Pag» FonrlMB THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 5, 19! Lakeland Park - West Shore Beach v.. !l!lll!l!l!lll!l!l!l - .OOPS ! Our humblest apologies to Skippy Dietz. In our last column we commented on the salvia and evergreen decoration in the Horace^ Taylors' flower box, but we gave the credit to the wrong person. The real artist is Skippy Dietz. It's still very pretty, Skippy. At least he waited until the; day after Christmas to join the bulgr ing cheek club. Christmas in JVlabama Mr arid Mrs. Johnnie Gates and their threfe boys returned home this week after spending a wonderful ten-day vacation in the South. The Gates family went to Whatley, Ala., where they celebrated the Christmas holidays and attended a family reunion at the home of Mr. Gates' mother, JMrs. Leila Gates. One of the Highlights of the trip, was the hunting that the boys and their father enjoyed. Not much luck, but lots of fun trying! /The family also visited with Mr. Gates' sister, Mrs. J .W. Anderson, of •Pensacoia, Fla. After returning home for a few days, they took off for Chicago, where they spent the new year holidays with Mrs. Gates' sister. Christmas Caroling Christmas carols rang through the subdivision on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus drove-. the group around in a tractor and hay wagon. Those caroling wefe Wally and Betty Laurence, Berny and Mary Laurence, Floyd and Ann Leigh, Rose and Charles Kluk, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boyce, Jean Cagnon, Bud Uttich, Gayle Laursen, Charles Messel, Jack Gershon, Adele Kroening ' and Jetta Gleeson. fThe Aches |and Pains Club Glad to hear that Marie Kloth is coming along nicely after her recent tonsillectomy at the. Oafe Park hospital. Sorry to hear that-Billy Bates is fighting the flu-bugs after just recently battling pneumonia. Do hope fyou're feeling much better now, ^Billy. Bill Bockman isn't satisfied to just offer his sympathies to the children) of the neighborhood suffering from the mumps. He joins rig^it in and sufferfc with them. P R0FE5S10HRL DIRECTORS' Christmas HappeenniWngr*s Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Coleman supplied the Christmas di:iner for their.son and wife, Mr. aid Mrs. Stanley Coleman, and Mrs. Coleman's brother and sister and their families --. Mr. Mrs. George Bennett and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Garrison. The Garrisons liked the Coleman hospitality so well they remained for the rest of the three-day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Devine had company from> Aurora. Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Hanson were their guests. Chuck and Olga Ressl spent the three-day weekend with Olga's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Novotny, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Braasch entertained guests from Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Sterriback, Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, A1 Braasch, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miller, Grandma Miller and Bonnie and Bobby Sternback came to enjoy Christmas dinner with the Braasch family. Because of Alicia's illness, the Sweeneys' Christmas was postponed until Monday, when Theresa's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. V. Pfammatter, and two brothers, John and George Pfammatter, joined the Sweeneys for dinner. John stayed until Thursday; when Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sweeney. Frank's parents, came to spend the day and returned t« Chicago with them. •» Mr. and Mrs. August Hucke had as their guests Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. E\win Hucke and Randy and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reuter, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reuter, Jr., and Kathy and Susan. Christmas Eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kloth were the Walter Kloths of Elmwood Park. The Kloths spent Christmas day with June's brother and sisterin- law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nutzhorn of Hinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Schmidt and daughter, Kathy, returned home this week after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Miller of Beaver Dam, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Patterson from Lakemoor spent Christmas day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Bockman. Mr. and Mrs. John Reinhardt frojn Lakeland