" <-:-YV .n v •>•»: ,/ V * ' ^-~ *" y^s-ym' >'• L.'jy £ ? < r > . . y ^ i < 7 . w • / ^ ; < H ' p v • - V-'-- •'• - •-- " , fpfl Thursdftf, iirt*.; *£0 AMwrv " 'mm • j^rrr f i» , • > / . • * & • •• aUrtt-.-v&g V-. ---Vv» • ,f gTv ' \r' ;t /h PLAI1TOEALER v - ^• ' j # v . i^ . ; te point fliat Ma»%p> $1,600 of Mfqr $1,000,- fbr naw plant e*uip» into Industrial instruwhwm the average In 198S for each $1,000,000, a study Minneapolis-Honeywell Regular company shows. Subscribe for The PUindnkr 150 years at least 10 of productive crophave been abandoned due to •wf*z. V ' One of the wonders of ancient Egyptian architecture le the great sphynn whldi has a len^Ji at 180 feet. The jptiynx, used a* a temple, built in thefourth dynasty. JOHH THE TAILOR Alterations and repairs on ladies' and men's garments, f TINE GLEANING AND PRESSING si-ia-iV Tel. 123-R tllilii>»iii0)'*l 416 Main St McHenry LIGHTNING {PROTECTION SIS. Tel. MeH«tt>y ITS How to Cnt Down LOSSM Of Cattle During Summer Livestock raisers are here given 10 tips on how to prevent leans and speed up gains of cattle during the pasture season this summer. The American foundation for Animal Health has Issued the following check-list of sunnper safeguards foi cattle: (1) Don't let animals gorge themselves on luSh, young pastures. Guard against bloat and grass tetany by making a gradual change to green feed. (2) Inspect the herd once a week for evidence of pink-eye. (5) In blackleg areas, have all calves vaccinated against this disease. (4) Protect the herd against flies by spraying with DDT at least four times during the summer. 5) Examine pastures periodically forthe presence of poisonous plants. (6) Check the herd regularly for accidental wounds through ~ which screw worms may enter. (7) If suspected cases of lumpy jaw develop, get those animals off pasture and away from the rest of the herd and have them treated immediately. (8) When calves are unthrifty, suspect the presence of parasites. The parasite danger is especially g^eat on old pastures and community pastures. (9) If cattle share pastures with stock from other farms, have tllem immunised against tetanus, blackleg and malignant edema. (10) Bovine tuberculosis is still a problem, and cattle should be tested periodically for tuberculosis as well as brucellosis. " i Electric Motor Industry Celebrates Its 40th Tear On an evening 40 years ago, 83 representing 25 companies, assembled to organise the American Association of Electric Motor Manufacturers. It was the first trade association in the electrical apparatus manufacturing industry and the earliest forerunner of National Electrical Manufacturers' Association, which was formed in 1926. , Today the Industry embraces 180 manufacturers across the land. Last year alone they produced more than 25 million motcr3. ran ring from midgets to giants of 89.000 horsepower. George C. Tenney, p'iitor arid publisher of "Electrical West." prys the electric motor mede possible the production line and modern industrial techniques. "More than any other fpeter", he declares, "the seven or eigf.t horsepower at the ccmir.ar.d of every American worker, lrrgcly in the form Agronomist to Collect New Grasses In BrasO New grasses to improve CaU&nda ranges will be collected In southern Brastl, Argentina, and Uruguay by Dr. R. M. Love, University of California college of agriculture agronomist, during his leave of abeence for a year. Many stlpa species of grasses are found in this region. Love sajd. The California stipas are among the hardiest in this state, and the best of theii South American relatives will be brought to Davis. Prairie brome, one of the eight new forage grasses released to growers last fall, came from Argentina, Love added- He hopes to find others there which might prove suitable to California conditions. Love Is making the trip at the Invitation of the Brazilian government which asked him to organize a laboratory in the state of Rio Grande do Sul to improve wheat and grasses. The Brazilian agriculture deportment m *#tSl * •*- - >„ «.•»« '...ISA'-.- Lim'ti"??1 'ij'I*. ' Z J' . -- i ii V " 1 1 ' n f e i i ' n r i ' n ' m 1, iunk Harater North Dakota experimental station has produced an electric lamb warmer which has been tested out successfully. The wanner is s Krrg about S feet wide, 5 feet long and 2% feet high, equipped with two electric lamp bulbs to furnish .heat few drying the new-born lamb* Plane It is easier to land a plant « moonlight than floodlight. €> .•vS* New Seeding Maehin£T~' ~ The beginning of commercial production of seeding machines was marked by a patent on a "forcefeed" drill granted to Foster, Jessup and Brown in 1851. WILLIAM M. CARROLL. JK, Attorney-st-Law llSfc Beaten St -••••• -Phone Woodstock Woodstock. IDinete of electric motors, is responsible for j hag arranged trips to at least five exthis country's vast productive < capacity and a standard of living which is the envy-of the rest of the world.", , During the war, he pointed out. the ! industry produced millions of "motors, L in 40 thousand different models. A I B-29, he explained, required at least 300 motors, 125 on an LST. and more than 900 on a battle wagon. Operation- of Tractor periment stations to study farm problems of that region. During these travels, Love will have opportunities to gather grass specimens. He also plans to collect grasses in Argentina and Uruguay. Love joined the agronomy staff eight years ago to