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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1953, p. 2

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.w- *?: 'V*v * ; *>*'? : ,• *A " " .1*« ."yX^ >* V-tV.'V * W> . V «*?- THE McHENRY PLAINBEALER r^7»" * y / * ^ ; i : - «- •^,,"rr#r •" V'. ••'•'f,,'." rOotk itfeolic Daughter# of «rl planning for instaJ- _ officers on Thursday 21, to be preceded #6t-hifc1t dinner at 0:30 at St. Mary's school hall. Keft-Dorsch Vows Exchanged Troth Orttmein •' «bd Mrs Robert O. drth* Of Ahalimar subdivision ai»- the engagement of their Ur. EUen Catherine, to T, Hutchinson of Chicago. Wedding will take plaice in Ujgf (September. Orthwein, who is fcmylO^ ed in Chicago, spends week-, in McHenry. " , , , ... . . • JMHtfielianeouS ShoWe* Jhw Miss Elaine Smith •*}• • Miss Blaine Smith of Spring i5^ jGtrove was honored guest at a ; Miscellaneous shower given at Itie Joseph Miller home one day ^ but week. She will become the ** Dride of Robert Oxtoby of Spring Sfx ' ©rove on June 20. f" .• Bunco provided entertainment %n;- for the guests who attended ibom Spring Grove, McHenry. XcCullom Lake and Johnsburg. : Decorations were in pink and | green, with the bridal party of lolls under the umbrella as a centerpiece on the table. Many fteaatiiul gifts were received. ' .. . A tasty lunch was served by #ie hostesses, Mrs. Lloyd SpitEII Hart and Mrs. Joseph. Miller, lary Lou Sehif^ • BirtMay ' J Maty Lou, daughter of Mr. and Wn- Stanley a chaffer, celebrated feer sixth birthday anniversary """tin Wednesday afternoon of last , Hreek when she entertained a lew friends at her home cm Main Jtreet. Table decorations were to gink and blue and it was centeri by an attractively decorated ftirthdfty cake. Qaaaes provided entertainment, with prizes awarded to Muriel Jfrett, Rita Thurlwell and Martha Thennes. "' T Guests included the grandpftr- #its, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer itod Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wein- 1 fart, and Mrs. Edward SkOney <|f Elmfturst. Little folks present Were "Buzzie" Prett, Marie and Henry Justen, Raymond Simon, Bruce, Jr., and Bryan Klontz, Jimmy Skoney ahdi Carol and \ fommy Schaffer. IfOTtiCE * ( The Royal Neighbors of Amer iat wtil sponsor a benefit card farty on Tuesday, May 19, at the . It of C. hall at 8 p.m. The regular meeting will precede the farty at 7:15 o'clock. : * . One of the loveliest spring weddings of the year was that solemnized at St. Mary's church last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock when Miss Joan Nett, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Nicko- Caroline laus Nett cf Riverside Drive, became the bride of Carl Dorsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dorsch of Shnlimar. Rt. Rev. Ktsgr. C.S. Mix officiated at the service and the girls' choir offered the nuptial music. . . • . Given in marriage by ^ her fnther, the pretty, blonde bride chose a ballerina length gown of white lace ever ice blue taffeta, styled with scalloped neckline and hem, fitted bodice and threeo i u a r t e r l e n g t h s l e e v e s . Her fingertip veil was held in place »>y a headpiece of lace and seed nearls. She carried camellias and stephanotis on a white prayer book. Miss Marge Wahl, a close riend, acted as maid of honor md two sisters, Mrs. Lorraine Fuetz of Skokie and Mrs. Arlene Scott of Wilitiette, were bridesmaids. All were attired similarly in dresses of yellow net over tafreta, styled strapless with boleros. They wore white daisy headpieces and carried cascade bouquets of the same kind of floweri. George Nett, brotner of tn« bride, served as best man and groomsmen were James $ett, mother brother, and Ropert Scrota. . For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Nett