BRIDALCOUPLE ' iiAji/i KjgaiPEALER •j.? ••'-• v.-! ,• - vf , •' • , V;.,- • ' \ ,si •" .- ?;: .. 1 _ •'»• 5 .. ; ' •.. •,„.. . ;£»• V""-'1.,' ••>*> ; featty Hrhelti ' »«• Clara's Cowt flmH ^ Eleel Officer# Mr. and Mrs, HM!*? F. SchQlte - St. Clara's Court. W.C.O.P., wHI announce the eugiigeiftaefift of their hold election of officer? at the daughter, Betty Marie, to Sgt. A, 11» e x t meeting, scheduled P. Kendzierski of th« army infan- , Thursday evening, March 13. try. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. frank Kendzierski of Chicago. Fox Valley Camp Meeting March 1® I The regular meeting I River Valley Camp. ft. N "if On Third WegTeM Saturday eveniug. Wfertft «. at ; postponed from Tuesday of this t:S0 o'clock, a special meeting week to Monday tffi^ing. March ^(111 be held at the Masonic lodge , 10. at 8 o'clock. It will be held at hull to confer on two third degrees. The degree work will given by the Royal Arch Craftsmen club of Palatine. This should be a very interesting meeting as the Craftsmen club has a very good degree team. Alf visiting The Nook, with Mrs. Thorn# acting as hostess and Miss Lena Stoffel as co-hostess. C.D. of A. List £fv:: Tourney Wfanew • • -- --v -! Announcement was made this brothers are cordially invited" to week of the results of the fifth ^tead. and last party in the card tourna- There will be a dinner served 'orient held in recent weeks, spon- «t 6:30 sharp in the basement, sored by the C.D. of A. They were ||epurad by those famous chefs i Gertrude Weber, first, Katie Webaf the Northwestern railroad. Jer, second, Helen Heuser, third, | Elizabeth Thompson, fourth, and Inanfr I>emo«rat« PBS""" Jackson Day Dlnne# The Young Democrats of Mc- Hjemry county are sponsoring a Jackson Day dinner in honor of Bichard "Dick" Nelson, national chairman of the Young Democrats <|l America, and executive secretary to Governor Adlai Stevenson. Hetoon will be guest speaker. The dinner will be held at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall in McHenry Saturday evening, March B, al 7 p.m. The public In Cordfllly invited to attend. Bobby May, fifth, in pinochle; Helen Dobyns, first, and Mildred Kinsala, second, in contract bridge; Bette O'Brien, first, and Rose Kennebeck, second, in canasta. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Carrie Justen and her committee. A busineea meeting VHI be held March 6. ; mi. V M 1,1.1 i ; f" "» Snlon Hives T|r;'- ; •' , Worthy Projects The regular meeting of the McHenry County 8 et 40 salon was held at the home of Mrs. Pearl Pietsch on Monday evening. Min- Among those seen at the rally for Senator Robert A. Taft at Wilmot. Wis., last Monday morn- ( ing were Mrs. Wallace Dobyns, Mrs. Eugene Dobyns, Mrs. Walter Oaray. Willis Livingston, Gerald Miller, John Torrence, Richard and Paul Overton, C. J. Reihansperger, Joe Frett, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bailey <*o4 ttlW Louise Walsh. Sunday guests in • the Martin Conway home were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith afid son, Dennis, of Rockton, Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conway and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cairns, Earl Conway f- | and family and Mr., and* Mrs. HowaTd Cairns of McHenry. Mrs. Grace Mackey has returnM- * home from the Wood.tock lw»J THK GE0F6E KI 8E1IT8 pital, where she was confined for i Miss Bette Kuhn of McCullom about two w^eks. ' Lake exchanged nuptial vows Miss Eleanor fidstnuii,. accom- i with Mr. George Nugent of the panied by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Country Club subdivision in a Regner of Chicago, has been en-'.lovely wedding service solemnised joying a vacation trip ^through the 1® rectory of St. Mary $ South. Miss fCACHBR KXAMIPTATIONS The next regular teachers' examination will he held in the ofj fice of the| county superintendent' ! of schools'on Friday. March 14. ! Examinations will begin at 9 a.m. All teachers who wish to take the examination at this time, shotrid notify the county office. FCBKUAfrt 8BIDE OBITUARY Photo by A. W'ir'.virrlj. MoHenr\ Virginia Williams, R. N., | of Hlnes hospital, visited h$r par- i ents, the Joseph Williams, this week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexan- 1 der, the latter of Hebron, returned! last Friday from a trip which took them to Texas and Missouri, where th,§y visited, relatives and friends.' " the rectory of St. church on Saturday, Feb. 28. Their honeymoon trip took the newlyweds to the Mardi Gran at New Orleans.. ' i BIRTHS Postpone Hom