Thunday, k 7^ - V* /' < ** j£ 1, ^ k TH1 McHMOtY PLAINDKAUOt 4r r- "?•£ •-.,* * ' ' " ' mm'?-'?* "SO I - -HEAR" by EARL R. WALSH RUBBER GAME ' When you get a letter from a lawyer you wonder "Now, what the h-- have I done?" Final Series Starts r On Johnsburg Diamond Next Snnday Afternoon JOHHSBtJM-Wm* TWO CLOSEGAMES BEFORE LARGE FOLLOWING # The Johnsburg Tigers wttft a double-header on their home diamond last Sunday, beating Richmond 5 to 3 in the first game and a visiting team from the Chicago area, known as the Woodchuck, 5 to 2 in the second game. Richmond got off to a 3, to 0 lead in the first inning, but £hat Standing ROOM Only IN the course of one of his lecttiu re trips, Mark Twain arrived at a small toton. Befat-e dinner h» went to a barber shop to be shaved. "You are a stranger?" asked the barber. - "Yes," Mark Twain replied. "This Is the first time I've been here." "You chose a good time to come," the barber continued. "Mark Twair is going to read and lecture tonight ended their scoring. Only three hits You'll go, I suppose." were collected on Klapperich, but eight walks kept Richmond runners There was tenseness in the air: on the base paths. •PV- . - . „ W,I l«T Sunday as the McHenry Sham-' Connie Miller hurled for Richmond This came In from a 1°°®', rocks and D " ~ "Oh, I guess so. "Have you bought your ticket?" "Not yet." , HOBS BOXINO AND WR^JTUNQ TODAY AT SOUND T.Ame John Chcouske, of Wauklgifi^^who Farm Week at Railroad Fair September 13-18 - .jr < t^?.m /„rom tb€ famous Hendersonville, N. C Apple Festival. WLS Dinner Bell »»»• r»_ «T i originate directly from thelake front ro«? ?ail"f jstasre in the Fair'8 north end. Satn*> road Fair, set for the ipenod Septem- day afternoon, September 18, tho llulL J1_ ahnmmv ~undee nine played off a and had a ^hut-out for six innings in lawyer, but proved real chummy. tle s,tUation on the Carpentersville spite of some hard hitting as vou TW* M8' W Park diamond. When the smoke of:will note in the box score. "How very nlnvers ln'the battle had cleared' McHenry had Bill Kreutzer turned in a neat 6- twain said with P Y i• « 4 victory m the bag , hitter to win the second game. The saw such lu^ki f always have tc Bruce Priebe. of Libertyville is out McHenry. McHenry will now meet Johnsburg i Woodchucks extended Johnsburg all f j T »u . « n ito even UD the count airain^t S<rt colum£aPyou caTfocate^ne W 2-out-of-S series to the way and it wasn't until the eighth #tan* when that fellow lectures. j Morgan of Fort Sheridan in a recolumn, you can locate one or two decide the McHenry County League inning that Johnsburg could get the match. average players that I could c - championship. A beautiful trophy edge needed for victory. 1 War Veteran *. i In the wrestling matches, Johnny W'U. ?° V? t*ie winn'nK team. I A large crow<| of fans summed it.i, "Did you participate in many en: i Korum, of Notre Dame faces Carl Dick Conway opened the game j up as an afternoon of good, interest-i gagements in the Pacific?" an in ! Etagstrom, of DePaul, Angelo Poffo, last Sunday with a home run. Mc- ing baseball. _ . • quiring old lady asked of a returnee IDowners Grove wrestles v Alex Remember--McHenry at Johnsburg soidier. ^ -•"* J1'; White of Chicago. -• -o•••»•« • « a iiivpv iiupiv*vu * m * . , "* e" "*• * »* MW nci i/"vrvaivvUilU P1VIIUI SUM* boxer, and king of the lightweights, j of contests and special events wise will originate from the late V-i will be seeking revenge when he j interest throughout the midwest. ; front stage. , - - faces Kenneth Pratt, of McHenry on I In disclosing plans for the big Others of the Railroad Fair Fan* "* Friday night, September 10th in the weeks program, Maj Lenox R. Lohr, Week activities will include Mali* - . Lake County Stadium, Round Lake Railroad Fair president, predicted Lohr pointed out, prize contests Pa!