 4| g NO. I TALL GOLD DUST KRISFY MASKERS For HNK Dirty 7-or. IB* TLtOMYMS ATO CATSUP 2'ML: 36* NCIIM F*ck AuortaW TAFFY kl&US 20* fat UndwtktMi LUX FLAKES Liaars TWICE RICH TOMATO JUICE 2^146* EVERYDAY LlftHT MEAT MUTED TUNA . . / 39c SS5ST«'c^29e «k. 4« 1119# m&s Hm Soop of (m St«rt gN° 229, UK TWirr SMT »N^2So 3^J29o lUe LAML STIVF (•/rib. |7« •in • • SSJ'CROP •*D POTATOES - CRISP iOl k 4 5 c SSR:*:- SMA LUX TMUET MAP EVEREADT APR»CO HECTAR X-KRT 0AKE MX V/lNTtR VAUEt ChHfon--WMta C*k« or DoWfi Pood t4>/l P*9 UMBMOY CRUSHED TOUT SOAP PINEAPPLE VlftlAbW SNBHmhUI SPRY f llfc Ha ....tuo 1-Mb Hi 40s POUND LOAF WM Ftm Dtek Ctotk SaVCB DUST Urf* BEAN SFMuTO 2*^|Oe • CARI IV pi_OR»OA ORANGE JUICE 39 For ftofrotMftf CWiifcllw--t SWAN SOAP BEECHNUT BABY FMOS. STRAINED 3 ^ 29c SMOOTH rOAMT SWAN SOAP EvsiMn Bsaawe tVMt Fleklt 9-M.