Bumm Meeting The March meeting of the Ring- nie Greep, ways and means chair- #ood Home Bureau, which was. man. gave a report on the tnas- •Ihednled to have been held on ; querade held in McHenry last "Tuesday of this week, lms been | Saturday evening. Contributions postponed1 until April, because of j were made to the departmental tfce severe storm. bed fund at the TB hospital at 1 -- 1 i Denver, Colo., and also the ,TB CtoHo Benefit clinic at Tucson, Aria Style Revae The new gavel hell presented Plans are being made hy the Jto the ealon by the McHenry 40 IfcHenry Woman's club for a style et was used at the meeting. A delicious buffet luncheon was served by Minnie "Green, Pearl Pietsch aand Christine Krinn. The next meeting will be held in Crystal Lake at The Fiesta. Mrs. Agnes Wolff, departmental chapeau, Chris Klabunde, chef do gare, and Stan Sevcik. correspondent at the McHenry Coqpty 40 et 8, will b* the honored guests. now to be held on Sunday afternoon, March 23, beginning at 3 » Jfclock. Proceeds will go into the polio fund. The show will be Sponsored by th< Woman's club, Slth the Toddler Shop in charge ' the interesting .program. |. Thft tam, whioh will he carried out in story form, has been £ , ^-^il*an the inviting title of "Peter ^ Cottontail." Models, as in past thows, will be children and randchjldren of club members, his year, towever, child polio Victims who have recovered and Children of 1961 victims, are alho being Invited to take part la the revue. Mr .an& Mrs. William Ton ran ar« enjoying a trip through the Southwest. While they are gone, the Edward Frett family of Johnsburg is staying at the Tonyan home. The Ralph BennettB and Miss RoVena Marshall left last Saturday on a trip to Florida. The Misses Celia Page and Mary Kay Freund expect to leave Friday of this week for Winona, Minn., where they will spend the weekend visiting Miss Nancy Siemon, a student at St. Therese college. Ann Kaiser ' attended the Mid-* West Trade Show hel% at the Sherman hotel in Chicago on. Monday of thia week. A daughter waft born to Mr. and. MrB. Victor Freund at the Woodstock hospital on Feb. 28. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith are the parennts of a boy, born at the Woodstock hospital on Feb. 27. They have another son and a daughter. A son weighihg 6 lbs. 3 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miranti at Lewis Memorial hospital in Chicago on Feb. 23. He has been named Vincent. Mrs. Miranti is the former Mary Dong- Ian of McHenry. MILDR£f> K. RO( HKLLC Mildred E. Rochelle, 57, who died at her McCulJom Lake home last Wednesday morning, Feb. 27, had been a resident of this community for the past eighteen years. She came here with her husband from Chicago, where she was born Serpt. 4, 1894. One of her greatest interests was the work of the McHenry chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, in which she had long been active. She also belonged to the Woodstock Women of the Moose. Besides her husband. William F., she is survived by her father, F. Oscar Nelson, who resides in the Rochelfe home; two sisters, Mrs. Goldie Price of Buffalo, N.Y., | home lilra. Alvina McCauley of Gary, Thursday, March 6, 1952 A MONO THR "(OK Chancey Harrison of Ringwood underwent surgery at the Wood* stock 'hospital last week. Mrs. James Downs, who hat been a patient in Memorial Hos^J pital for McHenry County th# past two wegkf-, is now confine^"' to Her' home at McCullom Lake. !r Subscribe far the Plaindealer From where I sit ...^ Joe Marsh m % They Do Give A Hoot" For Easy Leon Nelson, (Photo by Worwick)> MRS. CLARENCE MERRICK V Before her marriage to Clar^.. ence Dietirich oh Saturday, Feb. 23, this attractive bride was Misa Marie Schaefer, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Henry F. Schaefer of Pearl street. After a short trip, the couple returned to make their on the < Diedrich farm on Pistakee Bay blacktop road. CARD OF THANKS Ind.: and a brother Of Gary. The body rested at th^ Peter 4 would like to thank the nisnyi~r™ Justen nfneral home until Sat- j friends and relatives who sent uiday afternoon at 1:30 o clock, <-prds and remembered me in when Rev. J. Elliott Corbqtt of- ptJier ways during the time I was ficiated at last rites. The O.E.S. confined to the hospital. These was present to conduct the lodge kindnesses were greatly appreciritual. followed by burial in ated Woodland cemetery. 