m ^ - 4 -a ,11 ' * //i ** THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER •»;;"" ;;i. iiir ; X;'il^^.;>i-i>i«-1 r- i//j , PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Clem Adams and children, Tony. Geriny Mae and ning. Rose Ann, spent two weeks on a vacation trip to Yellowstone National park. Mr. and Mrs. John May of and Ethel McGee, Woodstock.^ of Chicago were McHenry visit- Mrs. Elizabeth Mills of Ed^, burg, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs: Joseph Adarfts of Johhsburg were dinner gubsts in the Vincent Adams home Saturday cve- KlingbcrR-PeU'rson . V<Hvs Planned For Fall Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Kling- , ljerg announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Carole, to Arnold Peterson of Chi cago and Lakemoor on Sept. 2 at the Community Methodist churdh in McHenry at 2 o'clockin the afternoon. : The many friends of the couple _• are invited to attend the service. Austin Hoods Wed Eleven Years Autf. 5 Mr. and Mrs. AustinHood of Deep. Spring Woods, Wonder Laike, will celebrate their eleventh wadding anniversary- on Sunday. Aug. 5. Guests vvMll be her sistei and husband, Mr. and Mrs George C. White, of Memphis, Tenn. Surprise Shower For Catherine Taylor A surprise dinner was hold at Wonder Lake on Wednesday. July 18. for Catherine Taylor, who became a bride last Saturday. Twenty-eight friends and co-workers were in attendance to enjoy dinner with "Cathy" and to present her with a huge decorated cake which she cut and served. She was given a rolisserie by the group. Personal Shower For Carole Comstoek Mrs. Jim Comstoek, the former Carole Beii of Wonder Lake, was greatly surprised at a personal shower given in the home of Mrs. Dorothy West in McHenry. Carole received many lovely gifts, from guests: Mary Ann Ford, Patti Jensen, Jeanne Dickman, Janice Jacobson, Gloria McEmel, Doris Dermott and Nanci Lietke. Sandi Joosten and Jeanette Freund were unable to attend. Dainty open-face sandwiches, punch and cake were served. This get-together of high school friends was' also a time to wish John and Dorothy West good luck as they will shortly move to Chicago. WED IN JULY Community Club To Meet Aug. 6 'The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, Aug. 6, at 8:30' o'clock at Memorial hall. Following the meeting, refreshments will be served by the following committee: Ben N. Schmitt, chairman; Henry Schmitt. co-chairman; Peter Oelfling, George Oeffling, Edward Peisert, Peter H. Smith, Art Stilling, Frank Schmitt and Walter Smith. DeWane Photo THE ROBERT HARWOODS Before her marriage" on July 7 in St. Patrick's church, Mc- : Henry, to Robert Leroy Harwood of Crystal Lake, this pretty bride was Janet Elaine Siemon of Shalimar subdivision. They are making their home in Crystal Lake. NIP NELSON TO STAR ON HOSPITAL BENEFIT PROGRAM Starring in the floor show for the benefit of the McHenry hospital is Nip Nelson, one of the outstanding performers in the world of entertainment. He has played all of the outstanding hotels and night clubs in the United States and has had two successful world-wide engagements. The young man is billed as the one-man million dollar package of Ed Sullivan, Harry James, Spike Jones and Perry Como all rolled into one, as he is one of the foremost impressionists in : show business. I The benefit dinner is being j held Thursday, Aug. 2, at 8 | o'clock at the McHenry Country • club. Mrs. John Varese, chairman of the committee, in charge, an- ! nounces that all tickets have ! been sold. She is mdst grateful I for the support of the public.. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawrence and Mrs. Rena Smith attended Waukegan visited their sister, ; the golden wedding of Mr. and j Mrs. Eleanor Young, and family Mrs. John Schaefer, former resi- ; Sunday. dents of McHenry, at Arlington | Mi'- and Mrs. John Wendorf Heights Sunday. j and daughter, Anne Laurie, of i Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Atlanta. Ga„ are visiting in the j of. Kansasville, Wis., visited his home of her parents, Mr. and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomp- Mrs. G. Walinder. Robin Wen- i son, and other relatives here on i dorf, who spent the past week ! Thursday. -- j with her grandparents, will re- j The Roland Ekstrom family j turn home with them. j of Bartlett visited her parents, | Mrs. Harold Kidder and chil-j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel; Satl dren, Pamela and Michael, of j urday. Richard and Suzanne Ek' j Indian&polis, Ind., spent , the past j strom, who spent the past week ! week with relatives here. j here, returned home with them. I The James Thompson family ! Mrs. Richard Clark and son, ! spent a, few days the past week, j Ricky, of Omaha, Nebr., are j with- friends in Noblesville, Ind. j spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Melsek j her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth • and children, Lee, Roddy and j Thompson, and other relatives I Jane, of Fort Meyers Beach, Fla., i here. : have been visiting her mother, j Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoffel of J Mrs. Tillie Engeln, and . other Milwaukee, Wis., were weekend relatives here. , j visitors in the Louis Stoffel Mr". and Mrs. Robert Belzer I home. p and daughter, Chris, of Gales-j The Robert Wayman family burg spent the past two weeks ; of Arlington Heights spent Sunin the R. E. Sutton cottage at J day with her parents, Mr. and Emerald Park. ' j Mrs. Herb Simon. Donald Giyens has returned , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and from a tour of Canada. [daughters, Jean and Mrs. Joan Miss Diane Phalin of Wauke- j Murphy, attended recruit gradgan spent a lew days last week j uation at the Great Lakes Satwith her grandmother, Mrs. j urday, Bill Weber being a mem- Mollie Givens. j ber of the class. Mrs. Mabel Powers returned i Rfiss Georgianna Donohue of HERE & THERE IN BUSINESS Sunday from a few days' visit ' Huntley was a weekend guest in the . home of her daughter, [ of Miss Genevieve Knox. Sunday | Mrs. Leonard Bulge, in Grays- visitors in the Knox home were ors Sunday. Mrs. Gus Behrens and" son, Otto, of Woodstock are spending a few weeks with Mrs. George Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mendel and son of Brookfield were Sunday visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith. Bill Weber of Great Lakes is spending a 14-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber. Peggy Purvey of Crystal Lake spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey. Mr.; and Mrs. Harry Conway and daughter and the Jack Phelan family are vacationing at Woodruff, Wis., this week. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the funeral of Edward Holle here last Thursday were. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Holle) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hanker, Mr. and Mrs." J. Gierman of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Smith of Rockton, Mrs; Cecelia Knox, Mrs. Phil Hoffman and Mrs. Don Holtz of Crystal Lake. Jake Buss of Chicago visited McHenry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin were McHenry visitors Thursday and paid their last respects to Edward Holle at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home. Mr." and';$iirs. Robert M. Laas and. sbn, 'Robert, of Evanston were Sundial 'visitors of Misses Lena ahd Clara Stoffel. ; lake. Clarence Whiting and the Del- Mrs. Lawrence Huck, daughter bert Whiting-family of Elgin. Jean, and grandson, Michael, j Miss Ann Loretta Weber was have returned from a trip I a weekend guest in the Geor&e I through Minnesota, where they j Miller home in Chicago. called on friends ' and visited j Miss Henrietta Henrys of many places of interest. j Rjdgel'ield was a Sunday visitor Misses Kathryn and Winifred ; in the Carl Weber home. • Holden of Macomb are spending, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bickler of the week in the home ol their \ Chicago are spending* the week sister, Mrs. Charles Gibbs. ; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block, ; Arthur Bickler. Janice and Aaron, of