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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1948, p. 4

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PUWOEALEfl W m*.r; C\: psLi,L jffi; • Published every Thursday at Mcgenry, 111., by A. Howard Kosher. Editor--Adele Froehlich Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 111., under act of May 8, 1879. One Year $2.60 t ^rO\r{ '"T JULY MATT !**«_ YOUR MONfi. <•**$* " #••• i;#ri «> NATI AUDITORIAL. SSOCIATION course, while more than 100 teachers, board members and school administrators were present at the dinner. Roland McCannon, county superintendent of schools, stateid that 'it was one of the most worthwhile summer training programs we hare ever had in the county. All the teachers were enthusiastic about the course and we expect real improvement in our health education in the county this coming year." • * « Lady Pilot WaaV Kiwanis Club Guest About thirty membehn erf the Wonder Lake Area Kiwanis club and { their wives met at the Rolaine Grill i at Wonder Lake on Tuesday evening! for observance of Ladies Night. { Guest of the evening was Miss Fran-1 .«*s Rosenthal, a pilot for ten years, j ^who came to Woodstck in her wn j i plane and addressed the members and \ f their lady guests on the subject, I ("Women In Aviation." , ~ 1 New of medical science, re- , cently Isolated in the research laboratory and known as vitamin B12, is showing great promise in the fight against anemia diseases. Photo by Willis, Crystal Lake Pa. Sept. Plastic Bemonstration At Legion Hall Aug. 23 - j Tonyan-Dowell Tr.e Ladies' Aid of the Zion Luther-, Vows Exchanged • an church will sponsor a plastic Miss Marie Tonvan and Howard | MRS. LAWRENCE FREUND demonstration on Monday evening, Dowell, both qf McHenry, were mar- On Saturday, July 24, in a wedding ' Aup. 23. at the Legion Hall. There rjed in his home at 603 Park avenue,' service solemnized at St. Mary's will be no charge and the public is Woodstock^ last weekend. Attend-! church, McHenry, Miss Dorothy Pfan- |riwit«d to attend. ants were Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler W.! nenstill became the bride of Mr. ^ *.-.*• < Case. Lawrence (Bud) Freund. The newly* tVll Bethrothal" . : " / -l The bride chose an eggshell, wool, iweds j»«v« returned from a hooeyefRuth Lavm • l >. .street dress, with whKh she wore: moon trip and are residing at Wonder Mr. and Mrs: <?harf» J. N©rwiand;broWn and wh5te 8ccess0ries ana, Uke until their new home » «hbof Lily.. -Lake announce the engage- carried - a red rose corsage. Mrs.!P>«ted on Bistakee Bay Road. , ment and approaching -marriage of Case wa§ attired in a brown dress[ ' . " SU'eS'I'phiinS R^he^r!:t*n flying parson no#: The .weddine will take place On „ ' " • 18 in. McMenry. . . . ^ - r - • : \iaprin*» : ; ' A larpe crowd was in attendance at Of" Former * Resid«il > ? ^. ^ S .l f16 ^ssert-bridge held last Thurs-I ^Friends of Dr. and Mrs. George A2*L *£ Hess Henrv ncuncements ...... . , , , , „ son, James, to Miss Virginia Albert gjj^both*^ aphvllis° Nimtz* <Tilla* Pin* Institute in charge. Rev. Wright is fcnt v'si'00 " " "'"".SitSSll.«• the will k,»wn for .f on July 31. ^ ^ 'back, Mrs. B. Frett, Ethel Krohn, the 8ame name- Ott» Heilman rSldred Wattles, Sabina Boyle, Su- The services aire made possible by Werf Recentlv ' sanne Steinsdoerfer, Mrs. George! the co-operation of the consolidated Friends are offering coneratula- Bohr, Betty Houck, Celona Kane,; school board, members of which are tions to Ot£ Heilmaif of Wckle Gertrude Thurlwell and Mrs. M.i attempting to do all in their power Bay on his recent marriage to Miss rt - Nina Umpress of Oakland, Calif.1 The new Mrs. Heilman is still , in . _ Oakland but will arrive in McHenry. » .* n » the latter part of September. "Hie i --Vergene Fehrman of R. F, IN CHARGE OF LILT I LAKE CHURCH SERVICE The first church service under Mm *. to see that children and adults have ;a place to worship on Sunday, i A contest for attendance was .) inaugurated for those who are presb.,: ent the first eight Sundays. The couple1 wiil ^res'lde* in^West McHenry Woodstock. was hostess at a kitchen award will be a free plane ride, With Mr Hpilman'4 two daughters shower held at her home on Thurs- with children accepted only with Dorothv and Joan ! day evening of last week, honoring! their parents' consent. Rev. Wright, • • ' • .1 . Miss Doris McNeil, will become the! who has nearly 10,000 hours of fly- Dinner Held For ! bride of John T. Taylor on Aug. 14.; ing to his credit, will pilot his own Workshoo Members Bunco was enjoyed, and each time plane during the contest. The plane The Health Education Workshop <>?