work on California range problems. PLASTIC WALLTILR Eighteen colors of besutiful Wall covering. See them before decorat- 1 ing your bath or kitchen, Colors t are through the tile--will not peel ! or scrathch off. Write for estimate j or put it on yourself. Engstromj Sales & Service, McHenry, 300 feetj from Nell's ballroom. Phone Piste-' kee 552-W-l. v Weingart trucking Sand -- Gravel Filling -- Black Dirt -- Tracks for Hire V ,1 Free Bstia ffe-R-1 M WELDING Msintenance and Constraetisa Portable Eqoi patent H. B. VANCE--McHenry ftl-J Seath Green SL, McHenry, 1 -.rr , Strange Dog Milady. AWNINGS m i TARPAULINS CANVAS GOODS Selection ORDER EARLY Specialising in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 JOHN F. BRDA ft SON Sheet Metal and Furnace Work 181 N. Green 8t» McHenry, 111. Phone 248-R AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE Ml Main St_ McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 815-W-l or 484 M'HENRY, ILL. DR H. 8. FIKE Yeterinariaa Oa Highway SI -- Office aa Tel. McHeary SI McHeary, I1L Office Hears: I pjn. la S Frnnt Ttmrsdays by AMslnlmsut VERNON KNOX Atterney-At-Law Car. Green and Blm Sta, Taisiay aad Friday Afternees Other Days By A»slntsisnt McH«nry 41 Tractor engine# should operate \ within definite temperature limits' for best economy and performance, j according to Guy W. Gienger, exten- j sion sgricultural engineer at the University of Maryland, to keep the! cooling system working at its best he ; recommends: (1) Be sure the fan belt j does not slip. There should be three- ! fourths Inch deflection when you! push against the belt, (2) Drain and ; flush the cooling system at least twice each year, (t) Keep the radi- ; a tor clean to allow air to pass by all | the cooling fins and-tubes, and (4) j Use clean soft water (rain water pre- ; ferred) to prevent the accumulation ' of dirt and lime Inside the engine. ! Rust inhibitors used with soft water | will prevent the formation of rust in- j side the engine. , Off Junior: "Pop, what are untouchables?" Pop: "Well, a good example of an untouchable is the guest towel in the bathroom." Twelve hundred penholders end TJOO stolen from London's post offices within one month. An acute, contagious disease, apparently identical to a virus infection of dogs in Sweden, has made its appearance in the United States and may be responsible for many recent dog deaths across the nation, states the American Veterinary Medical association. Thus far, the disease has been diagnosed in one dog in the Chicago area and in five dogs in Boston, and "there is well-founded suspicion that it has appeared in several other American cities." Acute tonsilitis , was a feature of the disease as ob- j served in Boston, the report stated, but this was probably a symptom ra- | ther than a cause. Research findings | indicated that the disease was of i virus origin, but that the virus was j different from that which causes j canine distemper. The liver was bad- , ly affected in all cases. Other symp- ! toms Included fever, coughing, loss of appetite, weakness, and finally collapse and death. Convulsions and other nervous' symptoms served in' some of the cases. DINING ROOM COCKTAIL LOUNGE Terracing Farmlands After lands have been well.terraced, the next most important step is the proper plowing of the terraces and the breaking of the land. Now Featuring Nightly Steve Stephani One of America's "Top Notch" Feature Organists -r~- - - at the -- Hammond Organ vie will be pleased to play all request numbers. Plus The Best Food Particular People Desire Mrs. "Z" Invites You to Come to the VILLA HOTEL RESORT on Pistakee Bay, McHenry PHONE PISTAKEE 461 HIGHBBT CASH PRICES paid for and Crippled Harass. Cattlsfc -- Sanitary, Power Lead lag -- Tankage ana Meat Scraps for sale. Phenss ArHacten Heights 11S or McHenry CSS35T Reverse Charges. Palatine ffadahg Service. Thos. Thonneeon, Prop ADMIRAL S NOW IN ACTUAL PRODUCTIOM at our new 507 ELM ST., McHENRY -j * ° ** *-V\ • 7S* - * • Hcwra ^sesLsssSr Ro WqA« An att,c orwindow^ ¥¥°Xk8 *P*rtment lowers hou«« <* ^rjpulling in cool nifhMut ,.!e,,^ratlu,« through the Uriag aufrtL- clrcuI*Ui* jt tare thug. ***** the eviporaj^* ^ ****** - yoil akin aofe. cooler tauwdtaS, (Formerly Kaiser-Frazier Agency Bldg.) Light, Clean, Interesting Work WHY TRAVEL FARTHER, when you can secure employment at of ^ 3 near home? Take pride in your job! Join the vast throngs who build America's finest Radio Sets! Experience Not Necessary Shop In and See Our Employee Counselor m Call McHenry 470 Employment office will be open each day ' n v i. ' /. ' " ' iT ! 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. v ai:ilUU!!i:UU!III(ll!UI!UIii!»ISllUUII!2ll!UlllllUll!nilllllllUlllllIllilUIIIIHIIUIUlUUIUIIIIUIUIIUlUIUIIIiaillUllltlil!Uiffli^ Yon sleep like a baby <f»ry nigtat.. when your home has a night cooling fan. The stilling air that turns a bedroom ****** a • aiv^ ya* awake...is replaced with cool# * air from outside. The result is cooler - aad a good night's sleep for children Too can ate for yourself how moving air cools: a spot on the back cf your hand and blow it gently. Feels cooler, doesn't It? This is 's own way of cooUBg>».nroug| by a night cooling fhn. Don't let the hest keep you awake this As the cool air Is circulated through your or apartment, the moisture on your skin evaporates faster. You feel cooler immediately... yon esnrsbuu. .you're year DEALER er Mr • y! * -