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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Aug 1956, p. 8

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER f V \ f 2 t K 4 < , f - , " - f r r ^ ^ J r ; * J P : / • * - qVt V' ' / 1 f ' 9 " ' M r £ . ' " ' • ' " . , ' ' ' • • • " , ' • ' . • ' • " ' - • < » • « Thursday, August 9» 1956,1 PRE-REGISTRATION pill WM lA SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund AND ENROLLMENT AT JOHNSBURG SCHOOL SCENE OF FIELD HHN.««^! jysasr\r°S£:TRIALS IN SEPT. "J Rey. Eugene Jung returned to 1 school yonr ai the Johnshuri; pub-• Award Ratings In Several Classes (Continued from Page 1) purebred senior calf, Jerry Ho- The German Short-- Haired Pointer Club Annual Fall Event 1 Sacred Heart seminary in Shel- lie school will be held ai the school by, Ohio, on Tuesday, having en- house fi.im '9 ;s m. until noon an joyed a two-week vacation with Monday .^nd Tuesday. Ault. 13 and liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 14, according to Principal Philip L. Jung. Shutt. We are happv to report that This enrollment is only for stu- • ~~ Father Daleiden , has boon re- dents who h:n>e not yet registered, , ^ German Shortha.red Po.nleased from St. Joseph's hospital, especially in the kindergarten and trr of Illinois will hold its Elgin, following an operation ' primary departments. Students annual jajl A.K.C. licensed trial several weeks ago. He is con- who attended last year will not on - °P • '• <in( • a inK valescing at his home and re- need to enroll. . «"< Hunt.ng and Ush.ng • covering nicely. New kindergarten and" first club. 1miles north of Volo. Sp/1 Edw;n S. Klein and faVn- grade students must bring a certi- All of the stakes, except the 3-year-olds, Charlotte Smith, blue. Open Class . Ratings in the open class are all in the swine classification. Tom Blumhorst and Russell Carr, sow. 4; Harry Died rich, ily have been visiting his mo- ficate iMdicatii.p their ages. For Open All-age will entertain en- , sow 2; gilt, 2 and 5; litter, 4; ther. Mrs. Mary Klein., upon kindergarten, this means a child tries from all recognized A.K.C. , sjngle, 4 al1(j 5; pen, 2 and 4; their return home from Anchor- must li.-vp be^n n years old 011 or pointing dog breeds. | Larry' Stilling, boar, 1, sow, 2, where Sp 1 Klein before Doe. 1, age, Alaska. 19"6„ ancd for the _ This trial 111 all ol its stakes gjjj 2| Mark Zimmerman, sow, THREE YOUNG LOCAL MEN TAKEN BY DEATH THIS WEEK -The---community mourned the gan, white, John 'Hogan, white, j untimely deaths of three resi- Charlotte Smith blue; purebred ; dents, all of them at a com parajunior yearling, Dorothy Currari, j tively young age. B; purebred senior yearling, | Richard N. Gary, 38, father of Jerry Hogan, white, John Hogan, | four, passed away at Ilighwood white, Charlotte Smith, blue; ' hospital Monday morning, Aug. cows, 2 to 3 years old, Larry J 6, following an illness of six Stilling, white; purebred cows, j weeks. Death was attributed to a heart ailment and he had been confined to the hospital for eleven days. Mr. Gary had resided in Huemann's subdivision as a summer resident for nine years and permanently for four years. He was named honorary president this year of the Huemann Subdivision Improvement association. The deceased was an employee has been -stationed for several f i rst divide, 6 year? old. the date bi n^,s out an Unusually large | 2 and 3, gilt, 2 and. 7, litter, 3, ; of the Armstrong-IJlum Mfg. years. Last week they left for remain.n-:-. 1 i.0; Fame. Principal • number - of entries giving the -sjngie, 1 and 7, pen, 2; John : company of Chicago. Fort £us tiro. _Va.. where he-is Shutt also pointed out that all nmhiic is <m oppoi uilit> to ?d,n j Hogan, Duroc boar, 3, sow, 4, • Survivors include the "widow, now-stationed. first K^de student^ must have had the maximum amount of points j Ril1 3 lit(cr 2, single, 7, pi^.iRUth; two daughters and two I sons, Patricia, 17, Jame,s, 13, -- ! Donna, 8. and Steven, 6; his Musin' and Meanderin' j mother, Mrs. Fred Donath, of . ' (.Wheaton; two . sisters and one (Continued from Page 1) : j brother, Mrs. G, A. Winkler of 1 ----'Wheaton and Mrs. Charles Wil- Dan and V;c Freund. Tom and 'a physical-examination before they allowed in each stake toward bis | cjuce, 2. Ed Jessie. John Vierke of Rich- will .tv> allowWl to enter- school. • championship. :• mond. Jeanette Busch and Verna This record is kept on Tile. The Euppy and