Marengo, j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freund ' Lockers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block, Jr., Beverly and Gregory, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Locker took Over as owners of the Elm Street Florest business last week. The Herman Scholles, from whom they acquired the shop, - left for an extended vacation with their son, Gordon, and family at Garden Grove, Calif. Their many friends saw the Scholles leave McHenry with regret for they had been a successful part of the local business scene for a number of years. A welcome is extended to the and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Block, ! Bonnie Jo and Charles, of Chi-, . cago were recent guests of Mrs. Minnie Block. Among the out-of-town folks j who attended the St. Patrick's i card party last Wednesday were j Mrs. Ted Holden, Mrs. George j Sterling, Mrs. Harry Lawrence. Mrs. Robert LeBeau, Mrs. Carol Thompson and sister and the Misses Mayme and Agnes Hay, Chicago: Mrs. Grace Mullen, Misses Stasia Gannon, Lillian Lora Gelder Tel. Richmond 4103 USA! I"& TREASURES ANTIQUES • « We wish to extend an invitation to you to visit our shop -- Furniture, Brie a Brae, Glass, Lamps, Dishes, Rug, Etc. DURING JUNE. JULY, & AUGUST OPEN;# A.M to 9 P.M. East of Route 12 at Solon Mills Tell Engagement Of Jane Klein Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein of Fox Lake announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jane Ellen, to Pvt. Robert V. Misiek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Misiek of Antioch. ' They will be married at 10 o'clock mass at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, on Wednesday, Aug. 29. HARVARD FLOWER SHOW The Harvard Garden club is sponsoring a flower show on Friday, Aug. 3, at the Methodist gymnasium from 2 to 9 o'clock. The theme of this year's show is "Through the Years" and is planned to show contrasts between "now" and "then" in flower arranging and display. The show is open to the public and anyone is invited to enter exhibits in six of the eleven sections of the show. Mrs. John McClure is general chairman of the show. For Better Results -- Shop In McHenry. Mrs. Julia Justen and Mrs. Eleanor Young visited the latter's sister, "Mrs. Fred Schroeder, in Waukegan one afternoon last week, f©r H Y ? O - A I L E R G E N I C COSMETICS ' Your Jenjitive skin rieed not de- Short and Have you ever noticed h&W si^Lrt looking the new hairstyles are in the flattering, easy-to-manage shorter ait? Why not call 147 ^nd make an appointment with one of our expert hairstylists. A short cut, individually styled for you, will do wonders tor your appearance. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR 1T0UR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Open Tues., Tliurs. and Fri. Evenings •til 9 >erstJe ^Jfairshjltng Glfhtdi 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. lO Phone 147 prive you of the luxury of lovely cosmetics. In MARCELLE COSMETICS, ingredients known to produce irritation or allergic reactions are eliminated. The complete MARCELLE line is your treat to loveliness--Face Powder, Rouge, Lipstick and Foundation Lotions ... all so safe, so pure that physicians recommend MARCELLE COSMETICS. V *foim ts* • The first cosmetics to ho ACCEPTED by th. Committee on Cosmetics of the American Medical Association. BOlger's drug store Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. THE BEAUTIFUL, NEWLY-REMODELED TRY DINING ROOM & COCKTAIL LOUNGE Now Serving A Complete Line Of U.S. Choice Steaks & Chops -- Tender, Delicious Chickens and The Fi nest Seafoods Obtainable. IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR MENU WE WILL FEATURE THESE "WEEK-DAY SEPICIALI01 (SERVING FROM 5 P.M. 