V-'" ge Fourteen V' ' --.Vr- 'J.--. '-'I'VIN- ,' :ft:;V:-v'v ,'iv ^ '. f\' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ursday, August % 1956 Lakeland Park - West Shore Beach By Jetta G!eeson and Dorothy Uttich every minute. P.S. Was tljis some of that "big catch" from your Canadian vacation. Ken? '&'• \ • 1 chairs, clothes pins in a bottle and a Joan Krater special game of throwing checkers in a muffin tin. Party-goers included Jimmy and Judy Michmerschuizerf, Diane and Billy , Krater, Jimmy Hanson, Susie Meineke, Debbie Barbecue Supper Party The tantalizing aroma coming . |v Beach Committee ling were Arlono Bartos. Dolores ! from the barbecue grill at tfie | Holas, Rita Thurwell and George jfe Saturday nighl, the mem- Belohlavy, Ann Dawson. Evelyn Links home oh Sunday evening | and Rudy Boker of Chicago. Ok tiers of the beach committee met ' Devine, Lyda Radiscl). Pearl was an indication of how tasty j yes, we were told hot to forget fo discuss and outline their; Reinhardt and Florence Svitan- the menu must have been when | to mention that Butch Bujak Joe and Stella Links were hosts ' and Eddie O'Gara crashed the to a number of neighbors for a party and wanted their names picnic supper. Pork chops and in'the paper. After the children's sparoribs were the highlight of; party, the mothers had the usual the meal. Those answering the I coffee klatch. supper roll call were Wally and , Helen Strandquist will cele- Betty Laurence and children, | brate her birthday on July 31 Mrs. Lucille Stevens. Bernie and , but she had her birthday gather- Mary Laurence and children, 1 Mis. Martin Nimeth of Chicago, Joe and Jean Gagnon. John and Florence Svitanek and Bernice , and Ken Boyce. Even the mostly quitoes couldn't interfere with tjie the good time. When they came, the party-goers moved indoors to continue the party. Dues Reminder Just a reminder that the next quarterly dues for the LPPOA 1 and be o\it they have the colnot ^ plans for beach improvements ek. for the coming year. They plan Evelyn wiH be the hostess to to obtain material for lifeguard the welcoming party in August, chairs and are asking for volunteers to help build and paint them. Mr. Amby has offered to furnish the, necessary materials. . Anyone interested in helping were due on Aug. with this project, please contact block captains will * any of the committee members -- Roy .Meineke, f687-M-2, La fry already been to see you. Strandquist, 1921, or Mr. Haynes, 1380-R-l. Sportsman's Club - • v Of! Sundav, July' 29, Lifeguards at Beaches Sportsman's' club met at If you were down at the beach beachhouse at McCullom Lake on Saturday or Sundily you prob- Larry Strandquist conducted the ably arc aware that ue now mf.pting in 'the absence of Ken 'have lifeguards at both beaches. Eb(>v president. Reports were The four boys who have been gjven' on th<p probiem Gf. seining tested and appointed to these . thp lako an(j ji was decided that positions are Butch Bujak, Jack would be seined again this Lavin, Ed OGara and Bob Hum- j--a j j other topics of discussion phreys. , These boys and the ! werc thp wavs and ^oans of others who answered our wanted .clearing the water and raising ad in last week's column are to be commonded on their interest in community activities. They are donating their time and so perhaps when we see them we can let them know how we appreciate their services. Several more applicants are being tested this week. In the very near future, chairs will be . furnished lor the boys to use ' while keeping an eye on the swimmers. ing on Sunday, July 29. The junior Larry Strandquists of Wheaton came to help celebrate. , Three of the Laursens celebrated birthdays this month. Pamela was 2 on the twentieth, Jackie was 4 on the twentyseventh and Galye was - . .oh well, over twenty-one on the ";-- I twenty-ninth. With all these Junior RJiss Luncheon j birthdays so close, are you able On Wednesday, July 25, two to settle for one party, Gayle? o f o u r y o u n g j u n i o r m i s s e s , J u d y j -- -- • Meineke and Sandy Laurence, j Sorry to Hear entertained two visiting guests1 We were all so sorry'to hear at a luncheon held on the • that little Lorie. Baker is now a Meinekes' cool and inviting look-I patient in the Illinois Research the water level; the size of ing lawn. Guests of honor were | hospital, whqre she is under obmotors that should be allowed Judy and Gerri Knapp of Chica- j servation. We all know how long on the lake; and funds to accomplish the work they would like to do. The 'organization is badly in need of funds. Anyone desiring to contribute or obtain further information on the club, call Larry Strandquist at 1921. go. The girls have been visiting the day can seem to ypung ones confined to' bed so perhaps a cheery card would help Lorie. Coming and Going Last week Jean and Joe Gagnon went to Lowell, Ind., to Identification Cards The block captains have begun the task of passing out identification cards to all the property owners in the subdivision. Lot Owners who also have the right to use the beaches have been chief chef. The fortunate guests supplied with cards. These cards wbG enjoyed sampling the tasty entitle you to use both beaches entree were Mr. and Mrs. Joe and the park area when it is Links. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heber. completed. They are to be used Mr and Mrs Joe Gagnon 311,1 Chuck and Rose Kluk for the past week. Completing the party guest list were Joyce Quaver of Lakeland Park and Loe Mastilez of Chicago. Loe has been a guest at the Clifford Last home. It is Because Ken Ebey is leaving -reported that the food was su- , visit with the Ed Gagnon family, for Florida, Gene Johnson was PPrb. the games were fun and ! This week they have travelled to elected to fill out his term of j the swimming was very refresh-| office as president. inS- | The evening before the lunch- Saturday Xite Fish Fry ' eon, the above girls all enjoyed A delicious fish frv was served , a super time roller skating. Rose at Bernice and Ken Boyce's ' Kluk look the girls and they S h o r e D r i v e home on S a t u r d a y , J s ay - s ' i e ' i a^ a s g o o d a t i m e a s , Julv 21, with J%an Gagnon as , an>' them. i upper Michigan, where they are spending their vacation. . Once again there lias been' much bustling activity at the Radisch home. When Lyda and Bill returned Horn Chicago recently, they brought their two eldest grandchildren, Paul and Nancy Lexow, back with them to spend a week. Shirley and Chuck Lexow, the youngsters parents, came on Thursday to spend the weekend with the folks. Other Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. William Treber of Chicago. Tuesday found Mr. and Mrs. G rover Gonio of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh of Cicero and their children, Mary Ellen, Jimmy, Timmy and Terry, stopping in to pay a short but pleasant visit. To keep the Radisch family busy the rest of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Courtney Rowe of Chicago came to spend Thursday. And to round out the week, Saturday guests included Mr. ancjj AlVs. Edward Ilarkey, Mrs. Marjorie Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Truppo, Marjorie. and James, all of Chicago. How's that for a busy schedule? Rosemary Holas had a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs, Boker, and sons, George and Rudy, when they spent several days visiting in Lakeland Park. Chicago visitors at the Tony- Noel residence on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kemp and their sons, Bob and Ed, and Grandmother Martin. A good time .was had by all and especially Grandmother Martin, who always enjoys coming to Lakeland Park. as ta means of keeping our beaches private and for the exclusive use of Lakeland Parkers and their guests. Roy Meineke, chairman of the beach committee, inforrrts us that ; the checking process has begun and it will simplify matters if we all remember to take the cards with us when we use the beach. Betty and Wayne Boyce. During the evening, games were played and the women were on the win- "Happy Birthday To You" Linda Lambert celebrated her eighth birthday on July 27 by inviting a number of her young friends to join her at a party. Because the weather provided such a beautiful day, the party ning team. The hosts were most ' was held outdoors. The children genial and the guests enjoyed enjoyed such games as musical NO RABIES CASES REPORTED SINCE 1954 IN COUNTY The question asked by many is: "What has been the result of the Illinois rabies control program in McHenry county since the beginning of dog inoculation in 1954?" Early in 19C-V at the time that inoculation of dogs started, there were a lew rabies cases reported in skunks and cats bitten by a skunk. S'nce that time not one. case of rabies has occurred in McHenry couii'y . The Illinois rabies control la# came into ef:ect at the time of the great rah:es outbreak in Chicago and Cook county, when several persons were bitten and treated with arti rabies serum and some deaths were reported. Following this, rabies control programs were set up in al' counties in the state. The purpose of the prograrr» is first to prvtoit human life and second to protect animal life. It appears that it has served that purpose far in McHenry county. Prior 11 the enforcement of the rabies control program, several cases were reported each year in dogs, skunks, cats, and cattle. Public cooperation was very good the first yea*\ Since then inoculations have fallen off sorhb, which may be due to the. fact that many folks do,no* know that the inoculation good for only one year. Therefore, the law requires that all dogs must be vaccinated once each year. It is hoped that a vaccine will be developed" that will give lifetime immunity. Until that C time, dl! dogs must be vaccinated every year . SHOP AT FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 190 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 667-W-l McHENRY 713 and ay ion Water Systems W» Repair and Service All Melt** of Pumps Authorized: Red Jacket 6- D«)ton Pump Agency Wells Drilled or Driven Pumps & Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Matthesius Phone 713 When it comes to