1 > TH~ E J^tS'TfrScS, HTfElj .tCNr' BY ' '• • PL'• . A• IND^ EA- LE• R / •• , • lurgday, January J&. 0 LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR By Ana Braeoinski • [P.T.A. ' • The Lily Lake P.T.A. is grateful to all for their donation and j help on th|ir Christmas party. , Also a than!ic you to the Business j association and the fire depart- I ment for their donation of mon- j ey. Mrs. John Gray, chairman of | the party, reports a wonderful j time was had by all. from his cou minut^M it. and enjoyed every .Surprise! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams are enjoying a beautiful basket j of flowers wnich was a surprise ! gift from the young boys of j Lakemoor. Mr. and Mrs. Williams i must have a fine understanding; of boys, as evidenced by the lovely gift they received. fsorry To Hear Mrs. Erna Hoppert had the misfortune of spraining her ankle on Friday before Christmas. Also Stanley Zabroski had aft automobile accident on Friday before Christmas and a few days later entered Woodstock hospital in a pretty serious condition. Cleveland Wade was unable to spend Christmas day at home. Mrs. Wade spent it with him at Downey hospital. Wedding (Plans ' Wayne Kraus and his fiancee, Gharlene Dowe, are making plans for their wedding on Saturday, Jan. 28. Congratulations from all of us. (Birthday A happy birtKddy ahd a happy new .year t<J_-mrsy Julia Kraus, who celebrated her birthday on Jan. 1. Wonderful Visit Chipper Cynowa spent four days at home over Christmas. In those four days, the following people paid him a visit: Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Foss, Mr. and Mrs. John Sulak, Mrs. Brady and boys, Mrs. Sand, Mr. and Mrs. Rossow and family, Jerry Foute, Mr. and Mrs. Massheimer and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Pogany and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kossup and family, Marian Swenski, Pauline Kalemba, Danny Kinnerk, Jessie and Olive Corbett, Carol and Lenny Szarek, Baby Foute, Mr. and Mrs. Kawell and family, Mr. and Mrs. McDermott, Norman Williams, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark and son from Des Plaines, HI., and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cynowa of Chicago. Also Lil Wijas and son of Lilymoor brought with them a real live junior Santa Claus. Chipper and his brother, Larry, are also enjoying a parakeet they received from Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sand. Chipper is grateful for, the many lovely gifts and cards he received. On his way back to the hospital, Chipper told his parents he saw half of Lakemoor Holiday News On Christmas, Mr. arid Mrs. Anthony Leon had all their sons and daughters and their fariiilies for the day and ydu can be sure the home was pretty well filled up. Mrs. Louise Unruh, Mrs. Leon's mother, has been a travelling lady for a week. She spent the week visiting relatives in Berkeley, Melrose Park and Chicago. For the first time fh nine years,, Steph and Wally Szarek and their children have been able to spend Christmas - day with Steph's mother, Mrs. Catherine Wasowicz. and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley speht the Christmas weekend at the home of their son, Dr. Vincent Sarley and family. Mrs. Marie Strnad enjoyed Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Venable, and family. Guests on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady were I)r. and Mrs. Leslie Krieger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ugasti and /laughter of Meyers Bay, William Hecljit of McCullom Lake, Art Faber and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Krieger, Jr. Mrs. Stanley Hlavcek, -Mrs. Brady's mother, -is spending *a week with them. Mi-, and Mrs. Frank O'Leary and family