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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1948, p. 6

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~ c ' ° -*'>j? '•n* •w^c-w^v^w 1W,, V »_ . i fan Six Thursday, September 2. 1948 CLRHIFIED SECTION NOTICB Bhmmi of the mat nwahei ef dassifM ads whfch imu in the PlAndeate each week- we have fend it IwnHMihk to Map «• ««li small accounts. flm, ft the f*tara» eolyad are paid for bate* this of tfaa paper goes la pcaaa at 19 vO be priulafc FOR SALE--500 feet of barberry hedge, cheap. Buyer must remove Eva Carroll, Cypress & Willow, Wonder Lake. Pnone Hebron 921. •15-2 f^OR SALE-- Beautiful canning tomatoes. Mrs. Steve Danko, phone McHenry 616-W-2. »16 FOR SALE--Dirt. $1 per yard and up. Call Johnsburg 584-R-2. *16-2 FOR SALE--Five-room year 'round home, two bedrooms, tile bathroom, hardwood floors, automatic oil heat, electric water heater. 1H miles from McHenry in Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *16 TOR SALE FOR SALE--Ford-Ferguson ..tractor with plow and cultivator; Int. com planter with fertilizer attach.; 4- wheel. 6-ply heavy duty rubber-tired wagcn; 7-ft. tandem disc; hog house about 6x8 ft. Call McHenry KM5-W-2. *16 FOR SALE--PIANOS, 40 miles from high prices, factory warehouse; three spinet pianos; two grand pianos, returned from rent, can be bought at big savings; 2 slightly used studio pianos. Cash or terms. Call Elgin 780 or write David E. Stark, 21 N. Union St., Elgin, 111. 16-4 FOR SALE--Schultx house trailer, 18-tft., sleeps four, $700 or best offer. Can be seen on Rt. 12, Geneva Hwyt, through Fox Lake, near Toot's 4 Ed's Tavern. Tel. Richmond 441. *16 FOR SALE--Beautiful summer home, 165-ft. frontage on Fox river at Emerald Park; fully furnished and equipped with gas, electric and water j FOR SAU&--Home deep freese, 200- ___ 0,10 , ., . . systems; 2-car garage; all garden, lb. capacity; perfect condition. Joe rUK SALE Quaker oil space heater j including power mower. Bar-1 Huemann, Rt 1, McHenry. Tel. 414-J. with KKaarrbboonn--KKJleeeenn aattttaacchhmmeenntt;^ hhoott nin far GUJck 1 »16 jn fer qu[ck Mrs. Wm. water tame and heater, Harry 52 v Lotus St.. Chicaeo. Rswley, 7th hole,, Golfview Road, phone' Austin 4674. »i6FOR SALE--Wall and floor radiation McHenry. *161 ---- --! in good condition. Pink Harrison. Tel. FOR SALE--Beautiful inlaid walnut Mc:HHeennrry 323 FOR SALE--Reconditioned Maytag di„in_ room set uble, sideboard, washing machine, motor and wnn- cabinet mnd six chairs. Would cost! ger, like new. Reasonable. Two per- new today over jTjm, sell for $375. feet full site springy A1 Dick, Phone Pjstakee 652-R-l. 16tf, 16 MISOELLANfcOUS Indian Ridge. 343. Call Wonder Lake - ---- -- FOR SALE--Adjustable Travers rods •1fi „., _ . , 'for draw drapes. Extension 28 in. • •• " -* SALE Three-quarter w«lnut to 120 in. Easily installed by custom- 4„liaucia , .meiieeuens uiv FOR SALE--Stove, left oven, $20: bcd' sPrln? "»ttress, food as er Niesen.a (Floors, located at Peter InsJctors Plat^ Smelters lst2nd mana*er ruahed °P drop-leaf kitchen table 3d five M Just2? furK^ «tore, Main I Ind'tSJf rtlfS*^llo "You're hired." he shouted IRONING --- Available to do plain ironing it* my own home. Address Box 22, in care of Plaindealer. *16 TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Cl«frjc for store, male or female. National Tea store, McHenry. *16 STENOGRAPHS* WANTED -- Fall time. Shorthand, typing and filing; good salary. Write Box 18, in care of Plaindealer. M HELP WANTED -- Trackers and analysers for evening work. Admiral Corp., W. Elm street, McHenry. 16-tf HELP WANTED -- Carpenter for general plant work; need not be cabinetmaker. The Edwal Laboratories, Rlagwood. I1L phawe Richmond 5. 16-2 Hart te Satisfy A SHABBILY dressed man asked the circus manager tor a ]Sb. "WhatxCan yon do?" atiked the manager "I can dive head first from a 150- w fool ladder onto a block of con- HELP WANTED--Experienced pThrt-| "*!