IMaISs - - t;iSi»1 W^f'SlimWf 4§:A P.* Bghtera McHENRY PLAINDEALER J-i$£ ,WI •;. / $Vf>.p Thursday, March 29,1956 $ All ORDINANCE (Continued from Page 17) Authorized, and all disbursements therefrom shall be made the' Treasurer from time to time but only upon submission to him and to said depositary of: (a) a certificate by the engineer in responsible charge of the construction of said improvements and extensions stating the nature of the work completed and the amount due and payable thereon, and that sufficthe invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shell not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance. Section 15. All ordinances, resolutions, or orders, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 18. This ordinance, after its passage and approval by the Mayor shall be published once in a newspaper published and having a general circulation in the City of McHenry, and shall be in full force and effect after such publication in the manner, form and jlWIIIItl Bhiii Lakeland Park - West Shore Beach tty letta dimon and Dorothy Uttich o Humphries Robbed The county sheriffs police were called to Lakeland Park Sunday, March 25 Billy Humphries, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Humphries, 132 Pleasant avenue, was the victim of an armed robbery. The invader knocked on the door at 8:30 in the evening and asked time as provided by the laws of Billy if his parents were home. lent funds remain to complete J Gausden, Kauss. the State of Illinois thereunto enabling. Massed March 19th, 1956. Ayes: Antonson, Brown, Dixon, the construction thereof, bear- ; Ing the endorsement and ap- : proval of the Mayor of said "City and accompanied by; (b) an order for payment Upon said Treasurer signed by the Mayor of said City and the City Clerk, which order shall State specifically the purpose for which said order is issued; and the Mayor of said City, the •City Clerk, and the City Trea Nays." None Approved March 19th, 1956. GEORGE P. FREUND,. Mayor ATTEST: EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk Published March 29th, 1956. WARNING TO FARMERS A new warning to Illinois farmers against unreliable seed 'fir Trf-e*C,'L,h,ereBy bed and directed to execute and |' salesmen, Jp articularly those who a> ke, d.e li„ve r , to th,e mA me» ri/c-.a n Nation,- „p r.i ces ,fo r' th, e crops t. o ,b e grown al Bank and Trust Company of > 'f th . seed £as been fssued Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, as de-' " nas ,®en 1S®"„ pDoossiittaarryv, ssuucrhh cceerrttiiffiiccaatteess, nPrroo-- | by director of agriculture Still- n j stanafd Numerous comc_ e edin, gs, An„ d ag® reements , as. p, .h ave c*o me t. o h, i. s d, epart- may be necessary or convenient, . r , , . . * to establish said Construction . ?T Wh? Tel" Fund Account herein creatcd i s=«l oaB and soybeans last year and to properly secure all pro;un,ier th's sort °f ^buying ceeds thereof, and to evidence J^ment and subsequently compliance herewith in the f™" that th.c seed companies making „ of any withdrawals; had ou! of Alness or therefrom. j m°ved <° ^r,s un^"own' „ ! ard said. He pointed out that Within the sixty (60) days | the min0is Crop Improvement after completion of the construc-1 association, Urbana, will on retion of the improvements and ex- quest send any farmer a list of tensions herein authorized, the City of McHenry agrees to deliver to said depositary an original counterpart of a certificate (herein, called the "Certificate of Corncertified seed salesmen. COAL OUTPUT The shipping mines of Illinois pletion") signed by the Mayor j ^ro^uced_4'620-948 !°"s coal and by the Citv Treasurer, and ?unng February, 197.629 tons •having endorsed thereon the ap- less than in January, according proval of the engineer in charge monthly report of the of such construction, stating that j ^te Department of Mines and said improvements, extensions and j ^iner e February producrepairs have been fully construct-' came from 48 strip mines ed and completed in accordance j w an output of 1,898,986 tons, wth the plans, maps, files and ®"d 88 shaft tha.t hoisted specifications therefor as recited 12.721,962 tons. Coal mine acciin this ordinance, and that the!dents during February caused same have be^n fully paid for, or I ^ deaths and 106 injuries, that funds sufficient so to pay ~~ for the same remain in said Con-1 struct ion Fund Account, giving the i date of final completion and thej total cost of ' Construction, and the amount, if any, of such construction cost then