^hrorsday, August 2L 1952 -i»-w THE HeSGRHftT PtAINDEALEH CITY COUNCIL, PROCEEDINGS "T*VfS?T-!. COUNCIL BOOM August 4, 1952 J^The City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting with Mayor 'Freund presiding. Aldermen present: Althoff, Anderson, Freund, Rothermel, Thennes, Vycital. Motion carried. Motion by Anderson, seconded by Vycital, to approve the minutes of the last meeting as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Rothermel, to approve the treasurer's report as read. Motion carried. Motion by Thennes, seconded by Anderson, to approve the collector's report as read. Motion carried. Motion by Rothermel, seconded by Thennes, to approve the clerk's report as „ read. Motion carried. Motion by Rothermel, seconded 1 j|v Andf rson, to pay the. following bills as approved by the finance committee: Motion carried. Ann C. Miller, Stenographer's fee -- zoning $5.00 Rita Bolger, Stenographer's fee -- zoning ."... $5 00 Harold Aim, Salary $254.90 Clyde Rhoades, Salary .. $231.00 John R. Weichmaan, Salary .-J $229.40 Arthur J. Smith, Salary $207.20 Philip M. Thennes, Salary $198.30 Anton H. Freund, Salary $198.30 Eftf R. Walsh, Office expense $1001)0 George P. Freund, Salary $56.00 "William H. Althoff, Salary $35.00 Arnold Anderson, Salary $35.00 George J. Freund, Salary $35.00 Leo'. G. Rothermel, Salary $35.00 Edward J. Thennes, Salary $35.00 Charles W. Vycital, Salary $35.00 qparl R. Walsh, Salary .. $105.00 John B. Looze, Salary .... $50.00 Thomas F. Bolger, Salary $30.00 Harold Aim, Extra police duty $116.05 • Clyde Rhoades, Extra police duty 4 $90.40 John R. Weichmann, Extra police duty $31.50 August Moritz, Police duty . v . . . . . . r v . . . $175.00 Arthur J. Smith, Use of car 9) . .. .. .u.. $26.00 Mayme Buss,vSalary and commissions . $74.42 McHenry State Bank, Income - tax $154.90 Ero Erickson, Police radio main tcnance $20.76 Dawns Motor Transport, Inc., Freight $6.00 Herman Dowe, Mowing .. $45.00 V y c i t a l ' s Hardware, S u p p l i e s Supplies *. I.. $15.90 McHenry Lumbar Company, Lumber $1.94 George P. Freund, Brooms $3.70 McHenry Band, Tax Levy $750.00 Thennes Oil Co.. Oil $8.40 Suburban Oil Company, Pre-Mix $43.20 Butch's Auto Service, Labor -- police car % motorcycle $6.10 A. S. Blake Motors, Inc., Repairs to lawn mower $3.50 Clark Chev. Sales, Truck repairs St storage $44.28 William H. Althoff, Paid out for painting park benches .. $33.60 A. P. Freund, Sewer pipe $427.50 Guettler Service Station, Oil .40 Koehr Supply Company, Flashlights $8.81 Duncan Parking Meter Corp.. Payment on parking meters . . . . . . . . . $470.00 John Unti, Sidewalks $13.20 Verne Harrison, Sidewalks $17.20 Mrs. Jack Walsh, Sidewalks $17.20 Matt B. Laures. Sidewalks $11.00 George L. Jones, Sidewalks $38.80 McHenry Sand A Gravel Co., Inc., Crushed road* gravel and road repairs i t $640.45 Verako Products, lite., Waterworks supplies $63.93 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., Telephone service $13,30 Althoff's Hardware, Paint and supplies $14.17 Hank's Shell Service, Gas A oil. police car & truck $116.68 Public Service Company, Power & light $239.09 Schmitf & Conway, Compensation ihsurance $235.45 McHenry Beach Fund, Services at beach \ • • • h * ** $35.00 Special Sewer Fund:: ,. ,. Ma^me Buss, Clerical ".... $20.00 Fred C. Feltz, Salary .. $152.25 Weber Plumbing & (Heating, Labor at disposal plant $210.00 Knox Chemical Co., Insecticide & weed killer $178.51 Althoff's Hardware, Sprayer 9.13 Rothermel Electric Shop, Rewinding motors $43.30 Edward H. Jfickels Hardware, Chain .. $6.42 Public Service. Company, Power * light $64.52 Motion by Alth&ff, seconded by Rothermel, to concur with the recommendations as presented by the Zoning Board of Appeals to allow a variation rather than reclassification in application made by William H. Goettsche and Beata W. Goettsche. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freund, to adjourn. Motion carried. George P. Freund, Mayor Earl R. Walsh, City Cleric ii »iiiii •a* What would otherwise have been an enjoyable event results in many hours of misery and * feeling of real illness. Summer time is one for outdoor picnics which feature run- HISTORICAL COLLECTION' The Illinois State Historical library at Springfield has augmented its .