fog* two £HE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 'V^ ,; Thursday, August 30, 1956 MISS NANCY LANGE BRIDE SATURDAY OF JOLIET MAN i BIGGS-BECKER VOWS EXCHANGED AUG. 25 . AT McHENRY CHURCH A beautiful, late summer wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick's Catholic church last Saturday morning, Aug. 25, at 11 o^clock when Miss Janet Biggs became the bride of Mr. Otto Becker. Miss Biggs is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Biggs of Edgebrook Heights subdivision, and the groom is tho son of Henry Becker of Minneapolis, Minn. Tho pretty, blonde bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a white lace dross which featured tiers of ruffles in the skirt. Styled with Short sleeves, "she wore lace gauntlets. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a tiara trimmed in rhinestones and pearls and carried abouquet of stephanotis centered with an orchid. Miss Betty Lockwood, a close friend, acted as maid of honor, wearing blue crystalette in a ballerina length dress. A hat of matching material had a small veil attached to it and she carried pink carnations. Miss Viola Schaefer, a friend, and Miss Carol Berger of St. Clair Shores, Mich., a cousin, were bridesmaids and were dressed similarly, Miss Schaefer on Tuesday, Sept. 4, at the home ! A reception was held at tho j in pink and Miss Berger in Nugent Infant , i.s Christened The little son of Mr. and Mrs. George Nugent was christened '"'avid George at a baptismal "Tvice which was solemnized Miss Nancy Clare? Lange, Hunday, Aug. 26, at St. Patrick's daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry •'lurch, with Fr. Coakley offici- j J. Lange of Jackson, Mich., and.j nting. Sponsors were Mrs. Per-! a granddaughter of Mrs. Zena v Walker and Edward^ Stack- j Bacon of McHenry. was married hick, Jr. ' last Saturday. Aug. 25, to Mr. A lawn party and buffet sup- ! Arthur A.-Swanson, son of Mr. ler at the Nugent, home follow- j and Mrs. Everett Swanson of rd. Guests attending were Mr. 1 1000 Douglas street, Jolict. The nd fyls. E. stacknick and son, j couple exchanged nuptial, vows Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kuhn, Mr. in a lovely ceremony performed ~nd Mrs. Albert Nugent, Mr. in St. Paul the Apostle church, "nd Mrs. Perry Walker and ; Joliet, at 11 o'clock. "Jons, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Murl-j Acting as matron of honor t. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Graff. ' was Mrs. Kuth Garlanger of Bon- Mr. and Mrs. George Kosti and ton Harbor. Mich , and bridessons and tho baby's sisters, Pam maids were Audrey Maholie and rnd Kim. j Rosemary Davis, both Chicago -- --- ; friends of the bride. T'ox Valley Camp j Robert Swanson served his To Meet Sept. 4 | brother as best man and Kont Fox River Valley camp. R. N. ! and John Dawson wore grooms- • A., will hold a regular meeting j men. of Mrs. Peter W. (Bertha) j bridegroom's home following tho Freund at 624 W. Waukegan j service Saturday. road. The bride is a graduate of Hammond. Ind., high school and Marquette university. She has been employed as a chemist by the DuPont company in South CONDUCT TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THIRTY COUNTY HOMEMAKERS Chicago.' The newlyweds will make their home in Champaign, where the groom is entering his last year at the University of Illinois. The former Miss Lange is well known in McHenry, where she has spent much tirfte. Margueritte Briggs Lynch. University of Illinois extension . specialist in family living, will | ~onduct a training school Sept. I 4 on the subject "Everybody j Works at Our House." The ses- : ion will be held in the meeting oom of the Farm Bureau building, Woodstock, from 1 to 4 -i.m. The training school will be held fbr about thirty McHenry "ounty& homemakers, who will nresent the lesson subject at Home Bureau unit meeting in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scholz their local communities in Sep- of Chicago are the parents of a tember and October. 