*- , L |^at announcement of final prepare- many classifications, and special com* "*'•> Chcouske, who was a rugged two "ons for the six-day period will petitions of interest to members of * fisted slugger, has recently developed definitely place the Railroad Fair 4-H clubs and Future of America boxing finesse and speed, with which week on the "must" itinerary of . ' he intends to try and defeat the Mc- farmers within several hundred miles * . Henry heavyweight Kenneth Pratt. °f Chicago. Toni Permanent Wave Kits, $1. Chcouske has an enviable record since Feature attraction will be appear- tT,d $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. „ ™Jt everything is told Out (starting in amateur circles. ance of the champion square danc. You 1) have to stand. _ . | Bob Vagnali, the pride of Lake "How very annoying! " , Mar! j Zurich is paired with Johnny Boyle a sigh. "1 neve North Chicago. 1 tact. I enjoy reading your weekly' gossip tid-bits in the Plaindealer. Gratefully yours, » ' ' Joseph X. W\»ynne. Henry road along on that lead until the fifth. Double plays in the first, Second next Sunday. It can happen here! Dr. E, Kilton > anj third innings kept McHenry out Johnsburg had a hole in one on the^ loth hole trouble. Two of these double Howie Fi'eund, 2b.».U. 6 five,' he McHenry, Illinois "replied witf AB at the McHenry Country Club recent- Minings were started by Murphy, the N. Smith, If...'...... .". 4 ly. Wonder what a fellow thinks third one going from short to second, B. Miller, cf or says when that happens. Maybe ;to first ! B. Meyers, Sb 1 ; To^ut it L" :: t.f; MU,Phy, ,i«i. c™«^. g. a.ckS„„,. L. Freund, ss Vale Adams won the Class "J" d FreuSd 5 " Club Championship at the McHenry|}Jf * J . Sc^\u^t jrJ • _. .R ^ Country Club the past week-end, de- ^4^ » ,hor!ifJ ,acr?85 the road in K»«PPench, p,... : r i- o center field. Menke drew a pass and feating Earle Seepe. Grover doubled. Totals ......... In Class "B" Huppy Smith was top , n»an- beating Elmer Freund. . Iductcion The Shamrocks' got into run pro- «• . , in the sixth andu ppuuti tmhrrewe Cfii|in- * men across the plate. Jim Larkin p. V"®' " to hold the pace. | McCracken. Manager Bill Bolger then j I showed the boys how with a run-pro- H J . Now, if A1 Purvey can hold out, fe1"* 1lin&* le£i, ^n, the Ray Killer* tZZT. *til he's a hundred years or so, there . ; f sec?nd Winn " w«ry rtow tn. V«" .« ••••••• trapped between first and second. In Totals Manager Bill Bolger hasnt been1 I*" .°UtA°f/!\e lucky at winning the flip of a coin, ^ , S«ore by Icningsr ^ Ke kW. V-n^ b* «lm«. i„« Next Sunday the Shamrocks play t*,e garne' St AB 4 8 2 8 4 4 2 8 1 1 •.-?s2 H 2 1 . 0 1 t i - : Of vT:" t M H 0 -0 1 0 t< • I 0 0 0 0 all j" "Only j.modesty. .j- | "And did you corne through of them unhurt?" ; _v " ' VNot exactly," he ^replied sadly, /married the fifth." Richmond Johnsburg SHALES AND GRAF WINNERS OF ANNUAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT : displaying a brarri of tennis which combined steaJmes'. with power, two Elgin players, Russt] Shales and Walter Grof, captured the annual Labor Day doubles tournament hold on the 'ocal courts. They defeated two brothers, Jack and LaVerne Colby of Crystal Lake, in the finals, fi-1, 6-4. Monday's )urnament was unlike those of- pre-war days, which ia«nrm.tiA. - i attracted a great number of top- _ . Ex*ct »'®r,»»W0B ! notch players from a large area. Grandmother Black seemed ,• to i However, it was more tennis than any have all the answers and it irked . other communities in this vicinity little Bobby no end. He kept ask- j have been able to assemble at one ing till bedtime, hoping for a con- I time in the past couple of years, givfession of inability to reply. {ing encouragement lhat next year "'How long could you live on 10 niay see the return of tennis on a big dollars?" he finally asked. jsc«,e