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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Sep 1948, p. 6

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^ :'• • - f * -\ ^T«^ ": -" "* -" *** %-x- • * ^ 'V *">%••' Jj • -s» • *-,lf y L i l s j I F I E D J L C T 1 0 N NOTIC1 Btonw «t the tn*l iininlMi ft dapaifiitf Mb which imv in tho PlrftndssW each week. we hay* fottd it impoesible to «sep boota on such small account*. Therefoik in the ftttare, only ada wfcfch uttMU for Mm tlds section of Vm pap«j9M to pcoes at 10 •'dock on" Wedneeday will bo printed. FOR SALE -- Female Fox Terrier pluupppgiieess.. A1 Weingart. Tel. McHenry 692-R-2. pair Sewing Machine Repair, Elm and HELP Hillside Sts., in Burton's Bridge. Irk! and FOR SALE -- Two used Switier- L. Atkins, Rt. 1, Crystal Lake, phone, 3rd Craft runabout boats; one used Mer- C. I* 1364-R-2. ^ 20-2 i XGCES8 cury 10-hp. motor; one Harley- David^on used motorcycle, mot^el! . "74;" one 1935 Packard 4-door sedan. Bring w m Atkins i, v * * ' *•/« A .TV. tJ> ^^ . ::?f- SEWING MACHINE all makes, all m Illinois. Slf -- Cleaning bofflnr equipment O EXPERIENCE , Steady work. ELECLITE CO., Woodstock, REAL ESTATE • 20-tf in your property--we will . w_. Swi'tzer-Craft, at"rear of Gladstone's , furnish the customers. Bushels of j HELP WAlfttD--Man to install 700 ! Dept. Store., 208 S_ . G^ reen S~ t., .M.c - . 4..' .i money to loan on -fa rms. A» bu usii -l " -vrjpe fence Henry. Tel. McHenry 798-J. 20,ness that reputation built for over I one-half century. QUINLAN LAND, FOR SALE -- We have on hand! OFFICE. Woodstock. *20-4 \ secOnd-hand water heaters and on i FYPRRiRvrim ' stAVM Alan o f|#W litlG of floor lUT- : l&ArlSKlAlivliill naces and oif storage tanks (cap. L A ND6CAPING--TR^^ SURGERY 275 gals.). Wonder Lake Home Appliances, phone Wonder Lake 388. 20 ft. barb m. Call Pistakee 20 AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES HELP WANTED--Salad girl., ex- Eerience not necessary; 75 cents an our. Shady Rest, Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 1055. 20 SALESMAN WANTED--Specialty or TOR SALE FOR SALES--Tabletop gas stove, $25; one rollaway bed complete, $25. A. j Gehrman, 106 So. Riverside Dr. Tel. McHenry 445-M. *201 FOR SALE--1939 Chevrolet four-'FOR SALE -- Boy's blue flngwrtip door sedan, radio, heater, good tires,; coat, site 16; boy s navy jacket. J. W. RAYCRAFT, P. O. Bex 163 Promotional sales min; a hot deal Phone 298-R -- W. McHenry, I1L i with an average of $50 per deal com- 45.tf j mission; two-a-day, no strain; must "" • have automobile. Send us your ad- C. J. H. DIEHL I dross, we will contact you. Write Woodstock Plana Twer Box "31," in care of Plaindealer. 20 Ph.», 208-W,_ 526 WMhinfton St. SALM REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -- For McHenry county JESTIN RUN HM Clans SPRING GROVE MKIAIL n*v.l!« Woodstock, I1L area; must have car; will aSow time riC J l McMen^* Ai'o meat, plasterint, and brickwork. Nicki to learn. Apply 708vWashington tFnOpR flSAAt.RL_ET--jmL»a rge CPnoiloe , hhontt Kbllaasstt ,i 1- *- _ - i Ha.s.le r. Phone; 20 oil stove. 5-rm. heating capacity. FOR SALE -- 12-guag« double-bar- McHenry Reasonable. ^Robert Seeber, Mc- reled shotgun in good condition. Call Rockwell Henry 669-M-l. " *20 McHenry 753-J after 6 p. m, Hasler. Route 3, McHenry, 111. Phone! street, Waukegan. "" 664-R-l. Also 2*26 N.|~-- - St., Chicago 18. Phone HELP WANTED--Girl for general *20 Brunswick 9022. 14.131 store work. Bolgers Drug Store, -- I. - 1 19-2 oil HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch i 3M15-m^^ lViral^and™i-ft-eal ^lO bunierf^also oil ban-el,^$50; Call1 basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned | HELP WANTED--Trouble shooters chairs; 1 coal heating stove "and McHenry 189-W. 20 by-Eddie's Sanitary^ Service. Eddie Increase your income ;_part or full washing machine, 1 ironing board. „„„ n..