#1MP r t ' .v7rv 7 r.m> ,'f" Tt ' - f '• *.^r «' . £' '"*;-• V*- \: JuRSEACEB '.« ! -' ' is Bi?w SBm 1 (by Kitty Wojtas) Iwithm^hMiiMmflMHuiuiKiuiiiMiiimiMiyiuiiiiMiiiyimmuuMuiiiuimHHMiiminii^iiiiutuyi „ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. The old home town has been;George Then on the new arrival in their home. lt'« a beautiful new '52 model car. It couldn't happen to nicer people. | Buzzing with activity this past week. With the end of school for many young ones, and the picnics and parties that accompany this gay time of the year, the younger set are in a mad whirl. A graduation party for the class of '52, who will be entering high school next fall has been planned. The mothers joined together under the suggestion of warge Erhrardt, and are having one big party for the graduates and their guests, which will include a buffet supper, followed by dancing and other entertainment later. The party will be held at Club Lilymoor, and the supper will be served beginning at 6 p.m. The graduating class from our community consists of: Eleanor Todd, Marlene Erhrardt, Danielle t ^?okett, Erna Peterson, Judy Cammarat. a. Thelma Neff, Judy De- Cicco, Elaine Gustafson, Rose Zobjeck, Don Dixon,. Richard Loveless, and Jim Bitterman. Good luck Class of '52!!! j The graduating class was honored at a party given by the Mc- Henry P. T. A., last Thursday night, at the high school cafe- J^ria. I felt like reaching for the Wd mail order book, and ordering a wheel chair and crutches, after seeing the "little girls" from our neighborhood of five years ago, all dressed up for the dance. Time sure flies fast. Marlene Erhrardt was confirmed at the Zion Lutheran church, of McHenry, last Sunday. A dinner for members of the family vuid some close friends was held »t the Erhrardt residence, to celebrate the occasion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Loge Johnson, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morton of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blumstrand, of Long Lake, . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schmidt, of Ringwood, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kunz of Lily Lake. wish to thMrit all the people Who donated so generously torn •ale. Ernest Falsetti celebrated his birthday Monday night, when a group of us toasted his health in numerous places as we Vnade the rounds. Without a doubt, I'm sure he had a "happy birthday". Well, it's vacation tim# w be sure, but few people get to take a vacation lil^e the one the Henry Hopperts are having. They left Friday, for New York, where they boarded a boat for a trip to Germany. During their stay they will visit old friends and points of interest in various parts of the country. They will return to the States in September. Bon Voyage!!! Jtiat to prove that tt's a small world, Corky Boro came home on a 48 hour pass recently, all the way from Cuba. Either the boy likes to travel or he mines his home town very much. Ray Boro writes that he will be home on leave, sometime in August. Welconfe home to Joe Gilmore Jr., whom we noticed has' come hotne hx>m college for the summer. The people of Lakemoor would like to thank Clark Havens of McHenry and Lea and Vi Vineer of Lakemoor for donating their time in installing the playground equipment on the small beach Decoration Day and Sunday. 'S3 LICENSE PLATES FEATURE RUBY RED. BUFF BACKGROUND Secretary of State Edward J Barrett announced last week that the color combination of 1953 Illinois license plates will feature ruby red figures against a buff background. Secretary Barrett also stated that the contract for the manufacturing" of the 1953 plates had again been awarded to Hemp fend Co., of Macomb, HI. Despite the fact that bids were solicited from numerous concerns throughout the country, Hemp and Co., which has manufactured the plates for the past several years, was the only bidder. This is attributed to the fact that, with the present shortage of the corn- Mr. and Mrs. Morridon and modities used in the manufacturdaughter Myrna, of Terra Haute, i ing and processing of the plates, Ind., were out to spend the Deco-i many manufacturers did not feel ration Day holiday with the Mc- j able to.guarantee delivery of the School Patrol : ' Pupils Honored , A total of 496 school patrol members were guests of the Chicago Motor, club, Woodstock