£ of the guests won a game, a will take off at the Johnsburg: airdemonstration school, sponsored by pft was °P«ned by the guest of Port, through the courtesy of N. L. Ml. Clinical research with this vitamin. Conducted under Dr. Spies' direction, indicates that it is highly effective in extremely small amounts against pernicious anemia, nutritional macrocytic anemia, and tropical sprue. Although another investigator refeftitly revealed the vitamin's effectiveness against pernicious anemia, it ia believed that Dr. Spies is the first to disclose its blood regenerative properties la cases of nutritional macrocytic anemia and tropical sprue. He ia much impressed with the potency of the new vitamin and states he knows of no therapeutic agent used in treating human diseases that is so effective per unit of weight as the new compound seems to be. Mrs. Albert Justen and daughter, Janice, and Donna Freund have been vacationing at Rhinelander, Wis., this, week. So reports Dr. Tom Spies, profea- Mrrs.. Frred NNiicckkeellss aanndd ssoonn,,' BBoobb,,4 •or of nutrition and metabolism and "*v* returned home after spending chairman of the department in the ?,lx. w®pks visiting in the home or Northwestern University medical school, In the Southern Medical Jourtheir daughter and sister, Mrs. Fre Krohn, Jjr.. in Camp Carson, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards of Hebron and Mr. and Mrs. William Osborn of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the hortie of Kate 'and Tom McLaughlin. Miss iLucille Nickels and Jimmy Conway were Chicago callers on Friday. v Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Dowe and family and Miss Ann Paluch visited Sister Adulfa at Milwaukee, Wis., on Sunday, where the latter has been attending summer school. She la returning to Decatur for the winter months. Ben Bonslett of Chicago visited Mrs. Simon Stoflel on Tuesday. Miss Joan Tracy of Indianapolis, Ind., has been spending this week with Joan Reihansperger. > Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harbst, daughter, Emily, and son, Williartv, Go slowly when you drive, go slowly when you choose an automobile fiwsnm'ng plan ••• Ask us about the advantagettd$ oui Bank Automobile Loan Plan. t' i T® : ,' --••••j, «"u bud, wuiiam, The research with vitamin B12 was ,and the latter s daughter, Carol Ann, carried oh co-operatively by the de- | and Leo Sebastian TO Chicago were partment of nutrition and metabol- j supper guests in the home of Mrs. ism of Northwestern medical school, Diedrich on Sunday, the nutrition clinic of the Hillman . Mr- an.d. Mrs- Nick Bertrang of hospital, Birmingham, Ala., and the General Calixto Garcia hospital of Havana, Cuba. Associated with Dr. Spies in the research were Dr. Robert E. Stone and Dr. Tomas Aramburu at the Hillman hospital, and Drs. Guillermo G. Lopez, Fernando --^ --w. --Hflf v*- Aurora visited relatives in McHenry a few days the past week. Mrs. Margaret Hafner of Grass Lake spent a few days the first or the week visiting Mrs. Anna Adams. Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago and daughter, Doris, of New York' v». City, vmisoiutecdu in tihoec hnuommee o0f1 Mmrrss,. Milanes, and Ruben L. Toca of the Simon Stoffel a few days the past Havana Institution. Safety Rules to Remember Regarding Medicine Chest COMING EVENTS week. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Mrs. Zena Bacon, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon of Round Lake, left Monday noon for Carroll, Ia., to' August 12 attend funeral services for a nephew, Bast River Road Pinochle Percy Davis, who died in a Carroll Miss Rose Huemann. » " Member Federal Reserve System g Mwwber Federal Deposit lnSgrar.ee Cornoratis^ | >rr wATtfus • Yotif MON«a St Lily Lake Bicyclists I Recover From Club- Northern Illinois State Teachers' col- honor. " ~ ; Heinz, owner. lege, was completed last week after j A decorated :cak4 formed the1 Services will be held weekly, with a month's intensive course.. Bring- • centerpiece on the" luncheon table, j extra features included .such as ing the pleasant course to a close: tasty refreshments being served at movies, gospel games and bands from was a dinner held at Fritrel's Lodge; the close of the evening. |the Institute. There will also be at Crystal Lake on Thursday evening * * » a technicolor sound picture, "God of for teachers who took the course Anton Meyer Creation," now being shown from and for board members of the schools Family Reunion i coast to coast and in England. they represented. Those from McHen- A reunion of the Ahtgp Meyer! Everyone is welcome to attend the ry to enjoy the dinner, and social family was held at the city' park last i services. evening were C. H. Duker, Elmer Saturday, with a pot-luck dinner be-j Freund, Joanne Rulien, Genevieve ing served at noon and the afternoon A _ . . . " .. Knox, Dorothy Gibbs, Winifred Hoi-, hours spent in visiting. Present at Peter KftfTlinSlnS OpCT&te den, Lenore Cooley, Kathryn Conway, the gathering were Mr. and Mrs. i Cabin Business In WfefiOflflht and Thelma Douglas. Henry Berendsen and son, iFr. Henry I 1,1 W1SC0™"» Forty-nine teachers completed the Berendsen and Miss Regina Mies of! . i Green Bay, Wis.; Mrs. Jacob R. Jus- Along with a request for a yearly ten of Waukegan; the Fred Meyers ^^"jpUon to the Plaindealer oune family of Spring Grove; the William pA L * week from Mr. and Mrs. N. Freund and Ben Stilling families1, » ,aminj ' f°rme,;ly of McCuland Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young of lom LakeJ?nd now. re«d»>K in Wis- Jchnsburg; the Joe P. Miller, Jacob ?ons?n; maintain cabins for F. Justen and Hubert Freund fam- t<^u"®ts on V- 1 51- m,les south G«mUu Dtflim DUNGAREES Catton T-SHIRTS ilies of McHenry. of Minocqua, in the heart of the re- • sort contry. The Kaminskis, happy ; in their new home, expressed their [desire to have the weekly news sent to them for another year as they old friends Entertain At Bon Voyage Party A Bon Voyage party was held at ^joyed" reading"'ataut the home of Mrs,- Roy Miller on and neighbors. Grand avenue last Saturday after- r . ., . - . - noon, with about twenty guests pres- • VI r<^e months they have enjoyed ent to say farwell to Miss Mary ^ from the following folks from Harvey, who left on Tuesday for ? "rea: Mr. and Mrs. G. Harker Hawaii, where she will teach in a .®r?; William Ames of kindergarten. Mrs. Miller and Miss ®*c^ullom Lake. H. Cole, Mrs. Frank Patricia Harvey had luncheon with I An,dfrs®n ®nd. f.ai?,1.y Carl 0bertheir sister at the Palmer House on! ^ . T».Cry8taI Iiake' Mr" and Mra- Tuesday prior to her leaving for i «ra and 8°" a"d Mr.' and California by plane. Before becom-; w , Hager *nd daughter of ing employed in the office of Mont-| stoc * gomery Ward in Chicago two years Harvey taught kinder-. *rten in Lake Forest and Janesville, j SPEED GREATEST VACATION WAgaftTi SATS SAFETY LEADER As a sip from the wrong bottle can Hospital last Saturday" after an prove fatal, two main rules to re- extended illness. member regarding the family medi- | Mrs. Helen McAuliff, Mrs. Walter cine chest are (1* keep poisons away iPidgeon and Donna and Sharon Mcend (2) discard leftover medicines as AuljlF of Chicago spent several days soon lip use of them has been stop- I the past week in tne Walter Brooks ; home. Aucwft 13 Plastic Demonstration--Legion Hall-- A°., lr respective homes Sponsored by Ladies' Aid of Zion week« very 'ortunafce Lutheran church. , J* ™v? ® narrow escape In which their bicycles were struck by Bobby Bitterman, 13, and . Cartan, 11, both of Lily Cake, returned to their respective homes church August 18 ped. Most adults are careful enough to LrJh(B M®?88<a2d ^na Stoffel keep medicine chests high enough to : Chica caller8 ^"ThursXJ61" W®re be out of reach of small children, but | Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese and Aurost 18 "*"v" wivjviw wen; striu Style Review -- Sponsored by St an T^t°. * few day! pr®viouf- Mary's-St. Patrick^ School P. T. A.', T ,two returning to --Villa Hotel Resort. Lake from a farm north of a < ftCAUr K A7» Wlf in fhA OVAMIMM lily there they sleepily reach for something in the middle of the night. Always turn the light on when getting something August IS i *kout 8 o'clock in the evening wnea a D. of A. Picnic--Bohner's Lake. a car; con?in? towanl them on the 4. , - ' | *wio. vyiairnve AnKiese ana i Aucaftt 22 j gravel road, struck them. Both were the ?