„ « „ « Hiiff® Prop. Tel. McHenry 290, 29-tf jtime; day or night. Phillip Schaefer. % mile north of Johnsourg. FOR SALES--Small Duo-Therm •2ft.2 heater. Tel. McHenry 67-W. *20 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash : -- ----- prices paid for cows, horses and FOR SALE--Used Mueller hot sir hogs; no help needed to load. Day furnace with hot water coil. Call Mc- (ancf* ee" Calls Wheeling 2° Wheeling No. 8; FOR SALEr-Three-piocp solid wal bedroom suite % swe bed Henry W-W o'r~ 666-R-l.^an~be" seen1 cil)9 springs and mattress, dresser with at 405 Waukegan Road. loose mirror, chmerobe, odd tables ight, Sundays and holidays. Rendering Works, Wonderful opportunity; good proposition to rignt party. Apply immediately at 607 W. Elm street or call McHenry 470 for appointment in the evening. Admiral Corporation. 19-tf. and chairs, upholstered rocker, |80. FOR SALE--Cleaned rye seed. Phone i Tel. McHenry 603-W-2 after 7j3C i McHenry 610-J-l. Will deliver. 20 CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have P- m. *20j „lt„ ^ , .7^ ..1 electric rod cut out the obstruction. reverse charges. HELP WANTED--Girl for book- 86-tf keeping and general office work. 7-- Down Nash Sales. Tel. McHenry the j 484. 18-tf FOR SALE -- Brass bed with coil i vt jS„„- „ o„_+:" FOR SALE--Purebred Poland China [ spring; oak dresser with large mir- t k Leaae traps cleaned built L ^ E. ror; all three pieces, $25, or sold ^Safr" Ci^rsitv en^wr'on all 20 separately. Phone McHenry !31-W rePaire«- University enfpneer on all snng boars, 200 lbs. Robert tnox. Phone McHenry 691-R-l. construction. Lake County Sanitary mos., oRri chmmaoyn d,b e1 11s. een at John Pierc,e's, |c Tel Libertwille 1346 gft!Oo. let. Libertyvme 1 aw. HELP WANTED -- Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredriekaen, Wonder Lake. Tel. W. L. 221. 14-tf 48-tf i HELP WANTED--Short order cook and waitress. Mi Place Restaurant, 18-tf FOR SALE--Boxer pups, 5 ft Golden fawn, male or female: excel- R(,niif.fti, , fiiriALTERATIONS--Call Vincent Schia- Green St., McHenry lent companions. Peter Fischer, 36 FOR SALE -- Beautiful black fur | vone { alterations and repairing! -- Charlotte, near Country Club Drive. «Pe with toils extending to waist 1 , and women»s clothing; also HELP WANTED -- WOMEN AND Phone McHenry 793-/ *2°, hne; very ^eaaonaWe. Mrs. H. J. • cleanin^ and pregsing. For service «RLS. JO ^SEW. GOODOPPOR wausegan itoaa, mc- call McHenry 615-R-2. FOR SALE--Baby's bed, 6 SchafTer, years;; Henry. 108 18-tf TUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. AP- high chair; porcelain bath, excellent, .iBARN SPRAYING -- Whitewashing1 PLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO, 290 condition. David Breugh, R-3, Box ' 5^K -- Coal heater, almost ior DDT (formerly A1 Phan- j RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. 283, McHenry, 111. (Scheid's sub.) *20 -9®" J'® seen : nenstill's) 607 Front St., on Route 31,' PHONE 39. 10-tf FOR SALE--1935 Pontiac Phone McHenry 695-W-2. Sedan.' 20 Mcrfenry Garage. Tel. 108-R. *2Q; acrQ8s from McHenry San(j 4 Gravel „ FOR SALE--Packing and slaughter'Co- Wm- Ahrens, West McHenry.(HELP WANTED--Men and women, *14-8 boys and girls, 16 years of age or • over, to work nights. Apply at *20 eluding alf buildings. Price $37,500. ^'^SSf^hliee?^ - dm^al" CorP°ratloIV. Elm* For information call ^ in dispose of yeur .garbage oacb woo*. house, near McHenry; all equipments j Phone 148-J less with refrigerator and freezer, in-1 or eftener if deaired. Reasonable ratea. Regular year round route. John E. Hill. P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 866. tf BARN SPRAYING-- Whitewash or DDT. Frank Henkel, P. O. Round Lake, Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 3-tf FOR SALE--1931 Chevrolet, body. Call Richmond 793. 0.,„ --TT--77"! For information call (Frank Nell) FOR SALE--;Wool braided rugs^ 605 JACOB FRITZ, REAL ESTATE. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, 111. 20-2 jphnsburg Tel McHenry 37. 18-tf FOR SALR-PracticaUy new Deluxe FOR SALE--Used cars and trucks. Storklme baby carnage; Minneapo- Downs Nasb Sales. McHenry. 44-tf lis-Honeywell furnace regulator, with Aqua-Stat complete. Call McHenry FOR SALE--Beautiful inlaid walnut 446-M. *20 dining room set, table, sideboard, : cabinet and six chairs. Would cost 222 ?