'• •: i . * • '*:L^jR Thursday, Cciolrcr 23 .1952 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard and Mr. end Mrs. Myton Godfrey spent Thursday in Chicago. ! Duane and Audrey Andreas of | DeKalb spent the weekend ac I their home here. j Mrs,' Dorothy Kelmers and Rui>- sel Hutchins of Toledo, Ohio, spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Mabel Collins. The W.S.C.S. was entertained Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and |B the home of Mrs. Clinton Marrah Thursday, a pot-luck dinner • wag served at noon. Mrs. Lillian Ithe Phelps Saunders home at Belshau of the League of Women I Sycamore. Voters was present and explained j Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and tHe ballots ; and how to mark j daughter, Mae, Mrs. Lester Carr them. She urged all to go to the ! and Mrs. William McCannon calpolls Nov. 4 and cast their Vote. ' led on friends at Elkhorn and .Mrs. Collins had the devokio^i&ls. j had dinner at Walworth Thurs- Plans were made for the Wz&af^day. ^f^md turkey supper to be lielcT Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mrs. MVOonk attended^ the football game in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, Jr., and son are enjoying a Vacation at St. Paul, Min Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power* and son. Glen, of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Bowman home Mr. ctiiu ivus, Wilbur Donald- Health Talks Page Thirteen Liver Is Essential Organ ! out the body, resulting in a | yellowish discoloration of all of I ; t'u patient's tissues and visible; on skin and ' eyes. i : Another type of liver disease, j I infectious hepatitis, is caused by j a virus or gernf, much too small * The liVer is one of the vital ! to he soon., even with a microorgans in the human body. In-;scop<S Infectious hepatitis, an lndaughters, Mary Ann and Mrs. [son of Libertyville spent Sunday'deed, without it, a person can flammatory disease, is .usually Louis Winn, spent Monday in; evening in the Wm. Cruickshank j liye only a short time, the edu-, accompanied by jaundice. Again heme. • jcational committee of the Illinois j the flow of bile, secreted by th« Mrs. John Skidmore and chil>'- I State Medical society observes liver, may become obstructed by ren visited her parents.-.Mr. and' in a Health Talk. ' j the inflammation. Unable to es- Mrs. John Ehlert, at Wilmot , Situated under the right half ca^e the intestines, the bile of fatty fpods should be included. With proper medical supervision, the majority of patients with liver disease do very well. The 'aim is to encourage "the development of new liver tissue capable of performing normal funetion. When the damage results in scarring and hardening, little can be dene to return the patient to good health. Oct. 30 in the church hall. the Junior M.Y.F. met at the home of Lois Hunt Friday eve- „ TCing. Election of, officers was held, with Jimmie Pearson, president; Jay Walkington, vice-president; Lois Hunt, secretary and rt^asurer. - a ; . .Little Mike Hogan, son of Mr. •• ,-iftd Mrs, John Hogan, was injured Sunday morning on the i®vay to Sunday School when the car door flew open and he fell otit on the pavement. He wn.> taken to the Woodstock hospiteu for X-rays and treatment. ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of . Crystal Lake were callers in the Louis Hawley home Monday afternoojy. " Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waller of Hammond, Ind., • and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fritz of Solon Mills j-Apent Monday evening with Mr. , and Mrs, Clayton Bruce and family. Wm. Pagni spent Tuesday m Chicago. " Mrs. Stanley Lea and family have moved to Wonder Lake Mrs. King and friend of Crystal Lake visited Mrs. James Conway Monday <• afternoon. Among those from here to attend the Eastern Star card party .^at McHenry Wednesday afternoon were Mesdames Viola Low, Peter Sebastian, Lester Carr, C. L. Harrison, Louis Hawley, Oscar Berg, Agnes J e n c k s, Wm. Cruickshank and Roy Harrison. Miss Mary Hogan was one of sixteen girls to attend play-day of the G.A.A. at Elgin Thursday. 'Mrs. Catherine Weber of Mcron Godfrey, Mrs. Frank Harrison and Mrs. Chancy Harrison attended a W.S.C.S. meeting at the Methodist church at Waukegan Friday. Sunday dinner guests in the Georgfe Shepard home were M^r^« and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago, Wm. Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan ari l family and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner spent Sunday in the Alan Wagner home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunderand 'daughter, Georgia Mary, c Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs Louis Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmond were Sunday dinner guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Sowers called on friend1* in Woodstock Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and family of Chicago spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. W."A. Collins 6f Beloit, Mr. and- * Mrs. Paul jDoK lins and daughter, Mary, of Arlington Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Collins and thr*.-p children of Melrose Park visited their mother, Mrs. Mabel Co'- lins, and her guests here Sunday Mrs. R. G. Ulrich of McHenr-. and Mrs. Wilson Congelman or Waukegan were luncheon guestof Mrs. B. T. Butler Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shook anr family of Rockford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family. Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, spent Friday w'il!: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert, at Wilmot. - Mrs. Lena Peet and daughter's. Alice and Marian, were calleis in the Joe Coates home at Woodstpek Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Sherman Spencer of Tuscola, 111., spent .the weekend with her parents, Mr. and SowerS. ' . .Miss- Lois Jqhnson, and mother of Chicago spent the weekend in the Wm. Pagni home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buchb£rger and family of, Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Sowers. Mrs. Louise Seeger and Mrs Edith Cornelia of Waukegan. Elaine Linassi and Bob Burgei of Chicago spent Sunday in the Wm. Pagni home. Mr. and Mrs. Kimura and son of Oak Park were visitors in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents at Algonquin. Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Stanley Jepson were dinner "guests of his aunt at Wauconda Wednesday evening. Howard Wattles and son, Donald, of McHenry were dinner guests in the C." L. Harrison home Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and family of Barrington spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Agnes Jen'cks. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn spent ThuVsday ami Friday in the home of h«s daughter iand family at Sheboygan, Wis. __ , . Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spen> Henry and Mike Wagner of Heb-. from Tuesday until Thursday in ron called on Mrs. ,Lill ..Conway the Jack uQme at Lakc -"^MMonnndna»yv epvvepnniinnigr. -- 1 •-< - V f. n. MMuuzzzzyj;r ^ Wayne Fbss. Weldon Andreas. Mr*. J. C. Pearson, Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. Oonk attendeed a teachers' meeting at Aurora Friday. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and daughter, Mae, Mrs. Lester Carr •nd Mrs. Wm. McCannon attended the supper "at Greenwood hursday evening. Geneva. Mr. and Spent Mrs. B. T., Butler Sunday in the Harold Stanek home at Elkhorn. Bonnie and Eddie Condon of Richmond were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams. In the. afternoon they all called on relatives in Elgin. Mrs. Walter Low and childrcr. visited her parents in McHenv Mr. and Mrs. Myron Godfrey j gun(jay Y>f Waupae^f, Wis., spent the j ' 5rjpast week in the Kenneth Cristy home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard anc' family of Lake Geneva snenf Sunday evening in the Fro" * Wiedrich. Jr., hoire. Butchi" Lenard, who spent the week-enrl there, returned home with them Miss Mary Hogan was made public relations chairman f Section 20 of the F.H.A. in Chicago Saturday, Oct. 11. Mrs Oscar Berg. Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Miss Mae Wiedrich were visitors at Haeger Pottery at Dundee Friday. < Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin Hutsonville came Friday and spent the weeVend with sifter. Mrs. Apne's J^ncks. Or< Paturdav they aH attended ••h* 'voiding of their nephew, Robert Stevens, in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berc wo?