wmm „ ^wel n ] iii!^iHJin.iim«JL«aai THE MeHENRY HIP Thursday, July 21, 1955L Wonder Lake By Vanesse Sells LAKEMOOR LILYMOOR By MaroHla Foss Having had two /eeks of real relaxim wonderful thi> Toss Vacation in Colorado eran church are now vacationing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strohlhoff j in the East and in their absence of wonder Lake and Mr. and j church services will be conducted Mrs. Glenn H. Winters, formerly | by the Rev. William LaPountain. family arrived home on Saturday of Wonder Lake and now resid-. chaplain for the Chicago Lutheran from Walled Lake. Mich. We ing in Mc-Henry. have just re- ; hospital. w<?re gUests 0f my sister and her turned from a two-week vacation: --r husband. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred in Colorado. The Winters went Visitors From The South Conti. The Foss boys, were bv way of the Royal Gorge.1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paetow thrilled to death that lhey learn - Colorado Springs and then on to of Hickory Falls are entertaining ed how to water ski and drive a Estes Park, where they joined i her mother, Mrs. Toups, of Port large speed boat. Rickey, due to the Strohlhoffs for the second. Arthur, Texas. his mother's "trimming his christened on -Sunday, July 24. the Ladies League. The following ladies were elected: Mrs. Irene Leon, president; Mrs. Helen Para; vice-president; Anna Bolda, secretary; and Mrs. Wegener, treasurer. Trustees are Mesdames Harder, Bransford and Buchwalter. Installation of officers was discussed at the social on "VVednesday of this week. Congratulations to the new officers and may they have a successfulyfear. Baby Homo Mr. and Mrs. Walter Para are I very happy to announce that baby Barbara Para is now at home to any and all visitors. Helen brought the baby home last Thursday. The baby will be of Chicago, John Heaps of Ben^ senville, Mts and Mrs. Gurilant and family of Chicago, Mrs. Broms, Mrs. Tom Thompson and family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Erickson and family of Elburn. I think Rita will need a vacation if this keeps up. Steadman Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steadman had Ed's sister, Lorraine, and her girl friend out for a visit and they enjoyed themselves very much during their stay. week of their vacation. : Mr. and Mrs. "Pete"' McBride hair, had to end up with a very They report a wonderful week ! and family of Crowley, La., have short, short crew cut. His main <if touring the mountains in1 been house guests a,t the home worry nr whether or not his hair Rocky Mountain national park, of his sister. Mrs. Leah Cormier, will "row in red again. "Yours the Trail Ridge road, the high- of'India!-. Rtcrge. . , truly'^ tried water skiing but est continuous highway in the . eV(,n witli the help of all the Uriited States; Grand Lake, It's a Girl children couldn't get up on the Berthoud Pass and Central City, j Mr. and Mrs. Donald Malo of 5i<js to o-o anywhere. I guess it's one of the .oldest gold mining; Wonder Center are parents of later than I think. Bobbv and j Helen's aunt and uncle, Mr and towns in the country; Bear Lake their first child, a girl, born ! corky arrived home just in time! Mrs Barney Murzyn! were also and also the St. Vrain and Big1 Saturday night at Memorial hos- to paok their -clothes and leave out to visit Helen a few days Thompson canyons. * , pital in Woodstock. She weighed for Camp Lowden on Sunday i lbs. 2 oz and has been named -morning with Troop 161 of Mo- Hospital Auxiliary Debra.