enjoyed Christmas in Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Leary, Sr. Guests for the Christmas weekend at the home of Mr."" and Mrs. Larry Booster were Jean's two brothers, Michael Liesik, and famiiy^from Detroit, Mich., and Alex LiesuK and family from Prospect Heights and a cousin, Miss Jayne Wysch, of Chicago. Mrs.v Jenny Vallone spent a wonderful weekend with her son, Ben Vallone, and family. There were twenty-four relatives at their Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Al Godina enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Higgins of Franklin Park for the Christmas weekend. On Monday, Dec. 26, Mr. and Mrs. John Kftfaus entertained Mr. and' Mrs. Curly Kraus and .daughter1 of Niles and Mr. and MrS." Charles Dowe and daughter* Charlene, of McHenry. The Norman Morrisons put on their dancing shoes again to attend a dinfier dance in Chicago on Friday, Dec. .29. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Marty Wrublewski's home ori ChristjnaS day were Ed Kamin, Jr., and^ Stewart Clark. On Monday, the boys spent most of the day visit ing their friends and neighbors. The Foss home Was buzzing again for two days. On Wednesday, Mr. and Mi's. Foss entertained Brother Eugene Sohm, Brother Victor Nagle and Brother Urbin of St. John Bosco high sohool in Milwaukee. Later in the evening, they visited Mr. and Mrs. scanley Sohm at Arlington Heights. * Marcella Foss entertained the following guests at a l"hursday luncheon: Mrs. Kay Mahoney and children, Mrs. Carmen Boone and daughter and Mrs. Dorothy Piotrowski and son of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foss spent the new year weekend with Marcella's sister, Mrs. Gertrude Conti, and family at Wald Lake, Mich. Judy Diedrich is enjoying the company of one gf her friends, Marie Beranek, o( Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cammara spent the new year weekend' at home with their son, Philip, and family, daughters,, Mrs. Katrina Schimenti, and family, and Mrs. Mary Nosal, and family of Chicago. BEAN |CROP RECORD Illinois ranks first among states in the 1955 production of cor'n and soybeans. The 524 million'bushel corn crop is the second Targefct. ever raised in the Prairie StatK^ The 101 million bushel soybean crop surpasses all former records, Tliis showing is listed in the annual crop summary of the state and federal departments of agriculture, which says the total value of 1955 Illinois farm crops was 1,196 million dollars. Increased production brought this total to a mark asbout two million dollars above the 1954 crop value, in spite of lower prices. A 3 per cent increase in the acreage sown for 1956 winter wheat, as compared to the preceding year, is shown in the summary. strive to bring more to more for less mon l Blade Cut, Super-Right" Beef You can put ^our trust ,in "Super-Right c Quality Meats. Come in and compare the cuts--yoti'H be convinced that A&P meats are the Best in Taste and Quality! "$up«r*Rigiit" Qualify 1st thru 8th Rls--7" Cut Trimmed for Extra Savings! lb. 560 Famous iiatid Grocery Items Priced Lower Thai Sept. 1st; Mere Are Just a Few Samples Boneless Rolled Rump Rouil Steak tin Steak Bone-in Full Cut " Super-Right" "Super-Right" Quality DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL, TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETO VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. FttlDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:30 PJtt. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT P30NE McHENRY 452 Ff 69c Canned Ham 59c Allgood Sliced Bacon „ 79" Skinless Franks-CXI,- 29* Pork Sausage 35c Halibut Steaks Birds Eye Frozen--Sliced and Sugars Del Mont Dole--Fresh from Hawaii 19-oz. pk* 6 ib. lb: ,k39« Sawyer--Thin Crist pkg. Ib. roll Ib. 23' 39* Saltine Crackers 30-oz. tins 12-oi. tin! Ib. box 65' 29 f In Syrup Sliced or Halves 1st ^ xmw+xv 1^7 Portion,;j1 //;Sooitts Sweet, Flavorful Florida Make a Salad Today! Firm Large Crisp--Iceberg HEAD LETTUCE Western Grown--Juicy--Red DELICIOUS APPLES head 10 Caches Hunt's Peaches Moil's Apple Sauce Orange Juice Swift's Peanut Butter Peas and Carrots '££££ Miss Wisconsin Peas Van Camp Beans Real's Potato Salad 33* With Pork German Style 29° Colorado |A Ib McC oes No. i 10 bag in Oihas ,'fl Fl®ria Juice ©ranges 5 39 f iiSow Onions ^ 3 £ IIs Porto iisan Ya -y OUR TYPIC L SAVER* RECEIVED IN EARNINGS L what = is your record? Froth arid Flavorful W bag --__ California.Grown >1 J Tender and Crisp italk Western M lb, Grown imbers Oregon Grown , 48 lib Bag Butterfield Brand French Style ned Beef Hash A,»r Broadcast Bedi Meat Sultana Tomatoes Maid Nik Potatoes Fine Quality Bean Sprout* Shoe - String Olives wr.d„r Hand Selected for Swift's Pork Sausage Fanning'; Pickles Variety Aunt Jane's Dills Bond's Mies 6HU tins 2,'S 29* 15-oz. jars 18-OZ. tins asJ- 12-oz. ggj 'L? 37* "tr29* 16-oz. tins 16-oz. tin 16-oz. tins 16-oz. tin 12-oz. tins 28-oz. tin 16-oz. tins 4-oz. tins 7-oz. stin» 10- $|00 25* 19° 37* 4le e Candied Strips Cucumber Slices 15-oz. jar 16-oz. jar 1 !2T.'; 33* C Soft, Gentle All Purpose" ANGEL S0FT1WHITE TISSUE Ann Page-- SPARKLE PUDDING 19 Look for ff^G^BUCtD/ For "Value These Leader" Shelf Signs W^- Savings! FROZEN MID VMSS Pkg- V* Cream Style ce Green Tender I4 The action of your savings makes an important difference in your financial progress. The difference between merely setting money aside ... and putting it to work, to produce extra cash income. Your funds here work around-the-clock for you . . . earning two above-average dividends yearly, at our current 3% rate of return. At the same time, they are fully insured to $10,000 by a permanent agency of the federal ^bvernment. Be sure your savings earn full time . . . help you have more sooner. Join our family of profit-earning savers today! SAVE BY MAIL * Based on $2500 account. SAfttV OF TOUR SAVINGS UP TO 1)0,000 CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% MareKitgio ¥ Scavi AND LOAN §J® ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State Si. Phono 99 TOTAL ASSETS OVER S6.000.000.00 Butterfield Qualify Iians"1 ) . S i t s 16-ox. tin '3'A;: si® lOrOZ, tin IO'/J-ox. tin 16-ox. tin 20-oz. tin 15'/2"0*. tin V/i-Ot. tin © A&P pefi Juice Gripifnit McKeisie Pn@ibi Mix Clii^se inai Moliiiis Mrs. Iriii Medc odles C its Spaghetti F@i6ii pag ti Pert ffllite Nap ' s ^ 8-oz. 19 10 19* 10* 10 Turkey nner BanqueS PS@g Irangs Jiie® Banquet Brand Pot--Beef Chicken, Turkey Snow Crop Concentrated 12-oz. pkg. 3 8-oz. pkg*. 2 6-oz. tins branch Ffiss Hi:!s 2 l0"'- Liif's Strawberries Gut Asparagus Spears v Cisben t'.h* Tuna Pies'/S pkgs. 2 49" l0"01' 33® pkg 8-c pkg. 8-oz. |06 Quart Cartoi M M '/a Gal. Carton C 39' pkg. pkg. 19* Half aad Sharp Cheddar C Mild Brick Chees Prepared Si Borden •r Bowman Fancy Wise. Fancy Wise. Finest Quality G6I. Juq 75c Plus Dep. £ 31c it. ib. <31e plastic 31* cfn. SULTANA itiliiluni 3 5-oz. tins 9 A&P's OWN PURE VEGETABLE mm Short lb. JS tin ung c BANQUET Bos Heinz Tomat lisnz liBish Heinz Bean Brandywii log M Chocolate favoredetchup Prepared for Hamburgers With Pork and Tomato Sauce "i» 33c Palmoliv lacii Soap For a More Active Pet Button 2 14<oz. trtls; I I -01. iar 16-oz. tins 4-oz. tin 16-oz. tins raf. size bath sizo . lieterpnt Fai) letensnt New! Washday Wonder For Automatic Washers 3 2 2'"*« CQi Mo- DO 2 pkgs. large pkgs. I© AMEIICA'S FOREMOST POOD KETAIIEK ... Strict list THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All prices effective through January 7th & Plaindealer Want