^notable collection of Civil War material by acquiriag fifty-eight letters written by Ulysses S. Grant to his friend Elihu B. Washburne. At the same time the library obtained a number of letters and telegrams Grant sent from the fighting front to military authorities in Washington, including a long telegram to President Abraham Lincoln. In the message to the President, dated July 19, 1864, General Grant urged the calling uo of 300,000 more men so the Union forces could strike the final blow at the weaking Confederate armies. Lincoln, with the same end in view, had the very day before issued a call for a million men. Washburne, for years a member of the Illinois delegation in the U. S. House of Representatives, helped Grant get an ^appointment in the regular army. The letters just acquired by the library cover a period from 1861 to 1880. The long friendship between Washburne and Grant ended in a clash of the presidential ambitions of t.he two men, at the time Grant was seeking a third term in the White House. Exercise Excess in anything can be a wearisome thing, and exercise is no exception. Properly taken in the right doses, however, exercise can be one of the greatest stimulants to good, healthful living, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society observes in a Health Talk. What is exercise Does it mean to the sedentary worker thirtysix holes of golf tne First time maintain fwd health and aestful living. Avoid excessive fatigue. Stop activity at the point of pleasantness, so the activity will be a source of real enjoyment. Vim, vigor and vitality are imliving. To achieve these stages, follow your physician's advice and thus bring real pleasure to yourself and those about you. ning races of all kinds. The per- [ portant words in good, healthful son who engages in one for the ~~ first, time without being in good muscular trim is asking for hours of pain. The unused muscles tighten up in knots, and these afe not imaginary since they can be felt, and the so-called "Charley horse" is the result. What does intelligently planned and controlled exercise do It speeds up all the body processes old cells are broken down, new The Faster You Go The Harder You Hit! The faster you go, the harder you hit! Excessive speeci was a factor outr Or does it mean bowling| cells are formed, the blood' flow^ JTj is increased, breathing is extend- according to "Accidents ed. and other body functions are I the National Safetv stimulated. Muscles are kept in j Councirs statistical yearbook, good tone. Thus the chief value jugt off the press* or exercise is improving the co- Twenty-eight per cent of the ordination of nerves and muscles, | drivers involved in tnese acci_ and stimulating the normal pro-1 dents Were reported violating cesses of the body for circulation and elimination. * Want Ads, like freedom, arc everybody's business. YOUR 24 How BUTCH'S • Save money ON YOUR CAR Rffilar. cheek., ops., and aalitteaanre by ear experts means lower ear casts for job! We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, !H Phone 811 Residence 91-R ten lines the first time to get in trim ( for the season ? Unfortunately it does to many people, but these are only two sports of the many which give pleasure to children and adults alike. Exercise can be considered in terms of a hobby, that is any game that gives play to muscles that are not used ordinarily in everyday living, and provides a cheerful mental stimulus. But not all persons can engage in strenuous sports or activities requiring a great degree of energy and stamina. That is why the first step in using exercise wisely and moderately is a physical examination. A good physical examination will reveal any condition that might either prevent or limit exercise. This might be a heart defect or nutritional inadequacies that would retard the body from meeting the strain called for in certain types of play. While certain games are sea sonal, exercise for • the individual person should not be seasonal nor done in spurts. Exercise on moderate scale can be maintained all year 'round, whether it be walking, bending or performing mild calisthenics. The person who is inactive all winter and tlyows himself enthusiastically inter long periods of swimming, golfing and the like is asking for trouble. Unused muscles shout their objection with aches and pains, so that Towing •• • - flotpoini Automatic Washer Not all people in the same age group can take the same extersome speed regulation. Fourteen per cert exceeded the stated speed limit, 5 per cent exceeded safe speeds although traveling ANNOUNCE WINNERS OF UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS v Winners of University of Illinois scholarships in McHenry county have been reported to R. L. Tazewell, county Superintendent of Schools, under whose supervision • competitive examinations for them were held last June. Five scholarships are available in each county, awarded on ths basis of grades in the examinations. They exempt the winners from tuition fees for four years. The scholarships are: county, agriculture, home economics, child of a veteran of World