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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1948, p. 4

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- % TH)8 KcHZNSY PUUKDSALKH THE M'HEWIY PUUNDEALER » Published every Thursday at Mclenry, 111., by A. Howard Mosher. Editor--Adele Froehlkh Entered as second-class matter at the postoffiee at McHenry, 111., under act of May 8, 1B79. One Year $2.50 LCDITORIALSSOCIATION Woodman hall m West McHenry ) Sutton. R.J. Sutton, Hugh Morris! HILLE&-F&EUND VOWB Following a business meeting, cards'and Bob Peterson. >CTflVAita*B AV A TT/1 OK will be played. Members are in- Invited guests who were not able W AWtf. *0 viti^l to bring guests. There will be;to be present were Mr. and Mrs. AT ST. JOHN'S OHUROU a small charge. ^ 4 , •» * Bob Hoelscher, James Perkins, Mrs. | • • V- •>: |E. R. Sutton 1^ I^ciU. tojffw| A nrJ weddlni Kni« TH«o aMie MB u<rTe*aNuT 7 " - ' IS"N"Dj MLar.v earnnd Mi? rs. F2x?na aku «Wr esson o*f was solemnized lMaMst, w«e«ek Wednesday, n. The Ringwood unit of the Home Greenwood. e e ' ' ' Bureau will meet -at - $he - heme of i .» .j ». «» * Mrs. J. T. McNeil at 1:80 on the „ £» afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 7, Lesson Honored At Shower A will be on health, given by Mrs. L. Miss Mercedes StiUing, who will B. Wheelock, and Lesson B will be become thebnde of 1Robert Criehton Illinois State Parks, one-day va- Rockford on Sept. 4, was guest cations and the festival at Cham- !®£ 1j,0"°F at * miscellaneous snower infj rwumni uiiut; _ paign, members of the group par- last at . « Henry Stilling! g°wn Qf gijpper satin with all-over ticipating and Mrs. Zion P. Baker, home on Richmond Road. Hostesses; bodice and sleeves. The dress leading. .. 2"%"™ KT°un«'rf .w,llow-t.il effect pep- Ait Stilling, Mrs. Leo King and Mrs. ,|um amj a jonfif vent the trimming of i' 1?™^' i which was similar to the lace of the Aug. 25, at St. John's church, Johnsburg. when Miss Bernice Hiller, daughter of Mr. and vMns. William JHiller of Johnsburg, cfid Mr. Harold Fipund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund of McHenry were married. Rev. Fr. A. J. Neidert officiated at the 9:80 o'clock ceremony. The radiant bride was attired in a . Members are reminded to pay their dues for this year. Mothem Club Opens Season The Mothers-club will open the fall season at its meeting oh Friday, Sept. 10, to be held in the Legion hall. All members are requested to be pi-esent as a report will be made on. the summer activities. n # • • • V ' ; / r Adams Infant " ; ' ' v ^ . Bsbtized Sunday K < The infant dau^iter ' and Mrs. Clarence Adams of Ringwood was christened. "Linda, Marie" at baptismal services held at 11 o'clock at St. Mary's church last Sunday. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix officiated at the ceremony. Sponsors for the , baby were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schaefer. Following the sqrvice dinner was served at the Adams home. • •" * • « Pinochle Onb At Diets Home Mrs. Ben Dietz was hostess to the East River Road pinochle club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Thonneson, Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. W. Stuermann and Mrs. B. Juerjens. Mrs. Juerjens will entertain the group next on Sept. 9. Mrs. Rolf call will be answered by stat-, *rt stl^ ing "What I think I do well/' ;C1*™.n5e . . . Thirty-six guests from Rockford, Lake Geneva, Richmond, Spring Grove and McHenry were present to r«.nt.mi>v ri«K i enjoy an evening of pinochle and w n u . e '<1 Ib unco. Prizes in the former were -Trvh, e next meeting off «thv,eo Jionvh,n„sc- 1 awarded to Mrs. Rosemary Young, M LoueUa May Mrs. Martha burg Community Club w.ll be heh at Miner and Mrs. Lorraine Pitzen, Nell s ^*l'rTOm on Tuesday evening, wjjjje in bunco th were merited Sept 7. The following men **lby- Miss Terrv Phalin> Miss Betty Sc mith, xWxFalut er Sa miitthh , &NoTrbelrft' sSmmSith !, Miller, Miss Junilla Freund and Mrs. F1. 