in McHenry. "Till they were all gone," re* i . ouvteen players took part, with WELL TIMED Hnsband: "My dear, the seeds van ordered won't flower ontil 'he second summer." Wife: "Oh, that's all right. I ordered tbetn from last year's catalog." plied Grandma pleasantly, "now ' «•« scor«» being; recorded you hop into bed." at Johnsburg. That's when the fun begins. There's no foolin' about this u series. The winner of two games £ • L6J U" FWLN?'NG, SO Kneibusch Three base hits: Howie Freund (2) will receive the trophy and honor ® Struck out by C. Miller, 4; Klap- 300 000 090--8 Third Party Missiag 000 000 23 --5 MacDuff and MacTavish were ?r- i Grosby rested for being d^unk. During the ( Froehlich the followin in the semi-finals: Jack and LaVerne Colby defeated Dwain Rose and. Saul "CevTn of Sycamore, 6-0, 6-2, and Shales and Graf ddfeated Leon of Ringwood and Adelle ™ of McHenry, 6-4, 6-2. FRI. - SAT., SEPT. 10 -11 Gene Autry Jean Heather (1) "THE LAST ROUND UP" Virginia Grey - Don Castle (2) "WHO KILLED DOC BOBBIN" SUN. - MONn SEPT. 12 - 13 Astalre - Judy Garland "EASTER PARADE" Pluti -- World News & Cartoon TUES. - WED., SEPT. 14-15 in color Hay Rogers - Jean Frasee "ON THE OLD SPANISH TRAIL" also Ted Donaldson * Ann Doran John Titel "MY DOG RUSTY" STARTING THURS. Humphrey Bogart - Lauren Bacall "KEY LARGO" mi LLC Hi FRI. - SAT., SEPT. 10 -11 H I0KIT 10UIS STIVERSOa -- Co-Hit -- ALWAYS TOGETHER" SAT. MATINEE ONLY CARTOON SHOW „ SUN. - MON„ SEPT, 12 - IS lMBtn ilii TUES. - WED., SEPT. 14-11 Ray Milland in 'WINGS OVER HONOLULU" CORVETTE K-225" Coming •THUNDER IN THE VALLEY" m Thornnaon nnened th« nnnHo. .iv«. w_ . ' .. restea lor oeing a^unK. uuring me rroenncn or McMenry, e-t»-^. with a scratch hit. Faber twisted Smith'1*1 MiIler' B- Miller,] hearing the judge asked: "Where Others taking part in the first round _ 1 j_ --•_ _..... .. . omitn. ; jg the other man?" included Just en and Wohnrade, "What other man. your honor?" Stoffel and Krohn and B. Freund and that goes to the champions of the w8"1'. Eggert forced Thompson, perich, 4. " Murphy to Jim Larkin ' • - ' Coonty B.^l Uh~ |g^ ^ CoTay" C' U7Uk U«ik /_ * % Men's hit acnrprl Knpihnark WifVi n i_i_ 1 » •«, i /•The man who paid for the v- Freund, ail of McHenry. 0 STAGE SET FOR . second ANNUAL to Howie Freund. low down Riverside Drive way) two men on, Murphy fanned Schuldt, Walt Freund (Whom we are teach- a dan8re™us batter, for the third ing a few fine points of the game!)!00*' and Ernie Felgenhauer (a brother-! Menke drew a pass to open the Johnsburg in-law with Kane County leanings)i seventh and raced to third as Grover Howie Freund, 2b we watched the Shamrocks win a beat out a bunt along the first base Harry Freund, c.*.. scrappy tussle from Dundee at line- Schumacher hit into a double S. Meyer, rf ........ Carpentersville Park last Sunday. jP'ay> from short to second to first. B. Meyers, 8b -- | Menke started for the plate but de- IW. Smith, lb It was a do-or-die battle and both cided to leg back to third. Miller's A. Jackson, cf teams were keyed high. There were throw hit the" dirt and got away,, L. Freund, ss ......, arguments on the field and off the Menke scoring. Thompson fanned.; Pitzen, If field. Just a good, old-fashioned ball Wagner was safe on a two base Kreutzer, p trame. error in the ninth and scored without 1 r." "' benefit of a safe hit. Conway, who( Totals Aside from four double plays, was a hitter all the way, sent a deep' some timely hitting and other little fly 40 center to score Wagner with R. W. Woodchucks items, Walt seemed to have the fi"®! rui>- Bassi, 2b answer to final victory. He noted Murphy slowed down in .the ninth,' Lyons, lb .... that Murphy slowed down ' taking and scored without benefit of a safe Baumgardener, time enough to eatva sandwich be-(hit. Conway, who was a hitter all Weir, If FLOWER EXHIBIT cf . -r"V" . 