I®*? THE MCHEnHY PUUhb^AtER BVK Jon K. Smedberr oastSiF" Gray*l*ke J-2fll New Equipment At Therapy" Center f" Three patients at the McHenry County Physical Therapy • center. Clay street School, Woodstock, try out some of the new - equipment which was recently purchased by the McHenry county Chapter of the Illinois Crippled Association and which is available -to anyone needing it: Mrs. Eleanor Jorgenson, physical therapist !$fct the center, shown left above, instructs Mrs. Ouy Butts ef - jpCrystal. Lake on how to operate a roller walker while Paul Di JVerde, Woodstock sits in a child's wheel chair and John Cristy, J^^iTr., rural Woodstock, holds on to a pair of crutches. Learning to {?! lyalk again is part of Mrs. Butts' exercise in rehabilitation following a stroke. John is receiving muscle re-education exercises , 1; ..At the center. He was a polio victim several years ago. Paul, a ? victim of cerebral palsy, receives muscle training and c6ordLnation exercises under the direction of Mr*.-Jorgenson. He, incidentally, t does not n'eed the wheel chair himself. Recent purchases of equipment include two adult wheel * chairs, two children's wheel chairs, six pairs of crutches, two adult roller walkers and one child's roller walker. The center pre- *r viously owned two adult wheel chairs and four adult walkers. The - equipment is loaned to anyone needing it. Requests should be li tnade at the Center or by phone at Woodstock 1707. The recent i? "ipurchaaes were made possible through Easter Seal funds'and ge'nf erous donations by local organizations and individuals. VIWTNEWS mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrn By Gladys Soucie BOAD PROGRAM Governor William G. Stratton has set up an 84 % million dollar Illinois road building program for 1954. As outlined by. the state's chief executive in an address delivered last week • be-, fore the Springfield convention of the Associated General Contractors of Illinois, the program includes approximately 472 miles ,o/...£ijphwajc construction projects. Main items in this are: 160 miles of new roadway and resurfacing 286 miles of existing pavement. The new roadway will consist of 59 miles of two-lane, An extremely large crowd at- 'tended the annual Christmas • party of the V.F.W. auxiliary last Monday evening. Festivities' 42 miles of four-lar^e, and 58 ' started with a delicious buffet miles of additional lane construc- • supper served by Pauline' Pries, j tion. Seventy-two more miles of Gussie Diedrich and Teena Mor- 1 U.S. 66 are to be converted into rison, assisted by Betty Clark. J four-lane highway, which will * Games followed, with prizes a- j give motorists a modern ex- Wirded the winners. 1 pressway from Chenoa on the ' north to Mt. Olive on the south, a distanc* of about 150 miles. The 1954 program includes the building of 71 new bridges, widening 37 other bridges, and the construction of 20 grade separations. Santa made his' appearance during the evening and distributed presents from a grab bag. The Christmas program was discussed, especially the work for child welfare and at Downey hopital. ftprtOCATED NEXT TO THE NATIONAL -- | . 1 PLACE LVERN PHONE $89 411'W. ELM STREET CHOICE OF 12 SCOTCH'S U25 Up TAYLOR CHRISTIAN GAKRETTS WINES MOGEN DAVtD WINE \ SPECIAL I Rabbinical Kosher Wine 111. 15 Qt 15 IMPORTED and DOMESTIC BEER $2.25 A Ca«e & Up 6 PACKS $1.00 & Up CHOICE OF Rums Blended Whiskies 1 Brandies Bonded Bourbon In Decanters t3_R£ TTn DIRECT, HIDDEN ACCIDENT OUTLAT COSTLY TO ALL Direct or hidden costs of street and highway accidents caused by too much speed and careless driving and walking habits are draining nearly $90 from the average American family's purse every year. In thirty-one states the costs are above the national average of $89.60 for a family of four. The figure runs above $100 for the average family group in seventeen of these states. And it ranges all the way up to $399.44 in Nevada, or well over $1 per day per family in that state, according to Paul H. Blaisdell, public safety director of the Association of Casualty and Surety companies, who has made a state-by-state study of the economic loses in automobile accidents and how they affect every American