al "pr Mnwhsig kMMI »)M tfceas wto 4iriu Aii tlw. E8Tr1E LLE TIN f Order at <',;•' •*.? '.;% yftS .;* * V 4' fry* nr THB KSADOIT "BUTTONS AND BOWS' "MAYBE TOITCX BE "MY HAPPINESS" "YOU CALL EVEB.YBODT DABXJQT " "UNTIL" "OOOt WATERS" "UNDEENBATH THE AJM3XBS" «0N A SLOW BOAT TO CHINA" •"YOU WERE ONLY FOOLING" Come ia and hear ear sensatioaal loag-playiag ColaaMa retards tlis^t play op ta fwty-lw urinates. Albaasa af Callage Saan. • Abo brie aslectisn of albaas, elaaskal aad popular aambera. Luge selections of children's playtime 28c. Select your needlee here! aar recerd clah. 114 W. Mala Street. McHeary . TeL McHenry 123-J At a sseeting of. represektativee of tile varioaa churches aad orgaaiaatioas of tk< eoaaty, held last Thursday evening at the eeunty «oart house, the Rev. Gilbert Weiashaar, pastor of the Crystal Lake Methodift ihureh, was elected chairmaa of the CHOP program to be carried on in the county. Rev. Weisshaar discussed the CROP program, which he adserted is "the Christian Rural Oversea« Program, to be handled and distributed to the needy by church agencies in Europe." The county goal was set at three carloads of evaporated or dried atilk and one carload of corn which will approximate $40,000. This amount is estimated at $1 per capita and will have to be ti all-out program throughout the county if the goal'is reached. Plans formulated at the meeting included a motion that the program operate on a basis of cash contributions to buy powdered milk and corn as a commodity. Each community in the county is now organizing and appointing chairmen to work out its canvassing Sroeedure. The drive will be conucted Nov, 21 through Nov. 28, aad assembled Nov. 29 to Dec. 2. , According to the chairman, "McHeary county, regarded as one of the richest agricultural and dairy counties in the state, has the problem of converting it* milk into cash for the purpose of purchasing dried or evaporated milk which ia in great demand overseas." A pledge ear<^ wili be presented by the canvfssers and a contributor may designate whether he wishes to have his contribution sent to the Catholic Rural Life. Church World 8ervice or Lutheran World Relief for distribution. Walter Winn, district PMA director of Spring Grove, and Roscoe Glenn of Union, also a PMA director, expressed favorable opinions on the program and suggested the cash contribution type of drive. V.fc* » a aaval battle oa taf U»« wtr of Stt* Otfver "Lawrence," waa Aot away. The commodore transferred his flag in an open boat to the U.8JS. "Niagara" aad turned the tM» agalnpt the Brit ish. The "Niagara" later fnm sunk n* obsolete under orders of'the navy. In 1911. it was raised, rebuilt and ta'ter for a tour of the Great Lakrs. b'i» sank In Misery Bay again. Under supervision of the Niagara memors' commission of Pennsylvania It war raised a second time and rebuilt. Mexican Indian Oanee •sttonace, an ancient Indian adWO"* of Mexico, left Important contrlhu tior.s of the quaint lore of that co*--- trv btfore their high derree o? o5v:l}- ration passed into oblivion. Their pyramids and temples h«ve almost dt.« ap-i-pred und»r the Mexican Jun~l» but their death-defying dance. tJv Palo Volador. still thrills writers explorers who visit these modern heirs of a gnat civllzation. "Busy Little Arnit" ' Everyone is familiar with the littlblack "Argentine ant". It swarmr into homes, getting into food, and ir the garden it destroys flowers. Or the farm it is injurious to citrus at" other fruits and to shade trees by attPeking the blossoms and by distributing. establishing and protecting mealy bugs, aphigs and scale' insects These insects are widely known for their social organizations. MLMCTBl roa omr % •' 6w \ lostar, other wefaawJ - Disease at Mtak '• 'Fatty degeneration of the liver is a common disease of ranch-bred ftiihk. It is rare in wild mink, and occurs on all the mink ranches of North America. It is a wasting disease, obviously caused by unbalanced diet. Mortality ranges from 8 to 20 per cent. IHisrUau af Valve Caps Automobile valve caps are more than just dirt shields; in fact, they are the only positive protection the motorist has against air leaking out through the valves. The delicate "insides" are only check valves, whereas aay standard valve cap with metal plate embedded in rubber washer will hold air pressure up to 260 pounds. Never drive without them a&d do not tighten with pliers. Colony KcHENBY, TT.TJNOTE FBI. - 8AT.. Paalette Ooddard • MacDonald Oftxey "HA2ABD" Alaa - Vain * Tom ft Jerry" Cartoea an. -MOW.. NOT. 1*.if _ •wmor Jeaa Asthar Jaha Land TfniltnT Detttkh - *A FOBBfON AFTASW • Alia - ^Tartd News ft OMNS "Profem TUESv - WED. - TXVBS. 