'r Miller Walter M. Smith&hnutt. I Migg Stiliing wa8 aiso honored at . [another shower held at the Criehton Sutton Reunion 'home in Rockford recently, with Miss Held On Sundav Mary and Miss Irene . Criehton as The annual Sutton family reunion j hostesses. and gathering of old friends wast --- held on Sunday at the Sutton home- j ---y,- imvsvs'v stead in Emerald Park, with a large MISS THERESE PHALIN crowd in attendance. Guests were] ANT) A JOHN 20IA WED ^ present from Chicago, River Forest, iyr.tjiji»ny « i 'PTT1>T| a V Wheaton, Elgin, Huntley, Woodstock,' III WCHElTKx SATURDAx Crystal Lake, and McHenry. A de-i licious picnic dinner was served on the lawn, with the afternoon spent in games and visiting. * • • Prrty For -- Bride-To-Be A beautiful late summer wedding took place last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Patrick's church when Miss Mary Therese Phalin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Phalin of 109 Richmond Road, MclisPP 7, mpteatter *,1948 m FAA Photo by A. Worwlck, MoHenrv School of Dancing Will Open Soon In Young people, from the little tots on up, will be interested to learn that the Marjjorie Young School of Dancing will open in McHenry later this month. Miss Young, a resident of Petite Lake, for several years has been conducting her school of dancing at Antioch and at Fox Lake. She is well qualified for her teaching role, having studied at some of the best known schools in the country. She took ballet work at the Gladys Height school of Dancing in | Chicago and with Bernice Holmes in! New York City. Much of her acrobatic training was with the Jack Mac school of dancing in . New York. Registration for lessons will be held in St. Patrick's church hall on Thursday, Sept. 16. Miss Young will instruct in dancing, ballet, tap, acrobatic and personality singing. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Friends and relatives gathered on Henry, became the bride of Mr. A. John Zoia, son of the Charles D. Zoias of 453 W. Judd street, Wood One of the most impressive rites Of the Christian church was -administered last Sunday during the morning worship to the two children Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rourke of Mc- Cullom Lake. As the congregation stood in reverent silence, Cynthia Ann and John Francis, ages 4 and 7, were baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the. Holy Spirit. As the congregation heard the vows made by the parents to instruct, train and lead these children by precept and example into the love of God and service of Christ, it was forcefully brought to mind that theirs was a like res^onsidress. Her headpiece consisted of, bility toward all children. orange blossoms and calla lilies and Following the Sacrament of Bapstock. Rev. Fr. Edward A. Coakley, roses, she wore a necklace that had be- tism, two members were received longed to her grandmother. Her,into the church fellowship: Miss *»ridal bouquet was fashioned of white ' Louanne Howorka of Wonder Lake and Mrs. Bertha Johnson of Emerald * a Fox River Valley •' Camp Meets Sept. 7 Fox River Valley Camp, No. 3251, R. N. A., will meet at 7:30 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Sept. 7, at the the E. R. Sutton lawn last Satur day evening to honor Miss Mary Sutton and Howard Wesson, who will be married on Sept. 11. A social evening was enjoyed, with all the guests taking part in a hot dog roast. The couple was presented: The altar before which they spoke I over skirt and lace peplum. She i the pastor and the congregation. with several electrical appliances to! their vows was" attractively decorated! wore a picture hat and carried a Mrs. Donald Blount was the soloist be used in their new home now under j with bouquets of white gladioli. Mrs. bouquet of fuchsia. Miss Norma] of the morning, singing "I Shall Not construction in Greenwood. ! Carl AVeber presided as organist and) Hiller, a cousin, served as brides- Pass Again This Way," by Effinger, A TRIBUTE TO INDUSTRIAL SKILL JLabor Day Is s«t apart taiionor tha , .iv- - ' V T'.j ^ - rV ---workor throughout the land.