was attired in a navy blue, dress and matching accessories. Mrs. Dorsch wore a silk print and white accessories. Both wore white camellias and itephanotis. Breakfast was served to the bridal party and immediate families at Art and Lee's restaurant. Over 200 guests attended a reception at 4 o'clock at St. Mary's school hall. Mrs. Dorsch is a graduate of the McHenry high school with the class of 1949 and has been employed at the telephone office. Her husband received his: education in the Chicago schools. A position awaits him in Denver, Colo., where the couple will reside. PERSONALS 'M11 t'lf '1 • • Mrs. Eleanor Foley, son, M*r» tin, and daughter, Julia, were called to Cleveland, Ohio, this week by the unexpected death on Monday of a relative, Dr. Sibila. John and George Sullivan of Woodstock attended Mass with their mother, Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, and afterward enjoyed breakfast at the Norbert Tegge home on Mother's Day. Mrs. Eleanor Mcderhack and daughter, Darlene, of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ida Kreutzer. Mr. and Mrs. Ben feauer and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. £auer and the Mi&ses Frances and dauer attended the seventh annual concert of the Marquette Medical school glee club at Milwaukee, Wis., on Sunday afternoon, May 10. Sunday guests in the Martin Conway home were Mr. • and Mrs. Lynn Smith of ftibekton, 111., Mrs. ' fid. Holle of Oak Park, Sirs. Cella Knox of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ConWay and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conway of McHenry. Jim Lennon, , Duane Andreas and the Misses Carol Olsen and Doris Bauer attended a baseball game between the Milwaukee Braves and the Chicago Cubs on Sunday. Mrs. Wilhelmina Nelson and son, Bob, were called to Davenport, Iowa, on Monday gy the death of Mrs. Nelson's sister. Mrs. Mollte Givens, Donald Givens and Miss Ami Frisby were visitors in the Harry Lawrence home in Chicago on Mother's Day. Sunday guests in the Nick M. Justen home were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justin of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. ,'oseph Justen and son, Joey, of Richmond and the Carl Martin family. Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Laures returned recently frorii Florida, where they spent the winter. Math GlosSon returned home from Kenosha, Wis., last week after visiting relatives there for a few days. ' Recent guests' in the Robert Thompson home were Mr. and Mrs. Gfeorge Kolt2 and children, Judith and Robert, of Naj^rville, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thompson and daughters, Kay and Janice of Western Springs and William VanNatta of crystal Lake. Mr. and MM. Joseph J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker attended the First Communion of Mary Purvey at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Paiil !$chulz and Mrs. Paul Reardo'n visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schulz in Harvard last week Wednesday. U, WILMA FEEZEL WED TO HEBRON MAN ON SATURDAY, MAY 9 .* The advance sale of tickets for _ the W.S.C.S. annual Apring tea, o'clock in St. Joseph'** bigh school .. ---"^cafeteria on Thursday, May 21, indicates that a large crowd will be on hand io hear Mrs. Leona connery, guest speaker. Mrs., Conhery is well known in In a beautiful apring wedding peftafntec last Saturday, May 9; at 10 church, Richmond, Miss Wiirplt Ftorehce Feezll of Ringwood aftfe Mr. William Albert Mathison, soil ' of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mathison of Hebrcn, were united in marriage. Rev. Fr. Frank J. Miller performed the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wus charming In a flobr length gown of nylon lace over satin, styled