*xfl a" [daughter, Kathleen, left Sunday for a j Picnic for Legion Carnival Workers-- rughed the Woodstock hospital, srrabbing- the wrong bottles when week's trip into northern Wisconsin. V F W Park--4 n m j where Bobby was found to be sufferthey Edwin P. Walsh of Chicago visited1 August 23 in* from internal injuries and Eddie Mrs. Jack Walsh on Sunday. {Snetallation rof Legion Officers-- from knee and hiP injuries, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond^ Whiting j Legion Hall. j -- fio, ' a ! METHODIST CHURCH NOTES a n r r r t o t h e a b s e n c e o f t h e m i n i s t e r ®J ^ 4 fV. Rosary Sodality no church serices are beinic held next llgllb VII WXICXi gctuug BUUieUlUlg 4»10. AVAjf 1ZI4JX1U TVIHUnf out of the medicine chest, as all bot- .of 'Lake Geneva visited relatives in I ties feel alike. McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Edith Hayes On, good method I. to tightly UM ,'hS» on the top. of potaon bottlM with & ' Ctorraoe Whrting double-knotted cord. This makes | Mr. and Mrs. George Kane ana opening the bottle difficult enough to Miss Mayme Buss visited in the cause even the sleepiest person to glance at the label. Boric acid, vaseline, a good ointment for burns and aromatic spirits of ammonia are considered good standbys to have on hand for emer . ai_ y cnurcn being 1 of St. Patrick's church. . Sunday, Aug. 15. While Sunday at IaIm'. *» ii ! School was conducted last week, none St Johns Carnival--Nells BaUroom.iwiU be held this week. However. AAnnnnuuaall Fall Festival -- Chris*t• t4.hU e iubsoutha l soenrv iAc«u8g . w22il.l be resumed «i King Church, Wonder Lake. Mike Lavelle home at Streator on Sunday. Mrs. John Sherman and daughter, Catherine, of- Chicago spent the WSd i" Wamard Doherty, , _ spenta fewda^latJweek w^hS ^ W'IIiam R enlist- prayers and visits during the toS aunt and«uncle, the WaTter R^k, !?d..ln..th,e arn?y, air corP» ®t Elgin I was_ confined to the hospital. I CARD OF THANK8 IN ARMY AIR CORPS In this way I would like to express • Barnard son of Mr. and my thanks to friends for carda. FRANCES JUNG. gcnciea. Adhesive tape and sterile I , .. . „ - fauze might also be placed in the Mr. and Mrs. John Lanir and cif* Jre€^t .an<i 18 now stationed at appreciated these ^njany kindnesses, medicine cheat. But remember thst daughter, Inga, returned Sunday from b*nr Antomo. Texas. pftcr ther wrapper is broken, the a few weeks' vacation . spent in gauze is no longer sterile. j Hollywood, Calif. --L-1L I Mr. and Mrs. John Murtaugh spent Animal* Linked to Straage Disease i ?f,tui'5la,y Chicago, where they I attended their reception following the marriage of Miss Catherine Mary Physicians, veterinarians, and pubHanrahan and Frank John Meyer. lic health workers are joining forces The reception, held at the bride's to crack the mystery of an insici-! home, followed the wedding in the cus malady called Q fever. It gets its j morning at St. Gaul's church. Mrs. name from Queensland, in Australia i Meyer is the daughter of B. J. Hanv. here it was first reported as a dis- j rahan traffic manager of Cunto eesa of the human family. In the j Press, Inc. United States, the first outbreak was j Mr. and Mrs. John Reed, Miss Theresa Mergen and Miss Mary McAuley spent several days the Dsnimi Art Sturdy Yap quality Sanforixad d«nln strong at iron. Coppm riMk, 3 podwte. 10 n <t| *•»? ^ T-Shirts Ai* Tops IUl cotton wMi Aort <»•»»«, i»w Mb «odb *7Qp . Ofcrfu« itripM. SML , and up GcimMed Authorised Dealer GEO. OOLLETTE, Owner Phone 459 523 Mala Stoeet West McHeary COMPETES AT FESTIVAL Warren Jones, 600 MillvSt., Mc-1 6 ---- Henry dramatic tenor, will be among! Short-cut to greater safety on the more than 500 vocalists competing j nation's streets^ and highways is sane in the nineteenth annual Chicagoland traffic regulations on speed limits Music Festival. If he wins m the i f.n<* their rigid enforcement--but a preliminaries Aug. 13 and in the j "ttle personal regulation and sanity semi-finals the morning of Aug. 14, j behind the wheel will go even further | he will appear before some 95,000 in: t° wipe out the tragic annual traffic the finals at the Festival concert injdeath toll, Soldiers' field that night. • .