PRESCRIPTIONS. Support local baseball teams # If you are "lucky" the home remedy you try may "get you on your feet again." But isn't health too important a matter to take chances? Better see your Doctor right away. And when you have his prescription, bring it to this pharmacy where careful compounding is a specialty. BOLGER'S Drua Store Woman's Club Meeting ! - Don't forget that tonight is the monthly meeting of the I^akeland Park Woman's club. This meeting will be a social and a good time is promised by those in charge. Games will be played and from what I hear the prizes are well worth winning. All members are invited and they are urged to get their neighbors acquainted with the club by getting out to this affair. There will be a nominal fee for nonresident guests. The meeting will be held in the basement of the Links home at 504 Shore Drive at 8 o'clock. We Have Only One Pm 103 PHONE S. Green St. 40 McHenry, 111. Thank You To Anthony Pintozzi for the new look he gave to the newly installed entrance lights. This is the second time we are indebted to him for his time, energy and material toward the improvement of our community. Welcoming Committee Meets The welcoming committee recently had a meeting at the home of Arlene Bartos to discuss plans for futurb welcome parties. Those on the committee attend- 5? HIGHER i n T E R E S T snuinc: CURRENT DIVIDEND 3 PER CENT Marasco Fede You can be years ahead right now SAFETT SAVINGS Savings SI AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Phone JOrdan 8-9258 TOTAL ASSETS OVER S6.000.000.00 Save money, grain, labor with the New QUQ^SET* Grain Drying System ^ New owners can save at least 15 percent on original cost. Owners save 40 percent or more on operating costs when using Quonset's unhealed air svstem. ^ Quonset owners harvest early, take advantage of good weather, avoid ^ field losses which can run as high as 80 percent. Dry and Store Your Whole Crop With One Handling • larm tests prove the Quonset natural air system dries high-moisture grain for safe storage, it meets I .S.D.A. stai^lards. • With Quonset natural air drying, there is no fire hazard, no fuel costs, no danger of heatdamaged grain. • In-storage drying and cooling means less handling. There are no expensive labor extras when you dry the Quonset way. • Fans are reversible for cooling. Grain is cooled in storage and high quality is, maintained at no extra cost -- no additional equipment is needed. • The New Quonset Grain Drying system is specifically designed to dry small grains and shelled corn. Available in 2,000 to 40,000- bushel capacities. £ V 9 ft / JOB-ENGINEERED FOR YOUR NEEDS BY YOUR QUONSET DEALER . .. Quonset 32' z 36' groin drying and storage building hat a full capacity of approximately 9,200 buthelt The drying capacity varies in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture dationt, depending upon the initial tent of the grain ond the rote of filling. drying capacities for various depths are as 6-H. depth--4,875 bu., 8-ft. depth--6,500 bu., 10-f* depth -- 8,000 bu., 12-ft. dmptb--9,200 bu. Stran-Steel sectional tunnels shown ore placed at 4-ft. intervals. One fon and monifold unit serves three tunnels. Fan is 5-h.p., 24-inch 7-blade semi-pressure type, which is reversed for cooling Ih* grain after H is dried. WANT TO KNOW how to beat the calendar? Then come drive a 1956 Buick--and get something you 11 get nowhere else. It's a new kind of blazing performance that breaks with the past and brings you today what other cars may offer in the future. Only Buick, of all the world's automobiles, has Variable Pitch Dynaflow*--the one transmission which takes its cue from the variable pitch propellers of modern aircraft. So here you get an exhilarating response from the first inch of pedal travel--with absolutely no pauses or lags--and with the better gas mileage this low throttle range can provide. Only here can you switch the pitch by flooring the pedal for a soaring burst of full power when safety demands it. And only here can you have such yearsahead performance with the smart new beauty of Buick's sweep-ahead styling-- with the new sweetness of Buick's great new ride--with the superb new surety of Buick's precise new handling. Buick CENTURY 4-Passenger 4-Door Riviera What does all this add up to for you? Just this: You couldn't pick a better time than right now to make a great buy on all this new Buick bounty. It's only midsummer -- with your present car at its peak trade-in value. And our prices today are sweet enough to help keep Buick outselling all other cars in America except two of the well-known smaller cars. So drop in on us todav-^or this week, at the latest--and we'll start things rolling for you in a.great big way. *h'eic Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Special. AIRCONDITIONINO at a COOL. NEW LOW PRICE It cools, filters, dehumidifiei. G«t 4-Sea»on Comfort in your new Buick with genuine FRIQIDAIRE CONDITIONING Best Buick Yet JACK)! GtiASON ON TV •WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM . I. OV 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Jl