•< t 1 1 1 1 * HI H I M 111 RINGWOOD M4f »»<< iim< t n i imm (By Mrs. GMBN Shaoard) Miss Lucille Newlin .daughter of Mr. an^i MM. Leo Newlin of Tulsa Oklahoma passed away, Nov. 24 at S p. m. as the result of a long operation at Kansas city hospital. She was 30 years old and was a Home Economist and broadcast over KMBC in Kansas City every day at 10:15. A very brilliant girl. Mrs. Newlin was formerly Miss Zillah Stevens. > She was a nieee of Mrs. Agnes Jeneks and well known around here where she often visited. Funeral services were held in Hutsonville, I1L with burial at Hutsonville. Commutaity night was held at the Methodist church Sunday evening. A fine program in charge the Boundup club was enjoyed. Nancy and Mary Ainger of Hebron are spending some time with I their grandparents, ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard while their mother is a patient at Highland I'ark hospita! ' for observation. • Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brennan are the parents of a son born Nov. 23. I Carol ftarrison of Champaign spent J her Thanksgiving vacation with {her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. i Harrison. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and daughter spent Thanksgiving day G i ves Voui'Bath Room THE NEW LOOK Attractive rooms eris made overnight wHh n Hasting* AlwnMe, the emeriag n| til, 4 •vlaMt Hie tMtiim «f jmr hem*. Available f 14 beentifel eelerh Lass tkaa half tke eest dwr ----Wv--MHHMmSsII tUilaf.a . HOWARD FREUND' Johub«| ft-1 McHenry, HL N. McHenry 645-R-2 ZINITH-ARMSTRONO STATIC-^RYSTA1.CIEAR» with Mr. and Mil Bussel Beard at Hebron. 0 Mrs. Mabel Collins with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collin* and family of Arlington Heights spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Paul Collina mother at Union Grove, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family of Huntley, Carol Harrison of Champaign, Howard Wattles and son Donald and Mrs. Etta Wattles and son Glen of McHenry spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. Mavme Harrison and son LaVern of McHenry spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson a>d family. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ainger, Alan Ainger and children and DePhane Fields of Hebron, Elbert Ainger of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago spent Thanksgiv-' ing day with Mr. and Mi1*. George Shepard. Miss Lona. Brever was pleasantly surprised at her home Thursday eve ning by a group of relatives. They presented her with a nice radio. Those to make up the happy group were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brever and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mueller of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brever and family of Lake Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Waas of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington ealled on Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Gratton Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Friday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mrs. Viola Low and son Robert and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family at Blue Island. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni were guests of relatives at Crystal Lake on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Friday afternoon with her sister Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Lojjtis Hawley were guests of relatives at Crystal Lake on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and*Mrs. Dick Oldson and family spent Thanksgiving day at Genoa City. » Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennarft Mr. and Mrs. Winters and Mr. and Mrs. Lona Brever of Waukegan to dinner Saturday evening in honor of her birthday. Mrs. George Shepard and Alice Ainger visited Mrs. Alan Ainger at the Highland Park hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington called on Luclla Stephenson and Mrs. Alice Whistpn at the Beet Home in Solon Mills Sunday "kfternoon. Guests in the Walter Low home on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Beed and family ef Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Morrill Foy and son of LaGrange, Mr. and Mrs. Mavis Thomas and family ef Hinsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Thomas of Melrose Park, Dr. and MTS. Merle Thomas and daughter of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas and family of Baldwin, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas and family and Ml*, and Mrs.^ Donald Thomas and j family of McHenry. j Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons Bob and Bill of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore, Mrs. Bertha Saunder of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiecfrich Sr., and 1 Bill Brennan were dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich Jr., home on- Thanksgiving Day. . Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter Janet of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons were guests of Mae Wiedrich on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Rose Jepson and daughter Virginia spent Wednesday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg left Wednesday for a visit in the Gordon Berg home at Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Marble and Mrs. Lester Edinger of Woodstock were callers in the Ben Walkington home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Anitoch and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Chicago visited Mrs. Jennie Ba eon 8unday. Miss Mariai^ Hawley spent from Wednesday until Saturday in the Floyd Howe home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn were callers in the Fred Winedrich, Jr. home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Smith and MK and Mrs. Andrew Hawley spent Thanksgiving day in the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman Jr. of Antioch spent Thanksgiving day with his mother Mrs. Nellie Blaekman. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Merchant and Mr. and Mrs. QJen Benoy and family spent Thanksgiving day in the Charles Krohn home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hill and chil- ! dren spent Thanksgiving day with , his mother at Woodstock. Good News for Motorists | Dafcoraed CaMte Sealed-air puncture-sealing inner I Dehorning cattle is a fa tubes for automobiles and trucks ( tice because this will prer. again are on the market after ! ' from injuring one another, an absence of more than six yean. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. HJK and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. SS-t Santa Claus will be at AlthofTs Hardware in person from 2 to 5 p. m„ Saturday, Dec. 4. 29. Subscribe tot The Plaindea Feather Party GKKSI AND DUCKS SATURDAY EVKSWO . DECEMBER ft PARK PUB 100 Pearl St, McHenry • -- o ---- LUNCH WILL BE SERVED 0ood Portraits S Oar studio has a reputation for fine portriut$ lBut like all truly fine things, they require time to complete. That's why we urge you to call for an appointment todaj| to have them ready for Christmas. WORWICK'S STUDIO PH0NS976 lbHXHKY, TEL. Mag*. v ^ handy Estate W«®«" ;:.i smash hit dn the Christmas scene... "Critics' Chokm" Distinctively dwignea box of two famous Leo* thMc Bouqueu... Dark Brilliance and Tweed, $£50 (?%»*•*-- Look at that price--then look at, what you get! Scatk-free Ztnitb-Armttrmi PM that brings you FM's glorious, new fidelity . . . Ung distance AM rmdm for tops in broadcast listening .. . FM and AM antennas kmilt-in-- just "plug-in" and play . . . and a smart, new "Cut Away" cabinet in richly grained Walnut plastic. CalM in, tmday, for a free demonstration! if PewwM, Mt-Veiced AIrIM "S" On ROADMASTM ef extra coA CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP ^-1 wol ond OU Botger's Drug Store PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. -- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS -- TELEPHONE 261 McHENRY, ILL Extrm - extra view--and Bgnaftom> tmm im these bommtifml mew 1949 JBmieks , WALLPAPER CLEARANCE SALE OFF o REG. PRICE ON ALL STOCK PAPERS Room Lot Wallpapers as low as'6c per single roll CRYSTAL LAKE PAINT STORE Tms you're going to like! For its looks -- its room -- die wonderful view it gives. Above all, for the happy news that now you can have Dynaflow Drive on the Buick SUPER as well as the Buick ROADM ASTBR. In each of these series ytw Tiave your choice of the four models shown -- models sleek and flowing from gleaming grille to faired-in taillights and contoured rear bumpers. P ' On all of them you have stepped-qjp visibility from curved windshields and more glass area -- area increased by 22% to four-door Sedans. In all you find ample room made. even greater by new Am* h HIMIf 1. TAYlOt, Msfwert, Mandbys and Fridays cradle-soft seat cushions--and access made easier by wide-swinging doors that are leather-light in action. There is a rich new instrument panel with glare-shielded instruments. Hood latches are within the car, fabrics are fine and neatly tailored. And under every bonnet, not only of these new SUPERS and ROADMASTERS but on two trim SPECIAL models too -- lively Fireball power crkdled on Hi-Poised engine mountings. BUKK On all ROADMASTERS, with their brilliant 150-hp engines, Dynaflow Drive is standard equipment. On all SUPERS, it is yours on option at extra cost. And with Dynaflow every engine has • plus--new self-setting valve lifters which stay lastingly quiet and factory, perfect. And in all models, there is room,'a view, the steadiness and heft of a truly big car -- and prices that shine more brightly on every comparison*- Make those comparisons yourself. See what your dollar buys in Buick -- and you'll get, your order in right now! •CROSS FROM DEPOT CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS PHONE 1160 Sitk-tmoo* DYNAfLOW OfUVt • FU1-VIFW VIStOM fnm mm/orgmd fhu area SWING-EASY DOOM and •etf wms • HVING STACf" INTtUOKS with Buoyant-riding OUADUmtX COIL SPRINGING • DURfX If AMNGS, main and cwmmc** Crvhar-Lina VtMTIFOKtS (Supsr and Kotidrnmhr) • Law-prmaurm tint on MffTT-MI Urafy mtum snuMm-tmn wira o* m-tomo tNeum motmnms Tmm mmorl MM feeffing »OOY BY /ISMBt ^Standard on KOADMAST&t. optional at 9*tra eon on SUttK modttu R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET MeHENRY, ILLINOIS •fi