'.fV- •' Thursday Jtoembsr 11, 1952 ^ l A ' - ' By W. H. Tammeos One of our good farmers, I won't mention his name, said we should say something about all the fellows who are doing a good job of farming and are not in »Farm Bureau Management Service. Well, I would, but we don't have any dope on them. (^We do follow a policy of talking about, things we know for sure. Accurate records are essential in order to know what you are talking about. No doubt, with 2425 farms in McHenry county and ' only sixty-five at present in Farm Bureau Farm Management Service, we have many more good farmers outside than inside and probably some of the best ones are on the f^it8i<}e. The best don't need it." However, toe find that some of the best ones want it by all means. They are members because they are good farmers, not good farmers because they are members. Should we say the service makes the best better? I would say so. You don't grow open pollinatcorn any more because somebody grew hybrid on your neighboring farm, or some seed corn salesman sold you seed. It just produces more and stands up better, which was easy for you to see. You wouldn't think of growing corn without plowing the ground and preparing a seed bed, putting fertilizing on the land, . cultivating tne growing corn or sprayirlg it with ^4-D. Now give me one good reason why you should expect any feed from an old bluegrass pasture that hasn't been broken up or fertilized for as long as you can remember. Why be progressive in some fields on your farm and twenty-five years behind the times on others. Do you think that makes sense? .^Bluegrass or slough gTass is wbout like open pollinated corn, while brome, alfalfa and ladino are like hybrid corn. John Brock, manager of the Northern Illinois Breeding Coop, says you find your breeding problem cows nine months earlier with artificial breeding than you do with a bull. Another thing I had never thought of is in connection with keeping a riaat cow In the barn. In summer many farmers don't want to) keep a heat cow* m the barn for the inseminator because she gets the barn dirty. That, is the place to keep her because if she is out with the herd she will cut the production of the whole herd, by stirring up all the cows. Another thing is, a cow that is jumping up on other cows very often injures her udder this is a common way of getting mastitis. If you don't want to have her in the stanch- FIAG WAVERS A great American patriot once confessed, "Sure I'm a flag waver! Can you show me a better flag to wave?" That's how the,men who belong 5° ,'"e. Veterans of Foreign Wars fe^l about their country--and we don't care a damn about the wisecracks of th^p smart alecks. Being overseas veterans, we're not self-conscious when our patriotism shows. On the contrary, we ^"lieve it's high time to teach the 'Youngsters of today there's noth- *ng corny about waving the Stars and Stripes every chance you get. That's why we are always promoting patriotic programs -- the kind that will help our kids understand what a great country America is. Stir*, we're flag wivtn, and wa'ra proud e# h. And that explains why thosa who understand tha purpose of awr flag waving never fail to say-- "THt VJF.W. IS A GOOD OUTUT" VETERANS of FOREIGN WARS •» Mm United Stats. • TEtl ME HOW I CAM I JOIN THE VJ.W. NAME. •r | ADMESZ. a | MtONL. Fox River Post No. 4600 McHenry. JUL "I I ion put her in a box stall but keep her out of the herd,on pasture, N , Robert Popenhagea of Ri mond says he leaves his manure spreader drag chain in gear all the way back to the barn in freezing weather so it doesn't freeze and stick. If it is thrown out of gear the bumping will cause manure on the edges of the box and beater to fall down on the chain and freeze. In a number of cases I have found that men who have recently come to America from European countries like it here but their wives don't. One fellow says his wife doesn't like to wash clothes even though she has a nice new electric washer. At home the maid did it on the board. Here