J ' i--£ • McHENBYPLSnro: $-Sw PERSONALS Barbara Ann Ekholm tihrtstened Sunday The three-week old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. d. Roger Ekholm of Elgin was christened Bar- Women's Club „ Will Have Luncheon, Sept. 14 Mrs. Johanna < Edwards of.. St. Louis, Mo., has been spending some time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rees. Mrs. Torrence of Champaign was a guest in the home of her son, John Torrence, and family. Sister Mary Veronica, ,of Omaha, Nebr., Mrs. J. Howard The new officers of the Wo- \ Ashton of Evanston and' Miss man's club of ^McHenry are > Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock looking ahead to the first fall spoilt a few days the past week with their, sister, Mrs. John Bolger. Miss Nancy Wiedenbeck ,• of Bloomington, Wis., has been a Stanley Aim To Wed Crystal Lake Girl b&fa Ann Sunday, Aug. 12, at I meeting in September. St. Joseph's church in that city, A luncheon at the McHenry With Rev. Everett Hiller offici- | Country club has been arranged ating. | for Sept. 14. Mrs. Hopfear Sponsors for the baby were (Jean Randolph) will provide j guest in the Clinton Claypool Capt. Eugene Justen of Wash- the organ music. She is an en- home. ington, D. C., her uncle, and Mrs. thusiastic member of the club. Burt Warner, of (Phoenix, Ariz. George Carlson. j Mildred R. Brom will entertain and Walter Warner of Elgin Others attending the eeremonv | the luncheon guests with humor- ! were local visitors Thursday, were Mr. , and Mrs. John R. I ous. character interpretations. - Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Justen of McHenry and Mr. and j The fall luncheon gives mem- [ Evanston and Mrs. George John- Mrs. Oscar Ekholm, grandpar-" bers the opportunity to renew ! son and daughter of Skokig were ents, and Susan and Rogie j acquaintance with other merii- | visitors in the (jleorge H. Johnson Ekholm, her brother and sister, j bers after the busy summer j home Wednesday. Stevie Johnmonths and to meet others who j son, who had been spending a have joined or plan to join the j few days with his grandparents, club. j returned home with them. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, president j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Currey invites those interested to start ! of Hollywood, Fla., are spending their memberships at the begin-j a few weeks at the A. K. Burns ning of the new season and thus j cottage at Hickory Grange. enjoy the many fine programs • Twenty members of the Past planned bv Mrs. Carrol Dietle, Matrons club of McHenry chapthe program chairman. ter of the O.E.S. enjoyed dinner The monthly meetings always ja* Solon Mills Wednesday eveinclude good music and many j ni"gprograms designed solely for en- . Mrs. Herb Simon, Mrs. Barbara tertainment, as well as more Hanson, Mrs. IsabeTle Thompson serious subjects. Light refresh- j and family and Mfs. Mary Hetments and good talks follow each termann attended the Janesville session. < fair Wednesday and, afso visited I in the James Wagner home in i that city. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and I Mr. and Mrs. Joe May spent a ! few days last week at St. Paul, Memories of twenty years ago [ Minn., where Mr. Meyer and Mr. when they were students at I May attended a Forester conven- FIRST REUNION ATTENDED BY CLASS MEMBERS OF 1936 M.C.H.S. were recalled last Saturday night at the V.F.W. clubhouse, where twenty-seven members of the original forty-two Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Bouchard of North Shore, Crystal j ^' ^'^^^enioV^dass "hat Lake, announce the engagement tion. Mrs. Holger Pederson, Mrs. J. C. Holly and Mrs. George Worts attended a meeting of the Mcmembers of the class of 1936 I Henry County Past Oracles club met for their first reunion. Two I at the home of Mrs. Mary Hoffin the class are deceased. j man in Woodstock Tuesday of LaVerne Engeln Hanley, presi- ] last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powers of year, acted as toastmistress. The mer and the gifts by Adele of their daughter, Arlys Ann ] c,ass' was read b Vcrn()n to Stanley Aim. son of Mr. and , Frpund the wil, b Vprnon Kra_ Mrs. Harol.d. . Aim of McHenry, . ] a„n„ The wedding will take place proeiiCK June 1, 1957. Shower Honors Carole Klingberg Miss Carole Klingjjerg