Thursday,April 2d, 1955. McHENRY PLA1NDEALER t.• • • , RING WOOD By Mrs. George Shepard "s Sqpial Events Mrs. George Shepard entertained her five hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and: Mrs. Viola JJOW. Mr. and Mrs. Crlsty Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crlsty entertained at a party at their home Saturday evening. Those to attend were Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hoppe, Mrs. Valeska Hoppe, Dr. Eugenia Klawana of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey of Waupaca, Wis., Kenneth Crtsty, Jr., of dhdcago, • Marvel Paasch of Silver Lake, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Oristy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family. Slides of their trip to Mexico were enjoyed and a Mexican lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey brought elides and so did Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe, who also had pictures they took while in Mexico. The W.S.C.S. was entertained in /the home of Mrs. Byron Sowers Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. The usual business meeting was held. Mrs. Berg had the deyotionais and Mrs. Viola Low had the lesson on "The United Wor]k of Protestant Qhurch Women in the United States." Rummage Sale The W.S.C.S. will hold a rummage and bake sale Friday afternoon at Memorial hall in Richmond and on Saturday they will continue the rummage sale and also sell lunches. Benefit for Cemetery The cemetery association will hold a card party at the schoolhouse the evening of May 5 for the benefit of the cemetery. School News Friday morning the first and second graders went to Richmond, wlhere they received their inoculations against polio. Thursday afternoon Mr. Andreas drove most of the upper graidie boys and a few girls to Spring Grove, where a baseball game between Spring Grpve and our team was played. The remainder of the upper grade room was taken to Spring Grove by Hairy Hogan. School was not in session Friday afternoon, there being a teachers' meeting. Vive movies were-- week. They were "The Zoo" (in color), "Common Animals of the Woods," "Wearing Away of the Land," "Glen Wakes - Up" and "How Nature Protects Animals." Veronica pavis, school reporter Community night will be held ait the schoolhouse ITTfliursday evening. Much credit ip due Mr. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, for keeping our ,park raked and. mowed. A new rope and1 a new flag were put up on the flag pole by Clarence Pearson. They were donated by some of our citizqps. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey of Waupaca, Wis., spent the weekend in the Kenneth Crtsty home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking!on are spending the week in the Ansel Dewey home at Armstrong, Hi. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Wednesday evening in the Henry Seegert home at McHenry. Mrs. Susie Evanoff of the Solfcn Mills rest (home spent a few days the past week in the home of her. brother, Dr. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Chicago spent Suwdlay afternoon in the John Skidmore home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson are peeping house for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington while they are visiting at Armstrong, 111. Mr. and Mra. George Shepard spent Thursday evening in the I&krl Colby home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales, Mrs. Robert Howe and Mr. and "Mrs. Stanley Carlson of Woodstock attended' funeral services for Mr. Shales' neice, Mrs. Vera Allen Rogers, at Poynette, Wis., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Anidlreas spent tfoe weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Sunday guests in the Beatty- Low home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son, Delmer, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry arid! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Russell EMert and daughters "of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Shoba of Aurora spent Sunday in the Albert . Oonk home. Mrs. Oonk spent a few hours at her home here Sunday, returning to the Woodstock Ihospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington attended their card dub at the home of Mr. aniit Mrs. Glen Benoy at Hebron Saturday evening. Glen Wattles of McHenry was a dinner guest Sunday in the home of his sister and husband, Mr., and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Harry Pearson and daughter of River Grove, 111., were visitors in the Clayton Bruce home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. DonaM Brenner and children of Elgin spent Saturday with iter mother, Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce attended funeral services for their uncle, Sam Shook, at Rochelle Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers and son, Charlie, and Mrs. Kenneth Tretow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Tretow at Grafton, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon' Andreas ami daughter, Margo, spent Simday afternoon in the Clifford Stork home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. M. Madison of Kenosha were callers in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday in the Harold Stanek home at Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell and Mr. Bemis of Waukesha were callers