7 lb. 11 oz. son, born Aug. 14 The lesson is one of a series at ^>t. Ann's hospital. Mrs. Scholz on family living now being pre-1 is the former Frances Bieschke, sented in the twenty-five units ] daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray of McHenry county Home Bu- | Bieschke of near Volo. The pareau. In June, local leaders dis- j ternal grandparents are Mr. and cussed "Everybody Talks at ! Mrs. Robert Scholz of Shalmar. Our House". Now, the "Every j body Works" lesson is being ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid of presented, plus the subject the Country Club subdivision "Everybody Plays at Our • are the parents of their first House," being given by Irene j child, a daughter born Aug. 23 \Downeyi: county home, adviser, 'at Memorial hospital.. She has iieen named Deborah Sue. Mrs. Reid is the former Jennifer Houda. green Little Christine Biggs, niece of the bride, was the charming flower girl. She wore yellow crystalette over white and a white floral headpiece and carried a basket of pink carnations. Brian Becker of New Jersey, nephew of the groom, served as ring bearer. George Vaughn of Detroit, a friend, was best man and groomsmen were George Biggs, brother of the bride, and Otto Gottwik of Detroit. Mrs. Biggs chose for her daughter's wedding a dark blue dress over a rose-colored taffeta skirt and featuring rose dots. She wore white accessories and an orchid corsage. art show ratings " GO TO PRESENT AND ' FORMER RESIDENTS , An intricate work of« embroidery by the late Mrs% Herta Klaudt of Woodstock-was voted best over thq weekend among 137 wdrjts of art in the first McHenry county art show. The three-day show at the -county fairgrounds? directed by Barbara Brodie, Was .attended by al)out 425' adults atfd. a host of children. . - '*i-! • v • ' Eleventh and twelfth places went tp a McHenry resident and a former local girl. Mrs. Loretta Larsen Wilhelm placed eleventh with a portrait of a young boy, while a Sycamore mother of three, Diane Ballot ti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon of jMcHenEy,v: rated twelfth with a w^er cb|$erof the California coastfiij }}• 'ifji ' A Woodstock wohlan, Eleanor McClurkin, won second place in the show for her display of greeting cards put together from cut up pieces of cancelled postage stamps. An astonishing variety of styles and work of high caliber was exhibited at the show. Preference voting was varied and close. Out of 137 works on display, 118 drew some support from the public choice. The place of honor in the show went, to three" original etchings by the late Reinhold Palenske, which were excluded from the ballot- : ing. I Mrs. Klaudt's winning embroidi ory was a detailed portrait of ™ , . 7. r ^ i i her former home in South Da- The Garden clubs of Crystal kota ^ painstaking handy Lake will present Popular C*r- work wag t together of l95l ShT' threads ayed in about 160 dif- F.rst Methodsit church Wesley j ferent shades. hall, at the corner of Dole and August 31 Fish Fry &nd Square Dance-- Instructions art - Moose Lodge.' t- September 1 ' % Family Style Roast Beef Dinner -- Acacia Hall -- Service From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by O.E.S. Moose Lodge Ballroom Dance --Prizes and Refreshments. September 4 "Fox River Valley Camp, R.N* A. --Mrs. Peter W. Freund Hohie Women of. the Moose Initiation. September 6 C. D. of A. Business Meeting 'Teen-age Dance--Moose Lodge 7:30 to 10 p.m; Circle 1, WiS.C.S.