the maid is down at the washing machine factory making wash machines. Why don't farmers have any money ? Why do some make so mifch more than others now while years ago about anybody could farm? Twenty-five years ago 35 percent of the cost of raising a bushel of corn was cash and now it's 70 percent. Twenty-five years ago the farmer ; produced 40 percent of the fuel for doing business on the farm and now he buys it all. All the more reason for keeping books for comparison purposes. Arlene "Seegers of Marengo won the county safety award in 4-H this year and then her dad, leader of the club, gets his finger in the corn picker. Fate furnishes strange bedfellows. Prof. P. H. Tracy writes from Urbana that he is doing nicely after his recent operation and will be with us Dec. 17 at our next winter series meeting at Westwood school. His topic will be, "The Inrcads of Substitutes for Milk in the Manufacture of so called Dairy Products." Just to show the viciousness of this program, A. L. McWilliams, manager of Pure Milk association, said recently that ice cream companies are spending more money on these substitutes than they are on ice cream. They are selling substitute products from ten to fifteen cents a pint cheaper when their cost saving in making the stuff is only six or seven cents, and buying full page ads in Chicago newspapers to advertise it. What's the pitch here? We hope Prof. Tracy knows. Improves Flavor A pinch of sugar added to English peas or cprn in cooking greatly improves their flavor. • T H E »in lilf BY PLAfflPEALgB * ¥ ' ' . •- s ^ " i! igj Come one and all . . . for gift* for all. Come by day or by night ... our stores are open evenings. Come to the •tores yon know... and that know you • . . Stores where you can buy with confidence. Keep your Christmas gift dollars at home where they will buy more, do more and mean more... to everyone! Salvation Army and the Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry have cooperated to bring Christmas cheer to hospitalized veterans. Since 1944, the J.A.C. has raised $50,592.44 for holiday parties at Vaughn, Hines, Downey and U.S. Marine hospitals. Funds remaining after the parties are. used for other year round activities for the veterans. KEEP SODA HANDY IN CAR SALVATION ARMY KETTLE COLLECTIONS BENEFIT VETERANS Salvation Army cadets and lassies will hand over their shiny brass bells and red Christmas Kettles to more than 200 members of the Chicago Junior Association of Commerce and Industry for two-hour periods on Dec. 17 and 18 to raise funds for Christmas parties for hospitalized veterans. Wearing large red and white signs, the J.A.C. volunteers will trade places with the cadets and lassies at the regular Christmas Kettle stands on loop corners, at you can get a famous at this NEW LOW PRICE the Northwestern and Illinois Central railroad stations, and in main neighborhood shopping districts. ' The J.A.C. has Mt a goal of $8,000 for this year, according to Edwin J. Schoen, 1140 Morse ave., chairman of the drive. This Christmas-time marks the ninth consecutive year The Specials for Friday and Saturday at the MoH MARKET QUALITY _ vkney E. "Bud" Brown MEATS - GROCERIES PHONE 3^ ^'«> C Maruncfe VEGETABLES ~ props. FREE DELIVERY Finest of All Our Specialty (ROUND BEEF.... > 59 Electric Model Unm the magic ol Modtnt, Effort-fra* INDOOR DRYING Itikintpool STYLE! Make all of washday automatic. Whirlpool Dryer saves your health, time, clothes... with thesm cxcfuirvt fwfum • snicnvi tb«m«aiwb --far dry ing-as-Srou-like-it. e OIRNUCIDAL LAMP --"fade-free sunshine" every day. • CONTROLLID CIRCULATION -- fast-drying, breezy warmth. e SATIN-SMOOTH DRYING DRUM --trust it with your finest, e FORCI-FLO VINTING of lint and moisture, •(Cos er ehdrfc eedWhl Ask about*a F J t E E HOME T K / A L I Leroy M. Smith PHONE 770-W 415 John St. ^ McHenry, I1L CUD AH Y PURITAN REAL HICKORY SMOKE FLAVOR BACON U. S. CHOICE ROLLED RIB ROAST 89C 55C LB. LB. FRESH FISH ON FRIDAYS FRESH LAKE SMELTS 2« 35' FRESH PORK BUTTS 4-6 lb. avg. 39^ RICHELIEU - Drip or Reg. MORE CUPS PER POUND C 0 F F E E . . . 