in the Kenneth Cristy home Saturday. Atty. and Mrs. R. W. Churchill of Grayslake called on Mrs. Flora Harrison Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Harrison and son of McHenry were Time to Change the Decor? ftm* Hit k treTreeilung c&afige of scene to* decor attuned to themodern tempo? WI»»Ia you're in a re-decorative mood, why not come in and it over? Our suggestion* maypoint the amy la tome happy result Introductory Consultations, "FREE" Tonyan's Home Furnishings 214 So. Green St Phone 911 McHenry, 111. Add new beauty, comfort* convenience to your home ADD MORE ROOMS Jtl§« GARAGES mm A NEW 1 ROOF ADD * A PORCH FINISHED ATTIC KITCHEN CABINETS ilSs "The MORE you do to your HOME. The MORE ITS WORTH!' visitors in the J. Ci home Sunday, t ; Mrs. Charles BTecrman ahd Mrs. Wm. Hepburn were Sunday -dinner guests in the John Blackman home at Antioch. F. A. Hitchens of Sycamore was a luncheon guest in the B. T. Butler home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith of Chetek, Wis., spent Sunday evening with her mother* Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mrs. Smith, remained until Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Harrison audi son of McHenry were visitors, in tihe J.' C. Pearson home Sunday. - . Atty. and Mrs. R. W. CStlUrchill of Grayslake visited Mra;; Flora Harrison Friday. . -• X : Mr. and Mrs. Roy' I^rrSson and son, Loren, were callers; in the Donald Calme home near Huntley Sunday evening.' -. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coftdbni; of Richmond " spent Sunday |hi the Clarence Adams home. ]•- Mfss Alice Peet visited .fl&emcte in Dundee Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H&tfrteon and son, Loren, attended a birthday party for Warren Jones at McHenry Saturday- evening.' Save More Shop at Home IA A Y BALES TAX The upward trend in state sales tax collections that began last December is still continuing. Receipts for March were 115,- 665,261, almost six hundred thousand dollars more than the amount collected, in March, 1954. Every month since December has shown an increase over the corresponding month a year ago. In reporting this showing, Director of Revenue Richard J. Lyons also related details of increased collections from . other tax sources. During the first quarter of 1955, receipts from motor fuel public utilities, cigarettes, liquor gallonage, petroleum inspection and coin operated amusement devices were tq million doilawOm the similar period the first .tiiree year, these taxes $32,926,973. For .tile of last year redeipta $31,860,314. park rtnw Continuing a practice toangtuv ated two years ago, the COHOC" tion of entrance fees *t eeven Illinois state parks wHl be ,f»- sumed Sunday, May 1. Total receipts from entrance feea duvjtaff the past two years were f133,111* This money la used for ttM Ptfmanent improvement of ntt* parks. Prescription @3 PharmatJltf WORWICK'S McHenry Camera Center Cameras Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES View Masters and Keels Color Films Processed Family Albums See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler We at GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE will do anything possible to help the dairy industry. It is important food for everyone. But, we think some of the farmers need a little razzing. Ever notice how you can drive through the countryside and sefc signs painted on barns: 'Drink Burp Juice, the best' or 'Belch-Me Pop- and so on? And did you ever read one 'Drink our good milk' ? You must tell people about products and service these days of competition. We're having more and moi& people come to GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE and learn lifoout our extra quality and dependability. It makes for .better sepylce^t less cost. Phone 331 VX' SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMOTOR8 VITAMINS You Need. » • Ikereore two general groups of oHomhft U)Ae very potent ones that your Doctor prescribes W arrest o specific deficiency, and (2) those that supplement the dle^ the benefits of which most everyone Con enjoy., •e certatntofet vitamins produced by' a reputable manufacturer, suth as these of Parke, Davit & Company. If ia doubt, consult your physician before purchasing vitamins--and have Mas '«he«k you reeufarfyy; Bolger's PHONE 40 McHENBY, ILL* ( DRUG STORE ) Ways to Hi II ,,,, Nlnoty-BgM DiIiim Holiday Sodan Nlmty-Bgkl DoUao Holiday C«p( Super "88" HoMay Sodan Suptr"S8" Holiday Coupi I'fldV Holiday Coupi l'88" Holiday Sodan OLDSMOBILE ROCKETS AHEAD IN HARDTOP POPUL AftIT Y WITH THE BIGGEST LINE-UP OF HOLIDAY HITS IVIRI ; More to choose from :;. merrier than eveel It's the smoothest... smartest... biggast Oldsmobile Holiday selection in history! Now each dashing Holiday Coupe has a glamorous new running mate-- the spacious, gracious new 4-Door Holiday Sedan! No question about it--you'll find the Holiday that's right for you, in every way---because only Oldsmobile offers a Coup6 and a 4-Door Holiday in every price range! Stop at our showroom and arrange for a demonstration. Make your choice today-- Sedan or Coupl! Rocket away in a Holiday! MOBI L_E= S E E Y O U R N E A R E S T O L D S M O B I L E D E A L E R Alexander Lumber Co. R. J. Overton Motor SalesN-j;, 547 . W. Main St. PHONE 1424 McHenry. 111. T H E G O I N G ' S , G R E A T i i t I N . A . . " I t O C K I T • ' !