£;" " ,„H th* er and ln>dy and fender man to work . ^*a_# ? ? for new and used car dealer in Wood- ' ^ ® * 180-foot tower stock. Rgply or contact Mr. Foote, built and a block of concrete placed Edgetovfti Motors, phone Woodstock >" front of it. The man mounted 965. 16-31 the tower, soared off and Ut head first on the concrete. He got up. HELP WANTED -- MEN --Buffers, shook his head The excited circus Polishers, Timekeepers, Die Casters,1 uiup-itai Kiivnen ana nve . ' rfM,i.„r _ -u_ir kitchen 1' T nr 1 iS and Jrd shifts. No experience neces-, »_ " --• ~ J""1'.'1-..""" We" McHenry- Tel- «* S "'•'•v p,id *a<,itlons- p»ij hoij^y.1 "*>. y0" «300.' r5t- ^ | steady work. Top wages. Incentive, Tp* man snook his head. "I'll Baltrum, Rt. 2, McHenry, fourth pri- 38. _ rate road south Duncan Food. Shop, Wilton rug, table lamp, lawn mo er. A ~ T-! system. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO~' "Why don't you want the job?" Emerald Park. ^ ^ck Gregory^^L^e. J_16 , ^^^00^^RIC AUT° ^ 'the circus manager. » • j new opportunity for three McHenry 1 .. „w „ „ . , TOR ®ALE--Two summer houses on compi;tely ^sXteTrbestoYshSglled ^o^O00^" bu^ne^^sf^af^nd HE?tP w^TEb-Kitcheri help and was the'first*ti Fox river; 50-ft. frontage, 300 ft. 60 xlOO ft lot- lartre w ^ ij. T ^! waitress, full or part tune. 138 N. jf _„j • j__'« long; high and dry; also year 'round „HrAtrf, wthiCwS?w room Cached: Jar^ I Riverside Drive, Phone 422.' 16 U' afld 1 *°n% 8-room home cement b asement parage with work room attached, maker of combination windows. Our, Terms Located Tne mile siuth approximately 100 yards from Fox sales talent indicator will show your \ HELP WANTED -- COOKING AND McHenrv "Ver; ^mediate possession. Geoige ^ abilities, training will follow. GENERAL HOUSEWORK--Expert- *jg Panza, Emerald Park, McHenry, HI. Interviews, 10-12 a. m., 2-4 and 7-9|enced, two sisters or friends; white; p. m. Phone for appointment, Ontario j not over 45 years old, for adult replied the man, "that time I have e^er tried like it." • ONE-TRACE MIND bridge, east side river, Fred Pegel. TOR SALE-1947 Nash "600" club pqr SALE--"White" sewing mach- f,1,20' 708 Washington St., Walkegan. family in Winnetka; reference reciWoVuiipnAe , RK aann/di HH , eatt/ct. , $C1I ,89K5A0 oA«r> Wbestt A 111. 1R.9 I aiiipa/I* wami aalof'oll vUinnArlrn offer. Phone McHenry 698-R-l. *16 FOR SALE--Five-room (two bedrooms) house on half acre with oil heat, full insulation, deep well, 60- gal. hot water tank, soft water system. Tel. McHenry 596-W-l. (Lilymoor subdivision.) »16 FOR SALE^Moving to Iowa^"-w ill saciifice house used year 'round on McCullom Lake for $4,750, worth much more; terms. Furnished, inme, A-l condition. 122-R. Phone McHenry FOR , SALE--Beautiful 8-room rc^i-(mate. Lessard & dence; lOfr ft. shore line on Fox river, McHenry 634-R-2. one mile from McHenry; five bed- . 15-2 quired; good salary. Call Winnetka | ~ ^; 111 after 6 p. m. Reverse charges.) Remodeling *£g and repairs of all kinds. Free esti-j rt *16 CARPENTER WORK Pansa. Phone I HELP WANTED--Experienced auto 16-5. mechanic; must know his business. rooms, basement, oil heat, city gas, ELECTRIC WORK DONE IM- wlfhTew^nd^erc^rTeale^ReX large garage with two sleeping MEDIATELY--One outlet or an en- or phone Mr. Foote, Edgetown Motors rooms. Shown by appointment only, tire house. Work guaranteed to phone Woodstock 965. 16-3 Price $21,000. Write Box 2, in care meet Public Service standards. Tom;- of PTaihdealefr * "T6-A11an, McHenry--^«r~~Fwc' H-BLP-WA-NTTO)--Several men under Lake 4081. 