Thursday. March 29,1956 V • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine f Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield ' -- Nativity Lutheran Church i | Miss Janet Grill will be the Bploist for th,e Good Friday service, which will begin at 7:45 p.m. f Easter Sunday, April 1, there null be a sunrise service at 6 a|91, sponsored by the,- Luther " le* The service will take a3t the new church site, lye an outdoor chapel will be In the event of increment weather, the service will ife^eld lat the church. IjRi^'.-'ttermon topic chosen by jfeV. Schroeder for Easter . Sunday is "You Can Live Forever, Beginning New." The junior choir will sing at the 8 a.m. servigp and the senior choir at the 10:45 a;m. service. This year ample room has been, provided for all Who come to worship on ..^Easter Day. ."Monday, April 2, the Women . of the Church will meet at 8 to hear Paul Schubert, senior seminarian at the Chicago Lutheran seminary, fie will present the "Virgin Island Story." Mr. Schubert spent eighteen months as a pastor in this tropical paradise of the Virgin Islands, and he took many amlzing pictures of .Ihe scenery there and of his ^vork among the natives. His stofy as told in colored slides is very unusual and all are invited to conie and hear him. Tuesday, April 3, at 8 is the meeting of the teachers and officers of the Sunday School. At this meeting, plans will begin for the vacation- church school to be held this summer. ^ Hypnotist Here in (April Edwin L, Baron, who appears Friday, April 20, at Woodstock high School under the sponsorship of Wonder Lake P.T.A., is a master hypnotist who became interested in the art wlfile a student at college. Although he studied engineering for two years arid then anthropology, hypnotism was his hobby. Research in the field on his own finally induced him to enroll at Loyola university in Chicago ^nd major in psychology. J Now he only entertains audiences with his feats of mystifying hypnotism, but he also lectures on the, subject and cooper^ ates with /medickC dental and other professional groups . in the use of hypnotism!. Don't forget to mack this deft^ April 20, and J>ring yo^r,/friends to see this T^oferaitt Seventh and Eighth Grade Party The seventh and eighth grades had a St. Patrick's party at Harrison school March 16. About forty young people attended. An Irish jig contest was held and four girls took part. Donna Lake won first prize for her dance. * Each of the other, girls received ^Something for participating and they were Sue Etheridge, Jane Wrede and Darlene Sorenson. „ Gary Pierce proved to be able to do the best cake-walk and received a beautifully decorated cake which was donated by Mrs. King. Other lovely cakes* were donated by --Mrs. Koncera, Mrs. Dorsen and Mrs. Bethke. The., seventh grade teacher, U Josserand, and his wife were ireserit and everyone was {glad to have them there. Chaperones for t^e ^evening were Mrs. King, Mrs. Leidtke, Mrs. Specht, Mrs. Meiling and Mrs. Roti. The chairman of the parties has set up a new rule. No child will be accepted at these parties in blue jeans. Any child misbehaving at the party will be forbidden to attend the next one, and their parents will be notified. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Douglas of Hickory Falls are the proud parents of a girl, born March 7. She weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz., and ^11 answer to the name Babette Margaret Douglas. Bible Church News The Adult Bible class of the Sunday School has taken on the project of purchasing two new road signs to- advertise this church oh both of the blacktop roads. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bordwell, who have worked hard in this church and are leaving to serve in the Ridgefield Bible church, say to tfifeir friends here, "It is with a deep feeling of gratitude and appreciation to the many friends and co-workers in the Wonder Lake Bible church that we leave to serve our gracious Lord in another community." According to the librarian, Mrs. Cartan, there have beep some fine books added to the church library lately. The books are now on shelves where a selection can readily be made. Read some of these for your spiritual growth. All ladies please remember the date of the next meeting of the Missionary "guild, April 12 at 10 a.m. at the Loshbough farm. Mrs. Bordwell, who with her husband is actively engaged in their new field of work at the Ridgefield church, will remain for the present as chairman of the guild. Try to be on time for the meeting this month. The guest and speaker'•will be Mrs. Mamie1 Lahue, a missionary from Bolivia, South America. Within the next week the names of the candidates for the various church offices will be posted in the chapel. These will be the selections of the nominating committee but in the event that you have other candidates to suggest, their names should be given to .the chairman two weeks -in advance of the, annual meeting. The date of the annual meeting is set for Tuesday, April 24. Christ the King Church News The Altar and Rosary sodality will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 5, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Anthoh# Corrado, who lives, on Hiawatha Drive in Indian Ridge