family. Families in all but five states are laying out an average of more than $1 a week as their share of the direct or indirect costs of highway accidents, even though specific bills for these losses are never sent to their homes, Mr. Blaisdell pointed out. The charges are passed on to the average family through increased taxes, wage losses, costs of insurance, medical and hospital Vila, automobile damage repair v zrges and other items, he said, whether or not the accidents they are paying for reached- into their own family circle. "The average American family is totally unaware that the highway accidents they read about every day represent economic waste that eventually they are called upon to help pay for at the rate of about $95,000 for every person killed in an accident," said Mr. Blaisdell. "In 1952 there were 3.,000 fatalities, which, besides the huge loss of human life, entailed economic costs running to nearly $4,000,000,000 that we must all pay for. "If tig motor vehicle death toll exceeds 40,000 in 1953 or 1954, which seems likely unless drastic steps are taken to stop the ever increasing highway slaughter, the 2,000 additional fatalities will increase 'the overall costs of accidents to American families $190,000,000 a year. This amounts to about $1.25 additional per person, or $5 per family of four annually, on top of the 1952 costs of nearly $90 per family." State breakdowns Iranking per family costs the highest to the lowest include: Rank, 48; state, Nevada; motor vehicle dealhs, 143; 'accident costs per family of 4, $399.44; rank, 22; Illinois; total deaths, 2111; costs per family, $92; rank, 1; Wyoming; total deatths, 164; costs per family, $21.44. Mr. Blaisdell explained that in most instances the per capita and per family costs of accidents in the more heavily populated states are lowered by the larger population figures. RAY DUSENBERRY SEEKS TREASURER POST IN PRIMARIES Ray Dusenberry of Marengo has announced his candidacy for the office of McHenry county treasurer in the spring primaries. He has served as a deputy treasurer under the two terms RAY DUSENBERRY of J. G. Stevens, present ciunty treasurer, and is well known by many people throughout th« county. At the present time, hty activities as deputy treasurer have been the organizing and operation of the recently created office or assessment supervisor. This office has accomplished a great deal in equalizing assessments between taxpayers in cities and townships, including individuals, businesses and corporations. He has been a resident of Marengo for forty years and has been a leader in all civic and business promotional activities for his city and this county.' He has served as Republican precinct committeeman during these and holds that office at the present time. jnOwek! St Patrick's CalMIs Ckwek ttev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor Masses Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:00, 10.00 and 11:30 Daily Masses: 7:00 and S:00 AM. Holy Days: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00. First Fridays r commanlon dia> 'ributed at 6:3# and during 7:00 ind 8:00 Masses. Confessions Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and :i0 to 8:^0 p.jn., and on Thnrai» ays before First Fridays: 4:00 to :00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 pJB. 8L Mary's Catholle Cbareh Ifsgr. C. i. Nix. Pastor Masses Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30. ~ ' Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; and 10;M Week Days: 6:48 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:80 and 8:Ml Confessions Saturdays: 8:00 p.