w . f'3 Ftge T<e n '^r •me?A-3<x _ ViriteiM'vK - W.T.. McHENllY ' Johnsburg News By Mn. Betty Hetterraann Hobo Days On Oct. 21 and 22, the P.H.A. "hoboes" were busily working in the Johnsburg area. A total of $35.50 was turned in to the Fuutre Homemakers of America at McHenry high ^school by the Johnsburg, Pistakee Highlands and Pistakee Bay workers. The following girls participated: Audrey Tonyan, Pat Greig, Kay Hiller, Bruenhilde Schwanke, Betty Lou Hiller, Kathleen ^lac- Inerney, Eileen Huff, Delores Pormella, Joyce Theil, Jewel May. Arlene Jost, Bonnie Toram! Charlene Freund, Kathleen Freund, Carol Frisby and Carol Weingart. Sad News. Friertds of this vicinity will be sorry to learn of the death of Fred Ruge. Mr. Ruge passed away at the Swedish Covenant hospital in Chicago on Nov. 2, where he was a patient for several weeks. Mr. Ruge is the father of Mrs. Lillian Bossier. Npw |Offioers The Johnsburg Rescue squad met last week to held election of officers. Newly-elected into office were Lloyd Oeffling, president; Hank Hiller, vice-president; Fred Huemann, chief; A1 Adams, assistant chief; Dick Marshall, secretary and treasurer; and Gerry Hettermann, captain. Once again a reminder that the dance sponsored by the rescue squad is fast coming into view. The date is Saturday evening, Nov. 26, at the Community club. Don't forget to pick up a few tickets being sold by any of the squad members. Feather Party ' Next Saturday evening, Nt>v. 12, the Johnsburg Community club is sponsoring its annual feather party at Memorial hall. Plan on attending and have a good time for yourself. Around the Town Mrs. • William Morick and family of Rockford were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith recently. Mrs. Mamie King, Mi's. Catherine Smith, Mrs. Cora Herdrich and Mrs. Helen Hettermann visited Carol Ann Stilling at St. Colletta's school in Jefferson, Wis., last- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pepping of Denver, Colo., visited at the A1 Pepping home last week. Mrs. Mamie King and Mrs. Catherine Smith were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene King in McHenry last Sunday. Later in the day they attended the housewarming party at the , home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mili ler, also of McHenry. " Get-well wishes to Carol Ann | Dehn, who is having a battle • with chicken pox this week. The I bug must be around again as I \ understand there have been a | few more cases in school, j "Speed" Stilling and family have moved from their home in Jak-Ana Heights to Wisconsin, where Mr. Stilling is going into business. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who moved into- an apartment on North avenue last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lasser visited relatives in Chicago last j Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller j and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund J of McHenry spent last weekend 1 in Nobelsville, Ind., visiting the ! Albert Garrett family. Happy birthday to Peter F. Freund, who celebrated his seventieth birthday Nov. 8, and^ to Dorothy Hiller, who has a birthi day coming up on Nov. 13. Jim Oeffling, Jimmy, Barbara and the baby, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schabow, Joanne and Debbie, Mrs. Mary Lieser, Mr. and Mrs. George ;Mtfler, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schroader and daughter, , Mrs. Rose Obenauf and son, Mr. i and Mrs. Jirh Chamberlain, Mr. | and Mrs. Joe Pitzen and Mrs. j Thelen. I Many friend's and relatives j gathered after 7 o'clock in the I evening to extend their congratu- ! lationS to Mr. and Mrs. Oeffling. I The Oefflings are very gratej ful to all their relatives and | friends who mailed during that I day and did so