'TIL MIDNITE) Monday V2 of Fried Chicken in Basket -- $1.75 Tuesday New York Strip Steak Sandwich -- $2.00 Wednesday Bar-B-Qued Back Ribs -- $1.75 Thursday Italian Spaghetti with Meat Sauce -- $1.50 Friday Delicious Fried Perch - All You Can Eat -- $1.00 Saturday Sauer Braten with Potato Pancake -- $1.75 Above orders include salad, rolls & butter, french fries & beverage Saturdays & Sundays Open from 12 Noon 'Til Mldnite Specializing in Complete Family Dinners Stop By During Our S@ily "Cocktail Hour 5 To 7 P.M. - Featuring Martinis & Manhattans -- 50c Mr. and Mrs; Clifton Fulton are the parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital July 25. Mr. Fulton is basketball coach at the local, high school. Mr, and Mrs. James C. Freund pf Maple avenue are the parents of a 7 lb. 8 oz. daughter, Nancy Lynn, born at Memorial hospital Saturday, July 28. They have two other children, Sandy ahd ^Cathy. Grandparents are Mayor and Mrs. George P. i Freund of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund of Johns- ! burg. - | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burke are the parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital July 26. " August 4 Cabaret Dance -- Moose Lodge August 22 P.T.A. Style Show -- Legion Home -- 1:30 p.m. August 7 Women of the Moose Meeting Open Board Meeting, Village of Sunnyside -- 8 p.m. August 10 Ice Cream Social Sponsored by Lutheran Friendship Guild Thursday/ August 2, 1956 ' -- Lutheran Church Law& -- to 9:3Q p.m. / f " August 10, 11, 12 < ' St. John's Parish Carnival August 12 Pistakee Highlands Association Second Annual Picnic -- • At the Bei^qh -- All Day Event August 19 '9 Moose Family Picnic -- VFW Grounds ' \ September 1 Family Style Roast Beef Dinner -- Acacia . Hall -- Service From 5:30 to 7:36 p.m. --? Sponsored by OJS.S.' r Buy your rubber stamps at the McHenry Platndealer. HARDEST . BUSIEST CHEAPEST WQRKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS , BETTER SCHOOLS BUILD MTTM COMMUNITIES HI FIDELITY by MAGNAVOX PLAYERS COMBINATIONS PORTABLES CONSOLETTES CONSOLES SPEAKERS Transistor Radios RADI0NIC SALES 306 E. Elm St. McHENRY 1446-J MONEY. ANB,.BANKING , - In Everyday Living' / COUNTERFEITERS flood the country with.millions of dollar* in bogus bills and coins every year. So that you won't be among those cheated, note these telltale signs of "phony money." Counterfeit coins feel greasy, have a dull iound when dropped, can be cut with a knife, and usually have an uneven corrugated edge. On counterfeit bills the portrait is usually dull and "scratchy"; the saw-tooth points around the rim of the seal are likely to be uneven or broken off; and the serial numbersareusuallypoorly printed and badly spaced. If in doubt about a bill, compare it with another bill of the same type and denomination. "HELP WANTED in servicing mv home appliance" is a call that many householders have occasion to make from time to time. The advice of shoppingresearch people is to make sure before you buy an appliance that reliable service will be readily available. Before you buy,, too, get all the facts on our economical Appliance Loans, if you expect to finance. "A" ^ MF.D.I.C." means Federal-Deposit Insurance Corporation--a permanent agency of the United States Government created by Congress to protect depositors in the nation's banks against loss. Note that only banks of deposit may be members of the F.D.I.C.; that each bank approved for membership must meet rigid standards; that adherence to these standards is checked regularly through bank examinations. Our bank is a Member F.D.I.C.; which means deposits here are protected by sound bank management, plus deposit insurance up to $10,000 for each depositor. McHENW STATE BANK Interest Paid On Saving's Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 "i 8 If 041! To the Hundreds of customers and friends who visited us during our Grand Opening To the many friends who sent congratulatory messages, flowers and greetings To the, American Legion for the ceremony and presentation of the American flag To the clergy who offered their blessings To the contractors, builders, craftsmen, decorators, suppliers and all who proudly helped to build our new banking home. To all who helped to make our fiftieth anniversary and the opening of our bank a memorable occasion The Directors, Officers and Employees of McHENRY STATE BANK ^jHuGStk you! & $ V