12-8 40 for shift work in production deouc| e*t MFTAf 4u«\ e<iinxj4/"•u partment of progressive company »")RK - Ai" ,.FA.RilA™ manufacturmg «„e chemical.. Inter- FOR SALE QUALITY CEMENT BLOCKS fl?gingoirstoJ?, faWe^op^aT^ange T, mos^-sizes' i?m^diat! ^livery j WORK - Gutters and furnaces re- j woVC«ood"p^ and cabinet sink. JACOB FRITZ, ^ l?1£ei<Itwin<low ^ i oPPortun'ty for advancement. Sick Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37, or 8a8h ifBpSirB Chicago, Humboldt 1633. *161 Route 14 TOR SAp-Tw^studio^ouch^,^; 1M P^Ha^rJ «6. each. A. Gehrman, 106 Riverside Drive. Tel. McHenry 445-J.. *16 FOR SALE--Seven piece dining room tified Tax Consultant. One mile north McHenry, 111 Phone McHenry ^-M. ^ve. Blue Cross and group , " j suranee plans. Six paid holidays, j MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING! N l° experience necessary. Call at or SERVICE -- Records installed and Phone 10,6 Edwal Laboratories. Inc., maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Cer- Ringwood, 111., phone Richmond 5. 16-2 FOR SAU5--Garland gas stove in •"«* WANTED - COOK-Exp«rieRx4ci eltloen t condition. Tel. McHe*n,r«, player piano. talJM|'r s.w *A.r?l1b™er1tf Hosch,: L,ke- ! George St., Richmond. *16 5501. 8-tf i dad c ii r d • . c._„. -- j PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. S l2-hVTMTnrine llfifo rim" F0R SALE ~ Four-room House at Plastic tile; rubber flooring. First i,i ' J' u.ti ' .- West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake; class work. Insured. (For free esti- ' enry- 16 <5.000. Small down payment; will mate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert FOR SALE--1940 Chevrolet pick-up, finance. Tel. McHenry 638-M-2. *16 Angstrom. 5-tf just painted and overhauled. RichFOR SALE--Modem, walnut din-J YEAR-ROUND ard May, phone McHenry 606-M-2^ . including table, sixi GARBAGE HAULING _ HELP WANTED--Mechanic, Inquire chairs, buffet and china cabinet. A-l Regularly and courteously with the M,Hpnru SanH A n,.nv<>i Co. T«l. enced and light housework; white, not over 45 years old; adult family in Winnetka; reference required; good salary. Call Winnetka 111 after 6 p. m. Reverse charges. *16 Woman for Tel. Pistakee *16 HELP WANTED general housework. 766-J after 7 p. m. '• • -- ciiwio, uuuci ana cmns CaDin6t« A*•no courvcousiy wivn uiv j MrHpnrv a ^Provpl FOR SALE--14 ft. Thompson out- condition. Write Box 7, in care of best of service. Also rubbish- hauled j M H * q7_j board motor boat complete with can- Plaindealer. » *1lf6i in loads or half llooaaddss.. FFRREEDD WWIIRRTTZZ.. , -- Tel. 15-2 •as cover, windshield and steering oZTv b..j„ •„ ~ wh«l; 10-hj. Johnson motor; 13-ft. Tel. 751-J. rowbo'at; log burneT sUver Ut 35 in *ood condition Men's suits, over- CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Orchard I&ach. Phone McHenry ^oats> sh(?e^ ladies' coats suits, Cement mixer for ren^ J. M. Stonga- 598-M-2. * 16 dresses, skirts, sweaters, children s rone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry ! Li clothes, spreads, drapes, linens,1 661-J-l. 50-tf FOR SALE--Bed, innerspring matt- g'assware, chinaware, marble-top^ ress, vanity and chest df drawers, tables, antiques. Mrs. R. Dietrich, 7-tf | HELP WANTED -- Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. W. L. 221. 14rtf -801 Richmond Road. Phil Thennes. Terra Cotta Consignment, Resale & *15-2 Antique Shop. Terra Cotta Road, ------------------ \ mile west Terra .Cotta factory. FOR SALE--Generators, armaturesj Call Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. *16 starters, fuel pumps, distributors voltage regulators and ignition parts SALE--Two water front lots, for Ford and all other cars. Seaco year-round home. Reason- Sales & Service, Lily-moor, Fred J. a^'e- Inquire weekends at 160 Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 183. Country Club Drive. McHenry. *16 41 -tf COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED KLING 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. • Crystal Lake, III. Phone Crystal Lake 490 HELP WANTED--Short order cook and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St., McHenry 13-tf 6-tf HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO.. 200 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, MaHENRY. PHONE 39. 