'rnirnmmmimmmmmm* TWKB TINLD •- efcsrck ta -this city, the serriee baring Imm efradncted by lav. C&as. 8. Mis. XiM Elsie Vyeital, who dariag the put niuer wu employed by tte J. C. Thies eompany, is a aew employee at the total offiee of t»ie lUiuii Bell Telephone rtmpuy. inraiTY-fiTi AflO Nkk Preuad, who resides ra a farm on the Jokasbnrg-Spriag Grore road, north of Johaslrarg, haa parehased the Peter J. Freuad house on Waakegan street, BOW occupied by Mr. and lira. Fred Weinaehenker, and will move hie family thereto on or about March 1. Barvey Baron, chief engineer at tto Borden milk bottling plant in thia city, has purchased the George Wirfs hoaie on Waakegan atreet and will move his family thereto the first of the month. Miaa Margaret Frennd and Mr. Anton J. 8ehmitt were married last Wednesday morning at St. Mary's Catholic WILLIAM M. CARROLL* Attorney-at-Law j U8J4 Beatea St. Pheae Woo8stseh um Woodstock. nfaMto fom T1A1I Mir. a«l Mrs. Martin Thelen aire now occupying the SchnOrr cottage on Main atmi The J often flat over the N. H. Petesch drag store is soon to be occupied by Mr. aad Mrs. John E. Freuad. E. W. Howe last Thursday sold the Mra. Elizabeth Hunter farm of M acres located at Barrerille, to Wm. Wright of Nunda. Consideration #6,050.00 Thirty years ago, at this time, oats were selling at \5 and 18 eenta, barley at 55 and 60 cents, rye at 38 cents, buckwheat at 65 aad 70 eenta, clover aeed at $3.75, timothy seed 80 and $1.90, bran at $8.50 a ton, eggs at 14 centa *nd butter at 8 eenti.' r - > FIFTY TSARS AClO and will present a aeataad pore iavitiag appearanre hereafter. ; Jacob Juaten haa commenced the work of enlarging the lean-to en the eaat "aide of his faraiture store, BOW occupied by J. J. Bishop as a barber shop. . . _ ------ " nm TBA1S ASO Quite a number of Mar citizens went to Chicago on Saturday to aee the grand parade and here the Hon. Jamea O. Blaine, on the political issues of the •**7- „ Beautiful shades of silk warp Henrietta, at $1.00 worth $1.25; a large variety of silka, velvet aad wool dress goods. Ladies' Salesroom. Our community vtaa shocked and grieved this Wednesday morning to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. A. C. | Granger, nee Mamie Lamphere, whoi died last night. j The election on Tuesday, next fori the McHenry precinct, *?iU he held *t the new city halL ; %| good HI fanners aad t* more alert to Poidtiy fljaaiaHta* Hot at all, the npnti aay.fertOe mm garmlnaiawikiss they j«e kept below gg degreee temperature and ganniaalta Hani loir quality* Gat rid of the rooster in tha lodt, come from clean necessary to have i«fm it toil HeHSMBT FLORAL CO. On Mia Beath efJIeHeary Barbian Bros, has just received by mail, from Mike Thelen, at Porto Rico, a sample of tobacco grown on that far off Island. E. J. Hanley list week sold his handsome young driving horse "Pat Dowa* fog" to parties from Chicago. Priee received $150. i' "The McHenry poatoffiee ia being newly papere<T and painted this week, Wearers far all ' . • PRANK 8. MAT ^ K> •• - Tracking . -Head -- Black Dirt -- Cranked G**v«l Excavating -- Limeatona Track far Hire •I Pheae McHenry S88-M-I R-l McHc V* A. P. FREUND SON* Bscavating Centraetata Ttaddag, Hydraalie. and Crane Service 5*' X -BOAD BUILDING*.' fid. 294-M * McHenry, III. COPYING Old PllOtOgTaplf V Snapshots and Proofs for which negatives are not available. < $1.00 WORWICK'S STUDIO Phone 275 117 Riverside Dr., McHenry Limestone VEEN THBLBN 1. . Cracking • u-* ' Black Dirt * Track for Hire ; ^ TeL McHenry 688-B-2 or 688-W-l Bex 172. St. 1. McHenry 'Telephone No. 188 STOFFEL A REIHANSPERGER Inaarance agent* fer all classes af property In the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKER. Attorney Wedaeada; (Joslyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: _ ^ After assps 1 :•« M Office--Koehr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, Weet McHenry Phone -McHenry* 486 Woodstock 1185 INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ^ Fire, Aato, Farm and Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When yon need insurance af any kind Phone 48 or 118-1A Green A Elm McHenry FARM DRAINAGE Tiling Work Done With Modern Eoaipattat Can Furnish Tile tao c. zimmermaH Contractor . Phane 188801-1. _ *. F. H. S in. FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE IL.1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pmpa MM and >a paired TEL. WONDER LAKE 483 A TERNON KNOX Atteraey-At-Law Car. Green and Elm 8ts« McHenry Tnsaday aad Friday Aftarnaana Other Daya By Aipihtal Phana McHenry 4S HIGHEST CA8H PRICES paid far Dead aad Crippled Hereoa. Cattle aad Hags^-- Saaitary far sale. Phoaea Arttagtea Heights lit er McHenry 888-J-2. Reveree Charges. Palatlae Rendering Service. JOSEPH X. WAYNNB Attorney at taw 809 Wankegan Road (RFD SoK 1) WEST McHENRT. ILL. ' PHONE M&ENRY 4OT-W BILL £' SHALES f Interior aad Exterior Painting Paper Hanging Aba Spray Palatial IK N. Green 8t. McHenry TeL McHenry S#S*I ar Crystal Lake 1UHI-1 I TWL Wonder Laha 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS --Offiee H Tuesday, Tharaday ft Satardal 9 a. m. to 5 p. bl. I Bvening* by App<rfntment Leakeat Paint Wonder Lake, I1L FRANK E. LOW Insurance f - Wilting Fire, Accident ft Health Aato, Casualty and Life, in Reliable Companies. none 95-J S01 Waukegan jpt. McHenry, 111. ELM STREET FLORIST RTE 120 . 