Batavifc visited his mother, Mrs. David Powers Sunday. Mrs. Tom Fenwick and children, Julie and Tommy of Elmhurst are spending several days Others present to enjoy a with her father, C. J. Reihansturkey dinner and social evening perger. were Evelyn Sanders Gustafson.j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bfenapfl Lyda Shober Diedrich, Harry | have returned from a 7.800-mile . . . _ . .Cooke, Ruth Reihansperger Fen-! trip though the Wat, with Califgues o honor at a pre-nuptia . ] wick Catherine Wirtz Thompson. I ornia as their destination. They surprise, misc^Uaneous shower j Rob Beckonbaush. Ethel Freund visited fourteen states while held at Hettemanns m Johns- ; Rlak Vpne Dcnman Cermak, gone. burg last Tuesday evening. Host- paul Harvoy Haro,d Nelson ; Thp Dal<? Dixon famjly ac. esses were rs- aJr^ ®fn' Helen Freund Thompson. Glenn i companied by the Robert Brug- Mrs. Joan Rehberg and Mrs. Sue , Anderson, Marie Lay Weingart, i ger family of Kenosha, Wis., r X- • * I Viola. Brfetetel Brda, Loreha EsUi vacationed, at Box -Lake. -Wis.; ^ l y H T ^'rCaf' ^ Straub, Norma Larson Thomas. | the past week. m urs , on r a e, a e- Herdrich Hettermann, I Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reihans- Eleanor Bolger Sullivan, Ken- j perger and family enjoyed a . Mike Purvey of Crystal Late visited his grandparents Mr' aij|g. Mrs. Albert Purvey this week. •" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bene£ ancj Mr. and Sirs. Burt Bienapfl are spending the week in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava of Chicago spent the weekehd at their home on Center street, -,vx Mr. and Mcs. Stephen .'jfc,' Schmitt and Mr. and,Mrs. Cl&- ence Young spent the weekend with relatives in Franklin, Ohio. Miss Dolores- Rogers is visiting relatives in Omaha, Neb*.* this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sherman and son, Gregory of Denver, Colo., are visiting his mother. Mrs. C. E. Sherman and othier relatives here. The George Strandel family of Aurora were' visitors in the Charles Martin home Sunday and also called on other relatives here. . / Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith, Jr., and son, Jimmie, of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the senior Art Smith home. Jimmie remained for a longer visit with his grandparents. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson and SQns David and Mark of Sterling were weekend guests in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson. Othfer dinner guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oxtoby of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Donald - Butler and children of Johnsburg. Mrs. A1 Amo and daughter, Kathleen of Kenosha, Wis. visited McHenry relatives a few days the past week. Atty. and Mrs. R. A. Stueben and son, Michael, are visiting in the home of her mother in Tulare, Calif. Mrs. Magnus Nelson and her guest, Mrs. Nels Anderson, visited in the Harold Nelson home in Sterling last Wednesday. Carol Glosson spent a few days the past week" with Keno§ha relatives. The Donald Hayes family of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs; Edith Hayes, Saturday. Capt. Eugene Justen of Wash-I tab DCUAI/IHa ington, D. C. flew to OHare field Sunday morning and later j C O ^ 13 S in the day visited his parents, j and other foot irrita- Mr. and Mrs. John Justen of | ft&SE cushioned with KUROTEX! don't coma oil In day-to visit until Monday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda. They expect to attend the Chicagoland Music Festival Saturday evening. Jerry Justen of Waukegan spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander recently returned from a motor trip around Lake Michigan. They enjoyed the ferry t>oat cruise from Milwaukee to Muskegon and spent a day at Mackinac Island. Mr and Mrs. Carl Behnke were ^plea'isantly surprised by a •.visitor from Independence, Mo., last week, their nephew, Ralph Behnke, whom they hadn't seen for eight years. The young mart recently returned from Japan arid Korea, where he served four yeSrsh' in the U. S. Air Force. His cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Behnke, ahd children and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander and sorT were alfcb happy to welcome him to their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wendlen