*'^ursdfty, TTeBriiary 16, 1956 THE IKcHEftRY" tfLAINDEXLER Page Thirtewi McCullom Lake News By Eve Levesque V '«r A Serious Matter , In the past week, four cases of dog biting were reported in the village. Dougie Miller, 10, and. another youngster visiting in the area were treated by doctors. The two dogs involved did NOT have rabies shots or dog tags and will be under observation for fourteen days. In both cases, the parents of the children have pre-' 4 Inferred charges. The owners of the dogs wil not be named, pending the outcome of the cases. There have been repeated ; warnings to all dog owners of the consequences of disobeying the Village ordinances concerning ,'t frogs. The time has come to take 6ff the kid gloves and stop pam- , pering offenders! Our children and their welfare is the most important :ss»e at stake. Stricter res and punishments will be meted out to all violators in the future. Ladies of the Lake Due to the illness of President Mrs. Marie Howe, Theresa Schultz presided over the meeting of the Ladles of the Lake on Thursday, Feb. 9. Six new members were received into the or- 4anization. They are Martha /ike, Louise Passal, Tilly Vaillancourt, Ruth Surz, Betty Erickson and Lillian Busse. It was voted to J)ave a set of by-laws which will be drawn up under the direction of Julia Hecht and a committee to be selected. A rough draf-t will be presented to the members at the next meeting, or as early as possible. Delicious refresnments were ; Jterved by the hostesses, Lottie i^otrowski, Barbara Thacker, Billy Mackinder and Elizabeth Reiter. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Warnes showed movies to the women on*the subject of cosmetics -- how to remove . and apply -- which was of great interest to all the ladies. "A Trip to Alaska" in color will be shown at the next meeting, JPhursday, Feb. 23, by Alice and ^fconrad Gustafson. The Gustafsons took this Wonderful journey last summer. Mr. Gustafson prepared a day by day journal of their trip which is currently running in a series in the Swedish American newspaper. Sportsmen Meet At the meeting on Sunday, the men voted to change the meeting time to the second Tuesday of the month. It is hoped that more membel-s will be able to attend the gathering .on a week night. President of • the club, Ken Ebey, has a program on dog field trials which allows shooting pheasants from September until March. This can be done, with club members interested paying a nominal fee and acquiring land. More details of this plan and rifle and pistol shooting will be discussed at the next meeting, which will be held Tuesday, March 13, at 8:30 p.m. These long range activities can only be carried out with the help and co-operation of all interested sportsmen. Anyone desiring membership in the organization may see Larry Strandquist of Lakeland Park, Nick Tabor of Lakewood subdivision, Gene Johnson of West Shore Beach, and Ken Ebey or Gene Piotrowski in the village. -- Ever Win A Prize? This may be your golden opportunity. There is still time to purchase your ticket for the public party to be given by the Mc- Cullom Lake S. A. C. at the VFW hall in town on Saturday, Feb. 25. You may contact Fred Mattheslus or Dave Hansen for more details. The boys are planning to show you a good time, so give them a chance. Surgery Mr. Herman Langerbeck underwent surgery -at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Monday morning His condition was reported as fair at this writing, but we hope that by now, Herman has started up the long road to complete recovery. Help him improve in- a hurry by remembering him with notes and cards of good cheer. Stricken JoeMatterer, who has beeh feeling very low for some weeks/ was rushed to Highwood hospital in Highland Park on Saturday. He was stricken with a heart attack and as of this writing, his condition is critical. Mr. Matterer was still receiving oxygen on Monday. We can only pray that Joe will pull through this ordeal. strate Victor Howe on Saturday, for speeding. Sun and Sand Jean and Hugh McDonald saw plenty of both on their jaunt to Florida. The McDonalds travelled with Ethel and Sid Smith of Mc- Henry. i The Two couples visited with "Danny" Daniels at the Tampa airport. Imagine their joyful surprise to hear their names go out j over the airwaves during Danny's radio broadcast. