Thursday/ June 21.1956 V " ,; THE McHENRY, PLAINDEALER .- ., ' . , ' , IIIK4 Lakeland Park - West Shore Beach •. - By letl» CHeeioD am Ooro% Uttich IJT, Picnic Cancelled ie picnic that had been Scheduled for the Fourth of July, as announced in our last week's column, has been cancelled. Paper Drive The Women's club of Lftkelantl -Park is sponsoring a paper drive this Sunday, June 24^/Put your papers and magaout on the curb early in the* morning. Wally Laurence vyill be making the pick-up in his bright, red truck. Hearty Welcome A group of feminine newcomers enjoyed a pleasant eve* ning in the home of jyirs. Ann Dawson when the welcoming committee entertained at their r^rular monthly meeting. The g™ls met on Thursday, June 14. Those who were welcomed to the community were Marjorie Casey,' Helen Brooks, Dolores Rogers, Gaby Braem, Adele Arndt and Helen Katryck. Members of the committee who helped Mrs. Dawson with the entertaining were. Delores Belohlavy, Evelyn Devine, Pearl Reinhardt, Arlene Bartos ..and Florence r'j§tanek. Battle of the Dust Some of our up and coming citizens are fighting the battle of the dust by having the road oiled in front of their houses. We hear that Bernie Laurence is threatening to collect a 10-centtoll from neighbors using the road. I, Christening At Home Gary Arthur Hansen, 4-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hansen, was christened ( recently at home, 123 Parkway The Rev. Carl Lobitz of the Zion Lutheran church in McHenry officiated. The sponsors were Mrs. C. Baron and Arthur Welch, both of Chicago. Other guests who attended the christening celebration were the baby's grandpart% s, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hansen, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dahms of Chicago, Rev. and Mrs. Carl Lobitz, Mrs. Arthur Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paskiet of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambert of Lakeland Park. Happy Birthday To Vince Cina, who moved into the, Ahem . . . sweet sixteen class on June 14. He enjoyed celebrating his birthday with a number of his neighbors at an informal get-together in the Cina front yard. Those seen sampling the cake and ice cream were Lynn Bradley, Elli Mogdan, Janice and Donald Parisi, Marilyn and Jerry Rossini, Pat Lavin, Mrs. E. Lavin, Mrs. Jean Parisi, Mrs. Schatz, Mrs. Rizzo and children, and of course the rest of the Cina family. Jean LaParr, who celebrated her sixth birthday Friday evening with a party in her home. Linda and Johnny Strandquist from Wheat on and Barbara. Ann, Laurie and Kenny Baker and Linda Katryck came to help with the celebration. Stork Visits Pleasant Ave. Mrs. Patty- Boxer, who lives in the dog house at the Joe Cina's has blessed the Cina home with triplets this past week. Both mother and babies are doing fine. Shoes Missing Did anyone pick up the wrong pair of shoes at the West Beach last week? If so, please return to the Porter home at Beach and Home. Surprise Visit Theresa Sweeney was honored with a surprise visit from fellow members of her weekly card club last Friday. They brought an extra nice gift for the big event coming up. The gift bearers were Virginia Grote, Betty Bockman, Irene Uhles, Elmira Kujak, Lucille Jones and Eva Porter. Little Leaguers The Pony league and the Little league started their season at the V.F.W. grounds on Sunday, June 17. Jim and Tom Kujak brought their own cheering section along to" watch them play ball. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Donarski of Rolling Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Majewski, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kujak and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kujak of Chicago enjoyed watching the games and then went back to the Kujak home to partake of delicious ~arbecue. Elmira says Buying a car? ffitf 1AN1 iAN MAY SitVi YOU $100 ON FINANCING IS® AH79 INSUR1HCE BOB CONWAY a Before you buy that car, just tell me on the phone the total costs of the car, the financing and the insurance. Within five minutes I'll call you back and tell you what it will cost you to buy, finance, and insure the same car through my Bank Plan. Chances are, for exactly the same deal, it'll be $100 less! I know it's hard to believe -- but it's worth t phone call, isn't it? There is no obligation. It payt f» kn$w jrow STATE FARM Agent INIUtAHCl BOB CONWAY I* PHONES 