10-tf HELP WANTED--Men and'women, i BARN SPRAYING -- Whitewashing. boys and girls, 16 years of age or FOR SALE--Used 42-inch left^hapd or Carbola DDT (formerly A1 Phan-; over, to work nights. Apply at FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE apn>n, right-hand well sink and nenstill's) 607 Front St., on Route 31,! Admiral Corporation, 507 WT Elm. -TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME IN-1 faucet; 24x28 2-sash window and across from McHenry Sand & Gravel(st.f McHenry, or call McHenry 470. SULATION. Guaranteed not to settle, frame; walnut dining table and six Co. Wm. Ahrens, Wfest - McHenry. | 1 -• •• ' -- J Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or chairs. Helbling, Spring Grove. Rich-! *14-81-- write Leo J. Stilling:, 200 E. Pearl mond 9213. *16-2 ,7^77^77;;--... , I WANTED St., Tel. McHcnry 18. tf -- GENERAL CONTRACTOR for ce- -- -- FOR SALE--ALL : YEAR HOMEiS, ment, plastering, and brickwork. Nick i WAls»TFn »„ Koiisp FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADD- $5,000 and up. FARMS, large and Hasler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone ENG MACHINES. Service on all small; CHOICE LOTS; LIST- McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. i n* R^ 77 fn makes. Also ribbons for all makes; INGS APPRECIATED; STOMPO- Rockwell St., Chicago 18. PhoneC^.®J 7*» ™ carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., NATO'S REAL ESTATE. Woodstock Brunswick 9022. 14-ialcdre of McHer^y Plaindealer. 16-2 Woodstock. Phone 549. -- HENRY1 T^^l-J E« KN0X'n^,CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK "thfrd FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. shin-i- vns„i.tiA„ Second-hand store. Gen & Iss, third Downs Nasfc Sales, McHenry. 44-tf FOR SALE--Beautiful modern 8-! room year 'round house on Fox river; I LOTS FOR SALE- Lots, 5Uxj»50 ft-, automatfc oil heat; all improvements; on Route 31, about two block from 0ne hour from Chicago. Tel. Algon Jnq«Ir«'at 715 Center St quin 2ll4. Box C-3, Cary, 111. *11 Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf j ^ ' Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf 16 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate house from state bridge, going south cn East River Road. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 to 5 and Saturdays from 9 to 9. 15-tf FARM WANTED -- 120 acres or more; must be near McHenry or FOR SALE ALL-YEAR HOMES ! £>?diaSf^n^r1Me^cheapW1Ru8sTli R^TOERWEL ELECTRICAL SHOP i°o,n^Ur£' fatholi« '^^2? « rooms, near bus line; running Holochwort, Wonder Lake. *13-4 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. ffH?* R"ltor- at Johnsburg Tel. water; at McCullom Lake. Price ,i»ic dc t»i m#_ir nan I McHenry 37. 11-ti Blonde: "How do you like your new boss?" v Brunette: "Olv. he's okay but a little narrow-minaiedj' > Blonde: "What 'tiakes you think so?" • Brunette: "He thinks words can only be spelled one way." AXING FOR TROUBLE "Look heah, Rastus, yon all know what you're doia'? fod goin' away for de week-end and there ain't a stick ef wood cat for de house." "Well, what yon aH whiaia' about, worn in? I ain't takin' de axe am IT*' . Thanks, Your Honor! The judge had just awarded a divorce to a wife who had charged non-support. "And," he said to the husband, "1 have decided to give your Wife $50 a month for support." "That's fine, judge," the man re plied, "and once in & while I'll try ,few bucks . Bonehead Son: "1 want to be a bone special 1st." Fathers "Well, you've got the head for it." LONG WAIT '46-26 Phone McHenry 760. ~~15,500. , i FOR SALE, FOX RIVER HOMES 5 rooms, cement basement, bath; at 5 rooms, water front. Price $7,250.1 EXPERIENCES) McCullom Lake. Price $6,950. 