fphufcgjay, February 3,1955 £ THE MCHENSY PLAINDEALfeR • S y * y ' k,;b Bj Mr*. George SteparA 4 (School News Six slides were seen last week. The names are "Railroads," •'Homes We Live In," "What is Magnetism," "Cinderella," "Seasons," "How Much Does it •Weigh?" and "Hans Christian 'Anderson." On Wednesday, Jan. 26, Wesley Bruce treated the upper grade group. He was 14 years old. Friday, two movies were seen, "Your Family" and "Paper." The January Book club met ^Friday. Election of officers was held. Wesley Bruce 'was elected . president and Jackie Skidmore was elected secretary. The fourth and_ fifth grades put <m a" skit Friday on a Roman dinner. ^?hey showed their way of eating. „ • Pat; tiarry and Michael Hogan have been absent most of the week due to illness. . Veronica Davis, school reporter The evening group of W.S.C.S. will meet with Mrs. Jean Decker "Wednesday, Feb. 9. ! '81st Birthday 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultze and daughter, Ruth, and Miss £arol Schultze of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block, daughter, Bonnie, and son, Wm„ of Sheboygan came Sunday and helped their father and grandfather, Dr. Hepburn, celebrate his birthday. Wm. Block played his violin and Dr. Hepburn joined in and all sang hymns. Mrs. Harley Husch of Sheboygan came in the afternoon. A£rs. Arline Parker and sons, Robert and Ray, were callers in the Evening. ternoon in the Elmer Schultz home at Pell Lake. . Mr. and Mrs. Tony Senkerik and family of Sunnyside spent Wednesday afternoon and evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. Fred Meyers visited her brother, who is very ill in the Passavant hospital in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and children of Hebron spent Sunday with her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of Chicago were Afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Suttday in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. C. L. Harrison is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Brener, and family near Elgin. Mrs. Glen Jackson of Richmond spent Saturday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Emily Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomfordha at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams were dinner guests in the Edward Adams home at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. Viola Low were dinner guests in the Vernon Ratye home at Woodstock Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacWilliams at Edellyn farm at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayn of Chicago were callers in the Louis Hdwley home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank returned home Monday from their trip to Colorado. Mr. and: Mrs. William Cruickshank, Jr., and family stayed at the Cruickshank home while tlhey were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy and family of Hebron spent Sunday evening in the Roy Harrison home. Mrs. Albert Ebel and Mrs. Raymond Rattray of Algonquin spent Sunday afternoon in the Weldon Andreas home. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Olivia Bauer, at McHenry. ' Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, of Sycamore spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and also attended the wedding of Edith Harrison and Warren Jones at Greenwood. For Bigger And MORE PROOF THAT A«P SAVES YOU MORE 176 GROCERY PRICES REDUCED Yes! A Total of 176 Grocery Prices Reduced Since Jan. 1st Celebrates Birthday Mrs. Clarence Adams enters taihed a group of youngsters and 4 their parents at a party Tuesday afternoon in honor of the third birthday of her daughter, Djanne. Those attending were Peggy Jean Miller, Elaine Schafer, Debbie, Delores and Davy Betts, Dianne, Sue and Johnny jOeffling, Mrs. Oeffling, Mrs. Schafer, Mis. Betts, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Irving May. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington entertained a few friends at a party at their home Saturday evening. Among those from here to attend the mid-winter Youth Fel- ^ows&^li&tftute -at LiUtertyvllle jjaatuFday and Sunday were Jerry *and John Hogan, Anna Mae Aissen, Jackie Skidmore and Jay Walkiilgton. -Mrs. Skidmore spent Sunday af- Mrs. Skidmore spejjt Sunday af- The Illirfois Youth Commission may undergo revision if recommendations of the Illinois States Attorneys' association are followed. The prosecutors, in annual convention in Chicago, urged two changes. One proposal would provide for a minimum as well as a maximum sentence for youths under jurisdiction of the Commission. The association also believes that states attorneys Should be granted the discretion of deciding whether a juvenile should be prosecuted under the delinquency act or in a criminal court. GRAND OPENING \ k I OF THE NEW RIVERSIDE BARBER SHOP : B ^ #• FEBRUARY 3. 