11-Ph M HcNRYU0f •WE f LOWE 2S Jlocat QjliaxtXAInc. MftlMn Rate 8m4 NmIHi " As First Dtslrs ftr IkHI Good health ia what mothers want moat for their children, with good social adjustment as runnerup. , This was indicated in a poll of Xooo mothejrs-to-be, who were asked to tan what they considered most Important tor their children. The poll was conducted among members of a mothers-to-be club in New Yorit. Of the 1,000 women, 83 per cent said good health was most impor-1 tant fen* their child's happiness. ] Fifty per cent thought social ad-1 justment was second in importance, I and 25 per cent rated a college education third. A good marriage got the moat votes for fourth place ! and fifth place went to a business | of his own. ' Mora mothers wanted their chil-! dren to have a religious faith than I wanted them to have wealth, and 1 far more votes want to college education than to good looks. [ Very few wanted their youngsters to be active in politics. That point got the votes of only 3 per cent of the mothers, and that 3 per cent put it in sixth place in importance. plenty at clean, to litter on. the floorSand la tha nasb all the time. A wire mesh over the droppings pits wffl help kaafr fee eggs clean. Hans confined tha year around lay eggs la whicb the quality-- both ouftplde and Inside--can be cloeely controlled. The hen house should have at least one past for every four or five birds. This wall cut down crowding and egg breaking and give the eggs a chance tb cool in the nests. Collect eggs often, not less than twice a day. Use at wire basket will permit them to cool off faster. Don't pack eggs Into crates until they are cool, insula ting qualities of crates prevent warm eggs from coolfeg. Pack eggs with the large end up. Otherwise the air cell and the yolk tend to work to the top and that again lowers the egg quality. HkUiy Mhrlieat known inhabitttt «f America--the Folaom man--lived In the Oklahoma Panhandle between 10,- 000 and 12,000 years ago; the first mining expedition in Oklahoma was led by the Spanish explorer, Don Diego del Castillo, in 1650; the first book published in Oklahoma was a school primer In the Creek language, printed at Union Mission in 1835, notes the World Book Encyclopedia. Moving Day To prevent bteakirig records and small pictures with glass frames when moving, Insert them between old magazines, then tie securely in bundles. mm "I A Complete I CLEANING SERVICE Done In Our Own 206 a ORSEN ST. McHENRY Free Picknp and Delivery Service j - ; .'<*>' V/ . 20 JXAAAAAI|>'VVYV"irr,i*1* WEINGABT TRUCKING Band -- Gravel - Mask Dirt -- Tracha far Hlw^-^CFree EstlmatiBg TeL Stt-R4 MtHsary. HL WELDING H. B. VANCE--McHeary 81-J 88* Seath Green 8U McHeary, IB. AL'8 WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 881 Ma£ St.. McHe*ry Electric Piartable Weldiag , Acetylene Waldtag aad OrtN AIJCX W. WIRFS, Operator Phene 8t8-W-l ar 484 M*HENRY. ILL. DR H. S. FIKE Veteriaariaa Oa Highway 31- Offke aad Haaic Tel. McHenry 31 McHeary, I1L Office Heara: 1 pja. to 2 pja. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appeiataeat I* DR. R. DeROMp -- Dentist -- -v. 128 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry ffice Houri: Tuesday and Saturdays from 10 to 4L Evenings by appointment. * MOSEY INN EIHOWQOD TELEVISION PRAGKR BEER . rEED BOWMAN, Prop: McHENRY SIGN SERVICE SHOW CARDS -- OUTDOOR SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING ft WINDOW LETTERING i! H 1 H. REESE : Fox St. Phone 440-R CLARENCE'S SHOP 8ELE0T TOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! Barnyard sets, garages, doll houses, table and chair sets, writing desks, toy chests, kitchen cabinets, ironing boards, tie. * Fnll line of lawn furnitsra. Hen's and ladies' leatiier b|pi and wash baskets, market ita CLARENCE SMITH TeL McHenry 58S-J-1 Johnsbnrg, I1L OR. HENRY FREUNDrf £ OPTOHBRUT ' At 116 8. Green St, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Fitted Vtpaal TVahdag -- Vtoaal RahaMUtatlan Osaaplete Vbaal Aaalysb at maktag a , at yanlrimw go a Mag inn promise ta Mas ttls valnaMa Stug wittla ttks raage of the ttveatach owner's hodgai ttm Amerioaa