4 rooms, near beach. Price $4,000.1 LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY 4-room modem home; automatic oil Duplex, 4 ft 4 rooms, near beach.! AND REMOVAL--INSURED heat; hardwood floors; full base- Price $6,500. FREE ESTIMATES ment; immediate possession; at 5 rooms, water front, in Sunnyside,! J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Box 163 Wonder Lake. Prire $10,750. north of Johnsburg. Price $7,950. I Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L JACOB FRITZ, Realtir, JACOB FRITZ, Realtor. at Johnsburg at Johnsburg Tel. McHenry 37 ' 11-tf Tel. McHenry 37. ll-tf 45-tf C. J. H. D1EHL Woodstock Piano Taner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodbtock, I1L Helen Wdber Says: GRIME Does Not Pay 'Tis the grime in your cloth©^' that gives . sand paper action and shortens the life of the, garment. Treat your clothes regnlariy to pur Special Care Treatment and Deluxe cleaning for longer lif< -- it will pay you dividends. McHenry Cleaners Phone 104-M , r"H«lea Weber, Mgr. 103 Elm St. W ANTED--Watches and Jewelry to epnir. Anthony Noonan, 200 80. Green street, McHenry. (Front part >f Claire Bei.aty Shoppe.) 16-tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1383. 2-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN. LOST WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 LOST -- Black wallet on Saturday Main Street, McHenry. Telephone night between Riverside Drive and 93-J. 10-tf | Legion parking lot. Reward. Maud Rothermel. Phone McHenry 143-J. HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddies Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290, 29-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Erices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 86-tf CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf •16 SITUATION WANTED WORK DESIRED -- Young man would like part-time job. Tel. McHenry 136-M. *16 Decapitated Earthworm , If not more than 13 rings or the head are severed, a new head will grow while the earthworm eats and works normally. GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of jour garbage each week, or eftener. if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 865. tf BARN SPRfYING-- Whitewash or DDT. FranBr Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 8-tf ALTERATIONS--Call Vincent Schiaj vone for alterations and repairing j on men's and women's clothing; also cleaning and pressing. For service call McHenry 615-R-2. *13-4 Order your rubber stamps at The Toni Permanent Wave Kits. 11.26 j Plaindealer. and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 85-tl Life Insurance Facts Life insurance death benefits were paid in 1947 on more than half a--athlete*! foot?" million lives, with just about one-half of these people under 60 years of age at death, and half over 60. Straw, Formerly Waited^ -- Now Used for Fine Paper Fine paper from wheat straw, up to now usually wasted or burned on U. S. farms, la the fromiae ^ a new process developed by the department of. agriculture'a laboratory at Peotte, I1L Paper from straw Is not new, but the process, which reduces the chemical cost and give* significantly higher pulp yields, is. Next come mfll-acale trials, which domestic paper companies will watch with Interest. Dutch paper engineers, to whom the process waa suggested, are using It successfully on a commercial scale in Holland, where straw is the main raw material for paper. About 29 mills in the Midwest produce annually 506.000 tons of strawboard for the container industry from wheat straw. But the cost of obtaining clean straw has previously been a stumbling block to using straw for fine papers in^ this country. {For years, however, European countries have produced fine papers, such as book and writing, from wheat and rye straw.'England used a considerable amount of straw for fine paper during the recent war, and most of the South American republics make their papers from straw. Paper and paper board are in short supply. This is due to short supplies of pulpwood species are being used foster than