Page Two •: «.*4»in ? tm i u lit 'H111 it imM »• •» •!• <• •!• •»• •«• >i» •!• •»• •»• ** THE McHENRY PLAINDEA ; •' : 'v-: ' ••,: V • - ^ • -• .. •- f'*Thursday, December 8, 11 . .$• •;. •$• •}. ;{••!• fr fr•$• »fr<fr» ••M' »!• •>»»»»» frfr Party Honors Elizabeth Butler , A birthday party was held in Chicago for Miss Elizabeth Butler at the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Botulinski. A lovely ham dinner was served, including a bekutifully decorated birthday cake which centered the table. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tucker afid daughter, Patricia Ann, end Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Skinner and son, Gerald, of Sunnyside Estates, McHenry, Mrs. M. Sutler and son, Thomas, Marilyn Butler, Mr. and Mrs. R. Zuro and children, Lynne, Rickey and Lautey, Rose Bialkowski and Lillian Marsden. Miss BUtler received beautiful gifts and cards from lorjg forgotten friends: Mrs. Botulinski is Mrs. Tucker's mother. IMPRESSIVE MSTAUATION ATOESCHAPTB Arthur Kliftgbergs Assume Mgiiron, Patron Posts E. CJ>. A. Plans Christmas Pfirty The C.D. oi A. Christmas party will be held Thursday, Dec. 15, with a twenty-five cent grab bag for members. A donation for the less fortunate as a diocesan project at this time will be greatly appreciated. • A business njeeting was held Thursday, Dec. 1, with refreshments" served by Eleanor Foley arid Nettie Fleming and their Committee. Pinochle was played, winners being Helen Thompson, Emma Freund, Katihryn L. Freund ftiid Laura Weber. Woman's Club , Christmas Party w The annual Woman's club Christmas party for the children will be held Friday, Dec. 9, at 2 b'clock at the Legion honje. Each member is: asked to bring a gift for the child she brings. Christmas carols will be sung and there will- be a decorated tree under which gifts will be placed. Refreshments will be /served. Mrs. N. *J. Hill and Mrs. Fred Lieberson are co-chairmen. Timmy Donnelly Entertains Friends Timmy Donnelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Donnelly, observed his fifth birthday anniversary last fctiday, "Ibec.' 2, celebrating the occasion with a party for his fWends And his' brother, Jimmy. Attending Were Jerry G16sson, Roger piawlikowski, Tom Bauer, Johh Goettsche, 1 George Kauss and Donald Meyer. Lurieh Was sgrveSf and games played, and later in the day his grandmother, Mrs. Albert Krause, and an aunt,4 Mrs. Ella Krause, joined in the celebration. Th<f little fellow received a variety of useful gifts. Christen Infant Of Laurence Hatugs The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haug was christened Diane Lorraine recently at Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, with Rev. Burton Schroeder officiating. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. John Mack. Following the rite, dinner was served at the Haug home for the sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haug and son, Robert, and Mr*, and Mrs. A1 Gosse. Adult Girl Scouts Bold Annual jParty The Adult Gii-1 Scouts will hold their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs.* Edgar Nardi, beginning with a pot-luqk luncheon at 12:36 o'clock Wednesday, >Dec;°14. There will be' i dollar gift exchange. Members will find the Nardi horile in Shaliinar, second house on 'the right" (river) side of the roadf " ' W.S.CJS. Informed On tnlted IVatiohs Mrs. James D. Hall spoke on the United Nations at the November meeting of this society. Mrs. Hall told that in spite of the pN's failure At disarmament, the successes of some of its work -- 600 million people have been graduated from colonialism since the UN's beginning -- and some of,its agencies have been notable. The W^rld Health organization, for instance, has taught millions simple, ibut necessary, health rules and practices to help them raise their own health standards and ' stronger children, according to Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Charles Peterson was lairman of the- serving on that day.11 On the committee were Mrs. Frank Rourke, Mrs. Henry Freund, Mrs. Henry Jackson, Mrs. Andrew "Tuft, Mrs. Ray Hughes and Mrs. Earl Krukow. Oleson-Wegerier