remaining unpaid, together with an original counterpart cf the opinion of counsel for said City to the effect that all property, real, personal and mixed, connected with or forming a part of, or necessary to the operation of said system as completed, is owned by said City and coVered by the lien of this ordinance, and I'.pnn receipt of such Certificate of Completion and .. opinion of counsel, as mentioned, Baid depositary, after retaining in said Construction Fund Account a sum-sufficient to pay the balance of the construction cost remaining unpaid as shown by said Certificate of Completion, including any items then in controversy, shall deposit all moneys then remainwith the American National ank and Trust Company of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, the paying., agent for said bonds, in the Bond Account herein created. Section 14. if any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid. When Billy said no, the robber, showing a knife, forced his way into the house demanding money. The thief took $21 found irt the house and five cents Billy had in his pocket. The robber fled in a car after ransacking the bedroom. He fled in a car down Meadow Lane to Highway 120. Billy immediately called Frank Parisi, a nearby neighbor, and Frank called the sheriffs office.1 Billy described the robber as about 6 feet tall, heavy, dark hair and. light complexion. Billy is to be commended for the mature manner in which he conducted himself during the robbery and the police inquest. His presence of mind in remembering and giving a detailed description of the robber will be a great aid to the police. one block. west of tine depot. April 10 is th? date; tx* sure to get out and vote. - > LPPOA New* Quoting Article IV, Section 3, of the LPPOA by-laws, "A membership, whether it be person, partnership or corporation, shall be entitled to cast two votes, except when only one person is the legal resident of the household or is a property owner. It is further understood that no membership shall be entitled to more than two votes regardless of the amount of property owned." Therefore, both husband and wife should make an effort to be at the general meeting on April 8. The meeting will be held at the V.F.W. hall at 7 p.m. Primary Polls Residents of Lakeland Park will cast their primary votes at the George Freund Implement company, 501 Crystal Lake road, Friend SAVE EARN FROM THE Istl 3% CURRENT RATE TWo Above-Average Dividends Paid Yearly McHENRY SAVINGS and Loan ,Ass®eiation A Guaranty Savings Association McHenry, HI Goodbye and Good Luck To Charles and Olga Ressl,, who recently sold their home on Oak street and have moved back to Chicago. We wiU miss having the Ressls as neighbors. We should also thank Chuck again for his time and effort spent with the board of directors and having the community newspaper printed. ~ Valerie, Jimmy and Debbie Franklin." , To Mary Therese Sweeney and her father,. Frank, who celeo brated their, birthdays together March 28. Mary Theresa became 8 years old and Frank? -- we don't know. To Greg Bartos, who- had two candles to blow out oh his birthday cake March 28, •' Attend Party Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meineke and daughters, Judy and Susie, were guests of the William Dangels of Evergreen Park on Sunday, March 25. The girls helped their cousin, Nancy, with her birthday celebration'. Disband Welcoming Committee Present members of the welcoming committee believe it would be beneficial to the community for newer residents to volunteer to Jtake over the responsibility of' greeting our newcomers. Anyone interested in getting more information or joining the-committee, call Joan Krater, 1372-M-2. ' Congratulations To Mr. and Mrs. Charles" Kluk on" their wedding anniversary, March 17. To Mr. and Mrs. John Ahrens, who celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary on Thursday, March 22. Happy Birthday To Ricky Pike, who was 10 years old March 27. To Jo Ann Rizzo, who celebrated her fifth birthday with a party for her friends, including Francine Parisi, Josephine Cina, [x] James M. White Republican Candidate for REPRESENTATIVE Boone, DeKalb. McHenry and Ogle County, 32nd Representative Dist. Experienced and Qualified Your Support and ' Help will Appreciated. Thanks Primary Election April 10. 