7 .--T - , »»« »«s » nmer f u i ' ' \ > " tween pitches in the last two in-, the way, sent a deep fly to center Skizas, ss nings. That, in Walt's opinion, was to score Wagner with the final run. Flora, p .... ...... what saved the game. Dundee was Murphy slowed down in the ninth, Schalxitn, c in a swinging mood. workin_g carefull.y . This pprrio ved Spina, rf effective and there was much joy Gregocio, 8b fellow with Kane County;among the Shamrocks as Sonny Milleamngs was sure the outcome would ler gobbled up Schumacher's grounder Totals ... have been different if pitcher Schuldt and raced to first for the out. had been placed fifth in the batting order instead of ninth. Schuldt is McHenry a clouter. v j Conway, 2b '. • *- IMcCulla, rf The young fellow from Riverside J. Larkin, 8b ,HW., Drive could think of nothing but G. Larkin, ss victory and the big series with Miller, lb Johnsbure. j McCracken, If „ . 'B- Bolger, df..1 Pauline Pries wants it known that Wagner, c the Palace Ladies League will start Murphy, p Monday night, September 13. Some good bowlers in that 'em. league. Watch Totals Dundee John Pitzen, local game warden, Menke, If brings us a copy of the 1M8 Migra- j Grover, 3b tory 'Game Bird Regulations and sug- Schumacher, lb, ss gests that we print open season dates, Thompson, cf ........ and other information. These copies Faber, ss seem hard to get each year so well Kneibush, lb Srint a complete list next week in the Eggert, rf ............ ope that you sportsmen will clip it Miller, 2b • out and save it for reference. I Meir, c _ . . i Schuldt, f> During this month, the boys are : .' • •': . sharpening their eyes on doves andj Totals squirrels. • <* 87. AB 2 6 4 4 t 1 • U R 2 0 0 0 • • I 0 0 1 H 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Score by Innings: • Woodchucks Johnsburg ........ 000 000 110--2 000 100 18 --6 Two bart hits: Lyons, B lfeyers Three base hits: S Meyers. „ . Struck out by Flora, 6; Kreutser, 2. j than that: it shows 1 hit him." Bases on balls off Flora, 8; Kreutzer, Young Harry had made friends j with a new boy from across the i tracks, and his mother was wori ri*rl about it i The second annual flower show of ' "Harrv " she tnxiouslv inauired ;the Bul1 Va,,e>' Garden Club will bo ,4. Ha"y* , ® ® v cv• ' held at Told Springs School M ^ u ^vords House on the Kenneth Farm No. Mother, Harry replied. *4Valley View." on Saturday, Sept. •a*il don t you worry--I'm not go ,lt from i until 8 p. m. The schoolt^ g to teach him any." .house, the smallest rural school in Illinois, is situated on Bull Valley TARGET PRACTICE Road, about four miles east of i Woodstock. | The theme of the show will stress country living with the first exhibit ' oh the grounds one of picnic tables, ^Arranged by members of the club. | Of special interest will be the horti- : cultural and conservation exhibits which will also be staged in the school yard. Members of the Bull j Valley Garden Club are women who j live in the surrounding countryside j whose chief gardening interest concerns conservation and the preserva- ' tion of natural weedland and pasture j plantings. There will be a special vegetable class for men only, in {which the specimens must have been j grown by the exhibitors. { The school itself will house classes Judge: "The evidence shows. (for table settings, and several classes Mrs. Grizzly, that you threw a roll- jof artistic arrangements which are ing pin at your husband." suitable for country living. Mrs. Grizzly: "It shows mdFFT^ bad the Want Ads A U C T I O N Why Work? SIMPLIFY METHOD OF VETERANS ENTERING ON-THE-JOB TRAINING Score by Innings - McHenry Illinois World War II veterans .100 013 001-^9 Dundee 000 021 100--* Stolen Bases: G. Larkin, Bol| Two-'Base Hits: Conway, G, Grover. Three-Base Kits: Schuldt. training on and after"September Home Runs: