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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1951, p. 11

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I vAjh*£ ^ ^ ^* •; • \&-;.* - •;»**' ; - • ^ ^-.r *•*•' • i . . -^- ----•; ----" ~~y jr*~-~ .; --« ^"~ ^ *" """" ^ * V r " f . " -Thursday ,TOay 31, 19S1 * : ' < \< ' f r ' t o y * THE McflSNttY PLAINDEXLEB 'MNGWOOD j • TpmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ t. (tkjr jtfra.-Mecr«e Shew*) « School closed Friday. The picnic which was to be held Sunday was postponed,^on account of the ^feather, to a later date. iWr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entertained the Five-hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. B. F. Butler and Louis Hawley, high and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and B. F. Butler, low. • The Golden Age club was enstained in the home of Mrs. n$a Jencks, Monday. A social ftfne was enjoyed. Mr. and ^ Mrs. Ben Walkington Visited relatives at Elgin Sunday 'Afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard , Shepard and son, Howard, Jr., of Memphis, Tenn., spent the past week with his parents, Mr, and. Mrs. George Shepard. - " Miss Virginia Jep^on of Hines hospital spent Friday until Sanday with her mother, Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Lena Peet spent from Thursday until Saturday fn the Edward Harrison home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard «d son, Howard, Jr., and Mrs. George Shepard were dinner guests in the Henry Seegert home at McHenry Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kallen and aim of Wadsworth were dinner (Bests in the Ben Walkington home Saturday evening. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. and sister, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove spent Saturday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Dinner guests Saturday evening in the Eugene Oxtoby home were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pierce, Nancy Nelson and Don Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetz and daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington a t t e n d e d f u n e r a l s e r v i c e s f o r Mrs. Ella Wilcox at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron, Win. Claxton IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right and John Drejrmiller of McHenry spent Friday evening in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Marie Whitted and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLendon of Lakeland, Fla., spent Sunday and Monday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and son and Mrs. George Shepard spent Thursday evening in the Mrs. Georgia Thomas home at Woodstock. Mrs. Whitted and Mrs. Hepburn attended graduation exercises at Great Lakes Saturday, where Reva Jame was one of the graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Susan Fossum of Solon Mills spent the weekend with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs. Robert Shuetz aad Mrs. Wm. Hepburn were tlMt Terra Cotta Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. DEMOCRATIC JUDGE ' CANDIDATE GUEST SPEAKER Of Competition among the judiciary is as important and as valuable as it is in business or industry. Atty. Jack Bairstow, Waukegan, told the Lake County Taxpayers association ata meeting at the VFW clubhouse, east of McHenry, Sunday. "At the risk of sounding like a Republican candidate for office," Bairstow, Democratic candidate for circuit judge, said, "I want to point out the value to the litigants, the lawyers, and the taxpayers in having free competition between judges from each politi- 3 caf party on the circuit bench." "Each of the judges on the bench, knowing that his court work can be compared with a , judge from the opposing political titors at party, will give that little extra time, that little extra consider*- ation to each ruling that will pajr benefits not only to the lawyers trying the case, but. to the litigants as well.'* In the June 4 election, the Reand Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, were supper guests. HUNTING AGREEMENTS Cancellation of the reciprocal hunting agreements between Illinois and the states of Missouri and Iowa has been announced by the state Department of Conservation, effective July 1, 1951. This means that hunters from out-ofstate will no longer be able to hunt on islands of the neighboring states without purchasing a non-resident license. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders, publicans have presented a slate and daughter of Sycamore and of four candidates, one from each Mr. and Mrs. Mand Berg spent county in the district, while the unday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Democrats have submitted a slate ®ob_Jirenna° , of two candidates. "Election of a Democratic candidate will result in better service to the people of the district because competition inspires better service and better products," Bairstow, vice-president of the Lake County Bar association, pointed out. "The industrial and commercial might ot America is a direct result of the free competition between producers and this same competition on the judicial bench will result inevitably in better judicial service to the 17th Judicial district," Bairstow concluded. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenrjr. 8tf Flaytex Baby Prodaeti Wattles Dmg MeHeary III. 4911 PAINT SPECIAL S QUART -CAN v • \ • , >' • : * . OF v v\ MASTER PAINT OUTSIDE WHITE iy"n 'i .'m ""yA i 'Page NAVY CARRICR TCSTS FOR MOPCL PLAN*. FLI€RS "OHOSE GLORIOUS AND MIGHTY FIGHTING LADICS. Twe us AIPCBA^T CARUICBS AC€ AN IMPOBTANT fIBST * UN£ Of AMtBlCAVv Kf£NS£ SKILL, V "YANKfE KNOW flOW" MAKt T«EM FLOATING A6STNALS TUAT SEND fOCTW A SWARM OF STINGING «OPN€TS. VOUTMFUL MODEL PLANE BUILDERS WAVE BEEN STUDYING AND COPYING CARRIES FLYING TECHNIQUE. AS A RESULT, RIGID FLYING TESTS FOB CARRIER LANDINGS AND TAKC-OFFS WILL 8C FEATURED IN T*T WOBLD'S GREATEST MODEL PLANE MEET, T«£ 416 INTERNATIONAL CONTEST SPONSOKD BY PLYMOUTH MOTOR COW. AT DETROIT. TWO AIMS CITED ! UNDER NATIONAL " DEFENSE EFFORT Reports from all-over the country show a painful relationship between the defense mobilization program and the continued need for rent control, according to acting associate area rent director, Harold B. Jacobson. "Tighe E. Woods, the housing expediter, recently pointed to some unpleasant facts about this situation. In a recentV television program, he said: "We have two enemies. One is foreign--communism; and the second is domestic --inflation. To meet that threat, we have undertaken a national defense effort with two aims: First, to give our fighting men everything they need, and second, to build up a production machine with enough capacity to turn out everything the civilian needs." (rents in line and limiting the lie- The Housing expediter went on ious inflation that threaten cm to say that one of the ^civilian economy and we*kenB our mSU' needs that will not be met is the! tary P°werc o n s t r u c t i o n o f e n o u g h n e w homes and apartments, for, sale or for rent, to take care of national housing needs. The pinch is felt most keenly around military installations and defense plants. Soaring rents in these areas injure the/^ families of the very people most important to the mobilization program: the servicemen and the defense plant workers. Investigations by newspapers, national* magazines and housing experts all agree on the appalling situation:* rent gouging, usually accompanied ,by squalid housing. Mr. Woods closed by saying: "It is a national situation born of the , national emergency," after urging the necessity of keeping KING SIZE Q U A U I T Vi SNAPSHOT? --ALL 'PICTURES CttlAK6CD AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! _ M *ALBUM STYLE QttUItt toilttu" o all AMAZING ME RICA -v EXPENSE-PAID, INCLUDING: • Hot*/ Accommocfarf/om (rwrvulj • Special Stghf--mimg • Hound-Trip riwtpoifaNM -- miOW: . t . . WISCONSIN MUS . PAMBUNTAN . CANADIAN ROCK IIS. •UCK MUS . . . COLORADO ROCKKS QIACtfR PARR . CALIFORNIA . . ^ SOUTMCRN CALIFORNIA «OUXN WEST. . . MEXKO (Escorted) of Tour* Uko Thoto to Cho»s« from I . 