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen, former residents of our community, were visited by the vacationers in Madeira Beach. Two weeks of basking in the sun at Miami Beach meant relaxation for the four. On the way home, the McDonalds and Smiths paused for a little while in the historic city of St. Augustine. The trip was just wonderful but the wanderers were very happy to come home again. Traffic Violation Mr. Thomas Tomkin of Wonder Lake was fined by Police Magi- Surprise Visit Mrs. Martha Struck paid an; •unexpected visit to our commun- j ity last Friday. She is staying! with friends in the village for an indefinite period. Martha spent some time in Chicago with i her two daughters and families,! Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Connor and | Mr. and Mrs. Neil ' Anderson. While in the city, she also visited with John Struck and joined in the festivities which marked his eighty-fifth Birthday. Quite an occasion it was, too. Miss Judy Struck remained in California with her sister, ^rs. Pauline Kusahl, to finish her schooling. Welcome home, Martha! Swimming Party • Six of our local gals had a "splashing" good time in Woodstock last Thursday evening. Mardy Lorch, Jerry Doran, Betty Houck, Betty Roeske, Barbara Brand and Effie Stevens got in a' little pre-Season practice in swimming and diving at the Woodstock pool. The exercise is good for the waistline, too, isn't it girls? and Mrs. Augusta Hoeft, who was sitting in for Louise Hammerstein, who was feeling below par. Mr. and Mis. Lee JL>arson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arvidson and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Gustafson enjoyed dinner at .the. Swedish club in Waukegan' last Sunday and ;viewed a film on Sweden. The three coupies ended up at the Gustafsons for more refreshments later in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maclfin were visitors at the McDonalds' Sunday to welcome them home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sales and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chapin brought Valentine gifts for Helene and Max Kolin and stayed for a. luscious dinner on Sunday. Cake, Ice Cream and Goodies Were passed out in abundance at Debbie Ebey's third birthday partly recently. Sharing in the fun and refreshments were sister, Diane, Jimmy,., Jeff, Judy and Carol Michels and Debbie Mackinder. pining and Dancing i Was the theme of the Valentine party held at Whitey and > Berenice's last Saturday. Many I couples turned-out for the gala! affair and a very good time was enjoyed by all who attended. Congratulations To Mary Lekowitch, who ad-' mits to being "over 29". Her birthday is Sunday, Feb. 19. ; Geoffrey Ludlow Houck is impressed with his advancing years. The young lad will be 8 on Tuesday, Feb. 20. | Miss Kathy Doran is becoming J quite the young lady. She will be ] 7 on Saturday. Feb. 18. j Sorry we missed congratulating j Don Lorch. His birthday was Feb. j PLAN 1956 FAI ?'» On hundred county fair hos')- ciations have filed declarations of intent to hold expositions in 1953, i Director Stillman J. Stanard oi j the state Department of .-vgricul-1 .laquinu stin Jl paounouire aanj ' carries out ils intent it win be a new record high total, of coun- ! ty fairs. The previous high of ; 98 was established last year. j County fair associations,; in order to qualify for state 'aid, are required to file declarations of intent with the agriculture department by April l. State aid comes from either the agricultural premium fund or the fair and exposition fund. Last year the 98 fairs awarded premiums totaling $1,846,283. Of this, $1,089,298 was reimbursed by the state. In addition, state funds amounting to $1121,954 were allocated to fair associations for permanent improvements to fair grounds. Insured Savinjjs: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2</2 pw cent plus i/2 Per cent extra. 