branch, one afternoon last week. Twenty-one Schools attended: Algonquin grade school; Cary Public School and SS. Peter and Paul school, Cary; St. Thomas school, Crystal Lake public school and Immanuel Lutheran .school, Harvard; Huntley Consolidated school of Huntley; Edgebrook school, McHenry grade school and St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school, McHenry; Coral public school; Marengo grade school and Zion Lutheran school, Marengo; Union grade school; Harrison school. Wonder Lake; Central Jr. highschool, Dean Street school, St. Mary's school and Westwood school, Woodstock. There were twenty-five different games and contests run off, with first, second and third prizes awarded in each game. These prizes were donated by the merchants of the various towns of the county and included footballs, basketballs, baseballs, bats, gloves jewelry, candy, gum, camera and a lamp; Games played were popcorn game, crab race, sack race, shoe scramble, duck waddle and nipple games. Henry county chapter, represented by Maxine Hohenshell, were on the grounds in the event of any emergency. The boys and girls who act as patrols each year volunteer their Dermott family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hyatt, of Galesburg, 111., were up to visit the family over the weekend. They also attended the Auto Racea at IndianapoUa, XMk on Decoration Day. Mr. Fred Mutter of Chicago, was a weekend guest of Dick Hyatt's for the holiday weekend. Mrs, Molitor of Lilymoor, and and Mrs. Roy Brel and daughter Sharon, went to Rozellville, Wis., last Thursday to attend a Wedding of two of Mrs. Molitor's nieces. The double wedding of Virginia and Agnas May, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Krause, took place on May 30, Lunch was served to 700 people and a supper for £00 guests was served later in the day, at the school hall. A bridal dance was meld at an onen pavillion, and was attended by people from the surrounding-- are*. Mrs. Molitor and her party stopped at the "Dells" and other points of interest on the way home. They returned Sunday,. afte# •a-'very " enjoyable trip. The Post Office Department would like to notify all residents M)f Lakemoor and Lilymoor that *the route number has been changed, as a new rural route had to be formed because of the increased number of rural box holders. We will all now have Route 5 as our mailing address. They also ask the cooperation of box holders in erecting mail boxes and painting their names clearly on them to save time and proper delivery. Many times people move /ppd the new residents fail to post "their name on the box, and as a result, delivery is delayed. The hake sale giyen last Saturday for the benefit of the roads, by a committee from the Lily Lake Beautifying club was a marvelous success. A total of (88.85 will be added to the very j needy road fund. *nie* cotnmittqe j finished plates, According to Secretary Barrett. the bid of twenty-three and two tenths cents ($0,232) per set of plates, submitted by Hemp and Co., is identical with the price paid for the 1952 plate. Specifications and composition of the 1953 plate are to be the same as the present plate. Loosest Share tine < Michigan's, shore line, touching Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Erie, is the longest of any state --2,902 miles. It almost equals that of California, Oregon and Washington combined and surpasses that of Florida, longest State shore litft oi salt water. After the games, refreshments j services and they accept certain furnished by the club were ser- responsibilities in their jobs. They ved. Consumed were ninty dozen also sacrifice their time from Dixie Cups, ninty dozen half pints l.play and do their job in all kinds of chocolate milk and 108 pounds I of weather. In the past year, not of hot dogs. The wieners were I a single mishap of any kind has prepared by Moricoli's Sandwich I been reported from either of the Shop. Serving was very ably as- | tWenty-one schools in this county, sisted by Alice Stassen, Mrs. Ray i Considering the hazardous inter- Brown, Louise Turner, Louise,, sections and dangerous streets Steinke. Mrs. Eftrl Mecklenburg, and highways at which these pa- Violet Strawn and Frances Fut- trol boys and girls guard their terer. | fellow classmates without a mis- The American Red Cross, Mc-' hap, then