{ That is the opinion of Julien H. Harvey, nationally-known safety worker and manager of the accident prevention department, association of Casualty and Surety companies. Mr. Harvey praised the effort of New York state legislators who are spon? soring a bill which would set a 40- mile-an-hour speed limit for all motor vehicles during holiday weekends. The bill setes an ideal pattern for use in all states, he said. Four big motoring holidays take the largest slice of credit for death and mutilation in traffic accidents, and speed is the lhajor factor behind the slaughter. The four deadly holidayji are: Memorial Day( when 404 persons were killed this year), Inde- ! pendence Day, Labor Day, find the Christmas-New Year holiday, i "If every citizen would sttidy the | statistics of America's unfortunate ! accident record, "Mr. Harvey dei clared, "he would not have to be an j expert to recognize instantly that ; the greatest single cause of traffic ; fatalities is speed. With an unpre- | cedented number of automobiles on 1 our highways, and drivers all dashing about in holiday moods, something must be done to ease the hazard of the fatal weekends." But until such beneficial regulations as the one proposed in New York state are passed everywhere, and even after the main responsibility for safe driving remains with the individual behind the wheel. Mr. Harvey warns motorists who would stay alive to travel at safe speeds, observe existing traffic regulations and apply the Golden Rule on the road reported a little over two years ago, In Texas. Later, there was an epidemic among packinghouse workers in Chicago, and more recently It broke out in two areas of California. Q fever does not kill many of its victims, but it causes high fever and prolonged disability. Animals are thought to be the major source of this infection, but they never seem to exhibit active symptoms. The germs cf Q fever have been found in apparently healthy cattle, as well as ty sheep, goats, and many species of wild animals. Dr. James H. Steele, chief veterinarian of the U. 8. public healtl} service, says teat in the future "we may fln3 this disease in practically every animal on the western plains and in the East as well." * 1* CARD OF THANKS Aeids Usually Useful We would like to take this oppor- Most people think of acids as tunity to thank merchants and others harsh, burning substances found in the community for donations and only in poisons. But, as World Book ' co-operation in helping to make the encyclopedia points out, acids are Orchard Beach party such a grand among the most useful chemicals. Without acids, man's health would suffer, Ids industries would lie idle and even his automobiles would not operate. success •13 ORCHARD BEACH ASSN. Complete line of Beefee livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, lb- Henry. 84f past week visiting at the Dells in | Wisconsin. , Mrs. Mary Dibler of Woodstock visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Nickels, a few days last week. u £.ick B- freund, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson* M*. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Oscar Berg attended a meeting of uieir bunco club, held a meeting of eek 8*er ^arr in Ringwoo<|_ last Mrs. Anna Phalln of ThonAy, Ala., arrived last Thursday for a visit with McHenry relatives. Miss Dorothy McAuley returned to her home in Chicago last week after visiting for leveral weeks with her jsister, Mies Mary McAuley. Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak Park and Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake spent the weekend in the home of their parents, the Martin Conways. 0MrB. Ray McGee, Mrs. R. M. Fleming, Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Julia K« ( | I 4 I t l l 'l 11 11111 M'l I 111 I H it I I I H I| I I|I .