Two <. r ilp?itpll$p- THE McHENRY PLAWDEALES ®g?;^f|p|§f§|!|sp^^pppp^ ?•', t:"-i 'V?>^ ^ l/'4'" • : <'<.<"|"|.||"H"l'<"l'»H"l.|8 list H «M"H"f' .'W|i'l8"I'4'<'<"!'<"M">'lM>'t"8"H>»i8,'M,<^wH*'H*,M^»^,?*<i~M'<^wM,,I,,I,ll'lI'lt'4'*<'< Birthday Party for Ollpin Children A birthday party honoring S^ip and Mary Jo Gilpin was held last Sunday at their parents' home. Skip was 2 years old Oil March 20 and Mary Jo was 5 on March 28. Attending the party were Mr. . and Mrs. Otto Hanke. Jr.. and sons, Arthur and Wayne, of Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilpin a' and son, Richard, of Greenwood, Steven H. Freund and Bertilla Freund of McHenry. Hold Christening Of Freund Baby The infant son 6f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Freund was christened Randall Robert at baptismal . services at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg. Rev. Fr. Joseph Blitsch officiated at the ceremony, for which the infant wore the christening dress of his father. Sponsors were Mrs. Christine Hanford, his aunt, and Robert Crichton, Jr., uncle of the baby. Dinner was served later in the Freund home to Mr. and Mrs. Fortis Hanford of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crichton, ' Jr., and daughters, Carol Lynn, Cristee and Mary Beth, l of Rockford. Community Club Has Easter Dance Due to an Easter dance on Monday, April 2, the Johnsburg Community club meeting "will be hold one week later, on Monday, April 9, at 8;15 o'clock. ^ All members, their families and friends are cordially invited to attend this annual dance. The committee has made arrangements to assure all a pleasant evening. At the meeting on April 9 at Memorial hall, plans will be made for the annual mothers' night and banquet, to be held in May. Refreshments will be served by the following committee: Richard Freund, Lloyd Freund, Joseph Frett, Robert Frett, John Gerth, Ray Groh, William Haag, Henry Hookstadt and Fred Huemann. t «• <•» <.K|. I. '!"> 4 4< PERSONALS Alfred Seyfferths Wed Fifty-Five Years Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth will celebrate their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary on Thursday, March 29, at their home in Lilymoor. Dinner will be served to their children, Mrs. Mildred Bettray, Mrs. Eda Wischhoever, Arthur, Alfred and Clarence and their families, including several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Entertain County Pbst Oracles Club Past oracles of ^ox River Valley camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., will entertain members of the McHenry County Past Oracles club at the home of Mrs. George H. Johnson onMain street lljesday, April 3, when a pot-luck luncheon will be served at 12:30. The next meeting of the camp will be held with Mrs. Clarence Niesen at her home on Riverside Drive Tuesday, April 3, at 7 p.m. Leach-Paluch ' Troth Announced Dr. and Mrs. Jajfiies* LSafh of Pistakee Bay and park announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice jean, to Donald' A. Paluch ^ofjmeilenry. Both of the young . $fcop|^ are now attending Carthh^e college, Carthage) HI. .£*.>•>>• The wedding will tak^pfoce in Elmwood Park oh Aug. 25. John Bockrath Son Christened ~ - < Hie infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bockrath of Waukegan, born March 10, was christened John Robert at baptismal services Sunday at 2 o'clock at Immaculate Conception church. Sponsors were Mrs. Ruth Jones and Robert Vogt, Jr., an aunt and uncle. . Dinner guests at the Bockrath home were Robert Vogt, Sr., of MCHenry, grandfather of the baby, Mr; and Mi's. Robert Vogt, Jr., and daughters, Kathy and Sherry, and Mrs. Ruth Jones and daughter, Marilyn. Plan For Spring Fashion Show Two meeting day£ are set for work on the forthcoming spring and summer fashion show, to be sponsored by the Woman's Society of Christian ^Service, in cooperation with Betty Nielsen's shop, on April 18 at the American Legion home. Mrs. Herbert Engdahl announced at the regular W.S.C.S. meeting on March 15 that volunteers to make decorations for the show are to meet at the Community Methodist church on April ll at 10:30 a.m. Volunteers to help with th$ dessert luncheon to be served at the show will meet at 10:30 a.m. on. April 17, also at the church. Mrs. F. W. Heide and Mrs. J. A. Roesch will have charge of decorating the Legion home on the morning of April 18. Mrs. Lisle Bassett is making the posters which will soon be seen around town. lenry Elfecittss NN<e w Officer* The McHenry- Shores Social cltib has elected and installed its new officers for the ensuing year. Ft-ed Wetzel was named president/ Kenneth Schopp, vicepresident, and Daisy Smith, secretary- treasurer. The club is made up of home owners in the McHenry Shores subdivision and meets the first Tuesday of each month. •fr1»<M'»'1"8'•!'fr •; illli'l•!