10 dayi Sm.S« 4 days $19.4* 7 days W.SS . M days SU7.45 , 'I day* S7V.M ,1 dayt $U.H , M day* *137.15 14 day* S106.SS 15 dayt SI17.0S 19 day* $171.75 17 day* $174.90 new rocR cm . . . WASHINGTON, ». C . . WASHIN6TOW-NCW YORK •ONTRCAl-QUCBtC . . EASTERN CIRCLE . . . GREAT SMOKKS . . FLORIDA CIRCU .x . . MICNI6AN CIRCU . NIAGARA FALLS . . . NEW ORLEANS-SOU COAST 11 day* MAMMOTH CAVE... 5 day* 7 day* 7 doy* 12 days 11 days 12 dayt 7'days 14-days S'da ys 5 dayt ONLY 8c MATKO*S timMtinl ImMI'M RtIM Cut* FtMfinfl C«*tt H .Now you can enjoy a luxurioiit! | MATICO Asphalt Tit* floor at lowl bargain pric**. If* *osy to bMaR] your own AAATICO floor and ift) Hie most durable, beautiful, ec*4 nomical flooring you can buy.' You create your own individual, floor design, too. MAUCCs ceM>] plete rang* of 27 rich, attractive' colors--including fiv* *xcitin| postel "Petal Tones"--offer limited design possibility. C in today and let us help select your dream floor! (All print <tn from tocUwdi U. S. trampartaMaa tai it *x«Ta.) . For FREE f$ld«ri end information on Mp* ^ to th* placas you li«t b«low, mall tkli coupon toi Cr*yli»und Trov»l I Ckottnwt SI. R«>€<if*rd, III, V ONLY $4.89 There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. t% Phone McHenry 411-R . BJORKMAN'S RIVERSIDE HARDWARE ISO H. Blrerajde Drive Phone 722 XeKtaif, IB, PER ROLL Siffi Km* Stu M Contmcr Sttif . WATTLES DRUG STORE 'THE HOME STORE" Main Street PHONE 358 McHenry, I1L «RHT_ GREYHOUND TERMINAL «rs rxTi -- Prep. Corner of (Jreen St. & Klin l'hone 101-It I J hr (ndr THANIIIT AND mm T--»til lil* flMrt, *• rmfmmmu MATICO WAX and AUTICO CtfAMCI Alexander Lumber Ca YOUR VOTE Monday, June 4th for m Jack Bairstow Will Give Lake County Another Judge AS GOOD AS McHENRY COUNTY HAS Lake County Needs Two Circuit Judges • The Figures Prove It..They Should Convince You! Counties of the Seventeenth JwHeUl District PwpalatiMi Ctues Filed in 1M9 Lake County (Waukegan) 178,491 1,505 Winnebago (Rockford) 151,858 1,354 McHenry (Woodstock) 50,416. 393 Boone (Belvidere) • ii t 174)31 143 1 Here Are Two Quotations That Prove It! The Lake County Bar Association: " . . . t f c * v o h i i M o f l oyri tohtn m»lw tw« jeife* to Ub c o u n t y - The Waukegan News-Sun, Dec. 6,1956: |aWe have made our own comprehensive study of the |u(flcTal lood in the district, particularly as it applies to Lake County.-Crow4» ed dockets, tedious and costly delays in bringing cases before the local circuit court, is the situation that faces the Lake County cifizen who seeks a hearing at the bar of fustice today. An examination of the records of the clerk of the circuit court disedsil that, whereas but 167 cases were filed in the year 1900, a total of 1,521 cases were channeled into the same docket in 1949." The editorial recommends action so--"Lake County will have twi Cjircuit^Judges instead of one.** McHENRY, ILUXOIS PHONE C AlWAYS K CA1EFUI DRIVING tHE days and weeks are, slipping by --and what have you done about it? What have you done to find out how It feels to handle a high-powered and high-spirited '51 Buick? re'll tell you this. In all the years that Buick has been building fine automobiles, there's never bepi the match for this one. v This is a car that likes to be compared --for power, for performance, for ease of control, for ride, and room, and Comfort. We can tell you its valve-in-head Fireball power sinks you back in the cushions at the touch of your toe. Wj can tell you it's nimble-footed in traffic, or that it conquers hills with smooth and exultant momentum. We can tell you it hugs the road and holds the curves as if it were drawn by an invisible magnet. We can tell you that it has big, soft coil springs on all four wheels--or that it* gas mileage will put a smile on your face. We can tell you that Dynaflow Drive* DYNAHOW DRIVE* • FIREBALL POWER • PUSH-BAR fOREFRON* 44WiBL COIL SPRINGING • WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMfHTS DUAL VENTILATION • TORQUE-TUBE DRIVi DREAMLINE STYLING • BODY BY FISHET * When bttttr automobHmt on ImUt BUICK will build tftum kick SPECIAL 2-Door, C t-Pmt«nger Sedan --MODEl 480 Mvtn locally for «ely Optional .quipmcnt, acceiscrfes, state and local taxM. If additional, may vory si ghtly in adjoining communities ckw to li cKarg.!, Ali prices subject to change notice. will spoil you for any other type d power transmission. \ • \ But you'll never know till ywi try loir yourself what all this really means. ; How about coming in for a sample? Once you've experienced all this for ( yourself, the modest price tags on Buick Specials, Supers or . Roadmastjpis will look like a double bargain. V £mcuit Smttc wmmatM R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front Street Phone McHenry 6 V' • mm m

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