33-tf It Pays to Advertise Bye, bye for now. see you next week. SHOP AT, HOME Disa and Data . Julia Hecht has good cause to boast about her good fortune during a recent pinochle session. Juia came up with 1500 meld, which included a double run! "You don't hardly get them kind no more." Witnessing her luck were Ethel Myers, Emma Pyritz, FISH FRY iWIRY FR! !@HT AT McDonald's Tavern McCULLOM LAKE £ \ EARNINGS ABSOLUTELY FREE A Brand New If56 N®rge Dryer is yours WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 1956 FULLY AUTOMATIC NORGE WASHER! THIS BEAUTIFUL MATCHING PAIR BOTH FQRONLY $ 299 95 •I •J Reg. Price $189.95* N AUTOMATIC DRYER Lowest temperature and highest airflow {with gentle tumbling action. Exclusive TIME LINE control allows you to select period up to 120 minutes. Knee-action door latch. The automatic door safety switch stops dryer action when door is opened. Use on either 110V or 220V. No more blue washdays, chapped hands or aching backs for Mom when Dad provides her with this Norge Automatic Washer and Dryer . . . Top-rated for 1955 and still tops for 1956. Look at ALL of these features -- WASHER AND DRYER UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED* AND WARRANTED FOR ONE YEAR! enfic NQR3E AUTOMATIC WASMii Advance control panel. Exclusive TIME LINE control -- the most flexible and easiest to use. Exclusive Wave Action Agitator--- double 4- vane design provides complete washability for full 9 pounds of dry clothes. Five-way, active water rinses. Super spindry, Built-in Sediment Remover and the famous Norge reSUDSer to cut your water and soap costs by rinsing hot sudsy water for second washing loads. For the Price of the Washer Alone You get BOTH the Washer & Dryer for *Gas Dryer $29.95 Extra r $29995 to m Reg. $299.95* •Price Quoted Picked Up At L & H TELEVISION L & H TELEVISION 606 Front Street PHONE 909 McHenry, 111. make II your formiila for SECURITY IN'56 SAVE BY MAIL - CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% Marengo Federal Savings asscSn * MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. Stale SL Phon* 99 TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6,000,000.00 SAVIN6S Let Us Supply You With Your Building Needs. ALEXANDEI LUMBER PHONE 1424 \*."s v.,- „ •Pi i> Size uy Luxurious new '56 DODGE CORONET is bigger by far than other medium-priced cars! Bigger in size, comfort, performance, style! Yet it is priced right down with the lowest-priced cars. A big Dodge Coronet Push-button driving and record-breaking performance! £' V-8 Lancer hardtop costs only 95 cents a week more than "hardtops" in the small-car field! Size It up with others in the medium price field Price it against small cars in the "low price field" Car "B" Dodge is 6.9 inches longer Car "C" Dodge is 14.5 inches longer Car "M" Dodge is S.6 inches longer Car "F" Dodge is 13.5 inches longer Car "0" Dodge is 7.7 inches longer Yet Dodge costs only $4.11 Car "P" Dodge is 6.4 inches longer a month more (less than 95 cents a week!)* More /egroom front and rear! More hiproom front and rear) Wider doortl Greater steering wheel clearance! More rear deck space! New '56 Dodge it bigger inside and ouH looici bigger! Ridei bigger! Is bigger! Why settle for a small car, when a new '56 Dodge Coronet brings you to much more for so tittle more! Here's big-car ride and roominess, big-car luxury and looks in a full line of King Size Coronets, priced right down with the small cars.' At a touch of your finger, you command the greatest performing car on the road today--bar none! The new '56 Dodge shattered every record in the book --including world records held by expensive foreign models-- in its sensational 14-day official run on the Bonneville Salt Flats. The '56 Dodge V-3 holds more performance records than all other American cars combined. •Comparing price of Dodge Coronet V-8 lancer agaimt average price of same body>-«fyle of the "low price 3." Price •" difference based on 24-month financing after !/i down payment. Vafae Uarfw of the Forward Lo*k Dodge Dealers present: Danny Thomas in "Make Room for Daddy." Bert Parks in "Break the Bank," The Lawrence Welk Show--all on ABC-TV • 301 E. Pearl Street how room open daily 'til 6 p.m. Phone -- Wednesdays and Fridays 'til 9 p.m. -- Sundays 9 'til 12 noon. c. McHenry. 111.