Derby stakes Mr. Shutt -'-.tated that he would will be, run .on Friday, Sept. 7. announce the names of the new- starting at 12 o'clock noon (Cenand a brother, ;William Schaefer, of Winnetka. The body rested at the George Justen & Son funeral home until Tuesday morning, when last rifes were conducted from $fi. John's church, Johnsburg. Fred Hornby Fred Hornby, who was an employee of Koehr Supply company on Main street, died at Hines hospital on Saturday,' Aug. 4, following a short illrtess. The Hornbys had been rodents of McHenry for several years after the business was purchased by ,his father-in-law. ^ He leaves his willow, Ethel Thomas Hornby; oneVyoung son, Frederick (Teddy); his mother, Mrs. Pearl Hornby; and one brother, G. Gordon Hornby. Services were held at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday from a chapel at 2944 Harlem avenue, Riverside, with* burial in Mount Emblem cemetery. Miller enjoyed a day at Rivervie> v in Chicago last week. COUNTY ELECTION BOARD ANNOUNCED BY STATE CHAIRMAN Mrs. Alice Wagner. Mrs. -Nell teacher, ..nd.,-Jan. for the open- t.ra Hawkins , and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,nR of 1;,tci Shot tiff, joined in a Sliotli.lf family reunion at Mackton, 111., last Sunday. Mrs. Chester Stevens entertained her birthday club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. Cards were played and prizes went 1o Mrs. Lester Siedschlag. Mrs. Frank Tinney. Mrs. Lizzie Freund . and. M.rs. Alice Wag. ne. r. p o i n t m e n t o f G e n e «B r o w n a s c 1h a i r - A ove v luneh was ser\ed by ^m an ol.. he M'Ht Ie nrv coun,tv ASC Hold County Art Exhibit Aug. 24-26 Art work by more than fifty The Gun Dog staki? which is 1 u]ar yo,,n„ m. n Lonniejtoolssby, meth"of West Chicago"and W\-! individuals from all over McHenry a gunnei-handler ^nt, and thej>vho »,cl9 ^ecn our linotype opera- lard Garv of Downevs Grove. county will be on display at the Limited stake wul be _ run on | tor fnr the last five years. The ^e body is resting at thc I end of th« month at the three-day Day light .S?a\ings Time). SatMi'day. Sent. 8, starting at 7 the hosli^ss. The Ben Busehes of Richmond have purchased the home of Mrs. Susie Miller and moved in last week. Mrs. Miller has moved to Staevville. Iowa. The Open All-age, which will - be for German Shorthaired Poin- E. C. See >r. chairman of the ters only, will be run on Sunday, Illinois St^te Agricultural- Stabiii- Sept. 9, starting at 8 a.m. zation and Conservation commit- The judges will be Jack Pomtee, annuM-iced this week ihe ap- reirng of Milwaukee and Cliff Faestel of Brookfield, Wis. Both of these judges have a countv election board. Mr. Brown splendid background of exporiwill be assisted in carrying out ence with 6pointing dog work, the duties of this office by Sam- The . official gunners will be Rooksbys left Thursday to make Peter M. Justen funeral home j art exhibit scheduled for the countheir home in, California. . .until 2 o'clock Thursday after- ! tY fair«irnuods. Mrc. Barbara Bro- . noon, when Rev. Oren Bailey of ,of, r'\Ial Woodstock is chair- The world hates change; yet it Kalamazoo, Mich., will officiate > man of'the event- which is sponis the only thing that has brought ; at last rites, with interment in TEN HIGH < "Why is the ten spot in Pinochle higher than all the other cards in the deck except the ^ce?" is a question often asked by card players. The high position given to the ten card puzzles many Pinochle players who wonder why , _ the natural - "rank" of the Kings, Queens and Jacks 'has been overlooked. Actually there's a good reason 'for the high rank of the ten spot in Pinochle and it dates all the way pack to the days ol the French Revolution. Origihally, the cards in Pinochle ranked in normal sequence; that is, the King hif£ and the Ace low. However, due 10 the tremendous social changes that began to take place in Europe in the Eighteenth Century which culminated in. the bloody French Revolution,of 1789, the face cards--Kings, Queens and Jacks-- were considered to be representative of the upper classes and fell into disfavor. By the "same reasoning, thek Ace--which was taken as repre-f sentative of the common people-- was elevated to a position above the v King. \ While the revolutionises were dethroning the Bourbons at Versailles, they also forced a dethronement of the card kingdom and instead of Kings and Queens, French decks began to bear likenesses of philosophers, generals, and