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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Nov 1948, p. 6

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LPS5IFIED ? E CTiON erfll be FOR SALS It)* SALS--Tree ripened, taste tested /rait delivered prepaid by express. $5 . '"Ijjsr bushel, oranges, grapefruit, tangerine*. AU of one kind or assorted, wend cheek with order to D. W. Malloy, «*l«ke Helen, Fla. 25 4 |FOK UU -- Two-piece living room traite; good eotadition. $75. Phone McHM7 687-W-2. line Bay. Wohder Lake. JACOB FEITE, REALTOk, Johnsburg. Tel. MeHenry 37. x 23-tt FOR 8 AI«E--Dueks, laying hens and stewing hens, Mrs. Frank Hamelitz. Phone McHenry 647-W-2. *25 ACREAGE BUT NOW BUILD LATER The Kelter Trust is now acreage on the blacktop road, THINK OF XT yt to 2 acres fronting on blacktop road, y, •»«« from stores and depot. All good tillable land. Ready to build on and raiee your own feed. BEAT THE HMW FOOD COSTf Why lire on a city lot when yon can bay a S-acre fam for $1.000- RV A OOOD WVBSTMBKT See ui today aad take your Hek THE KEHT CO., U»c. Belling Agents For orer 26 years. MeBsary JPhone McHenry 9 25 mi FOB SALB -- ALL TEAR HOMES, $5,000 and up. FARMS, lar| and small; CHOICE LOTS; LI* IN OA, APPRECIATED; STOMPO- _ j NATO'S REAL ESTATE, Woodstock, .... ~~! in., Call CECELIA E. KNOX, Me- TOR SALE L HENRY, Tel. 421-J. '21-8 'Very low mileage; excellent for dump t>or or semi-trailer; perfect condition.! poR >iTlt -- Peeking and Slaughter L. Duncan, Wadsworth, I1L Phone; house, near M«H*nry; all equipments !Lske Villa 3965. ,, *25j refKgerator and freeser, including CI ' a 1 all buildings. Price $37,500. For in- JFOB SALE --* Plymouth 19S6 sedan;, formation can (Frank Nell) JACOB jgood condition; reasonable offer con- ywrr* «at. ESTATE, Johnsburg, midered. Phone Richmond 654; after McHenry 37. 18-tf :30 p. m. Richmond 646. •25 ••-g ANO^^JTESHk^EvJBM WOWOAOfD BUTm ;|POR SALE -- 1M0 Delnxe Plymouth, j ros kat.h _ Five-room permanent * "loor sedan; radio and heater. Call hoine in good location, close to.river " T<eke 2743. *25 j ejectricity, gas, oil heat, bath and run- _ . _ _ _ ~ | ning water. Poeaession in thirty days. SALE--Three space 5-room oil pr£e $7 500. Reasonable terms. THE icatera; one-half price; also second-1 ithvt CO.. McHenry. 111. Phone 8 d lumber. TeL McHeary650 B l-l" OTcr 25 years. 85 25,. ---- -- ! FOR SALE -- Used cars and trucks. IFOR SALE Gas range, one year old; Downs Naah gales, McHenry. 44-tf ccellent condition; fenry 463-W. $120. TeL M- •25 )R SALE--Five 5-ft. lengths of soil jripe. Tel. Wonder Lake 446 on Sunday evening, Monday, Tuesday or Wednes- |day of nekt week. *25 FOR SALE--Two ice cream booths*, can be used as breakfast nook; steamer trunk; wardrobe trunk; Cold Spot 5-ft. electric Refrigerator; show case. Tel. Mrllcnry 340. *25 FOB SALE--Kroehler fireside chairs, pPOR SALE 4-roll Appleton corn) $19.75. Peter M. Justen Furniture Co., Ipusker and shredder; in good condition ^jOharles Weingart. Phone McHenry H83-W-2. *25 West McHenry. Tel. 63. 25 POR SALE--Cabbage for sauerkraut, Se per pound or $1 per bushel. Also Chester White boar, 240 lbs. Tel. I16-W-2. *25 2 FOR SALE--2-phase, heavy duty, 1%- hp., electric motor; will run on either 110 or 120 volts; good as new. Phone MeHenry 596-W 2. *25 BARGAIN -- Seven -room country rase including nine furniture, oil steam Ite^t, large wooded lot, has a valuation $32,000; owner will sacrifice for 'f$18,7J50. Located in Colemar near blnck j top road. For appointment, call JACOB Tim, Jehnsburg, Tel. MeHenry 87 or •Chicago Lincoln 9-1333. 25 FOR SALE--17 feeder pigs from Minnesota No. 1 boar. Kane A Jepson, Ringwood. *25 MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE -- Heating stove; burns wood or eoal; good eendition; also wall protector; both $12. Apply Pinze, S. W. cor. North and Wonder Lake Drive, ^Wonder Lake. Call Saturday p. m. or Sunday. *25 Kfo I, " FOB MH -- Three breakfast sets; three dining room sets; electrie bean cooker; electric heaters; Mixmaster; fire place bench; pressure cooker; 2* burner eleetric stove with oven and ?