grown, and Canada is drastically limiting pulpwood exports to the United States. Last yaar 93 million tons of wheat straw was grown. The straw burned and wasted would have been enough to produce 20 million tons of cellulose pulp, this country's entire requirement. SPRING GROVE * E':q.trical Hazards Cited By Univars'ty^Eesearcher Spectacular dangers of high-voltags clsctrical circuits, well known and well guarded against, paradoxically constitute a lesser danger to the (hy Mrs. Charles Freand) Mrs. Lncille Nelson and son, Bot of Sharon visited her sister, Mrs. Lent, on Friday. Vacationers who are also in Wisconsin are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. . '/•jjnd end Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber ' of McHenry. | Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgem just j returned from their vacation at ! Plum Lake in Sayner, Wis. They {accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pitj tges, Mrs. M. Richter and son, Mr. j and Mrs. James Meiger and children. I While there they visited one afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mone*r at Crawling Stone Lake. j Mrs. George W. .May was hostess j to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon. A delicious luncheon was served at 2 o'clock and the afternoon was spent at cards. Prize winners were Mrs. Charles Freund, , Mrs. Eddie May, Mrs. Ray May, Mrs. Arthur Kliein and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. Mrs. Paul iLewis, guest of | honor, was presented with many (lovely gifts. j Many from here attended the , Water Fights at McHenry on Sun- | afternoon. It was a tqnrnament be- | tween McHenry county nremen. The i Spring Grove team fought hard throughout the afternoon and got into the finals against the McHenry team. The team from MfiHenry 1 won the finals, putting them in first place and Spring Grove in "second. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fredericksen of Chicago were visitors in the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weber on Sunday. ! The Spring Grove firemen are hold- 1 in? their Annual Carnival on the | street in the center of town on J Saturday night. There will be plenty of games for you to enjoy and re- | ireshment stands on the grounds, j Seventy-five dollars in prizes will be given away that night. Join the i crowd at Spring Grove on Saturday ! night and have fun. avere ~e person than db iow-voTtage" elc^tr'.sal appliances abour.d. Thii is on? of the points r&iscd by Charl s F. Dalniel, associate professor of cicatrical engineering at the University of California, in a new nummary of the results of several ycar3 rc3eai*ch in electrical shock. Professor Dalziel revnews information 0:1 the bahavior of shock and damage producing electrical currents and chargcs, describes their physiological effects, and lists some accident statistics. D?.lziel warns, that while it is true that th® hazard from contact with clsctrical circuits is largely dependent upon voltage, the actual danger to life depsnds almost entirely upon the amount of current flowing through the body. He cites as an example that a man accidentally coming into contact with a 60,000-volt circuit when standing on a very dry wood pole may cause a smaller current to flow that he who inadvertently grasps a defective 110-yolt portable appliance when in a bathtub. -Idaho "Ohoet Town"_ Roosevelt, now an Idaho "ghost town", was once calculated to be so rich in gold ore that a bill was introduced into the legislature to set It aside as a gold reserve to pay off the public debt. - Growth of Chicks High quality chicks may reach an average three pound weight at 12 weeks and may produce a pound of poultry meat for each three and onehalf to four pounds of feed consumed. Fnegteas, Primitive Ptapis Puegians, now almost extinct, are among the most primitive peoples of the world. There are four tribes of Fuegians, the Yahgan, Alacaloof, Ona, and Haush. The Yahgan and Alacaloof are canoe people of the channelways and coastal regions of the Fuegian Archipelago; the Ona and Haush are foot people of the forest fastnesses of Tierra-del-Fuego, the (Ona tribe living like stone age men. Building A Compost Pile Small, out of the way corner of garden or yard m&kcs a suitable site for a compost pile. Vegetable tops and trimmings malce suite bis compost., but the cor.