frith Vict o r i a n - s t f t n d - u p c o l l l r . Her iingertip veil was held i^i place by a beaded Juliet cap and she carried a boUtjtifet of white roses and carnations. She wore a pearl necklace and errings, a gift of the groom. Miss Eleanor Bruxer of Johnsburg, maid of honor, was attired in yellow net over taffeta, with matching head band, and carried a bouquet of blue asters^ Robert Mathison served his brother as best man and Floyd Feezel, jr., brother of the bride, aind Thomas O'Halleran, uncle of the grcom, served as ushers. James Bergin of Hebron was soloist, singing "Ave Maria" and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother." The bride's ^mother was attired in navy dress with white accessories, and Mrs. Mathison wore navy also. Each had a corsage of pink carnations. The bride is employed by the Admiral corporation in McHenry. The bridegroom operates a farm east of Hebron. Immediately after the service, the couple left for a wedding trip to Chattanooga, TtnB., and upon their return will {Aside near Hebron. •'A f • EXPECT LARGE - CROWD. AT W.S.C.S. TEA NEXT THURSDAY B I R T H S 75 May 12 to raid Winters many parts of the state, having appeared before The American Legion, civic clubs, D.A.R., Women's clubs, P. T. A. and various church organizations. Her charming personality and her unusual presentation, with its whimsical human touch, gives her hearers a clue as to how she is able to meet the important pec pie that she does. Using as )ter subject, "Humanity Is My Hobby," she will relate some of the highlights of her travels around the world. Miss Jennifer Houda, soloist, twice winner of first place In state competition, at Clinton, til, will also appear on the program. The honored guest of the occasion will be Mrs. Clayton G. Harrison, locally known as "Aunt Flora." "Aunt Flora" is a .descendant of tbp Ira Colby family, who were the founders of the McHenry Methodist church. She is 82, cheery and vivacious, has many hobbies and an interesting view on life. She will be at the spring tea on the heels of her return from a 1,000 mile tour to the OzarkB. Tickets for this program may be purchased at the door. A daughter Woodstock hospi Mr. and Mrs. . (lkaricn Conway). Mr. and Mrs*. Ben ftiggto Art the parents of a son, bo:n vat the Woodstock hospital May 8. Mr. and Mrs. James Freund are the parents of a daughter, Sandra Ann, born, at the Wood- Aoefc hospital Hay 11. She weighed 7 lb. 8 oz. at birth. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben FYeund of Johnsburg and Mayor and Mrs. George P. Freund of McHenry. The baby's mother tt < the former Doris Freund. « ' McHENRY GIRLS, TO ATTEND Horn at the WITH 4.H QJJQ, Sixty-six -girls and counselors from McHenry. county h*Ve ij^ade reservations to y attend Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See at Manteno, 111., from June 29 through July 3. Nine of the girls are from agriculture clubs. Representing home ^con<nnics clubs are Ahriette Smith, Dlaht Hunt, Jahet Wright, Jartice Johnson and Shirley JAinloh, McHenry; Anne May Afsen, Mary Jane Bell; J^an Selsdorf, Lynn Wilkersoii, itary Lou Miller of ttingwood; Sa-ndi Sells and! 1 Ann Lundborg, Wonder Lalte.l ' Two lucky girls are beiflg «eht to camp by the Pure, Milk association. They are Karen Seegers, Marengo, and Donna Lee Buehrer of Spring Grove, winners in an essay contest tteld last summer. The subject <if the essays was "The Value of Milk to ifiy Family." . 