much in various j ways to make their celebration ! complete. -» Celebrates Anniversary In line for special congratulations are Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling. who celebrated their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary last Sunday. The 7 o'clock mass was read by Fr. Blitsch at St. John's church in their honor and later in the day their family gathered at the Alfred Oeffling home for supper. Those present were Mr. -and Mrs. Richard Guyser, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guzzardo, Mr. and Mi's. Peter Oeffling and daughter, Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Frank, Arleen and Bonnie, Judy Gallas, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Janice, Tommy, Ardele, Billy, Phil and Julie, Ed Tonyan, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ted Getner, Lorie, Patsy, I Johnny, Jane and R\ith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guzzardo, Gary, David and Mary Lou, Lloyd Oeffling, Sherry and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Alger Oeffling, Diane, Susan and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. George Thelen Baby Baptized The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thelen was born on Oct. 21 at Memorial hospital and was baptized Steven Gary at a 2 o'clock service at St. John's church last Sunday afternoon. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thelen, with. Arnold Thelen acting as proxy for Pvt.. Thelen, who is serving with the Army in Germany. A turkey dinner was served at the home of the jvaternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen, to the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Floto, of Fox Lake, the parents, and their other son, Danny Lee, Mrs. Marilyn Thelen and son, Ricky, ^ind Arnold and Kathleen Thelen, Friends of Cpl. and Mrs. Jim Miller of Fort Belvoir, Va., will be happy to learn they welcomed a 7 pound boy on N?v. 4. Grandparents of the baby are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Diedrich of Volo. Art Lile of Woodstock accompanied Emitt Roberts to the Wisconsin-Northwestern football game last Saturday. Oeffling aJid David, Mr. and Mrs. NOVEMBER SPECIAL! PERMANENTS Cut and Styled by "Gisela" French Hairstylist £50 ALICE MARIE BEAUTY SHOP 202 N. Riverside Dr. ^ Phone 890-M McHenry, 111. Which is Your wife on washday ? ~^~Lef an ELECTRIC Dryer do the work on washdays-- (Costs less to buy--yet you get the cleanest, fastest, dryest heat there is!) Hanging up a big, heavy wet wash is one of the hardest jobs your wife does. And what for? Today you can buy an automatic electric dryer for as little as-$2.43 a week, including installation! An electric dryer does more than save work. You can dry a big wash for a few cents. And, electric heat is the cleanest heat there is. So everything comes out smelling sweet and fresh. In many cases, the installed price of an electric dryer is so reasonable it's your best buy. And when you buy electric, you always get an automatic dryer. .Stop in and see your dealer or our stores for a look at the latest models. Washday Will be easier at your house if you do. NOW LOW AS >2.43 A WEEK WITH NEW SHARE-THE-COST INSTALLATION PLAN When you install a new electric dryer, we share the cost of necessary wiring. You can save important money with our New Plan. For example, in a 1-family home, electric dryer installations now cost only aboyt holf as much as before. The Plan is ayajlable at all electric appliance dealer's. Yours will tell you how much you save. And you get more than a money soving. Your TV picture improves, lights brighten--everything electrical works better. And you can install an electric range, water heater or air conditioner (that requiresa 240-volt