- Hfr maternal grandpar- H'enrv Thev wiil' be gone for The past week, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wojton and children, Bernard and Patricia, were guests at the Para household. They spent a wonderful week getting suntanned and then the last few days getting acquainted with the new member of the family. •Wonder Lake's- unit of the ents • are/Mr. and Mrs. Richard MemoijaJ, hospital auxiliary lost J°osten, sr.. of Wonder Center, one of* its most helpful mem two weeks. Leave lor Camp The following boys all left for a two-week stay at Camp Lowden on Sunday; Roy Erickson. Kenny Pope, the Foss boys and Mr. and Mrs. in Eradicating brucellosis, says Ei'ickson and Mr. and Mrs. entlv this vear Instead of indi Dr' H S- Br-van of the College , Booster drove the bo>% to camp J teenth wedding anniversary. Convirtual taeeers ' eoimrto Wood 1 of Veterinary Medicine at the ; We are sure the mothers will | gratulations, Winnie and Ed. tagge s going to vv oa-. Universitv of iinnois. have a real vacation also, with f bers when Mrs. Charlotte Mayer PROGRESS MADE IN died last week. Mrs. Mayer was BRUCELLOSIS always ready to help when called; upon and will be greatly missed tit AJJ1L-A11U.N by those who depended on her. - -- Tag day tor the hospital build- made ing fund will be handled differ- Varatioiiing Mr..and Mrs. John Kraus were ^acationing the past two weeks Colorado. They arrived home on Friday and are very well rested. Julia still has another' week's vacation. to rest up. Wedding Anniversary July 18, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steadman celebrated their eighstock and taking turns With Illness I w;i s "sorry to learn of the following illnesses on my return home. On July 5 Mrs. Agnes Simmons was taken very ill with stomach flu but is now feeling very well. Frank Leon was very ill with pne.umonia thte past two weeks and is still home from work and has not as yet regained his strength.- We Tiqpe he will soon be his ofd self again. Mrs. George Wegener was operated on in Memorial hospital this past week and we hope she will soori be up and around agaii\ Marge Beahler is in Memorial hospital recovering from pneumonia also. I hope by this reading she is again home and well on the road to recovery. A card of cheer to these folks would speed their recuperation very much. Rhoda Stencil, daughter of Mr. and • Mrs; Harry - stencil; summer residents of Lakemoor,',was operated on two weeks ago for an emergency appendectomy in Chicago. We hope she will soon, be well also. •Out at Summer Home It is so very nice to see Mrs. Drummel out in her home again. She hopes to-stay for the balance of the summer. So some of you old timers drop in and pay a visit to an old friend. Village Meeting At the last village meeting of Lakemoor ,the following items were voted on of importance to all: The purchase of a new squad car and the appointment and awarding of the garbage contract. There will be a weekly pick-up of garbage all year 'round on Saturdays. Ben DeCicco was appointed as patrolman for the highway beach. ... -J,. J „ The following orricers were appointed or promoted, due to the resignation of Henry Hoppert as chief of police: John Krfus, chief, Ed Steadman, assistant chief: Harold Foss, lieutenant; and Frank Pogany, sergeant. We are all very sorry to jpee Mr. Hoppert resign and thank him sincerely for the many, many hours the past two years he put in for the good and welfare of the village. Beaches The past two weeks brought the boys taken en re of for these boxes will be placed in the stores two weeks. i the eradication program was at Wonder Lake for contribu- started in 1934. eleven out of tions. The boxes will be in place , every 100 animals tested had |,VI ,ar>> Monday at nearly every Wonder brucellosis. During the last six Wednesday evening at Lake business establishment .months this figure has dropped -S p.m. there will be the monthly Since the state fund anticipated1^ about 2 5 per 100. meeting of the auxiliary in the by the hospital authorities has; Participation in brucellosis house. All membeis should been greatly curtailed, it is neces- eradication programs has in- *ry attend. Theie will be a ^ ^ sary to raise more money to add j creased steadily. On the basis of county auxiliaiv meeting at tl1<? j ATarcella-'s father, stayed at their Birthday James Simmons celebrated his sixtieth birthday July 7. Belated greetings, Mr. Simmons, from all of us. Foss Family Guest While the Foss family was away on vacation, Stanley Sohm, to that collected so successfully! figures for the first three months Winthrop Harbor station in Zion, last year if an adequate hospital > °f 1955, it appears that nearly ' !"