War I, and child of a veteran of yn*id For Miliary county the wto- j ners this yw were: County, Wil-| Ham Francis Perenchio--Harvard * high school; agriculture, Lorne = Anton Fftts, Woodstock Com- - munity high school; borne ec*P# nomics, no applicant; descendant of a veteran of World War I, M( * applicant; World War n, Richard _ Allen Florea, Harvard high o school. ^ * Examinations for these scholarships in each county are held an- ' nually on the first Saturday h& June under supervision of the <* county Superintendent of Schools, ^ and the papers are graded by u the University. " 7 cise. For this reason it is wise to under the stated limit, and 9 perlet the results of a physical ex- cent violated safe speeds in areas animation influence your physic- where there was no stated limit. ian's counsel in regulating your - ------ -- exercise. And then apply his ad- g4| Fftflt Area vice. Remember that good health The Hat Rock area on the Columincorporates many things: ade- bia river in Oregon will become a quate nutrition, good physical new recreational area when the lake condition and a normal mentr* is fc/med behind McNary Dam to be outlook. Exercise is a means to | completed in the near future. Dr. RICHARD NORTON ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS NEW OlfI£E FOR THE PRACTICE OF GENERAL DENTISTRY 102 N. Riverside Dr. McHcnry, 111. By Appointment Call McHenry 457 Order your the Plaindealer. 1 "SPEEDYi b, McHENRY GARAGE Speeds worit--saves money--help* builders deliver quality work •Fast, prompt Mhwy, Uf tfoM, any plac* •No mess to clean up; damped exactly where wanted. •"Mis'* accurately propornr.** . 'a . doned for your job. • Full strength, reliability uniformity in every •Low price deliriNd<«M: gamble on cost. " Yon and your builder will both benefit by «i|^ f- ' ^ Sand & Grave} PHONE McHENRY 920 n •' >»V« i|i 606 FRONT STREET McHENRY. ELL* * COME IN See the Automata that Washes YOUR Way! tit * ^ Thoroughly Wash«s, Mims and Spm-drits i* Sfef! WE'RE HALF «wu some smartness A BOCK AND A HALF FOR HALF THE 3D6 PLUS THREE MOPE FORNA'MMitb . > vPoOxjUwT"!, too . RIGHT.' WRECKER 5EWKC OF UP. I'LL GIVE A LAPY. A WO WE'LLIS THE RfcSTKT T HAVE EVE<3 SCCM BUT BUCKS 6THREE SOME BRAINS/ WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 Power Steering mow mmmh WittMf Ratdmultr opkmd y "•. * • • ttr. »£'; T.7' , -t'18 A !Tf • to** -• -:; 5 • • vr* No Other Automatic Has All These Features 1 •>OITATOK ACTION-the" proved and preferred washing methodgets clothes really clean. • WOND-R-MAL gives you full con? trol of automatic. You can set it to ' wash your favorite way; light dirt, soapy film--prevents fCi| circulation through clothes*' • PLXXIBU PILL saves water,~soap^ money! • StrtlD to match perfectly the nevl • OVHfLOW mNM carries away^ '^facpointClochesDcyer^ 100* TO H0TP0IHT FOR THE FIMtSIfits Tat A L T H O F F'S \ McHenry County's Leading Hardware rseems that owning a Buick is something that a lot of foll^ dream about K-plan for--and finally dot •*fe say that because, so many tlmes# they say so in words like those above* JThose words make us happy, of coura? -- happy to know we sell a car which means so miich to those who own it* But they make us feel just a little bit sad •s well--sad to realize all the years of lun such folks have been missing for n« good reason at all. or the fact is this: If you can afford any new car, you can Ij^Eord a Buick. You can afford the thrill of bossing around that big Fireball 8 Engine thai -purrs forth a mighty flow of power. ,You can afford the gas bills --as anj| owner of a 1952 Buick will tell you because that high-compression, valve* in-head marvel gets a lot of miles fron| a gallon of fuel. "You can afford the extra luxury of a real million dollar ride--the silken smooth*, ness of Dynaflow Drive* -- the extra room and comfort and style that have put Buick popularity right up at the top of the list, next to the "low-priced three.* So if you want to own a Buick--there*® just one thing to do; ' Come in--pick the one of your choice-- and let us show you how close the that goes on the bill of sale comes t$1 *vhat you'd pay elsewhere* As we've said before, your first car cap be a Buick. Why not take the Big Steg_ jright away--today?, ^ Equipment, tccewmts, trim tmd modth mw sw&ftd to change without notice. * Standard on Ro*dmdit*% .. optional at extra cost on other Series, . \ i v -iii Sore is true hr *2 When wUer autoiwob'tes arc buHt BUICK will build them VERTON MOTOR SALES cgr- ;4 Ml MAIN STREET PHONE 284 McHENRY, SUL McHenry, Illl wftiiiiifcHifi I1*1 rifiiMBDft Phone 6 *•' • " ' ; " ' iiin|lliBri|[ n' I iilimitiiriiin if II nfi f|iiiilfc'l'iliiii".i ' ' . 403 Froni SL "nil11!"