certainly they are en- ENTERTAINMENT MELODEARS McHENRY RECREATION titled to some recognition and! reward; therefore, this naif day for a glorious picnic with games, prizes and refreshments to their' heart's content. ' Tentative Wheal Loan' Rate $2.32 Per Bushel A tentative county wheat loan rate of $2.32 per bushel on this year's crop was announced by Bridge^ chairman of the McHenry county PMA committee. Committeeman Bridge^ stated that the final rate, which is to be determined on the basis of 90 percent of parity as of July 1, cbuld be a little higher but la no event would it be lower than the above announced rate. Price support operations for wheat will be accomplished by the use of both loans and purchase agreements which' are handled through the county PMA office. Requirements will be much the same as those of previous year*. Fear of Dentist A child who goes to the dentist fitom the age of two is not likely to develop fear of the dentist or having his teeth fixed. * ^ Need Rubber stamps ? Order ®r 1 he Plaindealer. "SPEEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE f i£TT£j? SLOW DOWN, SP6EDY PCUCE WHY TRYING Ui-P' l M SORPx; OFFICER-1 JUST HAD M\ CAR OVERHAULED BY NICK MILLER'S HPHENRY6AM6E IT OUT THANK5 FOR THE INFOBMATlON THATS TH KtND OF PEt*FoRWAHCfc I WANT IN MY THEY CAN PUT MORE PEP INTO IT THAN AN ATOMIC 60M9 AMD HtftE'S WIY BILL TO PRO* IT WASN'T WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 SKILL IN FILLING ALlL PRESCRIPTIONS ° ikill in filling a prescription is as vital as any ingredient used. So besides giving great personal care to each order, ifre assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to physicians'specifications. N Y E 119 N. Riverside Drive Phone 26 NOME FURN|5HpS Ait FC LMM Tonyan JkRMSTipNG -- NAIRN -- KENTILE LINOLEUM and TILE lattaHaUea By Factory Traiaed Xeehaalea* - PLASTIC WALL TILE JOANNA WESTERN SHADES ROLL-UP VERTICAL BUNDS SIESTA VENETIAN BLINDS CAMEO-SHERBACK CURTAIN# Drapery Fabrics by the Yard. Custom Made Draperies and Slip Covers. Bus. Phone 917 Res. Phone 790-W E. ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. YOU'VE ABOUT T YOU VE ABOUT IT Chances THE NEW K R I L I U M SOIL CON D I I I O N E R W . . . i n y o u r v e g e t a b l e g a r d e n s , f l o w e r b e d s , bouse plants and around shrubs . . . KRIt- IUM will turn hard clay into loose loam-, fike soil at once. ' And KRILIUM will help you make new lawns e* raw-graded day. loo! A L T H O F P S "J^sHenry County's Leading Hardware" 501 MAIN St. fciONE 2S4 fecHENSY. ILL. Well, it's Junetime*-and the top is dowft- --and his heart is filled with memories ... and where do you think he's going? He's going halfway up the hill, to a spot where a lane strays into the wildwood and he can glimpse the top of a fieidstone chimney above the trees. That's his lane --and he's going home! It has been a well-guarded secret. Only two people have known about it all these months--himself and his Cadillac dealer. And just to make doubly sure, he has_ hinted at almost everything under the sun as a fitting tribute to this wedding anniversary--except a Cadillac carl .. ... --- Well, it won't be long now. He's getting closer and closer. And now the stones in the driveway crunch under the wheels he gives the familiar three "toots" on the horn . . . and then she sees him, with his cap in his hand, bowing and pointing to the driver's seat. Surprised ? Never so much in all her life. And never more thrilled--for it's the "car of cars" for th^ "day of days"! And is he happyl . Maybe it has taken liim #en years-- -ni^ybe fifteen--maybe even twenty ... to make his dream come true. t But during all this time be • never wavered in what he wanted. He wanted to make one anniversary mean something especial above ail the rest ... by the gilt of a Cadillac. Perhaps, as you read this, you are looking forward to some very special anniversary of your own. If you are--and you're planning on giving the gift of gifts--then you'd better Come in and see us soon. We've kept man£ and many a secret* for many and many a man--so you may trust us not to tell! I We'd be delighted to see yoit * • . It any time you find convenient. • • ' . Jf THE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY • : V ' OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC Co. 400 Front St. McHenry Phone 17