Park, Mrs. Clara Tucker jFrom Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tucker and daughter, Rann£, spent Christmas Eve with the junior John Reinhardts. The same group was treated to Christmas dinner by the senior Reinhardts the 'following day. FRANK W. SEat, AID. Physician and Surgeon 210 So. Green St. Office Hoars: 1 to 5 PJVI. Daily - Except Wed. 7 to 9 PJH. Tuesdays & Fridays Phones: Office Residence 164 8278 DR. J. C. CJOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 25 Orchard Beach Road Office Hours: Mon., Tues^ Thurs., ft FrL 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:80 - 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 PJVL PHONE 748 WATCH for our JANUARY CLE m u PHONE 459 108 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. It Pays To Advertise . LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of McHenry, Illinois will receive sealed bids for the construction of Sewage Treatment Plant Additions to the existing sewage treatment plant of the City pf McHenry until 8:00 P.M. on the 23®dT^ay of January 1956 at the office B of the City Clerk, McHenry, Illinois. All bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Hall, McHenry. Illinois at 8:00 P.M. on the 23rd day of January 1956. The Contract Documents, including plans and specifications are on file at the .office of the City Clerk, McHenry, Illinois, and at the office of W. A. Rakow, Consulting Municipal Engineers, 202 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois. ' Prospective bidders lKiay obtain copies of the documents by Hepositing $30.00 with W. A. Rakow and Associates for each set of documents obtained. One half the amount of the deposiL-Jsrill be returned to each acpua.1 Bidder who returns the plans to W. A. Rakow and Associates within ten days after the date of opening bids. Each proposal will be accompanied by a certified check drawn on a solvent bank, payable without condition to the City Treasurer of the City of McHenryt Illinois, in an amount not less than ten (10) per cent of the amount of the bid. HOW BOUT THAT TAKE IT EASY WILL YOU HOMEY ? REMEMBER. I'VE GOT TO LU& THIS STUFF ALL THE WAY HOME ! 4 THATS THE LAST TIME WE TAKE A TRIP TO BUY GROCERIES. IF WE HAD STOPPED TO LOOK AT OUR LOCAL PAPER AND SEEN "LEADING BRANDS"ADVERTISED, WE COULD HAVE SAVED OURSELVES A TRIP AND MONEY FROM NOW. ON WE'LL DEAL WITH OUR LOCAL GRbCER HERE IN McHENRY PUBLIC SERVICE TELLS DETAILS OF PROPERTY SHIFT eg the ..bids No bid may be withdrawn after the opening of bids without the consent of the City of McHenry for a period of forty-five (45) days after the scheduled time of closing bids. The City Council rei right to reject any or| and to waive technicalities,; v The successful bidder^ will* be required to furnish a performance bond satisfactory to the City Council of the City of McHenry in the sum of the amcfunt of the contract. S V The successful bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as established 'by the City Council for each class of workmen employed on the project. THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILL. By Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk Date: 28 December 1955 (Pub. Dec. 29-Jan. 5) f?S» stands for Personal Service . . . the important plus value that makes the real difference i in insurance protection. % Get it today for your family, ^°me' y°Ur bu5iness' Stoffel and isihansperger Phone 300 507 W. Main Street McHenry, I1L Representing /Etna Casualty and Surety Company Read The Classified Want Ads CANNEL COAL for your FIREPLACE MEXANMK LUMBER CO. PHONE McHENRY 1424 547 W. Main McHenry, HL Details of the property shift which integrates the northern Illinois territory served, by Public Service „ company ^ division of Commonwealth Edison--company have been announced by H. P. Sedwick, president of Public. Service. Approved last month by the Illinois Commerce Commission, the transfer became effective Jan. 1 as the utility assumed operation of Central Illinois Light company's electric properties and business in the DeKalb-Sycamore area. At the same time,, CILCO acquired' present Commonwealth Edison interests in two down-' state areas- centered around Lacon and Aledo. The resulting consolidation of operating areas enables both utilities to provide service in a mace efficient and economical manner. . Fourteen communities, 40# square miles and a population otu 32,000 were involved in -the DeKalb- Sycamore area which will now be served by Public Service company. The area consists of a major portion of DeKalb county plus portions of Kane, Ogle and Lee counties. flk In obtaining electric service^ from Public Service company," customers in the local communities will be interconnected to one , of the world's greatest power systems. To serve nearly 500, communities and more the 1,800,000 customers, the Edison-Public Service system has a capacity of approximately 3,900,000 kilowatts. Twelve large generating stations, tied together by high voltage f transmission lines, are the sources of power. 