^^0t^,U^!Ce^8 ?n ST todSf.Tr r11 for TRUCKING--Livestock and Ume. ™ ®°X "H." in Phone Pistakee 652-R-l. 16tf Aifre<i Tonyan, 111 W, Pearl St., -Af °^r-- -\ BO8GELLAKB0US McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-ti *vl SALE--Electrolux, two years : oM; upright Hawk cleaner. Call Mrs. I CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling Idwnse Schwerman after 6 p. m. 20 an(j repairs of all kinds. Free esti- Bllll j mate. Lessard 4k Panza. ^R SALE--1937 Plymmith coupe; McHenry 634-R-2. new 1942 motor; approx. 8,000 miles; I aU like imw tires. $400 or best offer.. SHEET METAL AND FURNACE George Ama. Emerald Park, Mr-] WORK -- Gutters and furnaces re- Henry, 111. Phone McHenry 661-M-l. paired. John McDonald, Bowman St., *20! McHenry, I1L Phone McHenry 772-M. 10-tf FOR RENT , FOR RENT--5-rm. cottage, modern, I insulated, automatic gas heat. Refer ence. Call Pistakee 194. 20 POllsh coal resources are estimated by Polish experts at anywhere from 75 billion to 80 billion tons. Ten per cent of the deposits are In the western territories--the lands Poland absorbed from eastern Germany. Poland's hard coal resources have bean estimated at 10,500,000,000 tona by a special commission of mining expert*. Tha commission stated that this In- '%ides only definitely ascertained deposits in mining claims to a depth of about 3,300 feet. PIANOS--40 miles from high psri ices.1 _ Factory Warehouse. New and used > MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING pianos. Spinet, Grand and Studio' SERVICE -- Records installed and Pianos. Many makes to choose from.! maintained. Elmer P. Adams; Cer- It will pay you to visit our place.: tified Tax Consultant. One mile north FOR RENT--Two professional office Call Elgin 780 or write. DAVID E.1 of Fox Lake_on Route U._S. 12;_Fox! rooms and share reception room in Green and Elm FOR RENT--Five-room apartment, cabinet kitchen; heated; automatic hot water; on Fox River in city. Call McHenry 445-M. *20 FOR RENT--Sleeping room, working party perferred. Tel. McHenry 493-W. *20 STARK PIANO CO., 21 N. Unojn St, . Lake, 111. Elgin, 111. I8.4 Phone Fox Lake 5501. | pries building, corner 8-tfjSts., McHenry. 19-tf in-1 PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. ! First! WANTED TO RENT FOR SALE--Registered Cocker Span-raw iuw interior ana c iel puppies; white, white and black,' Plastic tile; rubber flooring. buffs and Macks. George W. Reiker, class work. Insured. For free esti-. __ TTm . . . R-l, Box 218, McHenry. Phone mate, phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert " ANTED TO RENT--Use of tele- Pistakee 6S&J-2 Lngstrom. 5-tf|Phone ™ office or private home, one or two hours daily, five day a week Some privacy wanted. Will nay reasonable amount, weekly, business fOi SALE Generators, armatures, YEAR-ROUND starters, fuel pumps, distributors1 GARBAGE HAULING . .. . , - . „ voltage regulators and ignition parts Regularly and courteously with the calls, all local. References. Address for Ford and all other cars. Seaco 1 best of service. Also ^tMsh hauled Box "F," care Plaindealer. *20 8ales * Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. in loads or half loads. FRED WIRTZ., _. Svoboda, Prop. ToL McHenry 183. Tel. 751-J. 7-tf; WANTED 47-tf SALB -- JOHNS-MANVILLE Cement mixer for rent, J. M. Stanga- TVi'fc A ROCK WOOL HOME IN- rone, Emerald Park. Phone McHenry StJLATION.. Guaranteed not to settle. 661-J-l. 50-tf Installed by tha Wall fill Co. Call or CEMENT AND^CARPENTER ^WORK WANTED--Consignment and resale " ' ' * * * " Second-hand store. Gen & Is's, third house from state bridge, going south on East River Road. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 to 5 15-tf St., MtHenry, or call McHenry 470. 