Vows Exchanged When she was married to Bernard J. Wegener on Saturday, Nov. 28, Charmine Oleson dhOse a brown tweed ' suit with browh and beige accessories and a white orchid corsage. St. Mary's church rectory in DeKalb was the Scene of the cerertiohy Which united the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oleson of DeKalb and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener of Maple Park. Pauline Brooks and the groom's brother, Donald Wegener, attended the couple. Miss Brooks Chose a' bllie -Suit with rtavy. accessories and had a corsage of pifik sweetheart "tfosds. iFollowing a reception at the home - of the bride'3 parents, the newlyweds' left for El * PaSo, Texas, where they will make their home at 9(K> N. Octavia street. . ^ Mrs. Wegener is\ at graduate of DeKalb schools and McConnell Airline school in Minneapolis, Minn, she has been employed by American Airlines in Chicago. The bridegroom graduated" from Maple Park high school and until he entered service was engaged in farming with his father. Out of town guests included several from McHenry. Acacia Masonic hall was the scene of an impressive Installation ceremony when new officer's of McHenry chapter, No. 547, O.E.S., were put into office last Saturday evening, Dec, 3. Candles were lighted by Carol Klingberg and Barbara Krickl. Pearl Pearson of "Nunda chapter, grand lecturer of the O.E.S., served as installing officer, Elsie Hoppe was installing chaplain, Mabel Johnson was installing organist and Mildred Howorka, member of the grand chapter committee, was installing chaplain. Serving as escorts were Lisle Bassett, ohancey Harrison and Herbert Howorka. Esther Hakansson of Nunda chapter Was soloist and Edwartl Cannon acted as color bearer. Tribute to the flag was given by Jackie Klingberg, while Valeska Hoppe, a piast matron, served as mistress of ceremonies. Mfa. Hoppe commended • the instructress, Mrs. Pearson, and officers of the past year. ' The following were installed: Margaret Klingtoerg, worthy matron; Arthur Klingberg, worthy patron; Gertrude Silva, associate matron; Larry Silva, associate patron; Myrtle Harrison, secretary; Harriet Dodd, treasurer; Rose Murphy, chaplain; Evora Peterson, marshal; Phyllis Nimtz, organist; . Pauline Pries, Adah; Flora Voss, Ruth; Lillian Bossier, Esther; Geraldiqe Hastings, Martha; Elizaibet^i Krickl, Electa; George Krickl, warder. Also Roy Dodd, sentinel; Duane Overton, color bearer; Pearl Pearson, instructress; Olga Lishamer, conductress; Elizabeth Krickl, associate conductress. Harriet Dodd was presented the past patron's jewel by Pearl Pearson and the past patron's pin went to Roy Dodd, given by (jhancey Harrison. Each spoke a few words of appreciation for gifts and the assistanbe given them during the year. M Brief talks were given - by -the new o wo$£hy -matron iind patron, who presentee tlierr faintly. He was given a beautiful basket of •white aitd gold mums by .Joseph X. Waynne, a gift from the Scottish Rites of Chicago. RdftfSshfhents weVe served by MaVion Cannon, Marie Mllbrandt, j^aridh Hayes, Bernice Keevll arid Emma Pyritz. December® , Eddy Howard's Lo^al Appearance' -- Sjfonsored % 'i^faerican Legion ' December e~ Wotpan's Club Meeting -- Christmas Party* -- Le£1oiftHpiTie -- 2:30 p.m. ^ : , . December II Mid-Winter program. Presented by High School Vocal Gi'btips -- School 'Auditorium^ -- 8:|.5 p.m. High School Vocal Program -- 8:15 -- Auditorium December 18 "vf* Mother's Club phristmas Party -- St. Patrick's School Hall --; Fifty Cent Gift Exchange v Circle 2, W.S.C.S. --• Christmas Party -- Mrs. Walter Aufrecht, Home -- 1 p.m. December f.6 ' Bazaar s|nd Bake Sale -- Johndburg Public School -- Sponsored by P-T.i^. -- Starts ID: 30 a.m. December 17 Christmas Cheer Party -- Moose Lodge -- Public Invited December >18 Children's Christmas Party -- Moose Lodge -- For ^embers' Children -- 3 p.m. December £0 Women of the ~ Moose -- Christmas I*ot-Luck Supper -- 6:3U p.m. December 01 New Year's Eive Party -- MooSe Lodge -- MemlberS and Guests. lil' i in i in u n 11 PERSONALS Mr. and l^rsi James Hoyte have returned from a two weeks' vacatlbn with