-.post pile should not be looked upon as a substitute for the rarbege crn. Fats in particular are to bs avoided. There is no hard and fa~t difference botv/csn compost and rtifici"! 'manurs. Coir.nost < usually corc'iti of a n'rzture of poultry litter. frprh or dried r-anure and soil rsv-I'y in the prc-^r*:oi rf one third cf t'-? nlr^l n-.a^t-r tD two tliirdi of tha ci'. Ca--'yrer-'rl fyrt:vz~r tnd grovT'l l'.rre^r'-.o are r-n,.?!'v added md fie mi::fure is hrpt rrv^'it. and turr.cd ovrr n tirr.e cr two during a sir:-rp.onthj period. A mixture of this sort is uav.al'y referred to f*3 nottin" soil a-.'1 it supVlrs an ex"ellr>nt meuiun fcr the „ starting of saetls and trans^'anlin^ plant3. On* Friend, the Elephant Elephants, rarely born in captivity, come from Asia or Africa. They are usually strangers to peanuts until they reach America's shores. They swallow water not through their trunks but by sucking it part way through, then squirting it into their mouths. Insects drive them nearly craey in hot weather, despite the fact that shaving their hides with a blowtorch merely tickles them. Complete line of Lee*s poulfvf remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf "HOT" Badio Expands In the early days of "ham" radio an amateur was lucky if he could talk with a fellow-enthusiast Mocks away. Now it is quite possible, through the exercise of perseverance and patience, to talk to amateurs located in the remotest corners of the world. COPYING Old Photographs Snapshots and Proofs for which negatives 4ire not available. _ $1.00 WORWICK'S STUDIO - Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., McHenry A subway was being dug. A drunk stopped beside the excavation and called down to the man at the bottom of the pit: "Shay, watch'a do- i ing down there?" "Building a subway." ! "How long's it' gonna take te build it?" | "Three years." "To heck with it. I'll take a taxi." Heredity Zoology co-ed: "Is bow-leggedness inherited?" Professor: "Definitely not." Co-ed: "Good." Another student: "Are you bowlegged?" "No, my boy friend la.** Foot Disease Sophomore: "Ever bothered with XK-beh Teleeeope The 200-inch tejescope atop P&16- mar mountain, In California, is so perfectly balanced that a push of a button sets it in motion. The telescope tubi, complete with cage, is 55 feet long and weighs 140 tons. Unlike small telescopes that can be swung into position by a push or by simple mechanical means, the Palomar teleeeope is moved electrically. Junior: "Only once--when the captain of the football team caughl *me with his girL" Washing All-Nykaw Any all-nylon fabric may be washed if the finishing materials, dyes and trimmings, will withstand laundering. If in doubt, test an inconspicuous part of the item such as a hem for color and finishing fastness. Warm sudsy water should be used. Garment should be rinsed thoroughly and hung up away from contact pith hot .radiators or pipes Read the Want A£g PROMPTLY FILLED AT ALL TIMES .When your doctor gives you a proscription, have it filled here! You will be given prompt "service because our pharmacists realize the urgency of your requisition. You have the added certainty that unfailing accuracy andhighest quality drugs, kept in perfect condition, go in every prescription filled by us. v For your protection and peace of mind, depend on our experienced, reliable pharamcists. NYE DRUG STORE lltalgrctit Agency. • HERMAN F. NYE, R. PH. PHONE 26 McHENRY

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