and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Schroed^r and family, Lenoy Schwaneck and sons Jerome and AugustlO Moose Family Picnic -- YFW Grounds August 21 Ladies' Hulla-Ba-Loo Day -- McHenry Country Club. August 22 . P.T.A. Style Show --- Legion Home -- 1:30 p.m. August 28 Soils of Legion Installation -- 8 p.m. » September 1 Family Style Roast Beef Dinner -- Acacia Hall -- Service From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by O.E.S. September i4 Woman's Club Fall Luncheon Meeting -- 1 p.m. -- McHenry Country Club -- Program by Mildred R. Brom. CARD OP THANKS We would like to thank the merchants of McHenry for their help in making our annual picnic a, siictess. Their ~ contribu- James, of Melrose Park, Miss ! tions were very1 much apprefii- Joari Albert of Westchester and ated. Miss Lynn Altergott of Maywood were Sunday guests of Anna Schmidt of Emerald Park. Misses Judith Schroeder, Vickie Wendlen, Karen Woehler, Shax-on Mftr$n,. yJudy Eggerding, Ruth a|id Baker, all choir members o f f ' & t . Paul's Lutheran church of Melrose Park, spent a few days last week at the home of Anna Schmidt. |9i f . and Mrs. Chas. Opl and sonS, Steveft; David and Dennis, have returned % their home in Wheatori after spendiijg two weeks with Anna Schmidt. i 15 Pistakee Highlands Community Association lodge McHENRY MOOSE SPONSORS DANCE FOR 'TEEN-AGERS The McHenry Moose will sponsor a teen-age dance on Thursday, Aug. 16, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. The dances will be held every first and third Thursday of the month and will be chaperoned by the Women of the Moose and the men of the Moose lodge. All teen-agers in the McHenry district between the ag'es of 13 and 17 are invited even though. their_ parents do not belong to the Moose. All parents aref asked to • pick" up their teen-agers after tfte dance as the Moose cannot assume responsibility of them after 10 p.m. This is something the Moose feels the teen-agers have been wanting for a ; long time and they hope*- to have a good Crowd. Don't forget tfiat date, Aug. 16, from 7:30 to 10. AMONG THE StCK BIRTHS RESIDENCE CHANGES . The John Torrence family has moved from. Oak street, McHenry, to Dayton, Ohio. A son, Joseph George, was born Aug. 13 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer, Jr. They have three other children, Albert, Debbie and Michael. Mrs. Kempfer is . the former Marie Vajes. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pintozzi of Lakeland Park are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 12 at Memorial hospital. Mrs. Eleanor Young of Maple street underwent surgery at Memorial hospital Monday of this week, f; Lester Page has .been a medW cal patient at Memorial hospita™ Albert Grever underwent surgery at Memorial hospital this week. . - • Gus Unti, Jr. underwent an ^appendectomy at* Memorial hospital this past week. Friends of Mrs.V Francis Muzzy will be sorry to learn that she was taken Sunday to Asbury, •Minneapolis hospital for major surgery. She would appreciate hearing from" her 'friends. Her* address is 915 E. 15th street, Minneapolis, Minn. Elmer T. Weissenborn has been a patient at the Veterans' hospital in Downejr for the past week. , . BIRTHS Dr. and Mrs. George Alvar^ are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 8 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born Aug. 8 at Memorial hospital to. Mr. and Mrs. James Comstock. Friends will be interested to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Freund of Crystal Lake are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 7 at Memorial hospital. UNO-PADS McHenry, in the Roger Ekholm home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Willard School of Winnebago, Minn., are arriving tobath, don't otlck to •tocklngot 33- •OX @G> SO CORK! pa@3 moor and McHenry enjoyed a social evening of games, followed by the serving of refreshments. Miss Klingberg will become the bride of Arnold Peterson of Chicago and Lakemoor on Sept. 2. ON VACATION Because the McCullom Lake correspondent, Eve Levesque, is on vacation, there will be no news concerning that village in this issue of the Plaindealer. neth Marshall, Betty Thennes Gende, Carolyn Tonyan Renne, Mary Celine Whalen and Bernice Maloney. vacation .at Madison and the