Florida relatives. LitUe Jean Ann Llngenfelter has returned from, a visit In the home of her aunt, Mrs. - Allan Bremtmer, in Chicago. Mfls.; Edward Nickels arid daqgjiijter, JJ^arie,.., have returned from ' an enjoyable vacation in Florida. Among the places thejy visited we're St. Augustine, Daytdiia Beach, Mt. Dora and Lake Wales. James< i May, who was home ffQm service fOi^€" visit with his jpstfents, Mir." and Mrs. Frank of Chetek, Wis., visited relatives here a' few days the past week; He is leaving for Gerfijffiy , .Dc, 8. The May ^ family ifbriberly resided in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morrison and son, Galen, (Of Spring Grove attended the choral concert here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay tire Sunday visitorviffthe home her Sister, Mrs^Robert Suttori, 3iri' {tichmond. and Mrs. Roy Bickler af 6es' Plaittes and Mr and Mrs. Pstul Btckler of Chicago visited .their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arfitikler, Sunday. MVs. Paul Baiibiari and Miss Marion McOmber Were Chicago visitors Saturday. Among the out-of-town folks iyho attended the funeral of Mrs. NiCk BarWari here Saturday Were Mr. arid Mrs. A1 Weber and Son, ,JMrs. NicK Weber and Mr. and Sirs. Richard Whiting of Milcard of thanks I wish to take this opportunity to thank those wh9 voted for me in the recent aldermanic election. I will do my utmost to justify your. confidence in m®. Glenn D. Dixon 31 Alderman, 2nd Ward CARD OF THANKS The Rosts and the Hermans of Sunny Ridge farm would like their neighbors and the Spring Grove fire department to knovir how much they appreciated the qUick response to their call for help early? Monday morning, Nov. 28. They owe a special thanks to Mrf and Mrs. Joe Freund, who saw the fire-/and awakened them, arid to Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay, who helped contact the fire department in record time. The fire did little damage and was quickly put out, but without the help of friends and neighbors it might have been a disastrous morning for Sunny Ridge farm. 31 ±e MONEY AND BANKING •' 1 / 1 In Everyday Living ===== 311 ELM STRSET McHSNRY, IU~ CorneK PARTY DRESSES GALORE ALL SIZES -- ALL PRICES WARWICK'S McHenry Camera Center Cameras Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES View Masters and Reels Color Films Processed . Family Albums See Vi Hefore You Buy Worwick's Studio 11,7 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 waukee, Wis., Robert, Shales of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brefeld, Chicago, Mr.7 and Mrs. liVilliani O'Neil and , Mr. and Mrs. Rafter of Lake , Geneva, Wis., Wm. Desmond and daughter, Marguerite, afid «Mrs. Rayr Corr 6f Woodstock. •. Thfe Leonard Burge family of Grayslake Visited her mother, Mi's. DavJO Powers, Sunday. Among the McHenry folks', who attended the funeral of Mrs. Rose Huff at;.. Immaculate Conception church in WaUkegari last Friday were Stephen H. Freund, Mr. arid Mrs. A. p. t*reund, Mrs. Bernard N. Smith, Mrs. Ernest Buch, Mrs. Catherine Freund, Mr. ' arid Mrs. George Blaxe and Anton Schmitt. Ted Qlh,ava of Chicago called on McHenry frie'nds Saturday.' * Mr.', and Mrs. Glen Shales of Des Plaines and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ' Whiting of Lake Geneva, spent a few* days the past week here, where they were called by the death of Mrs. Shales and Mrs. Whiting's mother, ^[rs. N. E. BariWan. Mr. arid ' Mrs. Lester Bacon were Sunday visitors in the JamesBallotti home in Sycarnore. Mrs. Ballotti and children returned home with them for a visit. 