19SS From all indications, Spring is here. The sky is dotted with bright colored kites, marble tournaments have begun and even some of the early birds are out with their jump ropes. Some of our neighbors are boasting about their budding crocuses and tulips and if tyou looK hard you can even see a tint of green in the Famous Cidligan WATER SOFTENERI All Exclusive Features *139 50 CUlllGAN^. , SERVICE, Phone Wauconda JAckson 6-5421 grass. All this tends to bring on -a good case of spring fever, so until next week A:;\* BRIGHT FUTCBEY^ : I Fish and many kinds of game in Illinois and the whole Midwest now seem to be facing" th&ir brightest future in years. This observation was made by Dr. Harlow B. Mills, chief of the state natural history survey. Improved methods of game management, the ability of animals to adjust themselves to new conditions and changing agricultural practices give promise that a century-long erosion. of wildlife is being halted, he said. 4^ VILLA NURSING HOME S" ' • .• ( ' • s. r ON P1STAKEB BAf, NEAR MoHENRY •P ' . . Hsme for the Aqed SENILE BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 • j Read The Classified Want Ads HOMEOWNERS Do You Need \ \ \ i t eoueu VENTI LATIN© LOUVRES AT KNDS I "O PARK ROOMS! STURiy ALUMINUM FRAMi! Aluminum STORM WINDOWS? SCREENS? COMBINATION DOORS? PORCH ©§* JALOUSIE ENCLOSURES? Steel or Fibre Glass AWNINGS? CANOPIES? PATIO COVERS? No Money Down! Terms To Suit VfHATHER-TITE (jl'a '( oH D O O R S TIm Quality D*er that Wndt prU« M your horn*. •vllt to MM (toft architectural stand* •rdv priced for Hm av*rag« horn* Doors bnitiy $59.50 STOBMS A SCREENS $19.00 Installed and Installed Guaranteed FREE ^STRIATES WEATHER-TETE W ALUMINUM COMBINATION For beauty and valu* IM this wtfidcwf bafore you buy. Change from storm $aih «o tcreens in 30 seconds. Enjoy drafe, Voo vMtilatiwk. Phone your local WEATH1R-TITE Representatives CHARLES L. HANSEN McHenry, HL E. WISE, JR. Barrington, 111. . 622 Main Street ?HONE / Phone 1598-M Phone MErcury 9-5253 GET A /// OCT OF THIS BEAUTY pfich Make-Up by - LP ©I EN LELONG All two formulae that enhance your natural beauty 24hour*°fttor «P.ta,.cho«.aft^«di«,thu^ ur Quick-change rafltt 39* P#W,l#r A P°Wd*r ** fi,t«rs •" shine .nd brine in lumiww. opalMcence to .v,ry skin tone and .very skin type. "ALIVE" FowndatioM Luciea Lelong-, NEW youthful fini«h to I your slun unstreaked ami «Hvety all day long. ZSLSZSSSSL'S:'-*-41- wim your SKIN without caking or mtbml oil stroakiitf. UT WALGREEN AGENCY 129 N. Riverwide Dr„ Plione m McHenry, III. WE'LL grant that youll get a kick from just looking at a new Buick--it's that kind of automobile. But you'll have to take the wheel, turn the key and press that pedal before you get any idea what this sizzler on wheels can do to your spirits and well-being. will take you only a handful of happy minutes to get the idea. Just nudge the pedal--no'more than a gassaving inch--and you'll feel the instant new getaway that's yours with the new Variable Pitch Dynaflow* even before you switch the pitch. Just find a spot wliere you can safely and legally call out the reserves--then floor the pedal. That switches the pitch instantly-- and in the same split-secohd you're at fullpower acceleration and sweeping ahead like you never did before in any other earth-bound vehicle. At A NtW IOW 0lirCff«4>S«QM» Csmfoyt In 70c? c»«w Bvicfc with flttGIDAlRl; CONOITI&NIN® And all the while, fust lend an attentive ear to the whispered might of that big 322- cubic-inch V8 that powers this spectacular ^performance. For that's the smoothest, the quietest and the highest-powered engine, Series for Series, in all Buick history, There' s more, of course, to make the thrills come tliick and fast when you're bossiqg the best Buick yet. There's the deep,, soft comfort of big interiors-- and the sweet and solid steadiness of that great Buick ride. There's the grace of line you can see,stretching before you--and the sure and nimble way this beauty handles and corners' and tracks and targets to the road. So come be our guest at the wheel of a spanking-new Buick--just for fun and kicks and a new excitement."And if you feel this is the car for you, we'll sliovV you prices and a deal that say it's yours for sure. Drop in today or tomorrow, won't you? *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynafloiv is the only. Dynaflotv Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Special, Join iii-a- Just drop in and drive a 1956 Buick.' Discbver the new thrills h ride, handling, power and switch-pitch perfo/mance to be had in the Best Buick Yet, SEE JACOKNIE TGVl EASON ^-^// Every SoturdOy Evening WHIN DEWS* AUTOKS6151ES A10 BUIL? QUICK MI GUJ10 TOUM- . I. O 403 FRONT STREET PHONE S McHEOTY. ILLINOIS