42-tf PoBsh Coal Estimates Goat Keplaoea Horse Tha horse, driven from the roads bf the automobile, loot its place fn the garment factory to the smelly goat; for It is, a goathair fabric that la now used in suit linings. It fs a cloth made by conventional weaving methods, In' which goathair is used aa the filling yarn in a warp of cotton, wool or rayon. It differs from tha old horsehair fabric in that tha goathair is blended with wool or rayon and spun into yam so that it goea Into the loom as a strong, oontfn* ««*, thread. Sword Collection President Truman's gift sword *r^ ray Includes, Mnong others, a kukri, or ceremonial sword, given him by tha commanding general of Nepal. COMPLETE TILING SERVICE PORCELAIN TILE FOR WALLS AND FLOORS Call or write for estimate FRED KUNG 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 4M •-tf write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl and Saturdays from 9 to 9. St^ Tel. McHenry 18. tf FOR SALB--1' Y PEW RITER8, ADDBUG MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carton paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay StJ Woodstock. Phone S49. 7-tf FOR SALE--BARGAIN -- New, 4 ---- --- WANTED^--To buv hench inr Phone WM rouna nMia#* Me J?*8 unCOn" rooms and bath, full basement, fur- WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN, WondernUke 6«" * 20: sci°u* **ut 8ti11 *U^e- seaman WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Becuty Shoppo.) U-tf WANTED TO BUT Jonab's Whale Jonah's famous adventure with a whale actually has happened, and In recent times. In 1881 a British sehman named Bartley disappeared when a whaling boat waa attacked by a large sperm whale. Shortly after the accident tha whale waa captured and killed, and when the animal's stomach waa opened, more that 24 hours later, Bartley's body ! was found totfide. He was uncon suffered severely from shock, but WANTED TO BUY--Two coal and! recovered later and resumed his nace, automatic oil heat, on blacktop WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair road, near.store and bus line. Price and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 «7 ,750. For information call our Main Street, McHenry. Telephone wood heating stoves. Address office. JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, ®S-J. 10-tf Baker, R-2, Box 439, McHenry, 111. Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 18-tf THE bridegroom had shown groat patience on his initial shopping trip, during which tha bride had been most exacting in "'""ng a radio which would exactly match their furniture. Sovorai ware rejected because of slight scratches or imperfections in finish. Others wore criticized for vonoors or poor linos. At last a very expensive model was displayed, and after many exclamations thO b r i d o nodded to her new husband to pay the bill. i "And I know the exact spot for our new radio/' she confided on tho way homo. "Well have It built into our bookcase, and no ono will ever dream it'# a radio." pboop posrrnrs Many people will remember how tho celebrated Theodore Hook, of an earlier day, deflated the pompous gentlemen of his era by walking up to them and demanding: "Pray, sir are you anybody of importance?" A stranger once tried to embarrass the extreniely imposing British actor, Sir Herbort Beerbohm Tree, by repeating these words to him. BntBir Herbert's wit was equal to his appearance. "I^po't think I can be," he rejoined, "or I should hardly bo soon talking to you." DJULT BBEAD ThO family waa sitting down to dinner when little Sylvia turned to her father. "Why can't we pray once a week, daddy?" queried the child. "Do wo have to ask for our daily bread every day?" Her younger brother looked up in utter disgust. "Do you think we want to get stale bread?" ho Osked. Preserve W ' "The reason that women live longer than men is because paint is a great preservative. V017TIIF17L CURIOSITY 17 AKTHQUAKES--floode-*-convict li ^ oscapes. The newspaper if Just full of happttiings everywhere. But nothing ever happens to us," sighed Mrs. Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins studied the newspaper. "Hero's a picture of this Bat Sebastian, escaped lifer. Face reminds me of someone--" "Why, Peter, that face doesnt show a spark of kindness." They remained quiet, Martha in her ancient wicker rocker and P4»er in his high-backed chair The paper lay on Mr. Jenkins' lap as he drowied. Mrs. Jenkins rocked gently. She watched the sunset, Tomorrow she'd be doing the same thing. Then she watched. her boarder trimming the rosebush. Tfoat man was so obliging. In the few days he had been here he had made himself thoroughly useful. "Nice evening, Mr. Brown," she said in friendliest 3. MiMta voice. Mr. Brown "N16e*T- : -- "Wouldn't you! like to sit a bit?" "Thank you, ma'am, but whenever I see a bush that needs' trimming--" 1 "Why don't you take life easy, j Mr. Brown? It isn't as if you were a hired hand." v , "I like to keep moving, get me?" "Get you what?" "What? Welllemonade." | "You poor man. There'a some*in the icebox." Mrs. Jenkins rose, gave; her slumbering husband a disap-1 proving glance, and swept in. Mr.' Brown ran up on the "porch. He stood behind the sleeping Mr. Jenkins and extended his hand toward the paper. Mr. Jenkins stirred. Brown straightened and took a long step to the rail. He stooped over, .snipping the blades as two sleepweighted eyes unlidded. Then, the screen door creaked. "Lemonade's nice and cold, Mr.j Brown." j The man took the glass, emptied it in a swallow. "*Thank you, ma'am." Dusk had deepened; and Mr.; Jenkins yawned. "Reckon I'll turn in. Gotta spray the apple trees to-j morrow." ' "Don't forget to call on Sheriff Dawson," said Mrs. Jenkins. . j The clip clip stopped, rhen Mr.; Jenkins saying: "I'll be over to see him-tomorrow sure before he sells, that white horse o' his to someone else." . Again, the sound of the blades.' Mr. Jenkins opened the door. Mrs. Jenkins sat alone, framed by the light of the lamp in the kitchen be-1 hind her. "Mr. Brown, you can't work in the dark. Mr. Jenkins won't mind if you sit in .his chair." - "You're okay--very kind." He placed down the shears and took the chair. In the shadows his fingers folded the paper. "When I was a girl, Mr. Brown, 1 loved fun! Would you believe it, 1 wont to a barn dance every week (by Mrs> Charlas Fmuod) f " Tho firemen held a party at tSe Town Hall last Monday night for all those who assisted them at their carnival. Cards were played and refreshments were served. Miss Ginny Dawson celebrated hlf1 birthday on Sept. 20 by inviting htr little friends to a party, which was held at tha home of her grandmother, Mrs. Claim, in Maywooa. The children stopped in at Kiddy Park on North avenue and had a grand tipe taking in all of the rides. A dinner was served at Mrs. Claim's home and a large birthday cake was the table's center piece. Ginny received many lovely gifts. Those to make up this happy party were Donna and Dianne May, Charlotte, Dan and Vic Frebnd and Ginny. ~»™ Rev. John Daleidfn and the ushers held their regular meeting at tie home of Charles May on Tuesday night. After the meeting there was cards, and refreshments were served. Dr. and Mrs.>tg)uane Ford and hqfe Steve, are spending, a week witn hfer folks in Michigan, 's Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Bob Lent, and daughter, Linda, visited Mrs. Lucille Nelson and Bobby in* Sharon on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch and children and Mr. and Mrs. fid Hoffman of Wilmette visited relativia here oh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders and children spent the weekend with her parents in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family visitied friends in Highland Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Graham of Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern several days last week. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Nimsgerr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgern in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mikouet and her sister, Martha, returned last week Wednesday from a trip to New York. - Members or the Community Club held their meeting at St. Peter's hall on Monday night. After $n, evening of cards, refreshments were served. Charles Freund served on grand f jury at Woodstock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pitt^es of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Matb Nimsgern home. FOR SALE--Eight dozen brand new Kerr Mason jars, tops and rubbers, 2-qt. size. $1 per dozen. Tel. McHenry 602-J-2. *20 FOR S ALE^--Stark upright piano. Call after 0 p. m. Tel. McHenry CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK ' Asbestos Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVIDSON BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 653-M-2 50-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate *20 WANTED TO BUY--Farm. Private family wants approximately 160-200 acres with spring or creek preferred; school bus service. Please and ^description. All rep] confidential, field, 111. Write Box 425, Deer 278-R. 20 your next job. *19-2 FOR rfnt oiip P ROTHERMEL ELECTRICAL SHOP WANTED TO BUY--We have cash w 7 SALE^Four-room 304 Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. buyers for resort properties, homes cottage, oil heat, electric water. At *46-26 Phone McHenry 760. !Bnd farms. JACOB FRITZ. McCulIom Lake. Available Oct. 16. -- - . . - » Tel. McHenry 638-M-2. *20 scious during the early stages of his gruesome oifteal, and he carried tho marks of it to his grave. His face, neck and hands wore permanently bleached and wkinklod by the action give price of tho whale's gastriq juices. Deplies held! tails of . this amazing ^ adventure wero vouched for by the French scientist, De Parville, who published a full account of it in the "Journal dos Dobats" in 1914. Need Rubber stamps? The Piamdeaier. . REALOmU* TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 187, or Chicago. Lincoln 1383. 2-tf LOST Helen Weber Says: eJlaue. you Jlea/ul? The news that is spreading all over town--about our superior methods of cleaning and pressing. We're proud too--because we are always striving to give our customers the best there, is in quality cleaning and pressing of their garments. McHenry Gleaners *|eaa 104-M 1M Eba St Helen Weber. Mgr. ' LOST -- One-year-old brown Cocker Spaniel; answers to name "Bonnie." Reward. Phone McHenry 642-J-2. 20 ; LOST -- In McHenry, gold earring ! with blue stone. Reward. Mrs. George •W. Reiker. Phone 633-J-2. *20 River Steamboats Mere Memory J Most of the famous old Mississippi j river boats have been scrapped, but. I to oldtlmers their memories linger j on. Each boat was a personality to j the ipen who followed the river or j I just loafed along its shore. Probably I the most distinguishing thing about 1 each craft was its whistle. In the j golden years of steam boating, no own- ' er would think of sending a new pack- ! 1 et to ply the Ohio or the Bier Muddy j without a beautifully toned blaster, j Now, like the steamboats they once graced, the whistles and beils are gone from the scene, although many still are close to the river. Thejf can be heard at cotton gins, lumber mills and steam powered plants, or cMMng hands to work on the bl? plantations. Uncle Sam Says A youngster stood gazing intently at his father's visitor, a homely man of large proportions. At length the portly one, becoming a bit embarrassed, said: "Well, my boy, what are you looking at me for?" "Why," replied the boy, "Daddy told Mother that you were a selfmade man, and I want to see what you look like." "Quite right," said the gratified guest. "I am a self-made man." "But what did you mp^ yourself like that for?" asked th boy, with considerable surprise. Time Conquers Friend: your son school?" Father: "An old man "What do you expect to be when he finishes 4-H , - . Vha 42,360 boys and 50,588 ffcft* enrolled in 4-H dubs in tha state of Texas last year acrid more than four million of beef and afinaavmd 1,261,000 fuarta ot fsod.'^c*^-^ * * -*«S" Any day mob you may be faced* by | •oaM real bugaboos if you are not salting away a part of your wages every | pay day. Bugaboos can pop up unex* 1 pectedly and noa* is the time to prepare for them. They can hit you in "•jy "'y--money weeded for your children's educatkm, enough money to j retire, or suppose your wife or your children should become aiek? The j beat attack on these bugaboos is to buy U^. Savings Bonds, week after week, month after month, year after | year. So sign up today for the Payroll '•/'•IP Plan where you work, or. If •elf-employed, for tae Bond a Mouth Stringing Him A|<R| % Little Tommy arrived at the party exceedingly late, a puzzling phenomenon considering his well-known fondness for ice cream and cake. "Why, Tommy," exclaimed the hostess, "you almost missed the refreshments. Why are you so late?" "It's these new boots mother gavo me," the youngster complained. "So that's what delayed you?" "Yes," muttered Tommy, "she forgot to Cut the string I" "When 1 was a girl, Mr. 