• This will be for nomination is to be built for the county. Per cent more animals will be and election of officers. All dele- The auixliary hopes that people tested this year than last. ?ates are requested to attend this of Wonder Lake will be generous in donating in the tag boxes. Marine Day Competition Tnree Wonder Lake girls were in the Marine Day contest last Tuesday night and, while none queen's court, they made nice appearances of which we could be proud Many farmers lire taking ad- meeting. Please contact Ann vantage of the fact that in 1954 Brzezinski in regard to transpor- Congrgss authorized the use of tation. The date of this meeting 15 million dollars a year for two is Aug. 3 at 8 p.m. Call 671-R-l years to speed up brucellosis information. eradication. Dr. Bryan says. Illinois has appropriated money LIA News home for ten clays enjoying the fresh country air and relaxing. He was just a wonderful person leaving a beautifully clean house for me to return to after two weeks' vacationing. His birthday was on July 8 and he was visited by his son, Stanley, Jr., and I family on that day. The Sheridan [ road gang helped to maike his j visit pleasant t>v dropping in on of them'won even a spot on the' ^0r t"'le same PurP°se. Indemnity Saturday night tne LIA held . him occasionally. Thanks, dad, for payments are being made to its monthly meeting and the ' such good housekeeping and for farmers from these funds. beach party was discussed and i keeping the plants watered. If the progress in eradication voted on. The party will be held j Sandi Jo Monteleone. daughter can be maintained °1- increased, on Aug. 13 on the small beach. Ericftson company of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montel- economic position of the Rita Erickson is chainnan of the. Again the Erickson household eone of Wooded Shores (Wick- ^.eS °C C U . e muc^ improved, affair. Further details will be in \ was kept busy with company line Bayi returned from her sum- e \eterinanan says that eveij a futui.e column of the paper, these hot days. The following mer vacation in Orlando. Fla., 1 a Perc^nt ieduction in the After cards and bunco were i came to visit: Mr. and Mrs. to participate in the contest. Her; 'sease mea"3 an annua! saving played, coffee and cake werelpYanj^ Klavinski and family from mother is still in F--lo ri• d- a visiting of nine million dollars to live- ' served. - • - • LEGAL with Sandi Jo's grandparents, S 0C " rnPn Mr. and Mrs. Ray Von Bampus. i former residents of Wondnr Lake but now permanent residents of j Florida. Joe Montelene was pres- XOTICE OF CLAIM DATE ent Tuesday night to lend moral Rotate of WILLIAM T COOPER ' support to his daughter Sandi Deceased •is 16 years old and will be a Notice' is hereby given to all enior at McHenry high school . persons that September 5, 1955, w!fni the other two is the c]ajm datg in the esUte < Wonder Lake contestants. All of WILLIAM T. COOPER, Dethree are graduates of Harrison. ceased> pending in the Couniy •. tt. j' o j- „ „ Court of McHenry County, Illi- I Wh it * nois- and that cIaims maV be RidJ1 bot*res'dents °f filed against the said estate on ! 2of Mr aannd fMVrrs.e A^1^ Fdraaunszh taenrds or before said date without issu-, ance of summons tfvely reSPCC"- MARIE G- COOPER, j Executor! .. ... T ' ^ i WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. j Nativity Lutheran Church Attorney at Law i The Rev. and Mrs. Burton, Woodstock, Illinois ! Schroeder of the Nativity Luth- , (Pub. July 14-21-28) ! j Knox, Ind., who stayed eight ^ : days; and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ladies League Xews Fellows and family of Chicago, Election of officers was held, who stayed a weekend; also Mr. at the last business meeting of and Mrs. Ed Downs an^l family Business and Service Directory ONDER LAKE WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates & Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 Ed & John's Wonder Lake Standard Service Phone: \V. L. 8241 or 3463 All Minor Mechanical Repairs • Lubrication * Washing # Tires & Accessories "If you can't stop in smile as you go by!