530 PERSONS AT k '"••• HARRISON SCHOOii SCOUTING PROGttAM About 530 people attended Harrison school Wednesday, Nov. 30, to waich all the Scouting - units of Wonder Lake presierit what proved to be a very entertaining show. The Brownie unit put on a skit,' the Girl Scouts presented the right and wrong way of living up to their laws, the Cub Scouts - had a Pilgrim skit and •band. The Boy scouts presented abdn. The Boy Scouts presented a pantomime show. Jay Zoern led the Harrison yschool band ih several selections. Boy Scouts and Explorer unit each received their yearly charter and Commander Lois Weeks of the Legion gave the boys their new flag. Skip Jacobson and David DrumI were graduated from Weblo's to Scquts. Hie Lai flrsti two Life scouts, 'Kurt W eniberger and Edward Driunl, received their pins, Wayne Fel| hahn was promoted to first Scout and Jack Moore to class. As each boy was presently his piri, he gave a miniature pbii to his father, who in turn pinned, it on his mother. Much credit goes to the leaders.;] Mr. Druml, scout leader, is especially gratefui to Phillip La- VaUe and Ben Phelps for presenting charters. €A|U> |OF THANKS We would like , to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for spiritual bouquets,. floral offerings, cards, cars andl other kindnesses extended in J^ur bereavement. Everything was so] Very much appreciated. 31 The N. E. Barbian Family I MARRIAGE LICENSE John West, Jr., and Dorothy Bau^pies, McHenry. T VILLA NURSING HOME ON PIS^AKEE BAY, NEAR McijEENRY Home fd|r the Aged SENILE . BED PATIENTS PHONE ^cHENRY |61 i of t r,. for getting your holiday P e r m a n e n t s h e r e . . . 1. It cost' you no more to get the very best. 2. All Permanants include cutting, styling, shampoo and setting. 3. PLUS - EXCLUSIVE MALE HAIRSTYLISTS. Call 147 for your Yule tide appointment1 now! Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 p.m. YOUR LOVELDfESS IS OUR BUSINESS Averside ^}^airslylinq 126 N. Riverside Drive airstyting McHenry, ut to Phone 147 the IF THERE'S A MORTGAGE on your home, dcr you have the amount of the mortgage covered by life insurance? If you take out a policy for this purpose, the proceeds will pay off the mortgage in the event of your death, so that your family would have no further payments to make. Such insurance ofife rs another advantage: As the years go by, the policy builds up a cash-surrender or loanable value, which you can borrow against during your lifetime should emergencies arise. • • • "I'd like id pay you now," said a lady'we kriow to the man who had refiriished her floors, "but my husband has the checking account In the family. I'll have td Wait until he gets home." The Sttlution for this couple might be a joint checking account with us: One account opened by two people. Either person may make a deposit. Both sign an agreement that either may draw checks against the account; thus either < may pay a bill by check promptly and convenientfy.. A BANK'S "ACCOUNTING" of the conduct of its business is its periodic statement of condition. Ours tells where we stand financially: Tells you, for example, what part of total deposits is invested in mortgages and other loans to local individuals and businesses. You see how we put depositors' money to Work soundly and in the interest of serving the whole community. Stop in for our latest statement of condition; ask us any questions about it that may occur to you ; and finxl out how we can best serve you. Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 m This Christmas you don't have to be a millionaire to captivate the heart -Of your lady With furs. See our exciting selection of fine quality furs at money saving prices. COLLARS Mink $7.50 & up Dyed Rabbit $3.50 & up Earrings $1.50 & up SCARFS (per skin) Bassarisk $15.0Q « Jap. Mink $20.00 < Kolinsky $22.50, Ranch Mink $30.00 & up Sable (Hudson Bay) .... $40.00 Sable (Russian) $75.00 STOLES - CAPES - JACKETS MINK - SQUIRREL - MUSKRA.T - MARMOT PERSIAN LAMB - MOUTON SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE J X J t | i ON ALL CLOTH COATS A' Y , McHENRY STATE BANK 1 Otto Heinz, Furrier PHONE 1843 105 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, III. STARTING DEC. 12TH OP^N EVERY EVENING TIL 9 P.M. j\ 0 ftp PZ w # "A NOW OPEN At & JS A Club for every income -- A Club for every member of the family * -- S A V E -- $ .50 a week $ 25.00 3.00 a week ...... ... 150.00 1.00 a week 50.00 5.00 a week ... 250.00 2.00 a* week 100.00 10.00 a week .... 500-00 $20.00 a week $1000.00 CHECKS WILL BE MAILED NOVEMBER 3, 1956 McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Telephone McHenry 1040 Member Fedpral Deposit Insurance Corp. Interest i>aic| on savings deposes