'BEYOND OLOBY" So new, eo sensationally befy tar hungry way. The Monitor] (Aerator takas grimy work (clothae and overalls ia its | (abide, yst woshas delicate] 1 (lingerie and baby things) j jeaM&y and gently. Coma in i iar a free demonstration of this big family washer in!' compact size. Jacob Justen Sons Phone ICoHeoiy 108-R Green, Cor. Elm. McHENRY \ TBI. - SAT., NOT. 11-12-18 FIRST TIMS AT VOPULAR PRICKS "THE BEST %EARS OF OUR LIVESw BAT. MATINEE ONLY Cartoon Shew Beginning of SUN. - MON., NOT. 14-15 "ABBOTT AMD GO8TELL0 MEET FRANKENSTEIN" TUES. - WB1>: - THXXBS., NOV. 16-17-18 'BEYOND GLORY" Netherlands Bast fit 1940, the last year before the war. the Netherlands East Indies sup olied the world with 92 per cent o? *ts pepper: 91 per cent of its quinine 77 per cent of its kapok; *0 per cent of its rubber: 33 per cent of its fibersjf? 9 per cent of its cocoa: 20 per cenf ->f its tin: 19 per cent of its tea: P oer cent of its bauxite: 5 per cent of •ts sugar and 214 per cent of lt#aill. Malay Archipelago Malay Archipelago, which is tv Netherlands East Indies, atradfipt the equator, forming a barrier between the Pacific and Indian ocean* and a link between Aria and Australia. Its total land area is over*two ci" a half times that of Texas--735.2T" square miles. Its principal islands are Java, Sumatra and Borneo. Marionette Shows Properly staged, a marionette shov creates an amazing illusion of siz? ir the minds of the audience, instead of seeming their actual height . thin arionettes appear to be of almost human sise, aij effect Which Is greatly Increased because the scenery Is also made to correspond. Ugfctalag As a Fettcle fabulous tales about lightntn* stfl' circulate throughout the world. * I~ Europe, thousands of objects popularly tdsntifled am thunderbolts or thunder stowna are preserved In th» homes of country folk, who regard them aa charms against a number af harmful agencies. Dost Pan Aids fire righto* When held over the mouth of s bucket, a dustpan or similar article serves to make a wide stream for fighting a small grass fire. When ooured from the bucket without hcretarded, the water ..covers but tittle area. Baytag Nylon Sheerness la silk and nylon la Indl cated by the word "denier". A 15- denler nylon la especially thin, bee' for dress up and earning wear. A denier aylon ta batter suited tc everyday wea^. Arcblvea Mighty doors of bronse guard the entrance to the archives building ir Washington, D. C. Each of the door* la 35 feet high, nine feet wide an<f one foot thick, and each weighs motr than 10 tona. * An oil field term for a geologist !• a "rock ho«nd." He acquires this an pellatioa because he looks rocks ant* ranges over like a coon dog. Another descriptive name for the acientist 1 » "pebble puppy". L ' l . N a U F i l e f o r O a a a r l e e Toenails of canary birds must tv clipped regularly if the birds are t' their best sin«»in«r. bMt clinolT"" hhand often injures the feet. An automatic nail file should be used. Mozart's Alma Mater Mozart studied at the historic Br togna conservatory in Bologna. Italy Here Rossini taught and cor>no8<y his opera. "The Barber of Seville." Quinine and Malaria .Quinine suppresses the symptomf of malaria, but neither prevents no* cures the disease. When the patten* stons taking the quinine there is thr malaria again. "A high-grade asm aurices the best sate driver," accordiag to James 8taa> aard Baker, research direeter of the Northwestera University TrafTie Institute. "Other things being equal," he said, "the people with very high intelligence Those Mia wtth ias, big appetites, the oaes who bifia dnaalag af that Thaskagiviag tidtqr early in Nevenber, wul be more titan pleased with the aanouneemeat of the Uaited 8t^tev agricultural department that more . . _ meat, milk and eggs are on the way to and those with very low intelligence' their tables. Because of this year's are the poorest drivers." The intel- (bountiful crops of feed grain, farmers lectuals, Mr. Baker has found, "take, are giving their livestock and poultry driving too easy," and don't keep their! heavier rations. The result is greater minds on it. "The driver with the extremely low I. Q. tries to learn, but he is not up to it. He does not profit from experience, because when he has an accident he doesn't know what he did wrong." • But the man who is not-too-bright, if he has good training, keen eyesight, volume of milk per cow, more- eggs per hen and heavier meat animals. The department said dairymen are feeding their eattle 13 per cent more grain and other feed than last year and in return are getting record milk per-cow production. Likewise, hens are putting out about 8 per cent more per bird than a year and is alert and fairlv mature, is