'Brown. I loved ftm!" and with a different beau each time! And picnics and hayrides. I couldn't be tied down nohow. But today--I reckon I should be thankful but it does get so tiresome with nothing1 ever happening." The man said, "It's been nicetaking care of the bushes. I'll miss that. I'm scram--leaving tonight." And on the day foUowing she wondered why Mr. Brown had stayed as lohg as he had, it was so quiet here Toward twilight, when Mr. Jenkins returned from his visit to Sheriff Dawson, he led a white horse. After he had put the animal up, he made hirhself comfortable in his chair Martha was staring at the sunset. "Pretty near forgot to tell you, Marthy. Sheriff received word that police picked up Bat Sebastian. They thought he had a wad o' money in his pocket but it was just a newspaper folded up." Mrs. Jenkins sighed. "It must have been exciting," she said, "but nothing ever happens to us. Petei, what are you looking for?" "The paper. I left it haro lost night." (Copyright) fUlaaaad by WNU r«atw«a Majority Against Sharing Atamia Saerets, Pall Sham Northwestern university psychology department, in an opinion poll of Chicago araa residents, learned that only 1 per cent believe that sharing of atomic secrets by all nations will load to peace. Of fivo stiggtstod moans t» achieve lasting peace, tho Unitatt Nations received tho highest vote, 77 per cent, although S5 per cent of this group expressed tho opinion that the U. N. is doing a poor Job at the present time. Tho other four moans were a federal world government, a United States of Europe, making American military, strength greater, and the sharing of atomio secrets. The survey, conducted by A. R. Gilliland, professor of psychology, concerned itself solely with public opinion toward our war allies and toward the maintenance of peace. A continuing poll inaugurated in 1942, it surveys public opinion peri* odically on current issues. Persona interviewed by trained interroga* tors are selected to £ve an accurate cross-section of Chicago urban population on the basis of socio-economic status, age, sex, education and religion. WlM Robber Treea l&iuador still produces rubber from wild trees and small plantations. Caucho, a large tree up to 100 feot tall and one foot in trunk diametef, is characterized by large, hjLiry, toothed leaves arranged in two drooping rows along nearly horizontal branches. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store. McHenry. 8-tf v Itiad the Want Ads TO ME* Flywoed Outside pieces of a pieoo of plywood are called faces or face and back, the center ply or pUes are called the core, and the intervening pUes are called the crossbanda. popular tourist resort in England Is Plymouth which contains the Mayflower stone, commemorating the spot when the Pilgrim Fathep em- 'i.' ^ barked fos America. Bgh Cost of Leetag Coet to Germany of her tempt at world domination was at least 3.3 million Uvea, of which the vast majority were men. In addition, another S.7 million men remain prisoners of war employed in reconstructing devastated areas in the territory of their captors. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.26 and |2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 36-tf BeaC the Want Ads This area has an employer '.'.aving 52 full weeks of employment each year; hoppitalization insurance, life insurance, accident and health insurance, surgical insuranoe and a retirement plan available; company operated, low ~ost cafeteria; one, two. or three weeks vacation with pay; six paid holidays; choice of straight day, straight afternoon. straight night or rotat* Ing 3hift; employes purchases rf building materials at stantial discounts; part arork if you desire. Employment Office Open llonday to Friday at 8 a. m. Mns-Manville Co. Greenwood Ava., Wankegan /

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