• ( PUBLIC PULSE BOUQUET TO POLICE I feel it's about time we "Mc- Henryites" paid tribute to our very efficient police force, as too foften only -complaints are registered. Quite often we hear of or experience kind deeds done by our police and other city officials which go unmentioned. We're lucky to have such fine, conscientious citizens serving our community. They help to make McHenry a fine ) and safe place in which to live and we should be proud to proclaim McHenry as our "hometown." Mrs. Dan R. Creamer 410 Clearbrook Ave. McHenry, Illinois The retail committee of the Chamber of Commerce recommends that McHenry stores be closed between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. on Good Friday. y-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang of Jackson, Mich., were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Miss Margery Freund, a Student nurse at St. Joseph's hospital, South Bend, Ind., is spending her Easter vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A, P. Freund. Mrs. John Husch and daughter, Leona, visited Chicago relatives Sunday. Mi\ and Mrs. Dan R. Creamer and Mrs. Margaret Creamer attended the funeral of the iatter's brothei>in-law, Herman Nichols, in Milwaukee,' Wis., Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Britz and Mrs! Tony Babnick of Waukegan and Mrs. George Liebert of Zion were visitors in the Robert Thompson home Wednesday evening. Tom and Leslie Ballotti of Sycamore are speeding this week with their grandparents, the. Lester Bacons, while their parents and two brothers are vacationing in Colorado with Mr. Ballot ti's relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Sr., attended the "funeral of his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Heckler, in Ladysmith, Wis., Thursday. Mrs. Heckler, 83, died at the home of her daughter in Chicago the Sunday before. Mr. and Mrs. George Penney and daughter, Rosemary, of Winnebago, Minn., spent the weekend with relatives and friends here. Richard Hayes of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, Sunday. John Schreiner of Elgin spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron, attended the funeral of Mrs. Asahel Stevens in Waukegan Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. A. Citta and son, Tony, of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Robert Newkirk home., Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon were visitors in Kenosha, Wis., Saturday. Mrs. Zena Baqon, wha had been spending a few days there, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin visited ftlcHenry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were Sunday guests in the Gerald Latshaw home in, Brookfield. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Walinder spent the weekend in the home of their daughter in Galesburg. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the Weber-Murphy wedding here Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tazewell of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nubert of Marengo, Mrs. Ray McCarthy of River Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kelly of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess of Woodstock, the Daniel O'Shea family of Grayslake, the Delbert and Lloyd Whiting families and j Clarence Whiting of Elgin, Miss Georgianna Donohue of Huntley and the Henry Henrys family of Ridgefield. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the funeral of George Scheid here last Friday were Mrs. Frank Martin of Belleview, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darfler of Behton Harbor, Mich., Thur^da^ Mftrch 2$ Mr. and Mrs, Irving" Nester of Des Plaines, William and Math Karls of Chicago, jtfr. and Mrs. Larry Krolls of Libertyville, Joseph Scheid of Cliifton, Iowa, And Mr. and Mrs. James Thomp» son of Rockford. ^ Mrs. Ted Kaelin and daughter, Marion, of Aurora were McHenry visitors one day last week. Curtis Newman spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Gerald Newman, enroute to his home in Boston, Mass., from a business trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tonyan have returned after visiting their son, Charles, at Fort Ben' ning, Ga. They also visited their son, Robert* who is stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. In addition, they took a tour of Washington, D.G., and Mount Vernon. Mrs. Frank Meyer visited her nephew, Udell Grantham of Wauconda, at Downey hospital, where he is a surgical patient. Riverview Camp Observes Birthday The forty-fifth anniversary of Riverside camp, R.N.A., was observed Tuesday, March 20, with a pot-luck supper served at 6:30 o'clock fit the K of C hail. Tables were decorated in purple and white. Mor§ than fifty persons attended, with Co-chairman Kathryn Worts and Maud Rothermel being assisted by Margaret Simon, Theresa Weingart and Helen Heuser. Gladys Ames, district deputy, of Gurnee, and Mary McCUlla of that fity were guests, as well as these R.N.A. members from outof- town: Verena Owens and Agnes Marshall of Rockford and Dorothy Nickels of Barrington. Guests also included Fox River Valley camp members. Of the nine "Chapter members of Riverview camp, seven were present, Ethel Holly, Mary Weingart, Barbara Krause, Anna Boley, Barbara Weber, Katherine Freund and Rose Huemann. Unable to attend were Susan Froeming of Elmhurst and Katherine (Mrs. Mike) Worts. CARD OF THANKS ' I would like to take this portunity to thank relatives^, friends and neighbors who came to the hospital and to my home and for cards, gifts and prayers. Many thanks to Mrs. Anna Rusnak and Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson, who took me to the hospital, and to Mr. and l&rs. Hought, who took me to the doctor. Everything was appreciated SO much. ' 47 Mrs. Irene Fax$ Dear Friends, (and straight through Spring) LOVELY CLOTH COATS Just imagine! Famous-make Easter coats, right when you need them most, and at prices planned to save you many dollars. We made a whopping- big special purchase from the famous manufacturer . . . limited quantities in each style and fabric, but so many fabrics, styles -- and colors! -- that altogether it's a tremendous assortment. Be early! 105 N. Btvertide Pr. einz, Furs Phone 1843 . . April £ Easter; Dance of Johnsburg Communl|yClub -- Memorial Hall, Jo|U|$trarg April 3 Circle 4, W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. Richard Nimtz Home -- 1 p.m. April 4 St. Mary's P.T.A. -- 3:15 p.m. Circle & W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. Lillian McCarthy Home 1 p.m. April 5 , Circle 1 -- Community Methodist Church -- 1 p.m. Circle 5 -- Mrs. Russell Ras-f mussen Home -- 8 Circle 6 -- Mrs. Joseph X. Waynne Home -- 8 p.m. April 7 Boy Scout Hike and Cook-out April 10 Circle^ 2, W.S.C.S. -- Mrs. Kenneth* Peterson ,Home -- 1 p.m. April 11 Card Party -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 8 p.m. -- Sponsored by Auxiliary -- Men Invited April 12 P.T.A. Child Guidance Study Group -- 8 p-m. K. of C. Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- K. of C. Hall P.T.A. Child Guidance Study Group -- 8 p.m. -- Home Economics Room, High School Annual Card Party For Hospital Building Fund -- Sponsored by Wonder Lake Group of Auxiliary -- Harrison School -- 8 p.m. April 13-14-15 Bojfr Scout Lincoln Trail -- Springfield April 18 Spring and Summer Fashion Show -- Legion Home -- Sponsored by W.S.CJ9. April 19 W.S.C.S. Meeting -- Methodist Church -- 12:45 p.m. som vvater serv,ce Aa low as $2.75 each 28 days R. 0. ANDREW Co WOODSTOCK 428 C.D. of A. Initiation April 20 Harrison School P.T.A. Sponsors Hypnotist Baron Program -- WoddWdfck High Schdol -- 8 pjn, April 21 Dinner -- Ringwood Church -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. April 26 McHenry Community P.TiA. Meeting -- High School Cafeteria Apiil 27-28 W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale --. Ringwood Church Basement ' May $. Spring Tea -- 2 p.m. -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. * April McHenry Choral Club Program -- High school Auditorium Stay 20 Sixtieth Anniversary of /Foresters - CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank friends and neighbors for cards and gifts and for helping me to and from the hospital during my recent accident. Edward Mandziara *47 Lakeland Park CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks - to all the neighbors and friends who remfembered me with cards and other kindnesses during my recent illness. 