Conway. , 1 under the GI Bill of Rights are Rouble Plays: Murphy to Miller; j ?,^'earf1 ^d^one Holstein bull, 6 mos. CHAS. LEONARD and ED VOGEL, Auctioneers Having sold my farm, I will sell at public auction on the farm, located 3 miles north of Johnsburg, 3 miles rrortheast of Ringwood, 3 miles southwest of Spring Grove, on what is known as the old Pfannenstill Bros, farm, on SUNDAY, SEPT! 19 starting romptly at 12:30 o'clock, the following described property, towit: 36 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of CATTLE--9 milk cows, several £cesh, balance milking good; 2 Holstein, iirst calf heifers, close; 3 Holsteia yearling heifers; 3 Holstein heifer$, 6 to 8 months old; one Holstein bull, The famous psychologist had finished his lecture and was answering questions. A meek little man asked, "Did you say that a good poker player could hold down any kind of executive job?" Aires Buenos Aires, the capital of A*> . gentlna, Is the seventh largest city ' in the world. ICE CREAM pMiio* of HiMml [>iinM»aiC«» FLAVORS FOR SEPTEMBER CH< XIMaATE M ARSIIM ALLOW ROY ALE • - MINT - • V>": ' STRAWBERRY ^TOASTED HAZELNUT VANILLA NEAPOLITAN -^4^ BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENlY bormuda Mands The Bermudas are a group of la* lands, belonging to the British empire, 580 miles east of North Caro* "That's right," answered the lec- u„a and 677 miles from New , York, turer. "Does that raise a question Twenty of the 360 islands are lnin your mind?" • habited. The islands were discovered "Yes," was the reply. "What by Juan de Bermudes, a Spaniard, would a good poker player want i early in the 16th century, for whom with a job?" HELPFUL HENRY expected to benefit greatly a simplification of forms from | and Murphy to Conway to Miller; G. oro^e'oe/8 vacc'nated- The family had overslept, and Mrs. Smith woke up with a start to Larkin to Conway to Miller (2). HORSES--3 h«ad work horses; 2 setsj the clanking of cans down the street, procedures in conjunction with letters "Struck Out By: Murphy ,10; Sthuldt, of eligibility. Homer G. 'Bradney, I 5.- administrator of the Illinois Veterans Struck Out By: Murphy, 10; Schuldt, Commision, has annaunced that ser- j 5. vice officers in all of the 102 counties Bases On Balls Off Murphy, <; of the state have been briefed on the changes and are ready to assist veterans in the new forms and procedures. Major change is the substitution of five application forms. These forms are used in applying for educational benefitss,, re-entering or interrupting educational courses and for accrued leave. Veterans should apply thirty days prior to entering education or training but will be permitted in The oustanding event of the weekend in northern, Illinois will be the Illinois Palamino Horse Show. The this instance to submit an old type! finest Palamino horses of the middle Schuldt, 0. Winning Pitcher: Murphy. PALAMINO HORSE SHOW SEPT. 12 At CHARDON FARMS letter of eligibility provided it is| will be shown. accompanied by one of the new! Beginning at 10 a. to. Sunday, forms/ Sent. 12. halter and color classes The expressed objective of the new j be shown. procedure is to speed up processing! Luncheon will be^ served at 12 of applications (for veterans in insa-! ° clock At 1:30 o clock witnesses tutional and on-the-job training. ' W|H se€ the parade class, walking However, the new change requires horses, three and nve gaited classes, clearance' with the VA central office One of the most colorful events is in Washington, and if this operation i the Silver Mounted Parade class, creates no backlog, subsistence pay-1 Chardon Farms wish to invite you ments may be received more prompt-1 to see their herd of pure bred Hamply than in the past. I shire swine and Hereford cattle. The _in She remembered that the garbage HUOb --- 13 head Spotted Poland had not been