-' /888888®am»~--- . You Expect !gJ And Get It! 'BUD" STREET'S TV. Radio Shop Located Above Hickory Falls "66" Station Phone Wonder Lake 5572 or 4443 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. Mid-Summer SALE of New and Used SEWING MACHINES NEW MACHINES Walnut Cabinet "Necchi" * Was NOW AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG $364.10 -- $319.95 B. F. "Necchi" PORTABLE $151.00 -- $119.95 "ELNA" TRANSFORMA $179.00 -- $149.50 "Brother" Portable AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG $239.00 -- $189.00 Walnut Cabinet "HOMESTEAD" $138.45 -- $108.50 "HOMESTEAD" Pbrtable $ 87.50 -- $ 67.50 "New Home" in WALNUT DESK $229.95 -- $179.50 0 MACHINES "Singer" Round Bobbin Was NOW PORTABLE $ 49.50 -- $ 39.50 "Free" Electric Sewing Machine PORTABLE $ 29.50 -- $ 22.50 ' Singer" Long Shuttle PORTABLE $ 29.95 -- $ 24.95 "Domestic" Electric Machine PORTABLE ...: $ 21.95 -- $ 18.95 "Standard" Machine TREADLE TYPE $ 15.00 -- $ 10.00 EXTRAS 1 - Walnut Cabinet will fit any "SINGER Type Mach. $ 49.95 -- $ 39.95 1 - Sewing Hassock COLOR - IVORY $ 10.95 -- $ 9.50 Easy Terms- No Interest or Carrying Charges Freund's Sewing Machine SALES and SERVICE PHONE MeHENRY 1590 Across from Hunterville Subdivision DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE MeHENRY 452 quite a*.few loads- of- gravel andsand to the large highway- beach. The small beach had one load of sand put on it. If something isn't done about the small beach soon, it Won't be fit for swimming. The water is very, very unclean. When you are swimming or even just walking around in the water, weeds that are floating all over are continually sticking to your body. How about doing something about this condition? it would really improve the looks of the lake also. This beach is used as much as the highway beach and needs care also. Seventy-eight per cent of ve-j hides inVolved in fatal, aocidentsfe in 1954 were travelling straightahead. , j . FARMERS XI you have something to > Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE in the PLAINDEALER tzkjJt- NO-BITE -BITE NO-BITE 69c or $1.00 Icakproof jar* Q U I D Sl.OO-u nbr*al Proven protection for hours from: Mosquitoes • Cluggers • Black Flies • Sand Flies • Gnats • Fleas ^ Safe and pleasant for use by all ages Bolger s drug store PHONE 40 103 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. "tjtwj mMiutdjl Q. Now, Miss Flame, who'd you say is sponsoring you? A. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY has chosen tne as their new symbol. 0N.I. GAS Co. Q. You're sort of a mascot then? A. Heavens no! Much more important than that! Q. Well, just what is your job? A. To help lighten the housework of thousands of homemakers in Northern Illinois. Q. Sure a little thing like you can handle such a big order? A. Oh, yes! You see, I never tire or wear out. I guess you could tall me a steady flame" Q. Just exactly what are your duties? A. Oh, 1 heat water.. .cook meals ... dry clothes.. . and all the other jobs that only Gas can 4o so well! Q. Hold onl You must cost a pretty penny, Penny. Excuse me! I mean Miss Flame. A* That's the surprise! Fact is, J'm happy to do all this work for less...much less! Q. What sort of plans do you have for the future, ma ami A. From time to time Fd like to report on the very latest in modern living.. . the modern GAS appliance way. Q. We've heard you're a pretty quiet sort. How about that? Sounds impossible for a woman I A. Oh, hut it's true, sir. 1 never make a sound when I'm at work. Wouldn't you enjoy a silent refrigerator in your; house? Q. How about that, fellas? 1 can hardly wait to tell my wife about quiet little Penny Flame. A. Small but mighty, gentlemen! That's for sure> Penny. And you can always count on the press for our vote of confidenceI n o r t h e r n I L L I N O I S G3S (, COMPANY Watch for Penny. She'll show you more and more how ,GAS,D.OES IT BETTER...FOR LESSI COPYRIGHT, l955,.NORThERN ILLINOIS CAS COMPANY >I8AOEMAWf^