Thursday, Angus! 30.1956 THE McHENRY PLAfitDEALER d C *S' 't' 4' SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund Groups of teen-agers standing wt the usual corner for the bus Jjrought to mind that school days '"are here once again. High school students went back to their studies at RBCHS on Monday at noon. Pupils of public school are back at their three Rs. St. "fpeter's children start their ischool next week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Miller of Mason City, Iowa, and Billy F*eldt of Osage, "Iowa, were , Wiveekend visitors of the Clarence Millers. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Julia May on Thursday afternoon. Cards were played and prizes went to Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Julia May, Mrs. Mary Nimsgern, Mrs. Emma May and Mrs;'H. Myers. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess. : j| , Harold Huff „ "Huffar" and ' ^tollie Ffeund left Monday morning to join the Marine corp. Stopped in to see the Albert tBritzes at Woodstock the other night. Heard about Terry being offered a contract with the Milwaukee Braves. But Terry prefers education and is going to hold off for awhile. He has earned himself a scholarship and ^will enter Notre Dame college fhiis fall. A group of ladies representing St. Peter's parish attended the meeting of the National Council of Catholic Women at St. Joseph's parish hall, Richmond, on Wednesday night. A very interesting discussion was held on immoral literature which can so easily be purchased by our youngsters on almost any ^•[liagazine rack. During the ' meeting, reports were given by 'the officers of parishes represented of their various activities. A delicious lunch was served after the meeting. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN -PLA1NDEALER WANT ADS LEGAL ORDINANCE NO. 19 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CERTAIN ORDINANCES PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN LICENSES TO PROVIDE FOR A COMMON ANNIVERSARY DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF McCULLOM LAKE, ILLINOIS Section. 1 That Section 7 of Ordinance No. 2 providing for a license ^ear for the retail sale of alcoholic liquors be amended to be April 1 to March 31, inclusive in the place and stead of May 1 to April 30, and the effective annual renewal date shall be April 1 of each year. Section 2. That Section 5 of Ordinance/No. 6 providing for a license year ' for motor vehicles be amended as follows: ' All licenses issued under au-t thority of this ordinance be annual licenses and shall expire on tl)f 31st day of March and the fee for such license - shall be due arid payable in advance on April 1 of each year. Section 3. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 7 providing for the registration of dogs be amended as follows: The annual license fee is due for payment within ten (10) days after the 1st day of April each year. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and affect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. EMMA B. PYRITZ, Village Clerk. Passed: August 27, 1956 Approved: August 27, 1956 Attest: Emma B. Pyritz, Village Clerk. J. R. LEVESQUE, Village President • (Published August 30, 1956) PREPARING YOUR CHILD In a few days the ring of the school bell will open a new world for many youngsters. What have you done as a parent to prepare you child for this great event, asks educational committee of the Illihois State Medical society in HEALTH TALK. Entering the classroom, the child will 'embark on a* new approach to growth, physically and emotionally. Used to the shelter of his home, the schoolroom will appear strange unless the child has been familiarized with its envirpnment. Ordinarily the preschool tot has some routine in the home. Now he must adjust to regular hours for learning. And the need for this is better understood by the youngster when prepared in advance by his parents. A child is always curious. .He has a natural appetite for knowledge. The wise parent can stimulate this by explaining the many wonders the classroom will unfold. The importance of the teacher in directing her tiny pupils must be stressed, because now the youngster will be under her leadership. , - « .Y'3 Page Thirteen ^ Of course, the tot has had a speeial circle of little friends and playmates, but now several hours a day will be spent with many youngsters, all vying alike for attention. Help your child to understand. Let him know that this is a part of going to school and the way to gain many new friends. Encourage the need to get along with others. These are a few of the steps you should follow, as a parent, to prepare your child for his start in school. However, there is another equally important approach. Is your youngster ready physically to take on the responsibility of learning? Has he had a physical and dental examination? < The child's intellectual capacity may be fine, but are you sure that his vision is adequate to read the letters on the blackboard? And his hearing. Can you be certain th4t he caih hear clearly the instructions of his I teacher? Perhaps~ you've noticed i that the youngster tires