| | H 111 I 1 1 1 1 1 M || Garden and Hobby Show|| THEWWfSWSl* fORMGNIHSl PLASTIC CURLERS pua tsx IT'S NEW Toni Creme Shampot 4 01.jA.954 1-OZ.TUSC 49« Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 40 McHENRY* ILL. XE8IDENGE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Glaason have moved into the upper apartmeif? In the Lauers building on Front street. The Ira K. Fuller have moved from an apartment in the Kempfer place on Court street to the home at Wonder Lake vacated by the Gerald Alletags. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lombard havp moved from the Frey place at Pistakee Bay to Florida. The Joseph Wagner family has moved from Island Lake to Lake View subdivision. Present Day Timber Thrift "Prelogging" and "relogging" are words coming into use In Northwest forestry in connection with closer use of all the wood Jrom forest areas. In "prelogging" of a stand of big timber, an attempt is made to remove the small trees and low-grade suppressed trees of the principal species in advance of the main cutting of the large-diameter trees. In the old style logging, many of these trees would be shattered by the fall of the heair trunks in the main logging operation. Pre-logging salves some small saw timber, but more Of poles, posts and pulp wood. Twtaa |a Uganda •rrtvel of twins la such a rare event In Uganda that Am occasion Is made a festival. Francis, at Farnsworth, Great Lakes,1 on Saturday. 1 Dally Use for Sliver Best care for table silver is daily use. Keep the silver used regularly free of tarnish from day to day in- "•»' ««. r iuyu stead of waiting until many pieces ^5° ,and r,^rs" Kent attended need attention. If the tines of forks j ^ Geneva Flower Show last a n d t h e b o w l s o f s p o o n s b e g i n t o s h o w * T . . . . „ . . . . , tarnish, clean them when doing the -Mrs: Lll,ian Cox V1«ted her son, dishes Always use a clean soft cloth. wj,en applying*silver polish. Rub silver length wis • ther than crosswise, never with a circular motion. A small brush to get at parts the polishing cloth cennot reach is helpful for ornamented designs Rinse silver in hot, soapy water, and polish dry. Don't be alarmed if tiny scratches appear th& first time you polish your silver. In time. polishing will give the silver thet soft luster which is typical qf old and cherished silverware. Home Bureau Planning Several Autumn Events on FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 at '.H. * P. *«% -*\f an.. FLOWEB AND STYLE SHOW. 4 and 8 p. m. No admission charge : Refreshment® -- Entertainment -- Bake Sale ;: »••«•»'KM-i HI HI HI I 111 111 I I iMIWI mi II- t'M. {••!•» The clothing construction to be held this fall with Mrs. Elsie Butler, formerly with the extension service University of Illinois, in. charge, are still not quite filled, county Home Bureau members who would like to take advantage of this opporturity to learn the newest method of clothing construction should send their enrollment fee to the office at once. There will be three classes, lasting four hour? each, and will possibly be held Oct. 25, Nov. 8 and Nov. 14. Celeste Carlyle, stylist from Chicago, has been scheduled by the Home Bureau to give four lectures, each a different one, this fall. These lectures are to be held October 4, 19, 28 and Nov: 12, and will be held at different places in the county. The public will be invited to attend one or all of the lectures. African Violate African violets should bloom the 1 year round If they get lots of water j •nd a consistent amoun. of sun. | The first Retired Burton Farmer Laid To Rest Tuesday j i. " n ' j Earl E. Swanson, Burton town-! ship retired farmer, died on Satur-! day, Aug. 7, at his farm home. Sur-! vivors include the widow, Ida; his ( mother, Mrs. Anna Swanson; two sisters %nd three brothers. - Funeral services were held on; Tuesday at Peace Lutheran church,! Wilmot, Wis., the Rev. R. P. Otto officiating . Intertnent was In Wilmot , grapre vines .i.n. Europe « , were planted on the Rhine River by Ton! Permanent Wave Kits, $1.25'the Kin# Maif^ in 842 and 12.00. Wattles Drug Store. 86-tf A. dT^ I C E CREAM FLAVORS FOR AUGUST : real peach TOASTED HAZELiNUT , Q1XX)A NUT-PINEAPPLE VANILLA NEAPOLITAN BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 /-. * MiMis XcHENRY *\

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