* callers at Woodstock Friday morning.. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy Mr." and Mrs. Clarence Adam were shoppers at Milwaukee Thursday, . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox < Woodstock and Mr. and Mr Robert Low of McHenry spo:. Sunday with their mother, Mr Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and son, Gordon, of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. John Skidmore and Alberf New i Classified Ads Appear Old Ads Disappear. - : •"-- Reason -- ~ ~~ of the diaphragm, the large musclet that separates the chest from the abdomen! the li\*er resembles a chemical factory. It Is the largest gland in the body,, Weighing from three to four pounds, and is composed of seeps into the blood and is conveyed to all the tissues of the body, giving the yellow coloration to the whites of the eyes, the skin, and the prespiration. Chemical poisons, one of which is alcohol, are another cause of masses called lobules. Actually liyer disease. When alcohol is I the liver serves as a filter, for taken into the' body through ex- j it receives raw materials from | c£ssive amounts of whiskey, beer j the food we eat and changes : or wine, damage to the liver can them into the some thirty differ- j result. Excessive drinking, how-I ertt substances that a living and pver. is not solely at fault, but"! growing body requires. It se- a contributing^^ factor, since | cretes bile, stores carbohydrates | Ij^avy alcohol • consumers fre- { and rtgulates the amount "of thejQucntly do not eat pfoperly and various proteir^ in the blood. , j consequently, ^develop. -dietary d*>- r -While the liver is fairly well ^cienc^S- - ' protected, serious injuries t,o it. . . Generally, • nearly all diseaseincurred through blows, falls, j °* the . liver produce simila" NEW OIL FIELDS » Drilling activities in the Illinois oil fields during September resulted in the discovery of four new oil pools, one gas pool, and two extension^ vjto pools, according to the monthly report of the state Geological Survey Division. Daily average production of oil for September , was 167,000 barrels, compared with 166.000 barrels daily in August. Estimated total production for September. 5,006,000 barrels. ibe To The Plaindeater Wounds and the like, may prove j syfViptoms. The victim is wan and lethargic, has poor appetite and even a distaste for food. In fatal since normally it contains about one-fourth of the body's' supply of blood. And, since the tiny, sensitive veins of the liver are not supplied with valves, internal bleeding may be profuse. In certain types of diseases of addition he is weak, tires easily, loses weight, and is obviously iil. Any amount of activity seems to aggravate the condition. While much can be done for the person with liver disease. the liver, jaundice is character- I there is no medication that will istic. In gallbladder disease, for | restore the liver to its normal example, existing gallstones may j function Bed rest is imperative, cause an obstruction which Also essential is a diet adequate blocks the tube leading from the > in sugary substances, protein liver to the intestine. The bile foods, and large amounts of all then back's up into the blood j the vitamins necessary to a where it is circulated through- ! healthy life. Only small amounts Quick Results* Come One! Come All! / Hallowee'n Party at THE CRYSTAL TAP VOLO, ILLINOIS Saturday, Oct. 25, 1952 For Applied Roofing - Siding Tiling - Garage Doors or Materials Only CALL FRANK GANS 300 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 767-W Representative for Sears, Roebuck & Co. FREE ESTIMATES <f*wi DOCTOR r It is imptertant thatyou-telax, 6n|oy youfself, and have peace of mind, for there is more illness -- • . physical and mental -- caused by worry than any * , one thing: Just ask your doctor. He will tell vou . how deadly ..worry can"be. You Can; get rid of a ' " ^ lot of worries by shifting thenv. to the broad * enoulders of an insurance company. The more worries you can sabotage, the mofe pcacc of mind • you will have. More peace of mind moans a jongcr, happier life; INSURE. AND RELAX. OtJR ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING /• 01 The Kent Corp. REIL ESTATE - INSURANCE -- FINANCING PHONE 8 . lis RIA'ERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, HI. FREE REFRESHMEN'TK We proudly present these super-borgains as proof positive you save More at our store I Fall & Winter la BEST BUYS in TOWN! "SPEEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE BUT HONEST OFFICER- PON MY SOUL tSSSf--0"* CLEAR THE (ROAD OR I'LL 1 VJBUST YOUR ' KOMK.' j CitT GOIM' THERE YOU UTTLE SQUIRT ^y SvCE REQI BEFORE 1 START /'1 _ _ ^' HICK MILLER'S ISMYCOAL! H(HENRYOARA6( THE EM6INE5 STOPPE.D-TH' DURMED THIN6S DEAD. TO D15H , THE DIRT.' OK.,BOY-THtM5 TH Cj UY4 XOU AlNT SCDOMB VOURr PWLTTY VNf5t GRISW0LD IRON SKILLET ^r«-»«aioned cast iron Dio 10-in. ELECTRIC CORN POPKR Fwlly outomolk . h*Ml Iwo quarts. WILLYtS-OVLRLAMp T^A i 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 (Continuation o4 ttondord aquip meat and trim itluiHotod h You'll pmdul on aroilobility of material.) makes you always get a "fashion-lite" ' only 49 MM JfJil W,' WM ffl-Jm W® mv//// wM, W' WvXt3z/. 1v/ZmvA?. Mm w/vvyZky j •/V'/'/s. WW* mmm M iw0m mmm W-w»-Wm». n %f mmm^zmzm, mmk imfl m§4 m wM/y. WM The THINUTE IB SON Btami uwu wk Jewel-like simplicity in its'slim, graceful design--it's fashion-right • with your smartest clothes. Kqtially suited for both men or > women -- a lighter gift to be treas- • ured always, hine engine turned • design in gleaming chromium plate with polished monogram shield. It's real quality priced amazingly low. Featuring: * PRESS-skV ' AUTOMATIC ACTION for « lifetime of lighter satisfaction Bolger's Drug Store Phone 40 MoHenrj* & WITH CHEVROLET TRUCKS! A better buy because ... They list for less than comparable models of" other makes. Low operation and maintenance costs--plus traditionally higher trade-in saves you money. ; # A better deal because • • • Chevrolet's long list of extra-value features offers more truck for less money! Get a better ' deal and a better buy'with Chevrolet iipcks! You get more wor M-Or .less money with Chevrolet trucks! For a Chevrolet truck is always right--factory - matched to the, job, with the light power, the right capacity, the right engine, transmission, springs, axle, and tires. Come in and see how yoii'l get a better deal and a better buy with Chevrolet trucks! Better buy now! ELECTRIC ALARM RONING COYER 19-4*. by 54-in. ENAMEL ROASTER Holds o 4 lb. fowl, 6 lb. rMSt, CELLULOSE SPONGE MOP Lowest prict »vcrt Built-in metol plot* squeezes water out. Hardwood hondl*. I 1-PT. SAUCE PAN whl»« pare*lain «nam«l*d TRANSPARENT PLASTIC STORM WINDOW KIT Nail to window or tCfMn from#--stripping I MOOM TYPE RAKE BUY NOW I 1| flat tempered Spring stool tines, fully reinforced. Baked enamel finish. Waxed hardwood handle. E--CANVAS WORK GLOVES Special price on *hete well made glovos . . . bettor stock up. 8 oi. canvas, double locked seams, double knit wristlets. PINT VACUUM BOTTLE Look ot this low price. Keeps liquids Hot or cold 24 hours. Enameled metal COM, plostic cup. 9-CUP PERCOLATOR PuJIy automatic ot this iow pric*. I COFFEE BOILER 35 cups (5 qts.) 12-QT. WATER PM vkhiH por<«laii miwtw STAINLESS 3-PC. BOWL SET First time ot this low price. Solid stainless steel--won t break, rust COTf»de or ch p. For mixing, coolt* (toeing. i qt KIT WEATNEKSTKV Big savings on this eosy-to-appty fialr stripping. Um around doori. windows, its against cold, dirt. 17 ft roll ^9 2-LIGHT CEIUNC FUTURE Scow into roccptacl* liko light bulb--«• M^lris to connoct. demand CHEVROLET •ni dwwlit Tracks H UM UM A«Y 0l4«r >Uktl 12-PC. OVEN SET Guaranteed two years ogointt ©von heat breakage Sparkling door gloss . . . lets you see what's cooking. Hj-qt. casserole, cover, 9-in. pie ploU, loaf pan. pudding dish, 6 dessert cupsT 20-PC. DINNER SET Sonsationol voice 20 pieiM of heatproof, crateorcof dinrtgrv wore ot oti time low price. Rktl ivory with fluted border. Pomt ooch dinner plates, cups, sovctn fruit saucers, so!ad plates. CLAW MAIL HAMMER W' J' o buy en a qvo!ity tool U-ax. b«vt tr«ot,d drop forg* st««l Iwod. W»d^«d hickory hondl«. SCREWDRIVER SET Heat treated steei biodes «ith ground tips Six different stylos for all typat o# v»ork Priced low. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILL. ALTHOFF'S __J!Mc^fnry 501 Main Street County's Leading Hardware' PHONE WM McHenry, IB. 'vH i