2 - ™ *167 1 Lb. Tin 85* RICHELIEU BLUE SEAL 0LE0 20"* X-TRA LARGE HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 39c • McHENRY ICE CREAM PINTS Vi GALLONS Open Daily 'Til 9 P. M. - Closed Thurs; 12:30 P. M. 118 GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. motorist who keeps • box of baking soda handy In the glova compartment of hit car for patting out wnexpected fires, •eking soda is cm Inexpensive fire extingvlsher -- poured en a small Are, It will quickly and effectively •mother It by generating carbon dioxide which settles down over the flames and shuts off the air •apply of oxygon wiMievt wfefcfc • Are emmet burn. BARBASOL Shave Cream ^ Tube.. .39C FLNAHIST Antihistamine MANY FACTORS CAUSE SKIDDING, MOTOR CLUB WARNS Many factors cause skidding, but speeding claims the highest rating, according to the Chicago Motor club. The most frequent causes are: Speeding up too suddenly or applying the brakes too hard; driving too fast while on rough roads or while crossing the crown of a road; uneven braking on the four wheels; improperly inflated tires; worn tires which result in a low coefficient of friction and some* times in blowouts. If your car starts to skid, you're in trouble. There are no standard steps which will alwaya get you out successfully. However, the club has suggested these rules which are • generally wise: 1. Keep yourself under control. 2. Steer in the direction in which the rear end is skidding, but do not over-steer. 3. Avoid braking. 4. Keep the clutqh engaged. 5. Don't lift ycur foot from the accelerator pedal suddenly. As a caution for winter driving the club advises: Always reduce speed on wet or icy roads. j»'e»V White Gloves ( Selecting gloves? White Is A -ways a good color because you »*-- wear them with anything, as well as at any time of the year. Too may choose either short or long ones, according to your taste, "HI they may be tailored or decorated to be in fashion. Sobecrlbe tor the CoMtod m CteCCMBCfttpf See /totChtbhfa rajLr. LISTERINE Antiseptic Giant 7Q 14 ©*..• 75JC ... - Box 21 Assorted - • i * * • J 'VASELINE Hair Tonic 6 oz Bottle bit FEENAMINT f Gum Laxative Pkge* -< 16 V Assorted B O X E D STATIONERY Choice of colors y\ Linen quality ft/ 9Rr 4 CHRISTMAS CARDS 98C Distinctive 4-fold cards in original designs and many beautiful colors. OTHER CARDS (r«n. .5c CONGRESS CARDS 2 Decks in 4 ae attractive box . . 1 X- v 3r Famous GILLETTE BLADES Gift package of m on 100 Blue Blades *asr ol ^ riSV' 6-Piece SEAF0RTH TRAVEL KIT All in refillablo plastic bottles. 495 •JVv& WESTCLOX TRAVALARM Ivory or Walnut. Luminous dial. 760 •Mi "Especially for You" MAX FACTOR 4-PC. T0ILETRIE SET CmiUhu Pan-Cake, loose powder, dryrourejM end lipstick ... Evening in Paris _ Nrfum* Certag* I Tweed Both Due ___ In Gift Box X75 Early American Hom«t(*ad B«x.... ., 2 Matchabelli f V' . Bubbl* Bath.. .TTtT;."5 PRESCRIPTION Second only to the responsibility of the physician is the responsibility of the pharmacist who compounds the prescribed medication This is a responsibility which we are well pleased to accept. Years of Dependability SUPERB QUALITY IMPORTED PIPES Made ol the fiaeet Brier :• assorted shapes |B0 •ad sixes....... .A ^ -A Zippo Lighter. » Chrome finish.. ,TT7". *1"" New Parker #21 P»n and Psncil. .. .•* * King's Men T 4-pt. Travel 5" Golf Balls. JV Box ef I J...S75 X1 The new Ready-Flash ANSC0 CAMERA OUTFIT Deluxe carry-all case with Camera, Flash-unit, portrait lens, 6 flashbulbs, and 2 rolls 4 of film V...15W New streamlined COUNSELOR 0M SCALE Baked enamel finish in choice of colore, «gc Chrome trim.... * Electric Extractor Electric lightwe For Little Girls I,PLAY NURSE KIT I Complete with 4 00 "trrying case. 1 Beautifully delight Colorful 4Like a Real REPEATER Shoots with a loud bang extension ladder and siren. . . ^ Jhm Federal Ixdn Tea to TeMeiries i Bolgers Drug Store 10S ft. 0reea Street PHONE 4# Ifcllety, ML We |iv« «nd redeem Gold 'Bond Stamps., i>. /i Vdj