subdivision. A Rosary will be said and then a full report on the corned beef and cabbage dinner. After that it will be a strictly social evening with coffee and cake to climax the evening. The ladies will have a bake sale on Sunday, April 8, in the back of the church. Home baked goods may be purchased before and after all masses. The Altar and Rosary members will receive Holy Communion with the Holy Name men at the' 8 a.m. mass on Sunday, April 8. Attention First Holy Communi- Always ready fraction! # STOKES EASILY--in corner or closet • SOILS EASILY--over door sills, rugs CLEANS EASILY --complete set of attachments Featuring the new 2-in-l tool that eliminates switching from nig to floor tool. Famous Swivel-top too! EASY TERMS! AT THIS LOW miCZ THEY'LL GO f&STI COME IN TOPAYI CMEY ELECTlie SHOP Green McHenry carits)-- Mrs. Rita Rice will be in the ushers' room in the back of the church on Sunday morning, April 8, before and after the 8 'a.m. mass with a display of religious articles for children making their first Holy Communion in' May. These religious articles have .to be ordered on or before April 8 to iiave them in time for the first Holy Communion Day. Belated birthday greetings go to Thomas Weisenburger, who was 9 years old March 12. Card Groups for Hospital Thursday, March 22, Mrs. Frances Feldhahn entertained the Indian Ridge group. Guests were the Mesdames Glorfa Mc- Mahon, Gloria Coughlin, Melviria Knackstedt, Lorraine Moore, Mime Corcoran, Phyllis Letizia and Louise Johnson. The Wonder Woods canasta group met at the home of Mrs. Marcella Meeker. High - scorers were Ann Miller and Catherine Wurm. Others present were Mrs. Velma Sinclair, Mrs. Helen Kope, Mrs. Mary Sandgren, Mrs. Ruth Woodward and Mrs. Neva Fuhrer. Mrs. Loretta Pearson was hostess to the Wooded Shores card group. High scorers were Mrs. Jean Motulewicz and Mrs. i Loretta Pearson. Others present were Mrs. Olga Grasser, Mrs. Alice Wagoner, Mrs. Eloise Erber, Mrs. Ann Weretka and Mrs. Neva Fuhrer. The next meeting and the last for this season, will be the third Wednesday of April §t the home of Mrs. Eloise Erber. Annual Card Party for Hospital The Wonder Lake unit of the women's auxiliary of the McHenry county Memorial hospital will give its third annual hospital benefit card party on Thursday, April 12, at Harrison school at 8 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door or from members of the auxiliary. For information, call the following: Marcella Meeker, Wonder Woods, 4154; Ann Weretka, Wickline Bay, 4361; Melvina Knackstedt, Indian Ridge, 4383; or Neva Fuhrer, Wonder Center, 2121. As early as 1950, bridge, canasta, sewing and social groups started meeting and setting aside a sum for the building fund. Once a year they plan a large card party for a sizeable contribution from the entire Wonder Lake unit. Anyone attending last year's party will want jto be there this year with their husbands and friends. Hie men will especially enjoy a jolly evening at cards. Fine refreshments and an enjoyable evening is in store far ^ft takes a lot of playnr$d& and hard work to .put on a^igccessful party so contributions erf -cakes will be appreciated. Arrangements can be made to pick up donations by calling any of the above named ladies. Mr. and Mrs. F. Grasser "had dinner in Woodstock Wednesday, March 21, to help Mrs. Grasser's parents, Mr. and Mrs; Nelson, celebrate their thirty-first wedding anniversary. * 4? A* Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake m k AVMHIII WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W. it 3231 CRISTY and STENDEf H General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 RAY BIESCHKE 'AUCTION Robers - Behm, Auctioneers Having decided to discontinue firming,' the undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm located 7 miles East of McHenry, 5 miles Southwest of Grayslake, 1% miles East of Rt. 12 on Route 59»A, on Monday, April 2, 1956 commencing^at 1:00 P.M. MACHINERY McD M tractor with cultivator; McD 60-R combine' with pickup [attachment; McD 314 plow on (rubber; Case 2-14 plow; McD Hyd. 8Nft. disc, new; J.D. 12 ft. drill with grass & fertilizer attachment; McD tractor spreader on rubber; 2 section soil surgeon; Coby power takeoff spreader op rubber; J.D. 4 bar side rake: on "rubber; -McD tractor corn planter; 1 24" Roto-tiller; 1 milking unit; 15 milk cans; McD 7 ft. tractor mower; U.S. grain blower; Lindsay rubber tired wagon with combination box; 4" section steel drag; 3 section steel drag; 1 power lawn mower; 1 drive belt; 2 500 capacity electric brooders; 1 electric fencer; large quantity of chicken equipment, nests, feeders and waterers; 1 hot water heater; Many other items too numerous to "mention. you *11 Wc nf & for Oh, so luxurious .. . the little fur you'll want to wear everywhere, this Spring. We start with mink • . . we include a wonderful variety of furs . . . and we have everything from capes to stoles. The prices? Surprisingly little! Come see. PRICES TO FIT ANY BUDGET Furs 105 N. Riverside Dr. Phone 1843 McHenry, 111. AUCTION Having decided-to discontinue our present farm operations, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located 1 mile West of Town of Lake Villa, or Route 83, On Route 132 or Grand Avenue at the Allendale Boys School, on SATURDAY, MARCH 31 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock 36 HEAD PUREBRED & HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIX CATTLE • 19 MILCH COWS -- 1 fresh with calf by side, 5 recently fresh, 5 close springers, balance milking good; 5 springing 1st calf heifers; 12 2 to 6 mos. old heifers. (These cows are all big and young.) HOGS -- 10 outstanding YORKSHIRE gilts; 2 Yorkshire gilts due to farrow; 2 good Yorkshire boars; hog feeders, troughs, etc. POULTRY -- 175 Leghorn hens; poultry feeders, waterers, etc. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 2 Surge units with motor, pump and line; water heater; wash tank. PRODUCE -- 150 bushel ear corn; 250 bushel oats; 400 bales mixed hay; 10 ft. silage. 3 TRACTORS, COMBINE & FARM MACHINERY,-- John Deere Model B tractor with cultivator on rubber; Ford tractor with Ford mower, cultivator, pick-up disc, rear end loader, back end scoop, blade; McC-D 10-20 tractor; McC-D combine; Gehl chopper with motor and corn and hay attachments, 1 yr. old; Gehl blower with pipe; John Deere 8 ft. grain drill with grass seed and fertilizer attachments on rubber; McC-D 2/14j>low; McC-D 8 ft. disc; McC-D corn planter; 4- sec. steel drag; 2 Decker self-unloading wagons; and other farm machinery and tools. ,? ALLENDALE FARM# Owner ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk iTU W0NMR PAINT No special thinaers or brush cleaners to buy. Paint walls, ceilings and woodwork quickly. Enjoy lasting beanty, guaranteed washable. 0 Cftti krofcas b tctuto Bite cater. 0 ftolipt Bobrasiaaartt ® ® F®3 Staftar itop awutjwi, •APS® A™Q $o-l«. waos • Mil Ii 23 Qlcatss. Gal. Qt. Standard Colors RIVER BOAT CO. PHONE 454 •120 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. FEED •.< • 350 bales straw. Not Responsible For Accidents Usual Bank Terms. RAT BIESCHKE, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK Clerking Robers • Behm, • Auctioneers Insured Savings: Savings invested' in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2Vi per cent plus y2 per east extra. SS-tf m ...A SPECIAL GIFT Candy Eggs Chocolate Rabbits Famous Chocolates by Schrafft's & Mrs. Sittler's In beautiful Easter boxes from $1.25 LUCIEN LELONG COTY REVLON LENTHERIC DOROTHY GRAY MAX FACTOR • Tweed • Intimate • Adams Rib •Nosegay • Sirocco • Balalaika • Electrique • Tailspin Revlon Futurama Lipstick Cases From $1.75 NYE DRUG Inc. 129 NO. RIVERSIDE DR. WALGREEN AGENCY PHONE 26 McHENRY, ILL = JtM FIGURE IT THIS WAY! For as little as 95 cents a week more than you'd pay for a small hardtop in the "lowest price field"--you can step up to the biggest, best looking, most luxurious hardtop in the ^medium price field"... the Dodge Coronet V-8 Lancer!Jp DODGE Here is the value that will change your idea about "price class." The King Size Dodge Coronet actually brings you more length, looks and luxury, more big car roominess and big car ride, than other cars in the "medium price field" --even those costing a thousand dollars more! Yet, the exciting news is this! For all its size, comfort, performance and style, the King Size Dodge Coronet is priced right down with the lowest. In fact, you can own a Dodge Coronet V-8 Lancer hajdtop for only about 95 cents a week more than the same body style in the small car field!. Why settle for a small car when a new '56 Dodge Coronet brings you so much more for so little more! And why settle for a "stripped down" model of one of the medium priced cars when a full-size, full-styled, full-powered Dodge Coronet can be yours for less! There's a full line of Dodge Coronets to choose from: 2-door and 4-door sedans, 2-door and 4-door Lancer hardtops, and a dashing convertible. Come in and see the Dodge Coronet today. Size it up with others in<- the medium price field Car "B" Dodge is 6.9 inches longer j Car "M" Dodge is 5.6 inches longer Cor "0" Dodge is 7.7 inches longer Car "P" Dodge is 6.4 inches longer 1 Price it smoSI e®o°3 in the "low price field" Car "C" Dodge is 14.5 inches longer Cor "F" •Dodge is 13.5 inches longer Yet Do dge costs only $4.11 a month more (less than 95 ceots a week!) * More legroom front and reoH More hiproom front and rear I Wider doors! Greater sieving Vrhtel dearancel More rear dtcir space? New '56 Dodge is bigger inside and ouH Lookt bigger* Rides bigger! fs bigger! •Comparing price of Dodge V-8 Coronet lancer against average price of some body style of the "low price 3." Price difference based an 24-raonth financing after Vb down payment. Push-button drivng 'and record-breaking performactl At a touch of your finger, you command the greatest performing car on the road today--bar none! The new '56 Dodge shattered every record in the book--including world records held by foreign cars--in its 14-day official run on Bonneville Salt Flats. The '56 Dodge V-8 holds more records than all other American cars combined! Vafc* Uod*r of tl» fornrwd Uail Dodge Dealers present: Danny Thomas in "Make Room for Daddy," Bert Parks in "Break the Bank," The Lawrence Wfeft Show--aB w ABC-TV« Union Gr6ve, Wis. Phone 1951 A. S. BLAKE MOT 301 E. Pearl Street Phone 156 Showroom open daily 'til 6 p.m. -- Wednesdays and Fridays til 9 pJ RS, Inc. McHenry* 11L -- Sundays T HI U BOOB. .