Veteriaary Medical association reports. A pcfaotpal drawhadt to tha acale'-oae at penirllBn for has been tha aaad for givtag paatad doaea at latarvals at taw hours. Through new arias, however. It now can be cam btaod wiOi chemicals, minerals, oQs aad Jelly-Ilka substances that enable a single dose to remain In the blood stream and light germs for as long as two to four days, depending upon the combination of ingredients used. This means that one dose of the new penicillin compounds may do the work of a dozen unfortified doaes. Not only will this reduce the amount of time spent by the veterinarian in treating the pdtient, but also it will allow marked economy In use at the drug. When not combined with any of these prolonging agents, penicillin is eliminated from the blood stream and excreted from the body in three or four hours, making it necessary for additional doaes to be given in uninterrupted succession in order to overcome attacking microbes. Omission of even one dose in the aeries usually makes the entire treatment ineffective, because the omission gives germs a chance to bolster their defenses against the drug and launch a counter-attack that may overwhelm the power at doaes that come afterward. at Central Park ]fct 1M8, acting en a suggestion tp asan#apar edttor William CuQsn Bryaat, Hew York City bought , the 840 ans eaqdstac Central Park tor 87,218,708. That area la aow vatasd, am the basis of adjoining rsal estate, at 8880,800 aa acre, or aaora than 8800,000,000, almost a IS8 par eaat laenaasr After the seaatSassL aaosnsUaers aad counterfeiters wars ran out of the area, 2,080 asaa worked ahnoat IX years to give the park its present tolow teaddtgr to w sad safety to •aeSsd Show that tive Ingredient, is o to «»'-nTs of aB the It action according to nattoaMd Order your rubber Plsindealer. at Tha Better Bees en Way Roes that sting less, gather more honey and resist disease soon will be available as a result of new discoveries in breeding. Applying methods used in artificially breeding dairy cows and in producing hybrid corn, scientists have found ways to control queen mating. Thereby they are working to produce superior honeymakers-- bees not so anxious to sting, and willing to work harder. They will also produce better poUinisers and bees more reelstant to foulbveedt .SHIP YOUR POULTRY TO CHICAGO KRICKL MOTOR SERVICE " Tel. McHenry 569-J-l ** We furnish coops ^ • Deep Sea Diving If a diver could descend six miles into the ocean he would have to withstand six tons of pressure against every square inc> of his body. M I L L I N 1 Fwrmerly Barnard's Mill llorth End of Wonder Lake at the Bridge Closed All Day Tuesday During Winter TELEVISION COCKTAILS LIQUOR -- BEER _ COMPLETE DINNERS SERVED From 6 to 9 j>. m. Daily except Monday Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., Sunday 1 to 7 p. a. fISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY WE C/ATER TO PARTIES Frank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond S12 Kmw 41 m.p.h. Chri^Crmft w«fii|iiMi>ia €••§• aboard, SaUara! '. r See eaT Chrie-Craft diaplay teday. « Get year * free copy of the aew 44-page Chris-Craft catalog la fall e»lor freea as. leasahtr, we aaa give yam faaaiedlate d^ivery on auuay Chria- Craft Cobm la. er call Hewes Boat Company, Inc. PHONE FOX LAKE >481 Silver-~The Language Of * Family Pride ^4 • t *i'if Beautiful silver speaks the ageless language of family pride. When you select your silver here you'll be proud to use it d$ily for fine silver grows dearer with every passing year. The excellent craftsmanship, the superb Resign, and the glowing finish of pur silver will be the pride of generations to come. Begin tomorrow's heritage today by selecting your silver frwr ns today. We Have Selections In ROGERS 1847 r COMMUNITY > - ' WM ik)GERS INTERNATIONAL • • : " i and TUDOR ^Perfect Qift for the Newlywedtf I' -W"' ! } i Noonans Jewelry Store MOaOnwStnet I': Oa8y: 8 ta ltpad 1,8a 8--Satwdays E*eaings: 8 ta 8JI pi n. PHONE MeHENBY 452 -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Hones, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnabarr - Spring GreVe Road Phone Joaaaoarg 814 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges Select yours early from our finest assortment since pre-war days. Beautiful scenic cards. Cheery holiday greetings Special family cards as well as attractive ones for individual members. Make your choice now from our reasonably priced selection. _ ' The McHenry Plaindealer t McHenry, 111. to All Scrap Iron Haulers i . ' o W ANTE D| MTTien PAPER, CARDBOARD AND MAGAZINES for our new paper press --o--^ For high prices and complete service come to LERN0R IRON & METAL CO., Inc. 540 Colby Street Beloit, Wisconsin • . / .• " -A.--