put out, and raced China shoats, wt. about 80 lba.; 1 sow, wt. 350 lbs. POULTRY--100 yearling hens, FEED--18 acres standing corn; 9 acres silo corn; 9 acres check corn; 350 bales timothy hay; 400 bales alfalfa; 500 bales clover; 7 tons loose hay; 1 stack straw; 800 bu. Vicland oats. MACHINERY--2 IHC tractors, 15- 30, good running order; 2 14-in. tractor plows; 20-in. Case thresher; electric cow clippers; 16-in. silo filler; 4-roll husker; 2 IHC com binders; IHC grain binder; grain drill; corn planter; bob sled; 2 walking plows; 2 manure spreaders; 2 hard rubber tire wagons; 2 steel wheel wagons and racks; 2 steel stock tanks; fanning mill; gang plow; 7-ft. tractor disk; hay loader; hay rake; hay tedder; engine; 2 belts; 10 milk cans; 2 wash tanks; 16-ft. ladder; platform scales; milk cart; 2 cultivators; feed grinder; corn sheller. HOUSEHOLD GOODS--8-pc. dining set with pad; kerosene 5-ft. capacity refrigerator; cook stove; rug and nad; 3 wicker chairs, 2 rockers and l herd boars used are Tru-Mold, _Iowa i i chair; 3-pc. living room set. j grand champion, and the Specialist. | Not responsible for accidents shoald u The Hereford cattle are sired by, any occur. °'J^" J Chardon's Star Triumph, and W.H.R. TERMS. All sums of $25.00 and •che-the number given by a promin- Pure Mixer ' under that amount, cash; over that ent bone specialist the five most Chardon Farms are located 2M»j amount a credit of six months at 6 common causes are uncomfortable 1 mi!es west of Ivanhoe on Route 59-A bedding, incorrect shoes, poor posof ture. physical weight. strain and excess Wisconsin Honors BoMn The robin is the state bird and the „ . .. • . wood violet is the state flower of w-'uei W,,C0Mte- 1">W'Ver' Heamm ,ao. aute tree. Si* am per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. • Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. CARL KLINGENBERG, Owner Sta^ Jta% ' jrf .poadat<nrtit ^Sferktag^ down to the front door, struggling into a robe, with her hair in curlers, and looking rather sleepy-eyed "Yoo, hoo," she called. "Am I too -late for the garbage?" "No," shouted tha collector. "jiMpy ..f|jght in." ••4 A Sinkhi "How long has your wife been away?" asked the Ifcrber, a bit wistfully. "Oh, about two sets of dishes;" replied the seasoned summer widower. Strapping Tenth . John Smithers was explaining why he always got up for a lady standing in a bus. Said he: _ "Ever since I was a Mid I've had a lot of respect for a woman with a strap in her hand." • • • they were named. They were uninhabited until Sir George Somers was shipwrecked there In 1609. A company was formed for the "Plantation of the Somers' islands" as they were called -at first. 'The crown took over the government in 1684. GET FRESH CANDY EVERY TIME • from our WHITMAN'S Refrigerated Candy Department lb keep labels clean and readable on bottles and jars of cleaning fluid, furniture polish and waxes, cover with transparent tape- Sleeping Sickness In Congo In the Belgian Congo the sleeping sickness toll has declined gradually In recent years. In 1946 there were i 43,000 old and new cases, compared with 47.000 the previous year. In Our Whitman*# Refrigerated Candy Department Every Box Of These Delicious Confections Keeps ! Its Richness a!»d Tastiness the Way You Want Them - Fresh. BOLGER'S BOXING and WRESTLING «UDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 8:30 P. U. o BOXINO John Chcowske Wankegaa n. Kenneth Pratt McHenry Johnny Boyle North Chicago Bob fttgnati Lake Zurich Sgt. Morgan Fort Sheridan v , . • fi. Brace Preibe -- Ub&rtyvWe Jerry Paschke Mundelein f*. wal^r Grogan " Ronnd Lake Bcttdi Jack Rotherham Fort Sheridan YB. Frank Humphreys Highland Park WESSTUNO J onnny &onuDT Notre Dame •». - Carl Engstrom DePaul Angelo Poffo Downers Grove 1 1 Alex White Marion, Wis. LAKE COUNTY STADIUM ROUND LAKE PARK, ILLINOIS ' JL i..».