* Vim :|oin in this tribute by observing the holiday--Monday, September 6th. J I S^AcHENRY STATE BANK ^ Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Jmmrar.ec Corporatioa % PUBLISHER'S HOLIDAY j Large, matrons' hats in Jalack or* Publisher and Mrs. A. H. Mosher;any of the other lovely fall colora^. accompanied by Don Eck of Chicago,1 Come in today and select yours. read the nuptial services and Rev.; Miss Estelle Hiller, sister of the I Park Subdivision. The right hand of I DJ-K' Fr. William Regnier sang the nup- bride, acted as maid of honor, attired fellowship was extended to these new A«Rnci»tLn «nH iGreen street, Mctial mass. in a yellow taffeta dress with net j members as they were welcomed by j f^w^days^'well*1 e^rned^acatron1 at'Henry* - i i i.,_ ok. i tho nc.tnr on j tho f*w u"ys wen earnea vacation at New Orleans, La., this past week. lfr Bach ^lo- School --Pn>«pnt >t fhr nartv m addition ®ar* Ccnway sang four'vocal selec- maid, attired in a gown similar to to the two hostesses, Miss Gertrude "O Promise^ Me," "Ave Maria," that of the maid of honor except of Sutton and Mrs. Bob Peterson, were "Pa"is ^g,eli{rf us" an,f "0n This- Day o^id color. She carried a bouquet Robert E. Sutton, Sr., Robert E. j0 ®ea"tlfu 1 1 Mother. of fuchsia glads also. Sutton, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bob .. lhe lo*ely ^nue B,€tty Lou Hiller, cousin of the Belzer, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.i !vory .^atl?. *n^a»;.ced .with IChanti.ly' bride, was the lovely flower girl, William E. Sutton of May wood; Mr. ^ce> th,e s^,rt .cndmK in a lon? •"»»>• wearing a Nile green dress and and Mrs. Charles Mansfield 0f Her only Jfwelry was a pearl neck- carrying a colonial bouquet. Winder Lake* Mr. and Mrs. Earl ace" a °f the bridegroom, andj Best man was Glen Peterson, Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen, she. carried a bouquet of white car- friend of the groom, and ushers were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Conway, Miss Le- na*">ns. centered with an orchid. nore Frisby, Melvin Walsh, Mr. and . V?e , bri.de 8 attendants, gowned Mrs. Joe J. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. 18,m,larly in seafoarn green satin, Thomas Thonneson, Mr. and Mrs. ™ere Mlsf Dorothy Freund of Mc- George E. Frisby, Arthur Martin, Henry, close friend of the bride, E R Sutton anH son* Charles and ma,d °* honor; Miss Kathleen Zoiai which she wore a rose corsage. The Thomas, Miss Shirley Weber, William i of.^®ods^ck' si8t®F °* .the groom, groom's mother wove a plum-colored land the Misses Julia Foley of Mc- dress and a similar corsage. Henry and Miss Nancy Richards of | Following the wedding a recep They left McHenry Thursday morn ing and arrived home this Tuesday. | Plaindealer. Order your rubber stamps at The- Norbert Hiller and Victor Freund, brothers of the bride and groom respectively. Mrs. Hiller chose for her daughter's wedding a dark print dress with Next Sunday Mrs. John Pohlman wiH be soloist and Mrs. Keith Foster will be at the organ. All are j cordially welcome to worship with us at the 10:45 hour, and bring j your friends. ' AUXILIARY NOTES / rn i LLC rt THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPT. 2-3-4 In W»o«»J by <KO --Also-- TinlVkECKov WeHevctli * esiuaiu HCTUII The McHenry unit of the Amer-j Wauwatosa, Wis., cousins of thejticn was held at St. Mary's-St. Pat- jican Legioiv Auxiliary met recently, i bride, as bridesmaids. All wore pink| ricks' school hall for 175 relatives! at which time Miss Dorothy Justen! mitts and carried old fashioned1 and friends of the couple. Mr. and: spoke to the group on her experience1 - ANNOUNCEMENT - Riverside Bake Shop will be closed from Sept. 7 through Sept. 13. Will open Tuesday, Sept. 14. RICHARD JAGER, Owner. Mrs. Freund then left on a honey- and training received at Girls State moon trip through the South, after i held at Jacksonville. She described which they will live, for the present, in detail the schedule for the 360 with the groom's parents. \ girls from the day's beginning at, bouquets of pastel asters. Their head bands matched their bouquets. Theodore W. Wett of Woodstock served as best man, while ushers, were James A. Zoia of Woodstock, I The