1 The DeKalb-Sycamore area is linked to the system through* substations at Waterman and! Belvidere. Service is transmitted to local distribution networks by 138,000 and 34,500 volt lines; from Waterman and by a 34,500 volt line from Belvidere. & AUCTION Having decided to discontinue farming, the undersigned will offer the following personafl property for sale" at public auction on the farm located 5 miles Northwest of Cary, 111., 1% miles East of Crystal Lake, Yz mile South of Route 176, % mile East of Route 31 on the Old Louis Smith, Farm, on " «• THURSDAY. JANUARY 12th Commencing at 12:30 o'clock OTTO'S LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS 80 HEAP HOLSTEIN & GUERNSEY CATTLE - 26 Milch cows - at} fresh, 4 with calf by side, 18 very close springers; 3 1-yr. old Holstein heifers; good Holstein Stock bull. PRODUCE -- 700 bales timothy and clover hay; 300 bales timothy hay; 100 bales straw; 800 bushel ear corn; 20 ft. silage. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 2 Hinman single unit milkers; 2 sterilizing tanks; hot water heater; 10 milk cans; motor, pump and pipe line; cabinet; pails and strainers. POULTRY -- 40 Danish leghorn chickens; 10 guinea hens; 18 Muscovy and Mallard ducks. 2 TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY -- 'AMis Chalmers Model WCk tractor on rubber with cultivator attach.; /McC-D EF20 tractor withal road gear; Oliver 2/14 tractor plow on rubber; David Bradley 8 ft. disc with 18 in. blades; McC-D 42R combine with PTO; McC-D corn planter witlyfertilizer attach.; Broadcast/seeder; springtooth; rubber-* m tired manure spreader;' MoC-D hammerirull; McC-D tractor mower; John Deere com binder with PTO; other farm machinery and tools. ED PEPPER, Owner ROBERS & BEI8M, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. -- Phone 195 B and B EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Estimates Fritzches Estates PHONE 560-R-2 DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hcuroi Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 Moiu, Wed, and FrL Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 VIRGIL R. POLLOCK Life Insurance and Annuities Representing Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company 604 Court St. Fhone 1168 McHenry, 111. Limestone VERN THELEN v Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry 1386 Bt. 5, Box 1020, McHenry, III. AFTER INVENTORY SALE! ON EVERY ITEM Space Needed For Fresh New Stocks 20* ViWl A. IF. FREUND & SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204-M McHenry, DL EABL Wt. WAM5H INSURANCE Fire, Anto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANM3S When You Need, Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Chresa & Elm McHenry, m. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Stractwal Steel Visit Oar Showrooms f Miles Souht on Bt. SI " ' . FMOME 950 ON ALL 1st LINE M©!R -d TRUCK Tl Offer good only while present supply lasts! scat 200 PROOF ANTI P1SEZE $1.00 In Your Container GaL UP TO $6.00 TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY • McHENRY TIRE WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. PHONE 294 MART McHenry, 111. PERFECT TEAMWORK for "tops" in road performance! Tydol "Flying A" Ethyl Gasoline and Veedol 10-30 Motor Oil are made to s^vork together for highest octane performance. You start with Tydol "Flying A" Ethyl's high octane --and you keep it all for active power because Veedol 10-30 Motor Oil cuts down the octane-robbing carbon deposits. And the final score? 0.^ to 40 extra miles on every tankfu! of gasoline--smoother, quieter coldweather operation--longer engine life. See your Tydol f'Flying A" Dealer and team up with Tydol" Flying A" Ethyl and Veedol 10-30 Motor Oil--100 percent Pennsylvania at its finest. Performance Y COUNTY FARMER CO*OP ASSOCIATION Feeds - Fertilizers - Baby Slacks - Seeds - Coal PHONE McHENRY 729 McHENRY. ILL. P