'v^v v~m m ml !' Jtmifr ii 1954 *-n • ri: * * * %' 4r. ^ PMSii ^ JV ; ' T.rj ,T -r;i rwr ' ' » * -• *v'x"<**V -" ' -. . w •• £ „ <| - 5 Ia-prIf;WP^ *s&»- .f •:.^*.1'k f" -:? /.i ft. ' " *&: . ;>•• A .>- • • ;•. . !<V '.» -: "at » .„ '•• j--'i l"~ *• - -."' • • it m i :' A%'" W * t \V"/% $ By Mrs. George ShepArd MeHENRY PLAHTDEALER Mrs. Pete Sebaatiaq entertained the women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prises were awarded to Mrs. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. pacar Berg. The Round-Up club met in the church hall Saturday evening and all went bowling. Afterwards they came back to the church hall and were served lunch by Rev. and Mrs. Sample and Mr. and Mrs. Nflson Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas spent Sunday in the Charles Piske home at Rockford. The Senior M.Y.F. group en- Joyed a skating party Sunday afternoon at White Oaks Bay. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickahank spent Saturday evening in the Fred MacWilliams home at Waukegan. Mrs. Edwin Dornbush, Mrs. Walter Glauser and Mrst Leland Berg and daughter were visitor* at Rockford Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn * and Franklin Block spent Thursday afternoon in the Russell Soddy home at Kenosha. Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. John Hogan attended a Royal Neighbor meeting at McHenry Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clayttm Bruce and Mrs. Charles Ackerman were Elgin visitors Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Henl*y Marlowe and family and Mr. arfd Mrs. fPayne Donahue and family of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family and Glen Wattles of MdHenry spent Sunday in the Chancey Harrison home. Mrs. C. L. Harrison, and Mrs. John Hogan attended Home Bureau in the Leo Smith home Tuesday. William Harrison of Round Lake called on his mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ramaeker and family of Thor, Iowa, visited relatives and friends here the past week. „ Mr. and Mrsr Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Viola Low ajid Mrs. Emily Beatty. v Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday in the Lonnie Smith home at Pistakee Bay. Dr. and Mrs. David Redmond, and family of Glen ICllyn spent Tuesday evening in the Weldon Andreas home. Charles Carr of Hines hospital spent the weekend at his home here. * Franklin Block of Sheboygan spent from Sunday until Friday with Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Brnest Reinwall, Jr., of MhHenry, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Duane Andreas of DeKalb spent the weekend At his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman, Jr., and son. Tommy, of Antioch spent Saturday evening in the Dr. Hepburn home. Miss Mary Hogan, with the G.A.A., chartered a bus and went to Chicago to the Ice Revue Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughter, Jeanne, have returned home from their trip to California. Peggy, Butchie, Jane Lee and Nancy Lenard of Lake Geneva spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. , ,Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman and son, Tommy, of Antioch, and Mr?*. William Hepburn spent Sunday in the Webster Blackman home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn, * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and Mir. and Mrs. Mathews attended the Ice Revue in Chicago Sunday. Miss Marian „ Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. William Pagni visited his mother in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. .George Miller and family of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the John Skidmore home. Mir. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family visited friends at Round Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and daughter, Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were filgin visitors Monday. j 5' i Aissen celebrated her tenth birthday Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur Hoppe is teaching in the lower' room in the absence of Miss Heideman. The upper room boys play basketball in the McHenry high school gym with the McHenry township grade school. They played St. Patrick's school Saturday and got beat 27 to 24. Jay Walkington School Reporter | Especially for | Pet Owners ,. J Despite some earlier opinions to the contrary, veterinary research workers have now proved that dogs can perspire. Only the heavy, hairless skin at the tip of the noap is witbout sweat glands. X Qats should not be treated for ternal parasites unless it has been determined definitely that they are infested, and unless it is known what species of parasite is present. Many cats can be made seriously ill by such treatment, which may not be necessary. Modern surgical advances have now made veterinary surgery possible on many over-age older pets -- even serious operations which a few years ago would have been impossible. Dogs have tooth troubles, too. The most important diseases of dogs' teeth are pyorrhea, cavities and inflammation of the dental pulp. % S: Daaee Bucosse A large group of dance lovers gathered at the Community club last Saturday eve:nng to enjoy another evening of modern and square dancing. The music was furnished by the Badger Hot Shots, who have played in this vicinity several times previously. The^ younger folks are beginning to love these dances just as much as the older ones. \ Public ? ? ^ The Christian Mothers sored a public party last Sunday evening at St. John's new school hall. Everyone tried to make the party a success as all proceeds went to the school bv.ilding fund. .. • • v- Visits So* Mr. and Mrs. l^aul Reardon; spent the Christmas and Mew Year's "holidays in Michigan. They visited their sent and his family. * * 't... • ---- •'*: n»rid» Visitor* ;f» Mr. arol Mrs. Art Stilling Mk Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund returned last week from their trip to Florida. Their trip was cut short due to the death of School News 1 We have a new school patrol. Wesley Bruce is captain. Hie lieutenants are Virginia and Mary Ellen Carr, Dianr.a Oonk, Larry Feezel and Alice Ortlieb. The upper room is studying the central states. Dianna Oonk celebrated her eleventh birthday Friday by treating the "children. Jackie One of the new hormone drug* is being used successfully t<> treat ulcers of the cornea tit, dogs. Daily treatments have produced results in maay cases. Sanitation is often neglected in favor of drugs in the treatment of "kennel cough" in dogs. However, both are equally important in treatment and control of thia condition. Subscribe To The Pfstndnalwr 1{ | >|1 1 I 'I I 1 i|f |> . • SPECIAL! SUES? and USED FARM W AGON TIRES ALL MAKES RETREADS with or without Your Old Tires ALL SIZES TRACTOR TIRES CHAINS , I mqQgfrtmiIT* Goodyear - Flrestooe - Mohawk TRUCK tIBES Goodyear £ Suburbanite Firestone Town & Country Firestone Studded '• FOR ALL PASSENGER CAES McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND & BOB THURLWELL, Props. 