47 Harry Ward Order your Robber Stamp at the Plaindealer today! ABOUT TO BUY A CAR? Here's a hint that can save you money on upkeep: Car tires begin to wear unevenly unless they have an occasional "change of scene." By rotating your tires, from one wheel-to another, at 5,000-mile intervals,, you can help them to wear more uniformly-- and thtis add considerable mileage to their life. Your garage man will advise you as1 to the best order of rotation. ... A hint that may well save you money in financing your -new car: Get details on our bank Auto Loan plan. * • :: .• "THERE'D BEEN NO THEFT in our neighborhood in years," a depositor told us recently. "Then suddenly (he record was shattered -- and » wot our peace of mind. In a week, two houses on our street were broken into. After the second McHENRY ND BANKING incident, I gathered up all my valuables and put t^eiri- in a Safe Deposit Box here at the 'bank. Believe me, the relief. from worry,is worth many, mcjjpy times the low Box rental. Y|>u never know when a burg|a( will pick your house!" I ' • * * i : WI 11MEMBER 'JIMM'ffc when he had a paper route, and first started saving at our baijnk --for a bicycle. Then he.Mfas "Jim, " entering college--with the help of> credit from us I then." James,"detennined to^br businesslike about his hhanqss; opening a checking ^.account here. And just recently Mr'. James R., husband aijd -father; became a home-owner -- as lie paid the. final instalment oil a mortgage loan that we arranged. Your banker can be a helpful friend td you. Coinj; in . . . get better acquainted? Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 In Your Easter Bonnet" . . . you'H really make him the proudest fellow in the Easter parade if that pert little ; Easter hat of yours is cradled in a soft, easy il to manage permanent wave. And, remember, * • it will last for months to come. Better call f 147 for your appointment now. * Open Tues., Thurs. and FrL Evenings 'tU 4 We wish to extend our very warmest Easter greetings ; to all of our wonderful clients. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iversiJe ^EJ*£airstyling oft J, li Averside 126 N. Riverside Drive mg McHenry, 111. ho \ Phone 147 The Toddler Shop and Young Teen Corner feel that this isJ a most appropriate time of the year to move into a brand new home. This time when all nature is being born again in all its beautiful splendor -- the time when all Christians celebrate the Risen One. For we too plan to rise and be born anew in the very near future. May we wish all of you a very Happy Easter. 1H€ TOOBtER sia suit snwr MeUGNHT. H' White Black Patent Navy Calf Pink Lustre Calf .50 to $7.50 She'll love her No wonder! They're so stylish, so pretty. Mothers like the scientific design that's so good for growing feet. Sensibly low-priced, too. In a wide ronge ol colors, styles and sizes. White Black Patent Navy Calf Pink Lustre Calf $6.50 to $7.50 THE mum* 312 Elm Street enry, HI i.C-IT. A- .. v* -- " ' ' H ' ' -- - v ^ , i mm www rrrpn rrFpi wn rb EEUF :! V V I YOUR NEW BANK - NiARING COMPLETION The building is new but the Bank is 50 years old. Yes, we have been serving McHenry for half a century. During this time we have built strong capital reserves to safeguard your deposits. This is your protection; plus FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE. SAVE AT McHENRY COUNTY'S LARGEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AN F.D.I.C. INSURED BANK ..x COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE STATE «©is Member Federal Reserve System Member of Federal Deposit'Insurance Corporation Interest Paid On Savings Deposits McHenry, 111, IMteHenry ' 1040 iirWiif't