Dells of Wisconsin the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Purvey of Family Picnic At Bernard Bauer Home About seventy-five descendents of the Peter M. Freund and Michael Bauer families attended a picnic at the Bernard Bauer home Sunday, Aug. 12. Out of state members present were the Gerald M. Bauer family of Tulsa, Okla., the Roman J. Bauer family of Norftlk, Va., and Dr. Ray Bauer and guest of Detroit, Mich. Table decorations were ar- j Huntley were Sunday visitors in ranged by Viola Brda, assisted | the Albert Purvey home, by Marie Weingart and Betty Mr. and Mrs. Guy Duker and Gende. ! family of Champaign visited in L- • the'C. H. Dukor home this week. MARRIAGE LICENSES amj Fred Bienapfl Daniel J. Kennebeck of Mc- visited in the Wm. Riggs and Henry and Dorothy T. Bouchard ' George Merkt homes in Silver of Crystal Lake. i Lake Wis., Sunday. RELIEF FM WEAK ARCHES DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Looking For A Compliment? Turn your permanent wave problem over to one of Our expert hairstylists and you'll receive plenty of compliments on the results. The pride and care we devote to each and every client has paid off for us in more and more satisfied customers. They, in turn, have been kind enough to recommend our salon to their friends. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT & tfOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iverstJe ^JCairshjling cfhuk Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. to Phone 147 - ' • ' X . j . ? SHOP AT HOME Lora Gelder Tel. Richmond 410S TRASH & MEASURES ANTQfUES We wish to extend an invitation to you to visit our shop - Fuiniture, Brie a Brae, Glass, Lamps, Dishes, Rug, Etc. DURING JUNE. JULY & AUGUST OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. East of Route 12 at Solon Mills We carry Archr, Supports designed lief of all weak arch conditions. You may need only mild correction-- an Arch Binder or Metatarsal Pad ... or you may need a particular type of Arch Support. Let us help you obtain relief front 7Pur foot troubles with the proper Dr. Scholl foot Comfort appliance or remedy. B0LGERS PHONE 40 103 S. Green St. McHenry, I1L TfE BEAUTIFUL. NEWLY-REMODELED HILL C Y CLU DINING ROOM & COCKTAIL LOUNGE SPECIALIZING IN U. S. CHOICE STEAKS -- DELICIOUS CHICKENS THE FINEST IN SEAFOODS Stop By During Our Daily "COCKTAIL HOUR" 5 to 7 P. M. featuring Martinis and Manhattans for 50c * A TV + , I Ho ^ JoMcJSOiSGr CHAFfL IS HtU- $tCi/L\N£ TH4ATfSf K&nr LEGAL N O T I C E IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, an Illinois corporation, and GEORGE P. CURRAN, Nominee, FOR RECLASSIFICATION TO RESTRICTED USE AND AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: In compliance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance ' of the City of McHenry, Illinois,' relative to the public heating before the City Council of the City of McHenry for authorization of the location for use as a public utility building, such public hearing will be had before the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, in connection with the application of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company and George P. Curran, Nominee, for the authorization to utilize the following described premises for a public utility building: Lots 1 and 4 in Block 21 of the Original Plat of McHenry, on the west side of Fox River, in the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 4f) North, ftanne 8 Kast of the Third Principal Medidian, according to the Plat thereof recorded July 6, 1810 in' Book "B" of Deeds, page ltiu, in McHenry County, Illinois. The hearing will be held at 8-30 p.m. on Tuesday. September" 1 1956. in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person, or persons, desiring to object to such appliea- • tion will be entitled to be heard, j City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals | By: FLOYD COVALT Chairman. iSidley, Austin, Burgess & Smith 11 South LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois i SAFEGUARD Your Valuables with a Safety Deposit Box irirour new modern vat t McHENRY STATE BANK corner Green and Elm Streets Complete Banking Service Serving McHenry since 1906 For Better Results -- Shop In McHenry. < ieimlbgr Federal 0@p@sit Insurance G Member Federal Reserve System •tsfcrapr