43 • pAUL OERASCH Mi-K 1"H M I I 1 1 M l I < i GIRL SCOUTS r Tl GRASTED DIVORCE William Ahrens of McHenry waa granted a divorce from Florence Ahrens in circuit apart this past week, Thq^ wer\S mar, rled in 1M«. J ^ tf f CHALLENGE TO WOMEH Letters of organization have been sent out by the American "Woman's party, of which Mrs. Eva Rhode of Chicago and Wonder Lake is a member. One of the purposes of the party is to encourage women to band together j Then' w« went home, in an effort to stop deadly wars. One of their mottos . is "Battle with ballots -- no longer with bulleta!" • •».»a. •» <• -fc ^ »,»>,»•> Troop •- The meeting was called to order by Therese Tonyan on Feb. 2«. Sandra Nellis was flag bearer. Susan Stenger collected the dues. Mrs. Huckie told us to bring our pennies for the friendship fund. We made knitting bags out of oatineal boxes and acted out plays. Maribeth Kauss, scribe Need Rubber stamps? Order The Plaindealer Watch for oar weekly specials. tyeltaPi Hardware. 43 fomptotg remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. gtf WE ARE IN URGENT NEEP OF HOMES IARGE or SMALL •In River, On Lakes or la Th# CUy» We have cash biifrers waiting, if priced right. SKIBA & ca STOP AT STOP TAVERN Beer - Wines - Liauors - Tasty Sandwichtfp Fridays: Fish Frys -- 50c Freeh cr French Fried Shrimp -- $1.00 Saturday and Sunday - Cold Plele Lunches Served HlGHWrAtf 120, LILY LAKE, HettENRY TEL. 590.W.1 Easy Roberta Anally get rid at the noisy pigeons that used to whoop it up under his eaves. He must have tried a dozen ways to scare them off. But no matter what he did, they would be right back cooing by hia window the next morning. ' Then Easy thought of an old stuffed owl he had in his attic. He propped it on the roof go's afr the pigeons could see it. They left i..and three hoot owls have taken their place. Eaay swears the hoot? 'from where l jH, eotte often a "bright idea" wfll turn out to be "not so bright" after all. That's why we should never be too cocksure of our ideas and opinions -- but always try to keep an open mind. I believe a refreshing glass of beer is the best thirst-qusncher -- you may believe differently. But who's to say one's right and the bther is wrong? Let's just practice tolerance. It'll save a lot . of hootm' and hollerin*. ing is even worse than the cooinll. of the pigeons. J "f jfli " •Copyright, 1952, United States Jirewers Foundation TCWf JF- ^ corners a pen RIVERSIDE HOTEL PqOKE 91$ klNG SIZE Q U A-L_ I T VSNAPSHOTS *ALBUM ALL PICTURES A mJUt6€D AT HO 1,;;; EXTRA |v CHAR6E! GEORGE d oy*»rom Woo4 lobJ«^30 *42 fentU Doyjtrom I •onolitercd S P R I N G COATS HATS DRESSES All Sizes, Colors and Prices. USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN. $1.00 Holds Any Article Until Easier. PHONE 746 $12 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. SOUND money management is becoming mote and more important. When you giay by check, you can keep a complete and an accurate record of the money you spend -- thus controlling your spending. Controlled spending i$ a valuable key to ahead moneywise. Put checks towork for you with an account here with us. Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Paid On Savings Deposits PHONE 1040 For the Performance Thrill of Your Life PER ROIL (M Am Sat« Comtt/t $mt9 12 fit At* J* JMUA# Drug "THE HONE STORE" PHONE 368 Store Here * fethiort's lotMt. idea of a weod dinette built Jp tftk* md Wior. The Ooterful plastic DAYSTKOMITE Wondtr To# resists scratches, stains and burns yet looks like d«licate wood. Soft and lustrous, all plastic upholstery on cushioned chain is washable. Perfect for living>dining perfect for teidgat-mindad beauty-lovers. * A wide color choice for mix-matching. $144.95 TAIjt AND fOtfl C^fKS ; GEORGE R. JUSTEN and SON CORNER OF GREEN and ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. Pontiac's new "power train" of big, high-compression engine, new Dual-Range Hydra-Matic,* and new economy axle adds up to Dual-Range performanceautomatic driving at its best. Eager, responsive power for all stop-and-go driving! Smooth, hushed, extra-economical performance for the open road! YOU drive it . . • and see! Come in today* •Optfam*i 0t M<n nut. FLASHING ACCELERATION -- Pontiac's amazing response to accelerator gets you away in a feefe. INSTANT SURGING POWER--You hftve plenty of surplus power, iuataatif ready for any emergency. i TOP ECONOMY--By reducing engine revolutions in relation to specid, Pontiac gives maximum economy. QUIET CRUISING--Pontiac cruises so quietly, smoothly ajul effortlessly you almost feel you're coasting. ULAm FN/ CAN9! BEA1 A WITH SPECTACUEA* OVERTON CADILLAC - PONTIAC COMPANY 400 FRONT ST. ^^IWtHENRY^LllNOIS