sans-culottes (revolutionary patriots.) The artistic appeal of these newcomers was short lived, however, and by 1813 the? had been replaced A by the old familiar royalty that had ^ been in use before the Revolution and which are beTing made, with only slight variation, today. Although the Kings and Queens returned to their rightful thrones in the pasteboard palace, the placement of the Ace above the King survived and was passed on to Britain and America. In Germany, where social rumblings were also being felt at the time, a similar re-shuffling of the £ rank of the cards took place putting ^ the ten just below the Ace and disregarding the court cards entirely-- an even greater insult to the royalty of cards. Thus the ten has remained in that exalted position ever since in all Germanic games t)f which Pinochle is a member. progress. BOAT SINKS AT BALD KNOB; TWO YOUTHS RESCUED Mount Emblem cerriHery. Joseph Schnefer, Jr. Joseph Schaefer, Jr., of Johnsburg died unexpectedly at his home on Saiurday morning, Aug. 4. His death was due to a uel I. Haning. Soil Conservation Wes McCain of Oak Park, Bill Service representative: Robert C. Hunter of Barrirtgton, C. M. Mc- Becker, Farm Home administra- Bride of Chicago and Dick Grif- Mrs. 1- lo Freund and children tj0n; Charles Weingart, McHenry fiths of Winnetka. returned home last week from County Farm Bureau president: The Illinois Club will hold its j There were a few exciting and attac'<- j anxious moments at Bald Knob, e ^ecease(^ I Pistakee Bay, last Thursday I night, shortly before 11 o'clock, j when a 22-ft. Chris-Craft boat i sank. Missouri, whei^e they were visit- ancj Fred Sehulz, Illinois State annual fall banquet at the Wing j youths in the boat Jay inM?°mnnHf0lM^ Tnhn SandPrs Granse reprcsnitntive. and Fin Clubhouse on Saiurday I AIlen and Jay Lynch of 'park Mi. and Mis. John Sandeis. -Th(? sciect)0n of these men to night. Sept. 8, at 8 p.m. ! Ridce iumned to safetv from Noreen and Calhy. are enjoying serve o". the-oun'y election board Entries for all stakes will tf10 ^af which was near shore vacation visiting relatives in has been made to provide a group close on Monday, £ept. 3. at 7 j after (he m0t0r exploded The sored by the county Civic Arts association. The exhibit, to vhich admission ! will h? free wil* be held in the exhibition hall of the fairgrounds on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Aug. 24. 25 and 26. Mrs. Erod'fc has announced that a division of photography has been added to the exhibit as a result of several inquiries Painting, sketching, ceramics and other forms will also be shown. Assisting Mrs. Brodie with the exhibit are her husband, Donald Brodie, and Jane Williams. Monlana. 0 f men ^vho M'e Representative of p.m. Mrs. William Komar and au piU)sps of agricultural opera- For entry blanks and informadalighter. Sonia. icturned this tions in this county in order that tion, call George L. Thompson, week from a trip to Canada tliey rr.sy. in •urn. be able to select ; secretary. Box 623, Ingleside, where they visited relatives. representative community election m., or phone McHenry 9898. Mrs. Lucille Jordan and chil- ' boards," Mr. Secor stated. The se-. - -- dren of Sharon. Wis., spent sev- lection of these community clec- TWft pape Involved eral days with her parents. Mr. tjon boards is to be completed by and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Aug. 11. I*1 Minor Collision Quite a few from here en- 1 joyed watching the water fights RECOVERS FROM INJURIES Cars driven by John Hanson at McHenry on Sunday in which Richard Ziolkowski is reported of Rt. 5, McHenry, and Gladys the Spring Grove water fight- to be improving in St. Therese Doppke of Inglepide collided on ing team competed. Our boys hospital from injuries sustained Rt- 134, a mile west of U.S. Rt. didn't get in on the winnings jn an aut0 accident on Chicago! 12. last weekend, according to but it s a lot of fun. McHenry's avenue, in Chicago, ten days ago. , a t police report. team won first place. He was taken at first to Hen- 'Hanson, in turning to avoid Miss Laurie Tinney of North rotin hospital and found to be being hit by another car which Chicago is visiting her grand- suffering from a brain eoncus- : swerved to his side of the road, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank sjon anfj internal injuries. Later, Tinney. |ie vvas removed to the Waukegan hospital, where he has-been KILLED BY TRAIN given several blood transfusions. Enoch Thirnrose. 