easily, 'but-you attribute the fatigue to ; strenuous activity in play. Much i better to have your physician - check, so that the lethargy does i not persist in the classroom. Malj nutrition is also a cause of fai tigue. ' Has your child been protected j against the diseases preventable I through immunization? Some communicable diseases are , still with, us, but why not prevent every one you can. Dental care is important. Toothaches from neglected cavities are painful. Let your dentist prevent your youngster's suffering. The whole program of.getting the child ready for school is one of integration. He must be in good physical and emotional health. Certainly a thorough physical and dental examination, together with correction if need be will help him adjust to the demands of school life. By equipping your youngster in this fashion, you will contribute to the child's whole personality. Insured Savings: Savings Invested in Crystal Lhus Savings and Loan Association «rt- insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2'/i P®r cen< plus l/z per cent extra. SS-tl (T 4 LOCAL CLEANERS 206 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 20 -- WE GIVE RED STAMPS -- HAVE YOUR CHILSMiN LO THEIR BEST and FiSL THEIR BEIT! 1 ^ COME IN NOW FOR OUR "FOUR-POINT" SERVICE ALL Your Children's Clothes 4»- 2. Waterproofing When Indicated 3. Repairs and Alterations 4. Zippers Replaced or Repaired Give Your Children The Confidence On Back-To-School Days They Can Only Have jWhen When They Look and Feel Their Best. P s. -- We use the "CRAVANETTE" System of water proofing, (the kind the manufacturers recommend) that not.only sheds water and dirt but actually ADDS to the life of the garment. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 Give your child a basic start in his new life. Prepare him wisely for the change so that, as he grows, he will meet each situation as it arises. Save More By Shopping At Home Fred H. Maiihesius, Prop. * CALL McHENRY 713 -'3- SYSTEMS We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS. Authorized: RED JACKET & DAYTON PUMP AGENCY. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN PUMPS AND REPAIRS Located in the Village of McCullom Lake One mile from McHenry on the McCullom and Wonder Lake Road. McHenry County Well & Pump Co. T h e r e ' s a BETTER FUTURE for YOU and YOUR FAMILY i n AURORA WATER SUPPLY What does it matter if your suburban or farm home is beyond the water mains? All you need do to enjoy the full equal of the most dependable city water servicfe is to install an for COMFORT HEALTH and SHIER yVINO INJ©YMINT tkOFQ h eqaef to Me •ENEROUS SUPPLES of CLEAR SPAMLIN© WATER fie MASMUNER dolhors for KITCHEN BATH c* lAMmXY GARDEN •r FRONT BUILDING FARM USES •id ALL of LOWEST COST BUILT AURORA •*-jf i' WATER SYSTEM SbaNow We> TeaSi-Me _ arm fcrdttad (a V» H.P. Mlt wHfc either 17 er 30 qall-- teak. Adda new high to your 'family standard of living by installing a Mainliner Shallow Wall or Con vertible-Jet Water System. J The Conv«rtible-Jet unit will install in eithar a shallow or deep wall --» available in '/j or '/j h.p. with 17 er 30 gallon tent. There's a water system "by Aurora" for every wafer supply requirement. ilsl? / C9n 4lm KM tyQf iMIff §M§ K<ap>odi<ayfr©ii Shallow Well "Champion" sk You get a complete y3 horsepower, shallow well jet water system with 13-gallon tank at that low price. And you get quality features like these: "Quad-Volute" design for more water at higher pressure--Crane rotary seal--bronze impeller-- brass venturi and nozzle--automatic .• pressure switch--air charger. Or you qan buy other models in ]/}, % and y4 H.P. Stop in and I'll show you these low-priced Rapidaytons soon. .j R U M F » THE PUMP YOU DONT SEE. CANT HEAR. AND NEVER LUBRICATE Installed under water inthe well, the Red Jacket "Submerge" serves you quietly and efficiently without ettention -- no cocfty and unsightly pit or pump house required. Should water for any reason enter the oil-lubricated motor, the Red Jacket "Submerge" will continue to operate satisfactorily with the combination of oil and water, or with water only should the oil be completely replaced by water! YOU CAN RELY ON RED JACKET Th® Red Jacket "Submerga" pump is precision-built of highest quality materials --backed by over 75 years' experience ia the manufacture of water pumping equipment. Available fa srzes fo meet • wido rariuty of wafer rtqa'irtmiH. See tkm R*d Jacket "Siimrfs" Snti 'Submerga'1 pump v^- v®<*- it"- TKatxA *P%UKetf' idayton Water Systems AND Ayroira Pi GRAND OPENING OF ONE OF THE RI0ST' Complete Lines ®f Jet Pimp Supplies In The Entire Stufe! OVER 80 JET TYPES ON HAND IN I, %, V2, Va & '/• HP. ALSO THE NEW TYPE SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS ON DISPLAY - SEE THEM OPERATE. ALSO CUT-AWAY MODELS. SEE WHAT MAKES THEM WORK! WE STOCK SWITCHES. AIR CONTROLS and MOTORS. JET PUMPS FOR SHALLOW WELL POINTS AND DRILLED WELLS. ALSO SUBMERSIBLES. CENTRIFUGAL & PISTON TYPE PUMPS. and D FSI.. k UG. 31 & SAT., SU & M0N. SEPT. 1 2 & 3 RY COUNTY WILL & PUMP CO. One Mile from McHenry on the McCullom and Wonder Lake Road. IN THE VILLAGE OF McCULLOM LAKE