1955 To serve you are Joe Guzzardo and Larry Nimsgern with 25 years of combined service to the McHenry area on Green streei. NEW LOW INSTALLED PRICES ON ELECTRIC DRYERS! mmmmsm Ipipif PUBLIC SAVE $ 35 cornple install Our new Appliance Installation Plan now makes it possible for you to have an electric dryer installed in your home for less than ever before! If you live in a 1-, 2-, or 3-family building with 120-volt, 2-wire service, it saves up to $35 on installation. Let an electric dryer take over your toughest washday job. It'll cost you as little as $2.72 a week, completely installed! Visit your appliance dealer or our nearest store soon. See the wonderful, work^saving new electric dryers. And find out how little it costs you to have one in yoiir hnpift- Do it today! Get full details at your dealer or our store COMPANY If y®« Mdt a "Hew Year's resolution to reduce year feed budget . . . A&P is just the one to help yen. Why, since Jaauary 1st we've reduced 176 grocery prices . . . aad 40 more this week- And these aren't OR unknown items, they're goods yon like and brands you knew. Come In, take full advastaft of thesetyplcal low A*P prices on ine groceries. We're not limiting quantities either--boy what yeu need--and save. While you're in A&P for froceries, just take a look at the low prices on meats, dairy f6ods and fresh fruits and vegetables. Cat yonr food budget? You bet! Jtlght at A&P! Come Sse--Come Savel Look! More Prices Reduced at A&P! Citrus Values Our Finest Quality Pineapple Juice >i t p A&P Fancy Credited Style Golden Corn Mott's Pure Apple Juice * 27 \ 3 - 251 *10! ORANGES Temple 80 Size Florida Calif. Navels 150-176 She Green Beans 2 3 3 ' Dole Pineapple Juice "Z 29« Ballard Biscuits «.""r 2 X 23' Real Gold °,ra 2 29« Armour's Tamales -; "v.', I0%ri9' Niblets Mexicorn 2 'IT 33' lona Hominy 2 "r 27« Libby Baby Foods 3tr26« White Pert Napkins . xw« Mazola Salad Oil I* 35' Ajax Cleanser 'S' 2 23' Heinz Pickles CS* 23« 49' 5a 33* - 49' GRAPEFRUIT tO Site--ted or White 10 59^ Winesap Apples 2 it,. 29* Super Right 16 to 20 lbs. SMOKED HAMS Shank Portion Wbeh Butt Portion 29° k 43c ib- 39' Center Slices.. it. 75® Anjou Pears Oregon Grows 2 n». 29* McClure Potatoes U. S. No. I Rods 1£*!.89 Head Lettuce Largo 4t Sixo 2 29° f Fresh Carrots Washed 1 Topped 2 f: New Cabbage Solid. Heads 2 iu 15c FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Scotch Maid Braid Chuck Roast Sliced Bacon Super-Right Blade Cut Super-Right Hickory Smoked • Green Beans' • Cut Green Beans • Chopped Broccoli! / • Spinach c.S;d ) Orange Juice Year Choice Pk«s 29 lb. pkg. Pure Pork Links Fresh Fryers Fresh Spare Ribs Fresh Pork Butt Roast Super Right Pan Ready-- Pib 9.49" Round Steak ,b 49c Sirloin Steak ,k. 39* Halibut Steaks n, 39* Fresh Lake Snielts Or Swiss Super-Right Super* -Right- Center Slicei Old South 3 £29* Jane Parher Plain, Cianamoa or Sugared 3 Fancy Quality Tiny Size A&P Green Peas 2 39 Reg. Price -- - 23c 2 * 29c White Raisin Bread Glazed Donuts m Orange Chiffon Cake Sliced White Bread Brown 'n Serve Rolls Donuts &29« each 49* It-oz. lit loaf BMP 2 Ss 29* A&P Apple Sauce loin Apricots K' Aimour Chili Con Carat Armour Chopped Beef A&P Sauerkraut Golden Corn Cavern Mushrooms 2 25' Campbell's Chicken Soup 2 " " 56* ialtanaTuna Flakes 2 49* Nabisco Saltines 3I:,;:: H00 Waldorf Tissue Thin Crisp New, Low Price 3 1? 28* lona Cream - Style Pieces & Stems 16-ox. ti» ox. tint Old Manse Syrup 10* Angel Food 39' Nutley Margarine 2""tr3lc 2 sr "39* • t- lie Pkg. 10 rttllt 77c l2'b": 25' Betty Crocker Colored, Quartered pig. Mb. pkgs. 49* 2 I-lb. CHEESE FOOD 2 & 65e Ched-o-Bit Quick-Melting Sunnyfield 93 Seort BUTTER i 61 Woman's Day SH" Jc February Issue Only g • Pancake Flour Aunt 2 + 35° ARMOUR S MILD SOAP Chiffon Flake Uncle Ben's Rice '<-«• 00c ph. CO '2 £49*'. Peter Pan Corn Whole L«« Z9 INSTANT SOAP FLAKES Fels Naptha '1 llw Oaam For Face---Buy 3 for 22e LUX v03P Get 1 More for Ic or 423e 2 Xs: 63c Lux Bath Soap Dial Facial Soap 2-25c WHITE PAPER 2^27e Pert Napkins noe .Dial Bath Soap O Ur9# OK« Oxydol Detergent Dreft Detergent Breeze Detergent Surf Detergent American Family Dig* Out Dirt For Dainty Things Breeze Thm Washday For Dishes •r Washes 2 2 2 Urge pkgs. large P*9«- giant pkg. pigs. 63* If 63e 63e ..im its*