285 312 Elm Street 76S McHenry, 111. r TODAY! >'} $ 100.000 First Prize $ 10,000 X SMPOWER COifiif ™ IIW* H CASH Over 1 Appli Ju- Nothing to buy! Just answer the easy questions on the entry blank. (Every one is spelled out in "Quick Facts About Housepower" attached to the entry blank.) Then complete the sentence: "It's smart to invest in full HOUSEPOWER because..." in 25 words or less. Entry blanks are available at your electric appliance dealer's and Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Co, offices. Public Service Company they held the pichic < between rain-drops. ^ , Home from Hospital We were happy to hear that Vince Cina has recovered from his recent illness and has returned home from Memorial hospital in Woodstock. V Strange yets ' The Joe Link home has an added attraction for the neighborhood's younger set. The Link childreri. Linda and Kirk, now have a pair of baby pet raccoons who go by the names oD Gin and Tonic. And' speaking of strange pets, Wayne Strandquist has been seen walking down the road with Herkimer, his pet baby hawk, perched on his arm; We hear Wayne climbed an 80 foot tree to kidnap his prize; "Is My Face Red" Say two young mothers. After nursing their young ones through the measle ordeal, Betty Bockman and Daisy Krupinski became victims of the three-day measles themselves. 'All's well now. Steak Dinners Some husbands have. their wives well trained. A ladies' neighborhood card club treated their husbands to steak dinners in Dundee this^past Saturday night. The lucky husbands with no check to pick up were Ray Grote, Glen Uhles, Richard Jones, Bill Bockman and Earl Porter. ' " Picnic Saturday guests at the home of Lyda arid Bill Radisch were Mr.. and Mrs. Beqjpmin Daniels of Beavei'ton, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Don Hale of Oak Lawn, and Rev. and Mrsl J. C. Darby, Mr. and Mrs. John Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Daniels and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Dahlstrom and Mrs. Ruth Kruchten, all of Chicago. A buffet picnic lunch was served by Lyda, after which most of the group went to the lake fojr a relaxing According to Pete - The bumblebee cannot fly! According to established law in the science of aerodynamics, the wingspread of the bumblebee is inadeauate to" permit its fuselaee to become airborne. Thus it is impossible for it to fly. However, the bumblebee is not aware of this fact. So ... he goes ahead and anvwav This cand'd bit of information about tlje bumblebee reminds ns of people and hard water. Most folks don't realize that according to established information from hundreds of reliable sources, hard water is a miserable thinff to have in the home. Soft water's much • better and easv to have, too. Being unaware of the facts, however, we eo ahead and use hard water anvwav Here. *h*n. 'or the record, s»*"e 9 few Mrs. Pnwowakf will And eneSiP «?tin» about - wft water, o Smoother i4mpl<>xion . . . no soan curd to doe pore* and make «kin ronHi. red and flrr • Beautiful h'ir ... no s+ieky so*i» seam Minrine to hair after wacStin* • Whiter Mfhter, softer. Mfler washintrs ... no dirty rray sonn card to Indee In f'hrtifi © Tasfi»r eoofeine . . . plfvwinates hard water minerals that drv and shrivel vegetables and sreens • N« more st^eakv dishes ... all your glassware and every piece of silver Is spotless wh»n washed In soft water • Economy . . . saves no to 25°fr on coffee . . . on soap . . . makes clothing wear up to 40% lonrer. There are lots of thin"? the man - of - the - house will like about soft water, too. But most of all hp'll like the savings . . . up tc $165 every year for the averape family of raiir That's^our story . enoueh to pive vou some idea of how wonderful it would be for vou to have a Zeo Ran Automatic Water Softener in your home, providine vou with an endless supply of soft watpr right out of every faucet. Call us for free analysis of the water in your home and let's chat about it. We like to be helpful, and We thinlj you'll like what we can do for you. Thanks for reading our little message. THE COMPANY of McHenry Phone Charles R. Peterson 873 - McHenry swim. The men are all members of the Methodist Men's club of the Ogden Park Methodist Church (of which the RadischS have been members for many years) and this was the last meeting of the club for the summer and the final meeting for Bill, who is retiring after being president for the past three years. Lakeland Park was voted the ideal place to live by the group. . ' Coming and Going ' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Short and children from northern - Michigan are here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Porter and family. The Shorts plan to- settle in this vicinity soon. James Hansen accompanied his aunt and uncle, Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur Welch, to Cable, Wis. They spent a pleasant week vacationing with Mrs. S.