bride is employed at the Ed-j 6:30 a. m. until lights out at 10:30 Peter Richards of Wauwatosa and j wal Laboratories, Inc., in Ringwood,' p. m. Maurice Foley of McHenry. Acolytes while the groom, a graduate of the| Mrs. Harold Vance, as committeewere Charles Zoia, Jr., and John! local high school, aids -his father«in woman for the Girl Scout troop 1 Dunham of Woodstock, Martin Foley! the operation of his farm'. , and John J. Bolger of McHenry. I - --5 * A reception followed the service in St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall, j MISS JOANNE STREVER, where dinner was served to 250! MP. JAMES KRELLE WED 1 guests. Later in the afternoon punch, TW « a mTTnn . 1 and wedding cake were served. {IN MISSOURI SATURDAY For her daughter's wedding Mrs. | Phalin chose a brown ensemble and a | The many McHenry friends of Miss I corsage of Talisman roses. Mrs. Joanne Strever, daughter of Mr. and ; Zoia s dress was fuchsia and her ac- Mrs. Merwin Strever of Arcadia, cessories were black. She wore a; Mo., former McHenry residents, will sponsored by the unit, presented a ( flag to Penny Fike, the troop's president. SUN., MON„ SEPT. 54 TUBs, WJSD., THURS., SEPT. 7-§-» John Wayne Henry Fonda " -- Shirley Temple in "FORT APACHE" white rose corsage. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1945 tnd attended t«e I'niversity of Illinois. Mr. Zoia was graduates from St. Mary's high school in Wood White Lamp Shades Best Dark lamp shades absorb light. The sajme bulb will give 50 per -cent more light with a white or Ivory shade. be interested to learn of her marriage to Mr. James Krelle of Chicago on; Henry. Saturday, Aug-. 28. The Rev. Bartley of. Ironton Methodist church officiated at the service, which took place at the Strever home, Seco Manor, in Complete line of Beeibe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mc- 8-tf stock andAattended the University of Arcadia, before a fireplace banked Illinois. At present Lh e is a senior a^t green, with baskets of white Western State college, Macomb, where they will reside. Miss Phalin chose for her traveling ensemble a brown outfit with gold accessories. Noted Style Expert Will Lecture In McHenry County 6in atid mums at each side. The charming bride given in marriage by her father, was attired in a suit of dove grey faille, with which ahe wore a pink hat.and an orchid eorsage. ^ Her maid of honor was her'sister, Miss Sue Strever, who chose a grey ballerina dres%. ana a corsage of pink roses. The McHenry county Home Ba Norman Oltendorf of Palentine,t a ^fa.u haPP,y to announce that j friend of the groom, served as best Celeste Carlyle, noted style and man. beauty expert, has consented to appear in this county for a series of lectures this fall. The bride's mother chose a black crep* dress and wore a corsage of pink roses, while the groom's mother At each session she will talk on a^as attired in a blue and white print] different topic, all based on some! dress and a corsage of pink roses, phase of good grooming. Miss Car- j After a short wedding trip, the lyle will illustrate her talks with j couple will be at home in Rogers Chalk drawings. She may also Park. demonstrate some of her suggestions! Miss Strever is a graduate of the by using volunteer models from the McHenry high school with the class ALL WOOL SWEATERS Boxy pull overs and Cardigans in Red, Navy, Royal, Brown and Green. Sixes 32-44 $2.98 to $4.98 " audience. Miss Carlyle will come to McHenry i county on the following dates: Oct. ! 4, 19,. 28, and Nov. 12. Definite i places have not been decided on, j but it is presumed that these lectures I will be held in the various high j school auditoriums. Watch for further information. Brother Of Mrs. Hausworth [Suffered Fatal Heart Attack of 1946, having been chosen the outstanding student that year to receive the American Legion award. She continued her study of music in Aurora following graduation. Those from here who attende<Lthe edding were Miss Alida Page, Miss Mary Douglas and the Misses Cathe rine and Beverly Schwerman, the first three named, having been classmates of the bride. 