Thursday. March.26. I9£3 •mrnrnmt •is* lA. •» ;/ •« THE McH5NRY;J5LAINDEALEB C RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Shepard John Thompson home north of Antioch. "'-t---"---*-'------- Mrs. Alan Wagner and children of McHenry spent Saturday in the Howard Wagner home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fagni and I Mrs. Angela Pagni visited relai Cannon visited Mrs. Lill Conway Itives at Lake Geneva Saturday Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained at the Shangri-La rest home | afternoon. tbe women's five-hundred club at j near McHenry Thursday l» Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard her home Thursday. A one o'-1 Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and J were Sunday dinner guests in clock dessert luncheon wtis ser- daughter, Mary, and Joan Freund j the Wm. Heine home ir: Chicago, ved. Prizes were awarded to Mrb. visited Mi's. Louis Winn at the | Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders Viola Low and Mrs. C, L. Ham-J sanitarium at Waukegsn Wed- j and daughter, .Georgia. Mary, of son. Mrs. Gene Oxtcby underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital on Monday. She is getting •Hotig nicely. On Honor Roll At NJL State College ; Audrey Ann Andreas and brother, Duane Andreas, daughter and son of Mr. and Mis. Weldojn Andreas of Ringwooa, have attained honor roll ranking for the winter quarter^of 1952- 1953 school year at N.I. State college at DeRalb. Honor roll rank at .N.I.S.T. places Audrey nesday. [Sycamore 'and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eokert of Wood- Jack Lenard and children oi stock were callers at the home of Dr. and Mrs. ^Vm. Hepbuin Page a- WATCH FOR Thursday afternoon Lake Geneva and Louis Winn were Sunday dinner pufrsts. in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr^'aon.e. In Mrs. Oscar rierg, Mrs. Lester I the afternoon Mrs. Saunders, Carr £*nd Mrs. Grace McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Fi 1- day. ; - ; Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughters, Judy and Bonnie, Mrs. Charles Ackerman a n d Mrs. George Shepard spent Friday evening in Woodstock. Mary and Patty Hogfti spent the weekend with their sister. and Duane in the top 15 percent Charlotte, at Champaign,,. 6f the student body. Home Bureau family night was held in the Ringwood church iiall Sunday evening. A potluck supper was enjoyed and s Mrs. Dorothy McEachren of Wonder Lake showed movies of her trip to Europe and Asia. A delightful evening was spent. The Junior M.Y.F. met in the Among those from a distance to attend funeral service;? fo- Mrs. Hoffman ...were. Mr; and Mrs. Leuaid Knudsen, Mrs. Herb Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Geoi'ge Hoffman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman and family ot Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. James Caulfield of Park Ridge f>nd Mr. and M'd. Art Hoffman and Assen home Friday evening. The dau^hter Susan' of Lemoht' llk business meeting was held and games were played and lunch was served. The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Byron Sowers on Thursday. A potluck dinner was served at noQn lite usual business meeting was held. Mrs. Flora Harrison had the devotionals and Mrs. Cla.n Crlsty gave the lesson on the people of Africa. It was docided to have a bake sale in Muzzy s hall on Friday, March 27. Plans were also made to hold the regular monthly suppers in the church hall, starting in 'April, on the last Thursday evening of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramaeker cf Thor, Iowa, spent a few days the past week at the Neai home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Monday evening in the Wm. Claxton home at McHenry. Mrs. Paul Walkiugton and Mrs. Gordon Fossum were visitors at Bafrh'.gton Tuesday. Mrs. Louis Hawley „ Mrs. Ben W a l k i n g t o n a n d M r s . J o h n Hogan were Elgin visitors Monday. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Walter Wilcox weie visitors at B«irririVton and El.?