thei*£°* safest, most careful of "all drivers. His! I**® department said Held reports in mind is not highly stimulated; he is i dicate that at least as many beef cattle less subject to day dreams, and is less grain-fed this fall and winter likely to bee<Mne bored with the mechanics of driving than the man with the superior mind. He has little imagination; hen<>e he is not distracted from the road: bv every bit of activity he passes "He plays sn important part in our society," Mr. Baker emphasized, "and as nccessar^- and desirable as the highly intellectual person." That accidents are more prevalent with the college-level driver was shown during the depression when college graduates were hired toy'drive buses, Mr. Baker said. Their accident rate was half again as high as that of drivers with below average intelligence. The college-level person learns driving quickly, but he doesn't learn thoroughly, Mr. Baker declared. He does not form automatic driving habits, but instead decides what to do whenever crisis arises. As he gets older, his decisions are slower, and he becomes a hazard on the road, the traffic engineer pointed out. The worst drivers of all, he said, are the 16-year-olds, who have ton times as many accidents as do their fathers. They can't keep their ininds bn drivr, Mr. Baker concluded. AS last, aad that the numbers ofv hags and chiekeas are expected to increase in 1949. The department said weather continued favorable during September and most of October for maturing and drying «prn, thus assuring a record- qaaa* tity of good-qaality grain for the 1948- 49 feeding seaaon. Supplies of all feed concentrates, total about 1<M,()00,00d tons, which is a record in i elation to the number of livestock to be fed. Lats af Tin Cans Vi.; Last year almost 26 billion tin cans were made in this country, a boost of nine million over the prewar average yearly output. This increase has been made despite tin and steel limitations because of new developments in soldering and the electrolytic method of coating steel plate with less tin. - U. S.i Lumber Imnortar Although the United States has traditionally been a net exporter of lumber, the situation has been reversed since 1941, with the imports since that year averaging about twice the exports. < v Pit Vipers Rattlesnakes, copperheads and moccasins are members of the family Crotalidae, or pit vipers, so called because of the pit or depression on each side of the head between then eye and nostril. This pit is more prominent than the nostril itself. Prairie Dog Dinner Certain Indian tribes consider prairie dogs a delicacy. These tribes, however, do hot stop at eating plain dog when the occasion de» mands or the'opportunity presents itself. M |w"\ . > i Milk (Jsed by Baker* V. 1 Amarican bakers now art Uifeif mora titan 190 million pounds of milk aolids every year in bread and bakery products. In the past ten years consumption of milk by bakers has been nearly doubled. ti Undeveloped Africa is one of the richest bat most undevetoffed continent* in the world. Although white men have taken hundreds-ef millions of dollars worth of minerals and other materials from it, its resources have hardly been touched. Bawling ^Meat FepalaT Bowling is now probably the leading "contestant" aport, although bowlers are exceeded in number by swimmers, who are estimated to be more numerous than either bowl* ere or hunters and fishermen combined. Bowling ii also one of the moat raohlHr *fwwtn* snorts. Forty years afo it required fve man in the automotive taduati/ to complete the amount af work In the manufacture oI automobiles that ana man ia capable af today. However, today i are mora than 90 ttanaa aa pie employed in this spite tha increased uae of labor* ployed Annual Water Tragedy More than 7,000 persons drown eVefy year in the United States, and most of them meet death during the summer months. The principal reason is that people take chances. The age group most affected by the accidental drownings is the group of * children from Ave to fourteen yelps of age. 8pray in Time Insects in corn cribs do tremendous damage. The place to start in getting such insects under control is at the empty corn crib. A thorough Jab of house-cleaning bins and spraying them with DDT, before newly-harveated grain ia put in them, will gat rid of holdover infeatation and giva new grain a good chance to escape damage. tying Wheels "Shimmy" in automobile wheels is caused by an or part of the rotating assembly of the wheel being out of balance. This unbalance does not have to be visible to the eye before its effects begin to damage tires or mechanical parts of the car. An assembly one ounce out of balance at the tread will