- Kliszcz, Jimmy's grandmother: Theresa, Fox of Chicago was a weekend house guests of Bud and Dorothy Uttich. The Louis Rehbergs entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Messman and Mr. and Mrs. A. Piatoux from Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Hammon from North Lake this piast Sunday. Patrick Powers spent the past week here with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dawson. On Sunday, the seventeenth, Mrs. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maslinski and two sons, Bobby and Donny, and Mrs. M. Maslinski and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burk and daughter, Kay, from Harvard came out to visit the Dawsons. MCHENRY COUNTY^ RATES HIGHEST IN CALF VACCINATION The University of Illinois re- - ports McHenry county high in • brucellosis testing and calfhood vaccination from Jan. 1, 1955, to Dec. 1, 1955, in summary of brucellosis testing by.bounties. ' The twelve high/counties in ^Illinois for the year of 1955 also 'included Kane, Will and Boone ill that order. It is very interesting to notice that in a period of ten years the percentage of infection has dropped from 14.21 per" ^jent to 2.5 per cent. At the same time, calfhood vaccination was being stepped1* 'up by leaps and bounds, which indicates that ^alfhood vaccination played a major role in the eradication of brucellosis in this county. It is also interesting to note that blood . testing fell off drastically from 1946 to the fall of 1951, but calfhood vaccination rapidly increased during those same years. I believe the drop in blood testing jyas due. to the fact that livestock owners, concluded that it was useless to test until most of their cattle were vaccinated as they had learned that it was impossible to clean up,, brucellosis in herds that had- not practiced calfhood vaccination. Therefore, the conclusion is that it is a serious error on the part of the livestock owner to miss vaccinating even one calf. Also, it is a serious error not to keep birth records of his calves and make certain they are vaccinated at the most desirable" age, which is. from five to seven months of age. Buy your rubber stamps at tbe McHenry Plarndealer. DR. HENRY FRIUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 PJ(. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:S0 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 DRY JUNE - The remainder of June in Illinois this year will probably be a period with much dry, warm and sunny: our siate lies in a region expected to have less than 'normal rainfall dnd temperatures higher than normal during that time, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture. Both germination and growth of Illinois ' ] corn and soybeans have been especially rapid this season, and the stands are good! Oats are heading in southern Illinois, and practically all of the winter wheat was headed. Most sections of the stare report only slight crop damage from insects. Want Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer Ready Mixed Concrete v-3 ...CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right on time! McHenry Ready-Mix Co., Inc. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 929 / HURRY TO YOUR CHRYSLER DEALER'S FOR THE GREATEST SALES SHOW ON EARTH mmmmm GET A NEW 1956 CHRYSLER WINDSOR V-8 Tils big brawny year-ahead car is ill yours for no more than you'd pay for a fully equipped "l@w°pri@@cP siiill car! You get all this as standard equipment • Pushbutton Automatic Transmission . • Heavy-Duty Oil Bath Filter • New Flightsweep Styling • Revolutionary New Brakes • Airplane-type V-8 Engine • Airfoam Seat Cushions • Safety Rim Wheels • Independent Parking Brake • Electric Windshield Wipers • Arm Rests • Directional Signals • Cigar Lighter Pin the greater cenrfert, knur, prestige ef a traiy fine car! Colby Motor Sales 12 S. Main Street - Crystal Lake 1IIQ