circuit) quickly and cheaply. SEE YOUR DEALEI or PUBLIC COMPANY * ' * z\ * Your Budget Never hod if So Good... get Savings that add up to Dollars FAST! The more low prices you gel, the more you'll tave! And A*P can save you more because* ^ in addition to the Ion prices on everything in every department, you make extra savings oil the ^ / < < , » i famous brand grocery products reduced this week that are listed below! Come count youe savings at A*P! £jk&P "Super-Right" Quality Meats / Tender, Meaty--Small In Size But, Mighty Big Buys! Boneless SMOKED BUTTS 45c V "Super- Right" Thick Sliced Bacon Ty-Nee Canned Hams Smoked Picnics Oven Ready Turkeys Beef Chuck Roast Round Steak Leg of Lamb Fancy Jumbo Shrimp! FROZEM FOOD VALUES lb. pkg. lb. tin "Super-Right" Quality 4 to 16 lbs. Blaiile Cut Full Cut --"WS.- - ' Bone III Shin Bone " Remaved % 79" $2" 29° 55° 37' 59° 55° 69° 303 FAMOUS BRAND GROCERIES REDUCED SINCE OCT. 1st Here are just a few that you will find at your Friendly A&P Super Market Sweet, Young and Tender 17-01. tins i Mfk ••§ LIBBY'S PEAS 2 '*•' 35 Libby's Golden Corn 2 '2-ox. AA{ tins £v Mazola Oil J... 9*i $199 tin 1 Miss Wise. Peas ,113 *l /r20e Kraft's MaCn Dinner 2 25c Veg-AII Vegetables ::: I5c Banquet Chicken 4 ">• $129 tin 1 Libby's Bartlett Pears "2 41° Fanning Pickles 8;"d.' s; 21° Lord Mott Beans Xt 2 r 35* Del Monte Cherries :358 Moptiir Hoart' Deli9h* 9 law VIM Pear or Peach-Apricot do 12-ox. AQc tins 4U Quaker Oats 20-ox. |7c pkg. II Broadcast Dried Beef Z'/j-ox. 20C Brown Sugar J",, 2 Mb. ACC pkg,. Carnation Tuna °s,7d "I.87* Salted Cashew Nuts nZ 55° Chopped Ham \49e Salted Peanuts 6:49° Bell's Poultry Seasoning;£ 10° Grape Juice 11 2 r 37c REDUCED ITEMS CARRY THE SHELF SIGN, "VALUE LEADER11. LOOK FOR THEM WHEN YOU SHOP! ^Rioucmy Florida---Seedless 80 Size Juicy GRAPEFRUITS 10-49* Western Grown "Pick of the Crop"--Juicy Strawberries 2 Z Campbell's Soups Banquet Pies Orange Juice Pf«s end I O-oi. Hem---Potato tin Beef-Chicken- M 8-ox. Turkey • pies Birdseye A 6-ox. Florid/I • tins 45' 19' 79' 29* DELICIOUS APPLES 2 - 29 G«aroat*td b^A ' IfMMkMjgagj RED STAR YEAST pkg- 5 ANN PAGE Sparkle GELATIN DESSERTS Pkg. 8 FLAVORS Millets Co Idaho Potatoes 48i $1• 79 Calif. Carrots ™ "b |A, cello bag IV Yellow Onions sl'l 8 ib. bag 19° Pascal Celery .19* Anjou Pears tZ 2 lbs. 29° Cauliflower .. 29e Emperor Grapes 2 Ib. box 29' Regalo Spinach 10 ox. |AC cello bag Iw A mmUa Jonathan or Mcintosh APPICS Pick of the Crop 4 Ib. bag 39e Florida Cucumbers 2 19* \ L for 1 * i Porto Rican Yams 4 lbs. 29* Fancy Mushrooms 7« OQo box a \ FRESH MILK Homogenixed -- Pasteurixed <vjt carton t)f ^ gallon (^'us jug 07 Deposit) EGG PRICES REDUCED aid All V/£ite Sunnybrook Large .. Crestview Grade B Med. OOZ 61* DOZ 59* OOZ 41* FLUFFO PURE Shortening 3:87e FOR BABIES Bordo Orangi Juice 2 T 95c tins NABISCO Graham Crackers lb. pkg. 29' FLAVOR-KIST Coconut Bars 29' 8-ox. box Whole m Kernel Green Giant Peas Star Kist Tuna Borden's Ice Cream Downy Flake 12*oz. tins Sweet, Green and Tender Froxen Waffles 2 2 35e 2 T 49e * I0e 17-oz. tins 6'/2*oz. tin Dux--Does Everything 2,»rn ftOc pktt. 00 Amer. Family Detergent 2 *£ 63c Trend Detergent 2 'Z 39c Sweetheart Facial Soap 3 z 25e 35e Sweetheart Soap 39c Blu-White Flakes Kitchen Klenzer Cashmere Bouquet Cashmere Bouquet Ad Detergent Deodorant giant •VAc pkg. 10 Beauty Aid r»|. size All Purpose Facial Soap Bath ,Soap Ad Beauty To Your Wash 9 2 i 2 3 2 bath sizs Florient Aerosol 25e 25e 2,c 25° 25° 24-oz. AAC Pkg- 09 79* 2'"f fiCi pk{>. 03 soon, sizs cans rag. sizs bath sizs AMEIICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILEK... SINCE. 1(5? 1MB GREAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All prices effective through November 12th Read The Plaindealer Want Ads