m4 the Mchenry puundealSr Washday Miracle Club Organized The Washday Miracle club, a newly organized group of ladles, met Monday, Feb. 14, at the home of Mrs. Anna Hay. Members include Mrs. Richard Cronin, Mrs. Lelah Howard, Mrs. Jim Kupec, Mrs. Celia Fox and Mrs. Ruth Rakow. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served, followed by a social afternoon. Garden' Club At Leonard Home The next meeting. of the McHenry Garden club will be held at the home of Mrs. Marshall Leonard at Pistakee Bay at 1 o'clock on Monday, Feb. 21, instead of the usual meeting day, Tuesday. Surprise Shower por Pamela Bauer A surprise shower honoring 4-month-old Pamela Bauer, daughter of the Urban Bauers, was held recently at tihe Mrs. Leonard Freund home. About thirty friends were present and presented gifts to the baby. Hostesses were Mrs. Freund, Mrs. Clarence Stahl, Mrs. John poherty and Mrs. William Hamil. Gaines were enjoyed, after which a buffet luncheon was Served, the table Centered with rattles. t Guests attended from Genoa CSty, Wis., Wonder Lake, Ring- Wood, Johnsburg and McHenry. Robert Knox, Jr„ Girl Christened The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, Jr., born Jan. "28, was christened Sunday at St. Patrick's churdh by Rev. Fr. Edward C. CoakJey. She was 'toamed Janet. ' • 'Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Lucille Herdrich, a friend, <md Howard Knox, serving as •proxy for Paul Hiller, uncle of the baiby, who is in service. FRANK WILSONS MARK ANNIVERSARY WITH 100 FRIENDS Sunday, Feb. 13, will be a day never forgotten by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Volo, wCio marked their fiftieth wedding anniversary with family and friends. More than 100 were present throughout the day to extend congratulations. Decorations in the home were in gold, pink and white, with a lovely floral centerpiece on the table. Lunch included a threetier wedding cake decorated with gold • leaves and a huge "50" on the top. The bride of fifty years was attractive!^ attired in a basque, blue dress and a corsage of pink and wtiite glads, with gold leaves and ribbon. Mr, Wilson had a pink camellia boutonniere. Miss Carol Wilson, granddaughter, was in charge of the guest book. Serving were a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, and two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Frank Wilson and Mrs. Clifford Wilson. Highlight of the occasion was the unexpected arrival of a grandson, Robert Petersen, from Korea. Guests attended from Harvard, Woodstock, McHenry, Round Lake, Grayslake, Libertyville, Lake Zurich, Cary, Waukegan, Wauconda, Prairie View, Volo and Elkhorn, Wis. Many gifts, flowers, cards and phone calls of congratulations were received by the couple. A family dinner was held at the Wilson home on Monday, the actual anniversary date. BIRTHS Goohi, Gojuma, With the current craze for Italian dishes, here Is one of the More unusual ones you might like to try. it is less trouble than the popular pizza -- not at all like it in taste and distinctly foreign in flavor,, ' - r j* ' V Gnocchi a laRomana % cup btitter * % cup flour % cup corn starch % tap. salt 2 cups scalded wiiifc 2 egg yolks % cup grated Parmesan cheese Melt butter, when bubbling add flour, mixed gradually with corn starch and salt. :Add milk slowly, stirring constantly. Cook three minutes and continue stirring". Add slightly beaten egg yolks and % cup cheese. Pour into buttered shallow pan and cool. Turn out on a board, cut in squares, diamonds or strips. Place on a platter. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and brown; in oven. Michael Robert is the name seleoted by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whitehead for their new son, born at Harvard hospital on Feb. 5. Mrs. -Whitehead is the former Marianne Freels. Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Heike of Prairie View, 111., are the parents of a 7 lb. 11 oz. boy, born at Condell Memorial hospital, Libertyville, on Feb. 10. Mrs. Heike is the former Margaret Wissell of McHenry. Grandparents aie Mr. and Mrs. William Wissell, Sr., of McHenry and Mrs. trene Heike flfc Libertyville^ Mr. " and Mrs. Robert O'Brien of Wood street are the parents of a daughter, born Sunday, Feb. 13, at Memorial'.hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coles are the parents of a 7 lb. 14 oz. son, born Feb. 12 at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. He has been named Jimmie Lee. The Coles also have another son, Charles IV. AMONG THE SICK Walter Aufrecht, Jr., of Mc- Cullom Lake underwent an emergency appendectomy at Memorial hospital last Thursday. Renew AM MOMcrlptton to tb< Plaindealer now! MAYOR FREUND ISSUES FREEDOM WEEK PROCLAMATION Mayor George P. Freund this week issued a proclamation concerning Cnisade for Freedom Week, which extends through Feib. 22. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the dates from February 12 to 22, 1955 have been designated as Freedom Week, and WHEREAS, During this period, the American people will be asked to participate in the Crusade for Freedom to provide funds for the continued operation of Radio Free Europe and WHEREAS, Radio Free Europe, with its 29 transmitters in western Europe has proven to be a highly successful means of piercing the lion Curtain with truth in answer- to Soviet lies, of encouraging the spirit*1.of resistance among 70 million captive people behind tflie Iron Curtain, and keeping alive their hope of eventual self-liberation, and WHEREAS, the continued effectiveness of Radio Free Europe is dependent upon the wholehearted support of the Ame: ican people, NOW THEREFORE, as Mayor of McHenry, I hereby call upon the citizens of the city t>f McHenVy to join in the Crusade for Freedom, and to demonstrate by their signatures on Freedom Scrolls and their contributions of Truth Dollars that they are on the side of freedom and against ttie forces of Soviet oppression. GEORGE P. FREUND Mayor ' v' l iri'--fr'. COMING EVENTS gi <• •£• •£»g..S"C' 'frj"?!' ,|. i >t> 1, < j |ngi CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors for the cards, prayers and gifts received during my illness and stay at the hospital. They were all appreciated so much. •41 Albert J. Adams CARD OF THANKS We would like to -thank friends, neighbors and relatives for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services of Msgr. Nix, Fr; Reuland and Fr. Schuler. Mi*s. William Justen Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bestoso 41 Mr. , and i/Irs. Rollin Justen *\:>«Aia> (4|7HANKS ' I wish; to take Otis opportunity to thahk the businessmen of Riverside ' Drive" for "flowers received on the opening of my new office at 120 Riverside Drive. 41 ' Dr. C. R. Swanson Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You are the only one who knows what you are doing. CARD OF THANKS Realizing the impossibility of my reaching everyone individually who contributed to my comfort and recovery during my recent illness and hospitalization of almost six weeks, I wish, in this manner, to express my deep appreciation for the many tokens of esteem received -- beautiful potted plants, useful gifts, cards and letters (numbering 426). May God in His Infinite Wisdom bestow upon each giver a special blessing as a reward for •Jus thoughtfulness. (BE Corinthians 9:7) Wayne E. Foss , 41 Genoa City, Wis. Who Said Taxis . * f - Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and yon'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab ran .help In a hundred different ways. When you need one. f CALL 723 IrA VERSE RODS It's well to remember that some of the finest friendships are made in church. February 17 _ C.D. of A? Sgocial Meeting. and Fourth Party of Tournament; February 19 Public Card . Party -- S|Jent Auction -- Moose Hall -- P-m. " ' February 21 ^ St. Patrick's School Pragr&jni -- 8 p.m. ^ Church Hall February 21 Juveniles of St. Clara's Court -- Meeting Night -- 7 p.m. -- St. Mary's School Hall February i ' Moose Meeting --"Men's Night -- 8:30 pjn. Lodge Hctll Cafeteria Supper -- Legion Home -- 5 <30 p.m. -- Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid Public Party -- St. John's School Hall -- 8 p.m. -- Spon* sored by Blessed Viigin Sodality -- Refreshments • February 24 Community P.T.A. Meeting -- Higfa School cafeteria -- U:I5 p.m. / Lecture Luncheon Club -- 12:30 p.m. -- Country Squire Restaurant, Grayslake February £6 C.Y.O. Boxing and Wrestling -- High School Gym -- Sponsored by Parents' Association ,of Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake Square Dance and Hard Tinies Party -- Moose Hall -- 9 p.m. February 27 Annual Forester Basketball Tournament -- High School Qym -- Afternoon and Evening " ' March B Annual Forester Basketball Tournament -- High School Gym March IS Annual Forester Basketball Tournament -- High School Gym March 27 ' Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner -- 6 p.m. -- sponsored by Altar and Rosary of Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake [r / -t Thursday, February. 1?# 195$ • • a i i « • i i Lai * I ,i i i • By Marie Schaettgea i . Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Fulfott and family moved' recently fcrom the north part of the city their new home in Cooney Heights. | m Mr. and Mrs. George B. Juste* and family have moved ^from Fox street to Waukegan, where they have purchased an apartment building. Americanism Americanism activities are being emphasized by the American Legion auxiliary throughout the nation 'this months Americanism is something that should ble stressed by all of us every month and every day. The birthdays of Lincoln and Washington in February probably serve to increase our spirit of Americanism. The lives of these two "men exemplify. tfiie quality of true Americanism. These men devoted their lives to making this a nation of free men. The things most of us are Called upo^i to do are simple. Vote. Vote for the right person, the person who will do most to keep this country free, free from evil from within, as well as free from aggression from without. Americanism is not just a word -- it is a way of life. A way of life known nowhere else in the world. Where else, in this wide world, does mankind have the freedom of speech, of worship, of political choice that we have here? Where else does the average, working man send his children to college, furnish his family with automobiles, TV sets, radios and a decent place to live? Here it is a matter of just how many luxuries we can afford. Elsewhere it is mostly a question of how many of life's necessities are possible. Do think a little about Americanism and what it means to you. The auxiliary participated in the annual American Legion pilgrimage to the tomb of Abraham Lincoln in Springfield .on Feb. 12. Mrs. p. A. Lainson of Fort Madison, Iowa, national president, placed' a wreath on the tomb in the name of the auxiliary's nearly one million members. Ceremonies at the tomb were broadcast over a nation- wide radio network. A special broadcast, a story of "The Young Lincoln," was presented over NBC on Feb. 12. Other local broadcasts and programs will commemorate Washington's birthday on Feb. 22. Savings Invested in Crystal Savings and Loan earn 2 '/j% plus Vi% extra. 23-ti |niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiifnniiiuiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ CONTRADICTION A Seventeenth Century inn near Knutsford lhas a sign describing it as an old coaching house. Immediately below is a sign reading "No Coaching." S . you too will be starry eyed over the exciting new "RAYETTE GODDESS WAVE" . . . most luxurious in all* the world, i Phone 147 for you appoinfment now^ PERSONALS fr'M' 'M"S"t.'M"M'» Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thennes and^Mr.- arid Mjrs. .John Thennes are spending a' few weeks in Floridd, where they are visiting various points of interest. Mrs. Berniece Muckler of Oak Park yisited McHenry relatives Saturday. Mr. and Mrs .Alex Druckler were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purve^ and Mrs. George Jones visited the latter's husband at the Osteopathia hospital ,/in Chicago Saturday, where he has been a patient the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Nina Thai of Rockford spent a few days the first of the week , in the Thorne-ftenard home. Mr. and Mrs. P. Peterson, Miss Clara Peterson, Emil Peterson and Mrs. M. A.' Sutton visited Mrs. Anna Smith at Melrose Park Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goll of Harvard were dinner guests in the Elmer Winlcelman home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelsoji were Sunday guests in the Bud Oxtoby home in Richmond. Mr. and Mfs. Harvey Rapp and daughter, Carol, of Arlington Heigihts are vacationing in Hollywood, Fla. Mrs. Zena Bacon and son, Bob, attended the Frank Wilson golden wedding at Volo Sunday. Misses Lucille and Joanne Knox and Rita Bolger left Chicago by plane Saturday" night for a week's vacation in Florida. Mrs. 1^. J. Hill returned Sunday from a few days' visit in the home of her daughter in Chicago. Sunday guests in the Herb Simon home were Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner, Carl, Charles and Marie of Milton, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner and Patti of Arlington Heights. Mrs. Kathleen Bestoso, who was called v here by the death of her father, William Justen, on Tuesday of last week, returned to her home in Newport, R.I., Saturday. Among the out-of-town folks who attended *the funeral of William Justen Friday were Mr. 