*n Monday. ^ Mrs. Wm. Hepburu and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited Mrs. June tixtoby in the Woodstock hospital Thursday afternoon. • Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Sr., Mrs. Lester Carr and "Mrs. Grace Mc- Mrs. Buckberger ard children of Woodstock spent Thursday with h*r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sowers. Mrs. Litti Thompson cf McHenry was a Sunday dinner guest in the John Hogan heme. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hogan a.nd children and Mrs. Mrs. Lenard and Loy<3 Winn visited Mrs. Louis Winn at the sanitarium at Wauke&pn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred iBowman and daughter. Nancy, ard Mr. and Mrs. John Elilert and daughter, Mabel, , visited relatives and friends ill, Chicago Sunday. • , > V _. • Mr. and Mrs. Roberi. Low of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lew and family „sppnt Sun-* day In the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Grace McCannors apent Monday afternoon in the Mrs. Georgia. Thomas home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Louis - Hawley were Sunday dinner guests in the Ernest Reinwall home at FernWood. Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters. Alice and Marian, spent Sunday afternoon in the Raymond Harrison home at Woru'cr Lake Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and family were Sunday dinner guests of „ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. A modern miracle is that our ancient gadgets work as well ThompsoflMwere visitors in the I they do. miHIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIilllllHIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllHIIIItlllllllttlltmiN 1 OFFMAIN STREET MERGER OJF PUBLIC SERVICE. EDISON COMPANY APPROVED Mefger of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois into Commonwealth Edison company was approved by stockholders of both companies at special meetings today. At the Edison meeting, stockholder representation in person or by proxy of more than 87 percent was the largest in over twenty-five years. Edison stockholders elected thirteen Public Service directors to the Edison board. They are: Preston A. Boyd, Freeport; Harry E. Burkholder, Sterling; James D. Cunningham, Chicago; Albert B. Dick, Jr., Chicago; Bernard E. Giertz, Elgin; Walter I. Jones. Joliet; William J. Kelly, Chicago; Joseph H. King, Chicago; Raymond. F. List, Belviderf; Perry L. McPheeters, Wheaton, Leroy S,t» Stephens, Aurora: Edward' Vaile, Dixon; and John Wentworth, Chicago. Public Service, formerly a subsidiary, now .becomes a division of Edison. The merger involves no changes „ in personnel at operations: L, ' " Willis Gale," Edison chairman, said the merger is the final step Butterfat . prices at the farm level dropped from 79 9* cents a pound to 68.3 cents a pound from January 1952, to January, 1953, despite government purchases to support prices, points out a University of Illinois farm economist. . About 16 percent of the . increased milk supply in the Chicago milkshed has resulted from higher -production per herd. It's easy tol account for .the cents, but what becomes of the dollars ? RAIN SHINi fc lh* f Q T r o d * M a r k m flftc« MADI ONIV M BOLGER'S DRUG SJORE IWESK |IBEEI PHONE 40 McHENRT, ILL. We give and redeem Gold Bond Stamps. LASTING BEAUTY and PROTECTION DOES NOT SPOT... ... STAYS WHITE WHEN WET V SUPPLIED IN A VARIETY OF BEAUTIFUL COLORS ^ COSTS ICSS THE paint for MASONRY Alexander Lumber Co. IHIIItltt Ml MAIN fcT. PHON£ 5 McHENRY, ILL. in a program of corporate simplification and integration which has been goirtg on for fifteen years. As* of Dec. 31 last, Edison owned 2.157,233 shares, or 99.87 per cent,, of the 2,160,000 shares of • Public Service outstanding. The remaining, 2,767 shares in the hands of the public will be converted' dirtttitr basis of 4.2 shares of Edison stock for eacH share of Public Service stock, resulting in a nominal increase of 11,621 shares, or less than one-tenth of l per.cent, in the outstanding Edison stock. EASTER SEAL MONTH The period from March 5 to April 5 has been proclaimed AS EAster Seal M' nth throughout Illinois by Governor William Oi Stratton. The Illinois Association for the Crippled, an organization carrying on medical and educat> ional work for both children and adults who are physically handicapped, derives its main financial support from its annual sale of Easter Seals, the governor** pro* clamation said. 1 ..!