1 PLAID SKIRTS Jlfc Aye Lassie! A real buy for a Scotchman. Scotch plaids in a grand selection of colors in your favorite style. Sixes 24-32 $4.95 to $6.95 GvunMil Ike Friend^ Astharised Dealer GEO. COLLETTE. Owner Phone 401 S2S Main 8traet McHenry. in. SINGLES '"WILLIAM TELL OVERTURE" "MAYBE YOU'LL BE THERE" by Gordon Jenkins "MAHARAJAH OF MAGADOR" "LOVE SOMEBODY" "YOU CALL EVERYBODY DARLIN'" "RAMBLIN* ROSE" TWELFTH STREET RAG" "MY HAPPINESS** "irs MAGIC " Come in and hear Mr sensational long-playing ColasMa records that play ap to forty-flve miaataa. Also large selection of albaau, classical and popular numbers. Select your noodles here.! Join our record dab. £&Z^OHH Qewebuf, 514 W. Main Street. McHenry TeL McHenry 12M Thomas M. Brown, 63, of Chicago, a brother of Mrs. J. E. Hausworth, MARRIED SATURDAY Filmore J. Franchi of Antioch an# Marilyn R. Rippberger of Round of Maywood, a former McHenry resi- Lahe were married by Rev. Wayne dent, died unexpectedly last Satur- Price in a 7:80 o'clock service perday, Aug. 28, of a heart attack. He formed in the McHenry Community was taken ill while playing golf in Methodist chureh last Saturday eve- Elgin and died a short time later, niny, Aug. 28. McHenry, Illinois FBI. - SAT. Cary Grant Myraa Loy 'MR. BLANDING BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE** SUN. • MON* SEPT. 5-« : All Star Caat Fred Maeftturray - James Stewart Paulette Goddard - Henry Fonda Dorothy Lamour - Victor Moore t "ON OUR MERRY WAY" Also - World News ft Cartoon after being admitted to Sherman hospital. Mr. Brown had been a radio announcer for many years. The deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Lily Brown, of Crystal Lake; two sisters, Mrs. Hausworth and Mrs. Ed. L. Coffee of Crystal Lake; one brother, Major E. N. Brown, of Manila, Philippine Islands. • Services were held at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning from the Querhammer funeral home in Crystal Lake, the Rev. Donald E. Piatt, pastor of St. Mary's By-The-Lake Episcopal church officiating. Burial was in All Saint cemetery near DesPlains. Playful New Yorik Mow York City had more pool parlors and bowling alleys before the war than all of New England and nearly as many as the entire group of South Atlantic states. Complete line of Lee's pdtdtry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Beautiful , fall colors in a fine, new selection of smart new hats. Elisabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. ltsoc-p * PLAN WEDDING A marriage license was issued in Woodstock this past week to Clara Schmunk of McHenry and William Dreyer of Forest Park. Mr. Dreyer is a grandson of Mrs. Minnie Block, of this city. ISSUPD LICENSE A marriage license was issued in Chicago this past week to Bert Farn of Chicago and Betty Hinriclu of McHenry. ' 101k Should be kept to a cold part et the electric refrigerator. It never Should be left on the table for long periods while cdoklng or eating. TUESDAY (For 3 Days) Dana Andrews • Gene Tierney "THE IRON CURTAIN** 8 A" Parker 51 Pen Is Ideal For School Personalize it by having your name placed thereon in. gold 01 silver letters at no extra charge. Parker Pens from $12.50 to $15 barker Pen and Pencil from $17.50 to $22.50 Superchrome Ink I. bottle 50c Main St. Phone 123-J McHenry Sam Fioretto, chairman of the carnival aftd^festival at Lilymoor on Sept. 4, 5 and 6 at Club Lilymoor, and Charles Rogers, president of the \ Property Owners Improvement As-' sociation, cordially invite everyone to attend this event. The committee has been working strenuously to make this affair a grand success. The proceeds will • be used for the improvements of the roads. 16-soc p -REMOVAL NOTICEOn Tuesday, Sept 7th, I will be located in my new offices at 196 8. Qreen street-- -- -- DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST lyes Examined -- Glasses Pitted •-- Visual Training Phone Iticftenry 452 TOT APARTMENT Hours Daily: 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 -- Sat. Evenings 6 to 8:30 p. m. .r Closed Thursday Aft«iio«^__ v

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