| broiler, like new; baby bassinette; , teeter babe; rocking hone; occasional tablet; ironing boards; glass front a' .'j china cabinet; commodes and dressers^ | metal work table; mirrors and picture v frames; 10-inch oil burner; 24-inch p. fI- metal wall cabinet; beds; eoil springs; 11 kerosene stoves; gas stoves; refrigeraf^. 4" tor* trunks; suitcases; kitchen sink, ig- like new; all clothing in good condition. P>'-' Gen ft Is's, third house from state jfe ' bridge, going south on East River Road,' s , Open Wednesday, Thursday and FrV -'day from 9 to 5 and Saturdavs from |> 9 to 9. " 25 FOB SALB '-- Eight-room home, immediate possession, near high school. Make offer. BXPBBT PIANO TUNINO AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. MeHenry 681-M 2. » *24-2 PIANOS 40 miles from high prieea. Before yon buy your Christmas Piano, see us for bargains on new and used spinets, Grands and Uprights. DAVID E. 8TABK PIANO CO., 20 North Union St., Phone Elgin 780, Elgin, Illinois. 24-4 FLOOR COVERINGS. Asphalt aad Rubber Tile, | Linoleum -- Carpeting Sink and Table-Top Work f Drop a card for estimate iff Phone 699-M, Woodstock, IlL RAT IRION FLOORING 22-tf CABINETS BUILT TO OBDEB -- Also carpenter work" and painting wanted. Call MeHenry 674-J-l. *22-4 OOMPLETE TILING SBBVIOE PORCELAIN TILE FOB WALLS AND FLOORS „ \' Call or writ® for estimate FRED KLING Jrj 618 W. Crystal Lake Ave»* ' Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crvstal Lake 490 • 6*tf PAINTING -- Interior and exterior. Plastic tile; robber flooring. First class work. Insured. For free estimate, phone McHenry 6S2-W-1. Bert Lngstrom. 5-tf YEAR-ROUND GARBAGE HAULING Regularly and courteously with the best of service. Also ruboish hauled in loads or half loads. FRED WIBTZ. Tel. 758-R. 7-tf CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK Cement mixer for rent, J. M. 8tan|» rone, Emerald Pftrk. Phone McHenry 661-J-l. 50-tf WELLS DRILLED OR WTBL WATER 8Y8TBM8--We seO, re^ and install pumps. Bill Bacon. 106 Main Street, McHenry. Triephone W-J. I04f CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK Asbeetoe Shingles and Insulation Free Estimate ARVID60N BROTHERS Tel. McHenry 95S-M-2 50-tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Floor furnaces. Let us estimate fiyraERji&L ELECTRICAL SHOP nt EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPING--TREE SURGERY AND REMOVAL--INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. RAYCRAFT. P. O. Bo* ICS Phone 2W-R -- W. McHenry, HL 48-tf C. Jm H. DIEHL 4 Woodstock Plane Tnnier Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St 30-tf Woodstock, m. GENERAL CONTRACTOR for cement, plastering, and brickwork. Nick Hasler. Route 8, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 654-R-l. Also 2826 N. Rockwell St., Chicago 18. Phone Brunswick 9022. 14-13 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash Erices paid for cows, horses and ogs; no help needed to load. Day ana night, Sundays and holidays. Calls Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. M-tf CLOGGED SEWER? -- Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging, no lawn mess. Septic tanks and grease traps cleaned, built, repaired. University engineer on all construction. Lake County Sanitary Co. Tel. Libertyville 1346. 48-tf ALTERATIONS--Call Vincent Schiavone for alterations and repairing on men's and women's clothing; also cleaning and pressing. For service call McHenry 615-R-2. 18-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose off year garbage or eftener ftt desired. BopNIMfclo John E. HI1L P.' O. Box 174, MeHenry, Phone 80S. tf rates. Ifr^nlaryear TRUCKING--Livestock and Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl 8t.. MeHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. 15-tf T WAMTZD WANTED--To take care of children in my home by the hour, day or week. Phone Wonder Lake 868. *25 CHILD CABE--Will eare for child ia my home for working mother. Phone McHenry 695-J-2. 