develop a sledge -'hammer pounding at 00 m.p.h. Nerth Dakota Wheat Wheat production began in what is now Nort^ Dakota even before the organization of Dakota territory, but on a very few ibres. The average annual harvested yields of all wheat far what ia new the state of North Dakota began to be reported in 1070, in territorial days. Average annual yield of aU harvested wheat for North Dakota for the period 1070 to 1047, inclusive, a period of 09 years, is 12.0 bushels. Yields of 20 bushels or more were recorded in 1001, 1000 and 1042. Goldfish Growth of algae (green scum) Ir a lily pool containing goldfish can be controlled by putting a few pannier or small pieces of copper In the water. Breakfast la Syria Breakfast of the Syrian people always Includes two kinds of cheese Large amounts of sweet butter and clattered milk are also used. Ripening Cheddar Cheese 'Cheddar cheese held at 60 degrees F. can be ripened as fully in three to four months as that held at 50 degrees F. for six months. Egyptian MoaAneats . Great stone monuments still standing in Egypt were temples of worship or homes of the dead. The Egyptian religion concerns itself with perhaps a hundred gods, aU seemingly inextricably mixed in fancfv Buy Plain dealer. ^retfotte SNOW and MUD TIRES Drive in today and let ns check your tires, battery, etc. and prepare your car for winter. These FIRESTONE snow and mnd tires are just the thing for winter nse. FIRESTONE Passenger Oar Tires 040x16, 011-95 pins tax 160x16. 013.95 plus tax TRUCK TIRES Everyone operating ana or more tracks will save considerable aioney by buying at ear sale prices. FIRESTONE BATTERIES To fit every car, track aad tractor. Wo allow 00 to 00 Jfor year aid battery. SEAT COVERS To fit all cars. Good materiala and priced reasonable. 09.95 and up. .ACCESSORIES Pumps, Jacks, Etc. Look over oar stock. Complete line of Belts for Refrigerators and Watex Systems. VULCANIZING Tires and Tubes Bicycle Repairing Come in and inspect the new FIRESTONE BICYCLES AND REFRIGERATORS WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tabes -- Batteries - Accasasriea Tire and Tabe Vulcanising Bicycle Repairing „ All Work Gaaranteed Phone . 204. --. Weet McHeary ! ; I OMEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS •i jtf thb pittlWikiy l^ED Diana against JM aad Iimlsii Clybar. Mrs. Xhraaa asks $25,000 aa eaeh of three coasts aad Mr. Braaa *10,000. The plaintiff, Mrs.' Braaa, alleges that she was attacked by the wig owned by ths defeadaata as she was walking down^a public road from her tame in Kpring Beach sobdivision to the Fox River Grove railroad station, on Nov. 8, 1946. She charges that the defendants were aware that the dog was vicious and had attacked people before. Mrs. Brunn asserts that she was permanently injured; that she was adept at outdoor sports, especially skiing, aad that the injuries have prevented her from this type of athleties. Mr. jfrunn charges that he has spent Isrge sum* of money for doctor's fees and has had to do work that formerly was accomplished by ilia wife. PUBLIC HOTIOB Notice is hereby 'given that I will on the 3rd day of Jaapary, A, D. 1949, being one of the* retain days of the Circuit Court of McHeary County, Illinois, file my petition in said court praying for the chaage of my aame from Rose Catherine Koerber to Rose Catherine Dietrich, pursuant to statate in snch 'ease made and provided. . Dated at Crystal Lake, Illinois, this 5th day of November, 1948. ROSE CATHERINE KOERBER, Petitioner. Attorney for Petitioner, •Vernon '3. Knox ' Crystal Lake, Illinois (Pub. Nov. 11V T 1 Subscribe for The Plaindealer IT'S A HOWL! See "THE TORCHBEARERS" FrL, Sat. and Sun. , * T November, 12-13-1* ^ • at the , ., WOODSTOCK ^ OPERA HOUS*™ ' THEATRE £ m. ^ Curtain 8:30 p. m. Prices: .06 .90 *1.20 tLSO Phono 1200 for res. No show Nov. 19, 20 and 21 e Wa feature BAuaa Grayslake THURSDAY, NOV. IX .Yvonne DeCarlo . : and * ferian Donlevy in 0 "THE SONG OF SHEHERAZADE" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOV. 12-13 Eddie Cantor * and Joan Davte "IF YOp KNEW 8U8XE" Entertainment for the entire' family. f- • BOLUS'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 MCHENRY, ILL. Children 12 and muteadmitted free. Box office open at 6 p< m. .V t It9* mm all mil "Csatfsrt Ceatear" ftylisg! /M • 9MM law ftsr. yastfcM lies Sat far day laag MS 3t Coalow extra cosdbrt Here's ™Comfort Contour"--greatest improvement in styli^ in years! It's a new low-setting ooDar that looks mow youthfal-- stays neater--feels better. It's on all Van Heusen Shirts--in eia; collar model--along with Vsa Heusen's many other quality features. Sanforized-^-a new shirt jrour Van JSapsa sluiatis ontofsiset McHENRY