*. and T:M p.m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; |:M p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 81 Peter's Catkelle Oktttff Sprhf Crete Rev. John L. Daleldem, Pastor Masses Sunday: 8:00; 10:00 and 11 :M. Holy Days: 6:30 and 1:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions 8at*rdays: t:80 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday: 8:80 and 7.1$. ««seph's Ctmrcfc ^Richmond, 111. Sunday Masses: 8:00 and 10:00 Daily Mass: 8:00 Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00 Rev. Ft. Frank Miller, pastor St John's Catkelle Clirek Meed a Robber Stamp? It now at the Plainaeaier. Order SCON & BUILDERS CLUB America's Finest Cigars GIVE HIM A BOX A GIFT r HE WILL ENJOY - Sold At All Tobacco Counters In. McHenry and Vicinity J. C. THIES CO. • Distributor M. Blitsch, Pastor Masses dan day: 7:00; 8:80; 10:00 and il:*» Holy Day*: 7:00 and 9:00. Thurso*? before First Frioay: 1:80 and 7:M. Zlea EvaapeKcal Lstheran Church rhe Ciiur :n ihe Lutheran Hour 408 Join St. W. McHenry, 111. Rev. Carl A. Lobits, Pastor Sunday School: S»:00 a.m. Service: lOtltt a.m. Ton„ are cordial ly tavited to attend our services. Cesussnlty Methodist Chare* or ifrftenry Main and Center Stree<| , ,t J. Elliott Corbett, Pa&4r, Services: Sunday School: 9:30 Morning Worship: 10:48 v " Senior MYP: 7 P.M. Junior MYF: 7 P.M. Official board meets first Wednesday of month, 8 p.m. ,* r Senior choir rehearsal^ & pun. Thursdays. "X' • • A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to colne kid worship with UB. Young Adult Fellowship: see* ond Sundays: 8 p.m. ' MeHENRY BIBLE CHURCH Rt. 120, Lakemoor Donald o. Sunday School -- 9 Worship Service - nm a* Evangelistic 8ervie»--®:00|f PM Wednesday: Prayer MeetHifc d p. m. For other information, writs P. O. Box 232, McHenry, HI., or call the R. W. Brooks home. McHenry 601-J-2. "You're Always Welcome Here." Dreader Lake Gospel Chsrtft (Nonsectarianr Frank W. Anderson, Pastor Services Sunday Bible School: 10: Morning Worship: 11:00 Sunday Evening 8ervice: 7:48 pm. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8:10 p.m. Bring the family with yon to Sanday School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. „ Rlagwood Methodist dafll Ringwood, I1L Rev. Darreli D. Sample, Pastor Sunday: Public Worship, 9:SO. • Church School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening 8t Aadsew's Episcopal Church Sunday: 7:30 and 11:00 Sunday School and Family Eucharist, 9:00 Christ <*f£*lag CathoOe CMA Wonder Lake Rev. JSSMS A. VanderpeeU pastel Sunday Masses: 8:00 Low Mass, 10:00 High Mass Catechism: Sunday, 8:45 a m Dally Mass: High Mass, 8:00 AJf. Holy Days: 6:00 and 8:00 A. M. Altar And Ro3ary Meeting: First Thursday Of Month, 8:00 P.M. Holy Name Society Meeting: Second Thursday, 8:30 P.M. Confessions: Sunday, 7:8t 4 )L and 8:30 A. M. St Mary's Eol*coDtl West Side Oriole 'xi^il North St Dole Avenue, Crystal Lak% Dr.' Hubert Caritos : ; pWsident In Charge ; Clerk of Bishop's Committeo, Phone Crystal Lake 675. Sunday . Services: Holy Com- ! munion, 8:00 A.M. Choral Eucharist, 10:00 AIL (Morning Prayer second and fourth Sundays) Missipn House, 331 McHenry Vvenue, phone 1009. Mrs. C. 8. Wright, director. BIJMB8T WORKERS W TOWN! CLAINDKAJLEh ttAMl aSS Only 7 Shopping Days Til Christmas I WE HAVE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF Some of our anMI losfi •mmmrnttm TOYS GIFTS LIONEL TRAINS and ACCESSORIES SMALL ELECTRICAL WEARING APPAREL FOR ALL THE FAMILY APPLIANCES WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! FREE BALLOONS To All The Kiddies Who Visit Our Toy- | land 1 Gift Oerttfleatear Iter Afcy % Amount VNTtt- JtMAf^ " SUNDAYS TIL NOON t h /t ^b l s r <f if Si CtEOROE CX)LJLETTE, Owner Riverside Drive PHONE 469 McHenry. I1L 1 THE MOST APPRECIATES GIFT YOU CAN GET £0H tfirverside SKok Styling 126 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 9tidau and Saturday MeHENRY, ILL. iStk - 49tki CHRISTMAS WRAPPED IF DESIRED ^ Owned and Operated by Mrs. Adeline Pedersen who has 20- yetim of experience in Hair Styling, Tinting and Cutting. Be sure to stop in and see one of the most modern Beauty Shops in Northern Illinois, featuring the latest in equipment and furnishings. QQCf lAI Lanolin Permanent Waves-- $10 Double Lanolin Permanent Waves ""r A" "<** * ' : v Full Line Of Cosmetics and Perfumes *15.00 PHONE ,147. Hours: Tues., Thurs. & Fri 9 A.M. to Wed. & Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. P.M. X5PEN ON MONDAY BEFORE THE HOUDAY THE FAMILY AT XMAS AN ri) • - k" •01 . a" •« ALL NEW DODGE or " ^ i ' t. *S ( WITH WIDE SELECTION ON HAND AND MORE TO ARRIVE^ W1 CAN GIVE DELIVERY OF ANY MODEL, COLOR AND BQUIPMElgT ^JDir SIRED IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. - i>4- 301 E. Pearl St. m