25 WANTED--Watches and Jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan. S00 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front Part of Claire Ber.uty Shoppo.) l5-tf WANTED--Corn picking and wood sawing. Herman Do we, 208 Richmond JUL, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 24L. 22-tf WANTED TO BUY STENOGRAPHY-- Stenography and ltyypuiuniigr service; buitliluiinlgg,, letters^ ectic^..;,; i WANTED TO BU--Y --We have cash | by hour or day. TeL McHenry 797-R. buyera for «»°rt properties, h^mes Six rooms and bath; year-round; * 25"and farms. JACOB FnlTZ, REALhome; Oaks FBRE,, BBAL ESTATE. TeL MeHenry 37. and Steady Wo#-^.^ PAT ' fl |f?' For AdnneoMRr*'J SICK LEAVE '•.j INSURANCE PLANS ? 6 PAID HOLIDATS * PAID VACATIONS NO EXFniBNCE NECESSABT Call at or shone TKB BDWAL LABORATORIBS, lac. Ringwood, IlL 95 TeL Bichmond ft HBLP WANTBD -- Girl for bookkeeping and general office work; will train beginner; salary according to ability. Ingleside Motors, Ivc., Ingleside, 111. Tel. Fox Lake 323. *25 HELP WANTED--Two mechanics; top p^y for top grade men; excellent working conditions. Ingleside Motors, Inc., Ingleside, IlL *25 HELP WANTBD--Girl or young .wom^n for full or part time work in store. Experience not necessary; interesting work. Apply Antonson's Candies, 300-W- Elm* Phone McHenry 235 M. & BQRLP WANTED • ' MAINTENANCE MEN. ,• AT ONC8 " STBADT WORK OOOD PAT THE BDWAL LABOBATOBXES INC. BINOWOOD, ILL. TEL. BICHMOND S 25 HELP WANTBD -- WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO- 2M RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 39. 10-tf HELP WANTED--MEN -- Cleaning and maintaining buffinr eqiiipment 3rd shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Steady work. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO., Woodstock, Illinois. 20-(f ad Danes A man bought a canary from • dealer. "You're ram this bird can sing?" he asked, suspiciously. "He'e a grand singer." The customer left. A week later he was back. "Say! This bird you sold me is lame!" "Well, what did you want--a singer or a daneer?" ASKING FOR IT mm. (by Mrs. Charles Fr«end) The christening of the infant daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Edward May was held, at St. Peter's church on Sunday, Oct. 24. She was christened Theresa Ann and Miss Betty Miller and John Boppart were sponsors for the baby. The Community club held its refeular moating at St. .Peter's parish hall on last Monday night. Cards were played after toe meeting -and refreshments were served. George A. May was host to Rev. John Daleidoa and the ushera of St. Peter's' on Tuesday night of last week. Plans are being made for a poultry show, which will be held in the Parish hall in' Thanksgiving week. Cards Were played ana a loach was aerved. Mrs. Shirley Dawson entertained a party of friends at Fox Lake Country Club on Monday night, Oet. 25. The occasion was in honor of her birthday, There were cards and danciug to enter tain the guests and a delicious lunchwas served. Lovely gifts were preaented to iL<* hostt^b. Those present were Messrs. ai£ Mesacmes George Vf. May, Arthur Kattner, Leander Lay, A1 Schnieltxer, Frank Mikoleit, Charles Freund, George McGrath and Duane Ford; also William Quake. Mrs. MatH Nimsgern tfslted'with lire.-- Nick Jong in McHenry - oa Wednesday. „ Members of her elub met at the home of Mrs.. Frank Tinney on Thiirs- <fay afternoon. Gsmes of Ire hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Tinney, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. Ben May and Mrs. Fyfe. Lunch was served by the hostess after eards. Mrs. L. L. Kagan was hostess to the members of her elub at Westlake's Tavern in Solon on Thursday afternoon. A luncheon was served and the afternoon was spent at cards. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer, Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Arthur Klein. The ^lub will meet next at; the home of Mrs. Ray May on Nov.^18. Quite a few from here attended Homecoming s£d the last football gaitte of the season at Richmond high school Friday afternoon. Much credit should be given to the students who decorated the floats representing their classes in the parade. The school band and baton twirlers who'led the parade were, applauded by all spectators, as was the Clinton Band, who also took part in the parade. As a perfect climax for this day, the entire football squad enjoyed a banquet given for them by the Mothers Club in the evening. Those who visited Ben May at the hospital in Elgin on Sunday were Mrs. Ben May, Mr. and Mrs. George W. May. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattper and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 8mith were dinner gtfsts in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nel Kutish on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern visited tte Henry Kennebeck family in McHenry Sunday afternoon. Schoolmatea of Charlotte Freund. v-ho enjoyed a Halloween Party at her home on Sunday afternoon, were Donna and Diane May, Joan May, Betty Meyer, Jenny Lennon, Mary Lou Kagan ar.d Ginny Dawson. Games were played and prizes given. A pot-luck lunch was served, with table decorations and favors all appropriate to -lie Halloween season. In the evening they all went out in costume to "trick or treat." Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and children visited home folks in Iowa last week. Fair i Ks floor space heater; , -- Call (Hank Nell) JACOB1 MONTBJLY BOOKKEEPING SEBJohnsburg. j VICE -- Records installed and main- 23-tf j tained. Elmer P. Adams; Certified Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox TOB SALB -- Generators, armatures, Uk| 0n .Route U. 8. 12; Fox Lake, IlL starters, fuel pumps, distributors phone p^x Lake 550!. 8-tf voltage regulators and ignition parts • for Fotd and all other cars. Seaeo HATE TOUB CEMPOOLB, catch ba- Sales ft Service, Lilymooi, Fred J jsins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Svoboda, Prop. TeL McHenry 183. | Eddie's Sanitary Serviee. Eddie Htfff, TOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. LOST LOST -- Blue cloth hand bag, in MeHenry. Keys aad other artielp*. V Tel McHenry 356 or 50-M. Reward. Really Pinned Dowfcr *23 47-tf i Prop. Tel. MeHenry 290. 29-tf FOB BALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE BABN SPBATIMO -- Whitewash or TYPE A BOCK WOOL HOME TN D1>T. Frank Henkel. P. O. Round Lake, SULATION. Guaranteed not to,,settle. Volo. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 3-t^ Installed by the ,Wallflll Go. £all write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., TeL MeHeery 18. FOB MALM -- T > PEWBlTBii, ADDING MA0MENE8. Service on all makes. Also ribbons* for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay 8t., Woodstock. Phone 549. j .. 7-tf 8ULFA-ST7 -- We now hare on hand tf: Sulfa-Du, the amazing new' proven -- I liquid Hydrochloride sulfa drug for colds and eoryza ia poultry. You simply ndd it to drinking water. McHenry Mills, Inc., phone MeHenry 92-R. West MeHenry. 26-* Su|nciibe lor The Plaindealer ^ e1."- w XX7HTTE bearded Georgi Hfcrnard Shaw and a party of friends attended the theater one eyening as the gusets of the woman author of the play. 'Uttmember," ahe said to him )estiaily, "you're net to leave in the middle of the 'plajr." Shortly after the ottRaln went up, Shaw, seated direiRjr behind the An actor In a road company had played the role of Abraham Lincoln so many times tfeat he had assumed the habits of the Great Emancipator, even going eo far as to adopt characteristic garb. One day, dressed in the frock coat and tall hat of Lincoln's time, he passed two fellow actors on the street. He nodded gravely and continued on his way. When the Lincoln-minded theeplan was out of earshot, one of the actors murmured to his companion; "That fellow will never be satisfied until he's assassinated." Helen Weber Says: |f«s there |Py wouldn't But pop SO0UOy afakait Abvhmd dag el At Mis tie aad ijHitanJihm torn off it. Bid moth* know* jmt what to ds. S/m tends Pop't McHenry Cleaners 1M M 1M Eba H Helen Weber. Mgr. L: ttion. on. her neck. She ; with ber band and felt a few looee stranda of hair. Taking some hairpins from her purse, she quickly fastened the hair back Into place. When the curtain came down, 8haw leaned back in hie seat. As he did so, he let out a yelp of pain. "Is something wrong?" Asked the authoress, turning around. Shaw groaned again. "Madam," he cried, "if you wfll please take my beard out of your hair, I will promise not to leave until the play la overt" vtay-m/* "Now look here, youaf man--you mustn't be selftsh. Yon must let your brother use the wagon half the time." "I do, Ma. He has it going up the hill and I have it going down." OppssRss Attract "I'm the type who's attracted by my apposite. Thafe the kind of girl I'm going to marry." "But if she's that soutft, Mia won't ^vfyyit" ^ Subscribe for The Plaindeakr Ochse Klsns A lovely wedding service took place at St. Peter's on Saturday morning, Oct. 23, at 10 o'clock, when Miss Jean Ochse of Fox Lake became the bride of William Klaus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. Given in marriage by her father, the charming bride was attired in white satin trimmed with lace. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a headpiece of lace and seed pearis. 81ic carried a white orchid and a prayeri bcok. j Miss Lucille Ochse, sister of the bride, was her maid of honor and | bridesmaids were Misses Mary Ann and I June Klaus, sisters^f the groom. They! were attired in gowns of orchid, blue! and pink and carried lavender, and yel-1 low pink mums. Ronald Prosser, a cousin of the groom' was his best man and ushers were Paul Bereiter and George Barrett. i Mrs. Ochse chose for her daughter's wedding a dress of bine, while Mrs. Klaus wore a black dress with rhinestone buttons decorating the front Both wore corns ges of carnations* Solo- : 1st during the service was Mrs. Viols! | McGuinness, who was also soloist at the \ wedding of the groom's parents. A j wedding breakfast was served at the home of the groom's uncle * and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz. The re ception was at the Villa Club, Pistakee Bay, in the afternoon and evening. Texas is called the Losje* Star Stat<^ because of the one sMr is its flag dur-. ing the time it was a republic. Patriotism A farmer watched in amazement as his dinner guest, an army officer, devoured an astonishing amount of chicken. After dinner as they sat on the porch, a rooster came strutting by. "My," exclaimed the officer, "that's a mighty proud looking rooster." "He should be," said the farmer. "He's just given two aans to the army." Progress In Palestine Reclamation work toi Palestine has turned thousands of acres into tillable land. Jewish settlers have adopted scientific farming methods. Milk production techniques are from the United States, and the settlers' imported cattle, give four times the milk of the local Arab cows. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Watties Drug Store. $5-tf Choose youc pharmacist as carefully as your physician. Prescription-filling is the main feature of our business. Each prescription we fill , is carefully compounded of pure, fresh, potent drugs. Our pharmacists use the most modern equipment to weigh and measure each ingredient. To know that your prescription is exactly as your doctor wants it„ bring it to us for careful, accurate and painstaking compounding. STORE 'ALGRWSN AGENCY Riverside Strive, McHenry L, Telephone 26 / fr,\'-r: \ &r,,' *• :m • ft a m: A v&. 4; 4 Shirts $198 Ufc to -Values up to & Mmim --these ore (tsMrw tM eieee. "lilssii mm WeMahe^eWsHd leak MN*T Nsw la w "##- *' 'r , r ^ * * Gladstone's MeSBHRY, ILL. raOHS 18S I:-: V v>..< WORK AND SAVE for the things in life that make it possible to obtain happi- RIVERSIDE MFG. CO. 900 Blvardd* Drive, McH«ry ^XLEPHONI HsHEHST S» Have You Winterized N Your Car? Drive in aad let ns check your aad ttrei! Aik ns about the SNOW and MUD TIRES SftS8TOin Pumifar Oax Tira COOxie, $11.96 plas tax auwtxia. $13.06 Mas tax TRUCK THtB8 Bmyose eaarst|eg asie or trade will save cesaM by baying at estr sale FIRBSTONK* BATTERIES Tto At every car, truck and tractor. Wo allow $3 to $5 for year eld battery. ' BEAT COVERS TW St all ear*. Gasd Materials and A00ESS0RIE8 Pumps, Jacks, Etc. Complete Itne ef Belt# for Refrigerators and Water Systems. VULCANIZING Tires and Tubes Bicycle Repairing Come in and inspect the new FIRESTONE BICYCLES AND REFRIGERATORS --nC . - WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tebee -- Betterles - ' Tire aad Tube Vulcanising Bicycle Bspalrlag ^ AO Weik Casrsateed Phone IN Weat Mdii OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 'Jx/&

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