• ' Good grammar and accent tfif offensive to nobody. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) v > EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED V" tisrAL TRAISIXJ -- TISrAfc BEHABILITATTOH * COMPLETE TISl'AL ANALYSIS • IOURS DAILY s 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to & P. V . FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:5© P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 /Y)R VOU CAJVT BEAT A, t A GENERAL, MOTORS .MASTERPIECE It All Adds Up to a Wonderful Buy! When you invest in a great new 1953 Pontiac you invest in a car which-- although priced rightmext to the lowest --requires you to sacrifice absolutely nothing in quality or pleasure. First of all, the 1953 Pontiac is a big car --with longer 122-inch wheelbase, more leg, hat and hip room, and interior luxury far beyond its modest price. Pontiac's brilliant new Dual - Streak styling lets you enjoy the pride of driving a car that's more than ever the most beautiful thing on wheels. And in the 1953 Pontiac you get effort* less driving at its best--with Dual- Range Performance* for more go on less gas and Pontiac's wonderful new Power Steering*. In addition to all this, you have the traditional dependability and long-range economy that make Pontiac ownership so inexpensive and carefree. Gome in and drive this beautiful new car. You'll quickly see that the 1953 Pontiac is a General Motors Masterpiece and a very wonderful buy. OVERTON CADILLAC 400 Front St. McHenry ( MfHUItn or PMfTMC Q9AUTY AMD VAUUt f|f L«a< 122-inrh Whe*llMM0 Kl ' JExclsalve Daml-Range Fewer Trala* for ||| Saperk Prrfemaace |. || Beutllil, Rmb v, Laxurlaai B«4lN by-Fisher Urnrral Meters Lowest Priced Eight ||| Pewerfnl High-C onpreBsiea Eigian ||1 Established Keosonay. Lssg Life ami " * rHlKh Rr-Nale Value ||| ^Exceptieaal Steeriag aad. Parking E^se ' •Optional at extra cost, . PONTIAC Co. Phone 17 m T H R I F T P R I C E D SUPERFLASH FLASHBULBS handy pocket ixftw'ixxtxvf: 45c Tube LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE 2 Tubes 59c PRESCRIPTION ^ SERVICE; No m a t t e r what your needs are, we are equipped to give y o u t h e b e s t in d e p e n d a b l e p r e scription service. Professional NYLON HAIR BRUSH Priced aq. From... I . . . . . . . W.« I • JOSEPH ASPIRIN Finest quality 5-ffrain tablets. Bottl* 49c 100. . 98c 20 GILLETTE Blue Blades With 35c tnk« Shaving Cream offer 98C MENNEN Baby Magic Checks diaper rash and oder. EMMmy 98c size. . 20 GEM BLADES Single Edge.. Save 18c. $1 JERGENS LOTION with Dispenser Free <. ZINC OXIDE, 1 oz. ~ Soothing Ointment... BOOK MATCHES Safety. .Carton of 50... PAPER NAPKINS Economy Pkge. of SO... AROMATIC CASCARA 1 ounce bottle VASELINE WHITE Petroleum jelly, 4 oz... ABSORBME Jr. 1" Size Q a For aches and pains "00 NEW BAND-AID Elastic Plastic Strips... v3fC 23c ISe 15c 23c 25c A - E X T R A SPECIAL Special purchase! Linen Finish BOXED STATIONERY 79c Attractive new designs in new pastel colors and styles. YOU SAVE 29c 49c Bottle TRUSHAY Hand Lotion With 49c Jar Trusha1 3f HAND CREAM 98c Value. Both for. . . C ..... •• INTRODUCTORY Regular Size ANTELL* FORMULA #9 With 8 ounce Charles Anted SHAMPOO J5s,c:«i *2 "v* . • > « . , V „.>JAI .'A I.'VI M » v V w ! v " v " * V * ' - / / Beautiful assortment EASTER GREETING CARDS Distinctive Artistic Creations Brand new. 5c to 25c Priced from -to . . . . .V.VI •i>,lANi.'.vr.'.Y/.-,v,' v.-v.^VA'Av, INSECT KILLERS SPRAY Apex Motb 00jk Crystals, 7 oz.V«C Expello Crystals, 1 lb. 09C Flit D.D.T. Pint size. ... 4>IG New Larvex 119 in spray can. I D.D.T. Bomb Bridgeport, I59 .. .V.'.vivmv/.VV".*;. Easter GIFTS IDEAS BASKET OF GOODIES, Priced frea ~~t,.98C EASTER TOYS for boys and girls, frta 98c CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS, Cream ceiters....23c LOVEABLE CUTE BUNNIES, Priced fro*. .. I75 DANA TABU PERFUME, Forbidden fragrance 2s* LENTHERIC TWEED BOUQUET, 3* u. MM, I* FASHIONS NEWEST COMPACTS, m.„ ,t,iH V Plus J0»o F«d*rol Eicisc Tax Toiletries BOLGER'S Green St. PHONE 40 McHewry, BL We give and redeem auld Baad Slamy. . ,