'and Mrs. A1 Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen and son, Larry, Of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman, daughter and husband and son, James, of Wilmette, Eton is spending severaldays the home of her daughter, Mrs. Robert O'Brien. JMr. and Mrs. Herbert 'Reihansperger and children and C. J. • - ... ,Reihansperger visited 'in the Mr. and Glen Waller and Thomas Fenwick home kn Elm- Mr. and MLeroy Madden arid son, Leroy, of Antioch, fmd ikr. an$ Mrs. George Rauen of Kenosha. Francis Frett of Aurora called on McHenry relatives Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and son, Norbert, and Mrs. Anna Diedrich and daughter; Van, visited in the Michael Thill home in Aurora Sunday, where they helped David Thill celebrate hfs sixth birtlhday anniversary. Miss' Diane Freund spent the weekend with her sister and husband, Mr. and; Mrs. J. Seymour, in Farasworth. Mi s. Cecilia Canny of Evan- stock. «in hurst Sunday. ! . Mrs. John R. Freund spent tihe weekend in the hom£ of ner sister, Mrs. Eleanor Manning, in Oak Park. Miss Dorothy . Doherty is spending a week in Florida, travelling by plane. NABS RITES Erriest Nass, 67, a resident of the Woodstock area, where he was born Jan. 23, 1881, died at a rest home last week.; Funeral, services were held at 2 o'clock' Saturday from the Schneider- Leudht' funeral home 16 Wood- McHENRY CAB Extension Traverse Rods 28" to 48" $1.98 48" to 84" $3.25 66" to 120" $3.98 84" to 150" $4.75 98" to 180" $6.75 VYCITAL'S Hardware - Sheet Metal Shop PHONE 98 182 S. Green St., McHenry, Ili. "Honor A Physician With The Honor Due Him" * (Author's name below) The proper way to "Honor a Physician" is, when you put your life and health in his care, to follow his directions and his instructions completely. His life is dedicated to your welfare. After we have carefully compounded a prescription, we label it with the exact > directions that you must follow. Obey these instructions from your Physician faithfully. You will get better much more quickly if you do. Ask Your Physician To Phone McHENRY & When You Need A Medicine A great many thoughtful people entrust us with the responsibility- of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE Drug Store •WALGREEN AGENCY" 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, HI. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS • Quotation by Ecclesiasticus 180 B.C. BEAUTY SALON WEEK ... FEB. 20 - 26 J T?edktit$d to Mow Tfaujittful Wome|n YOUR LOVELINES^ IS OUR BUSINESS | ftwerbide Stadia| ADELINE PEDEftSBN, Prop. S | 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, IQ. - Phone 147 f Hiiiuiiiiiiiiiuuiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiinjiiiiiiuiiuimiiiiiiiiimiinminniiiiiiiinimiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumii DEMMIEir JS" i-- !r SEE US we can help you with sound building advice --and supply'all'the materials you need,- Free estimates if desired. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. BHONE'1424 Main St. McHenry, TO. THE 7&mER$H0r 112 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. Teen Due to the Bad Weather, we are continuing our DOLLAR DAY SALE! ' VALUES BEYOND COMPARE Boys Shirts L. $1.00 Hats and Bonnets $1.00 T-SHIRTS $1.00 Presses/Skirts, Blouses Reduced Below Cost Many Other Items -- Come Early Fyr Best Selections H A N K F A C T S F O R Y O U Borrow here on the cash value of your life insurance policies. It is good collateral for i jso: W4 can advance needed funds cost; Your policies remain in full force during the loan How much you can borrow depends on ^ the age and size of your policies. If a ; speedy loan is necessary to your plans, * bring us your policies without delay-and •' learn how much we can lend you on them, j McHENRY STATE BAMK Memtaer Federal Pepogit Insurance Corporation • Member Federal Reserve System ^ Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 THE lOOMILUON^OLLAR V' v. * \ , * s "*s V\ mm I0SS WINDSOR DELUXE NASSAU Easy-to-buy pricing of the big new Chrysler Windsor Deluxe has encouraged new-car buyers to switch to 'dhrysler by the tens of thousands! They're buying Chrysler's sleek new look of "tailored Rteel!" Priced much less than you might expect, the Cbtysler Windsor Deluxe offers a brand new, high-powered Spitfire V-8 engine. Also available' are exclusive Chrysler advantages like PowerFlite fully-automatic transmission ... Full-time Power Steering ... and new, double-widtfc pedal Power Brakes. In style, economy, and top quality engineering, everything points to this car as "the ear of the year."* The power of leadership is now, more than ever, yours in a Chrysler ... it will be well worth your while to drive it! BE SUFTE YOU SEE AFID DRIVE THE ALL-NEW CHRYSLER AMERICA'S MOST SMARTLY DIFFERENT CAR GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFELY! COLBY MOTOR 12 S. Maip Si* Phone Crystal Lake 1110 Crystal Lake, 111. FOR THE BEST IN TV, SEE "IT'S A GREAT LIFE/' "CUMAjC" ANfc "SHOWER OF STARS." SEE TV PAGE FOR TIMES AND STATIONS