526 Main S*. McHenry, I1L Phone 294 or 295-J *: }• .{• if , . f . ,|Ii | , i f , , { i ||i 1.|II(I»||I|. |.| 1 1 I L » PLAN NOW TO Decorate Phone 98 Today - for one of AMERICA'S MOSB f 1 BEAUTIFUL COLOR CARDS No Oiarge or ObligatiM FREE Color rnnniiltwtiji ' ' K mx PAINT in Confidence and Peace of jt'diMl-'SAI/E dollars and cents can't possibly measure the inner satisfaction and glow of pride which come with the building of strong savings reserves. Each addition to your savings account gives you new strength and power. Save wisely, now . . . and make regular additions . . .. secure in the knowledge that today's good fortune will last! SAVINGS INSURED TO $10,00 CURRENT RATE 3% V^e've Never Yet Paid Less! PfR ANNUM MARENCO FEDERAL SAVINGS """ NO. STATE STREET ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS £ TELEPHONE^ >,»««•„ V.-. Hi. Quality Doesn't Coat IT PAY'S! VYCITAL'S Hardware , Sheet Metal Shop 192 Green St. MeHenry, 1IL PHONE y Mr. Freund's father. At this time we wiah to extend* oui- deepest Empathy to th% whole Freund family. Mrs. Helen Hettermann left last Thursday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart will stay with her daughter and family, the Jack Keenans, in of McHenry, Mrs. Hettermann Pompano Beach and the Weingarts will stay in Lake Worth with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Laures. Misses Henrietta and Ethel Nell are spending the winter in the "sunny south" this year,' as they have for several years. Out of Town Visitors^ Mr. and Mrs. John Fuchf and • oaeaaaHBaaiaBaeMaai Z0N0UTE INSULATING FILL fiOCiW Install It Yotrself in ONE Afternoon! ZONOUTC V« the easiest of ait insulations to install. Insulate the average attic for as low as $67.60.. .do it yourself and save up to $100.00 installation costs! W ith ZONOL1TE you can save up to 40* out of every fuel dollar! Just pour it, level k, leave it! GUARANTEED for the life of yo«r home. It's 100% fireproof, rotproof and permanent. Come ia today for a FREE estimate! ASLOW AS ALEXANDER . LUMBER CO. 5it Main St., Wtdtmrj ptlONE 5 Humphrey, tii% l Nebr., relations here son, Paul, of have been visit for a few weeks. lit*, and Mrs. Frank Freund and Mrs. John Lay were dinner guests at the Gerald Kiaus home in Chicago last Tuesday evening. Later that evening they were joined by Mr. and !Mrs. John Weingart, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reinboldt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs and Mr. and Mrs. John Fochs and MB, faul. They IB went to see the Ice Revue at the Stadium. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Fuchs and son, Paul, and Mrs. Frank Freund called on Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heins in Aurora. They helped Mr. Heins celebrate -his eighty-first birthday. Place today! yours with flw Subscribe For The Plaindeaier Don't Miss The Big January Meat Sals at Johnsburg Food Mart Sale Starts Friday Jan. 15 to Jan. 22 of tight-duty trucksthe 1954 HERB is the most extraordinary light-duty truck ever built. It has the smart styling of a fine Itenger car--a sweeping grille of klern design --a panoramic oneke windshield --two-tone interihi with harmonizing upholstery--1 Itltury features that will make you pftMid to be seen in it. ^ /(Mil it has a whopping 125-horsefiower engine--more powerful than many trHcts with a two-ton rating. The Pickup --one of 19 models -- hit a box that holds up to 11 more cUoic feet than last year's capa< cidUs model. Its tail gate is grain.tight --Ihd sand-tight. .'MM And--a truck feature pioneered by GMC --it offers the driversaving, moneysaving advantages of Truck Hydra-Matic Drive*. One final and surprising point. The price of the GMC, value for value, is unsurpassed anywhere on the truck market. That's the story. The next move is yours. Come in and see "the world's most modern truck." And-- make it soon. *Opti*n*l mt extra cut „ j Overton Motor 403 Front fci. Phono 6 Yeu'U do "better" ee a need track with yoor GMC McHenry, mm} mm Tfc* •Running HW 1954 Buict Sure* fivi*ro, matter bvjr in th* middh-piKS ( One look settles It- Buy of the year W E knew them for great automobiles the moment we saw them. But it turns out we have a far bigger hit on bur hands in the new 1954 Bufaka dun we ever figured. Folks in a steady stream come into our showroom, look over these glamorous new beauties, and tell us--with signed orders--that Buick's really the beautiful buy, hands down. It's the biggest new-car excitement: in a long, long time--and you ought to take a look at it, firsthand. Because one look at the sensational new styling of these breath-taking Buicks shows them to be the freshest new automobiles in years. One look into the modern interiors-- and through that spectacular new back-swept windshield--firms the conviction. One look at the new V8 power story, the new ride story, the new handlingease story--practically wraps up the sale. And then, one look at the prices-one eye-opening experience with the HIGHEST-POWERED CAR a* Ht prK» in America it tht new 200-fip C!Nru*r--•*•»- plar of Buicfc'f oiWtuding ralvt for 1954. bi>ttest values to be brought on the American automotive market in 1954 -^clinches Buick as the buy of the year. Come in and see fof yourself--the sooner, the smarter. ' I. OVERTON 403 FRONT STREET PHONE • McHENRY, ILLINOIS 3 . f