4 CARD OF THANKS 1 would lljte to take tftU opportunity to thank friends for c a r d s , p r a y e r s , f l o w e r s a n d pther kindnesses extended during the time I Was confined to the Woodstock hospital. They were greatly appreciated. CAROLYN JW1 car owners can't be wrong! One of America's fastestgrowing auto insurance companies, Allstate now serves over a million policyholders. Ask about Allstate's- • V 1 • N«w •aii«r-to-und*rstand policy 6 : • 14 added features at no extra coct , 1 • F^lr, fait dalm settlement* L * e Special low rates for 1 * IN MEMORIAM (V ; ) In loving memory of DtSflna ftpth Rosing, who passed away May 18, 1946. Her ple£s&ht WJly and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall,, She had a kindly word for each And*xlied beloved by alL . MOM, SISTERS AND *1 BROTHER Yes™ SELL WATER SOFTEIfEltil $99.50 up, tennf ; CUU.IGAN SERVICE . WAUCONDA 5421 NIGHT 5552 FRANK E. LOW, Agent 200 Maple Ave., McHenry, III. Phone: 1004 Woodstock Residents and those living nearby can see or phone their Allstate Agent. --, GEORGE W. FRANCKE 114 Pouglas Ave.,- Woodstock, IH. Phone: 1898 , Vou're Ih with , ' f ' " M wBk INSURANCE COMPANV ievafci fiiy Stars, Rosbackmi! Ci A NvKot!y-own«d subsidiary of S«or», vwf Co., with assets and liabilities di2t<»et ond fcporaU ' from the parent company. Cffic®: th :ago, HI IN EVEKYMY JRK60A6E We znalcfe thfite loans to indi- Vidualflto pay doctor and dentist bills, to meet educational expenses, and for other sound per- Sondl purposes. Applications are treated in confidence, and 4< faded upon without undue delai; > f t - HEWS INTO if MEANS TO Y00 ctu^i available to yo|i promptly; and you repay o|i terml that will fit your incoi ^ Wken yoi must bomv, for ny wsrtti-wUte purpose, apply at our ba*. JfeHENRY 4TAT1 BANK * MlOlftBR FBDERAL RUBERVE SYSTEM PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS 3- T |>eliohriully Ruffled You,ll be ruffled and like ft in this demurely designed dress with zig-zag button front and ruffleedged collars and cuffs. Made of Quadriga Cloth *ith the washable, wearable reputation. In Red, Yellow, Green. Sizes 16/44--16^/263^. ^ THE'El ST 4 LESS Dr.Sch+irg CHLOITOPHYLL root PQW0U Sdtioll's Support and\ Foot Remedies at B6LGER'£ DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY MAX FACTOR ends yotir search M t KBONB IMA BOY'S SLIGHT IRREttttLARS Sims 10-18 LA*GE SELECTION ;...: $^4|acii' ••, RETAIL FACTORY OUTLET STORE - RIVERSIDE MANUFACTURING CO. At went end of old bridge on Riverside Drive. McHENRY. ILL. make-up in one.. .applied with a puff! A complete make-up in a puree-slim eopipact. . You'll love Max Factor'• new make-up ide*! Creme Puff smooths on with a pun like powder.w.stays on life cream...is softer,iTMpt flattering than either. And it's spill proof! Creme Puff actually reflects light... seems tiny imperfections. Won't streaky smear or turn orangey. You never look , 'made up." End your search with Creme PidH £^ry Creme PaS everywhere in its hinged mirror compact. Choose from these 5 radiant shades: TRUI.Y FAIR - for a tight, pink and white hkin. TEMPTING TOUCH - for a creamy, ivory skin. CANDLE CLOW - for a medium -- or ruddy -- skin. CAY WHISPER -- for an olive skin. SON FROLIC -for a ten<n"'-*"f 01 "live flight now wf'rf 9«rHin4 this coll-for-myfwr» messagf fr«n smart wom#n all over town. And w« 66 mean SMART! It's smart to get the GUARANTEED PROTECTION of our cold Storage vqirtt for priceless furs ... complete protection aQain»i heat, hymidity, moths, fire and theft. ftV smart to let the cold, crisp air of our vaults preserve their precious, beauty and lengthw thfir years of wearability. It • smart to # •« Phon| 927 For Pickup FETAN your fun BOW . . . j»r F«U- E»«y % tesured to the full amount of your evaluation. BOLGER'S DRUG ST O i l - f - f ' SAVE 10% On Dry Cleaning by Using Our CASH 8c CARRY SERVICE at our plant or Branches y Ringwooil-" WINTER'S STORK Lakemoor lAKEMOOK IIOWE. £&H£X The Friendly Cleaners i^PTLLY CLEANED •*r PHONE 927 NOETH FRONT ST. -- Around Oohie» N. of National Tea *&

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