72. who residwas born at ' Johnsburg July 2, 1921, and al- I ways lived there. - He never married. Survivors are the ntather, Mrs. Catherine Schaefer/ three sisters, Mrs. Cecelia foleynichak of Gilman, Wis., Mrt. Anna Oleynichak of Milwaukee, Wis., and Mrs. Mar- } For Better Results -- Shop In garet Thurlwell of McHenry; McHenry. accident occurred, they said, after the motor stalled and they attempted to start it. The rescue was made by Norman Porer,. who was nearby when the explosion occurred. The Johnsburg rescue squad was summoned to assist. Deputy sheriffs investigated the accident. PR0FE«10nflL DIRECTORY bumped the Doppke vehicle. ed at the Hartland county home, was killed when struck by a Chicago and North Western train last Thursday noon near the Hartland s'ation lie was reported to have been walking to a nearby general store when the accident occurred. Classified Ads are Read by Everyone! ATTENDS PICNIC Herber* Paschen, Democratic candidate for governor, will head a list of state candidates who will attend ft pi^c Saturday, Aug. 11, at the home of State Senate Candidate RicharJ F. Babcock, four miles east o! Woodstock. HEBRON GIRL QUEEN A statuesque blonde from Hebron, Carole Hansen, was chosen queen of McHenry county and was awarded a trophy, crown and a bouquet of roses at, the junior fair on Thursday evening. She utas crowned by Miss Frances Hoda 1955 county queen. Among other entries were Sue Stinespring of McHenry and Joan Young of Johnsburg. Mason Contractors E3 and L Builders of New Construction and Remodeling CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHONE 409-R BOB PEPPING LEO KRABBENHOFT DR. J. C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physiciaa 25 Orchard Beach Road. . Office Hours: • Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fr|. 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:30 - 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 P,M. PHONE 743 -x GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES At MARTIN'S FARM OPEN EVERY DAY TIL DARK On Route 31 Ringwood, 111. ANNOUNCING^ NOTED HAIRSTYLIST BRIAN KING Well-known in Chicago - New York - California HAIR CUTTING & STYLING $4.00 PERMANENTS Including HAIRCUT & STYLING $15.00 * With his ability to create for you a style charming enough to please and flatter, and yet so easy to manage. APPOINTMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE THIS COMING WEEK-END. PLEASE PHONE (Mice - (hlarle PHONE 890 202 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 0. OjO VIRGIL R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN LIFE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES ALSO Non-Cancellable Accident And Health Non-Cancellable Hospitalization Group Insurance For Free Information Call 'McHenry, III. Phone 1168-J £ Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Black Dlrl Dredging Tel. McHenry 1336 Rt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, III. Gravel ^ v$ , v<sr* " Ni .v-e^P ^ c0^ } « EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Kire, Aut*, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry, III. SCHROEDKR IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 31 PHONE 9SO MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO Complimentary demonstration and free instruction in ^ complexion care and individual make-up and color chart. "Try before you 4>uy!" CELIA WARNES, Owner Phone 1'464 1 Blk. East of the Old Bridge DR. M. D. SAVAGE DR. D. MeCONNKL Veterinarians Office Honrs: 10 a.m. to 12 Noon 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Evenings By Appointment Plione 3221 Richmond, III. 1st Annual Corn Fest! Visit The Merchants Display Tent! CARNIVAL V. F. W. GROUNDS ROUTE 120 EAST OF THE RIVER AUGUST 22-23-24-25-26 ••r FREE! NITE" AUG. 22ND WAR BOND 1©HTLY! FREE! Registration 7 To 10:30 p.m. Each Night -- Winners Must Be Present PLAY T H E PLAY T H E EACH YEAR THE PRIZES GAME! GET IDGGER' & BETTER! G AIVIE! THIS YEAR WILL SURPASS ALL FGlE^Eil YEARS S PAY MAN IN THi COUNTY RQPiS- AMUSEyiMh Gi4MES - PKOZIIS" ENTERT A!N MINT V F. W. Post 4600 Of This Community Is Proud Of Its Community Service • HOSPITALIZED VETERANS WORK • BLOOD BANK (RED CROSS) • POLIO CLINIC / • JR. & SR. PROM BREAKFASTS • REHABILITATION WORK • LITTLE LEAGUE 8c PONY LEAGUE • BOYi & GIRL SCOUT SPONSORSHIP • SOFTBALL LEAGUE. ETC. b *<»•• -• ' iWW.

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