--Methodist Church--12:30 p.m: ig September IS , K. of C. Meeting* - -- K. of C. Hall. September i4 Woman's Club Fall Lunchectn Meeting -- 1 p.m. McHeijpy Country Club -- ~ Mildred R. Brom. September 26 Lecture Luncheon Club Meeting -- McHenry Country Club -- 12:30 p.m. October 18 • C. D. of A. Public Party--Legion Home. s-; ? pjn. net zHi Program. fey Crystal Lake Garden Clubs To Present Show Crystal Lake avenues, on Friday, Sept. 14, and Saturday, Sept. 15. They ask that entries be sqjjt before Sept. 10 to Mrs. Conrad Cornell, 232 Ridge avenue. Residence Changes • '^Mrs/ P©rothy • 'White find daughters,.' £>ana -and Christie, have moved ;• from, ! Cleveland, Ohio, to Chicago, where Dana will enter college and her sister a private high school. Mrs. White is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasch of McHenry and she and her girls are frequent visitors^ here. FLOWER SHOW ' The Fox L^ke annual flower show will be held Wednesday, Sept. 12, art the Legion h'all. dn Rt. 12. The show is entitled "Arts and Flowers" and promises to be an entertaining afternoon for participants and visitors. Exhibits to be judged'must be Entered by 10:30 and removed before 4 p.m. Luncheon, cards and bunco will be featured. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank friends and ^ neighbors for cardjj aiid other kindnesses shown while I was convalescing in Memorial hospital in Woodstock, arid especially to Pastor Schropder Of the Nativity ehurch in Wonder Lake for visits aiid prayers. 'Mrs. Edna Thorp, 17 'M&CuIlom Lake CARD OF THANKS We are most grateful to Mr.' and Mrs. Wertke, operators of Skyline motel near Volo, for the consideration shown oUr out-oftown guests who came to attend the Biggs-Becker wedding last Saturday. * 17 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Biggs Don't forget the Little League meeting on Labor Day morning at the V.F.W. diamond. Bu^'your rubber stamps at the McHenry Platndealer. CARD OF THANKS We want to take this means of thanking everyone for flowers, cards, spiritual bouquets and all other kindnesses extended at the time of. our bereavement. Mrs. Richard Gary, Patricia Ann, James Richard, Donna Lynn and Steven Michael *16 FIRST ^ID CLASS The- Woodstock Community, following the ceremony, forty high school will again this year relativos and friends gathered at j.^ f^e scene of standard fipst the Biggs home for luncheon at I a-id instruction. County Superin- I 1 o clock. Later, a reception was J tendent of Schools, Richard L. enjoyed at Club Lilymoor by 125 Tazewell announces that a ,,stanguests. After a honeymoon trip, the dard first aid certificate is 'mandatory for all bus drivers before BIG HOLLOW PTA HAS FIRST MEETING OF SEASON SEPT. 12 CARD OF THANKS We want to take this means At a special meeting of of- Df thanking everyone for cards ficers and newly appointed chair- ; Qf sympathy, spiritual bouquets, men of the Big Hollow Parent j us<? 0f cars all other kind- Teachers association, held re- , nesses extended at the time of cently, it was decided to post- j our bereavement. We are espeepone the P.T.A.'s first regular , ially grateful for the sympameeting from Sept. 5, the first j thetic services of Fr. Daleiden day of school, to Wednesday, j and Fr. Plesa. SeP»" George A. May Family Mr. Taveirne, the principal. | Pauline May *16 will introduce the teachers to | -- the parents. Also. Mrs. Mildred Fago, a P.T.A. district repre-. sentative, is being invited to j VILLA speak. A very informative and 1 •fck#* pleasant evening is being anticipated. couple will make their home in they can obtain their driver's li-! Champaign, where he is an en- j cense for school bus. This Aclasis gineering student at the Uni- j win start Wednesday, S<$t. S, versity of Illinois. i a| 730 o'clock p.m. wid vJtftl be! The bride graduated in 1952 taught bv John Beckman, Jr., ' from McHenry high school and ! Red Cross county first aid chaiphas been employed at the local man. " telephone office. She will con- j tinue in this work at Champaign, j Don't forget the Little LeagUfc wh^er e she has been „t r.a...n sferred.}, mmeeieettinintrg oonn LLaabboorr ' DD'aa yvmbi The groom, a graduate of a at the V.F.W. diamond. Detroit high school, resided in McHenry last summer , where he was employed. He formerly served with the Marine corps. G u e s t s a t t e n d e d f r o m New Jersey. Michigan and Minnesota. TODDLER SHpP 8c YOUNG TEEN CORNER 1091II E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 'PHONE 746 HEADQUARTERS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL APPAREL (Thank you for being so patient with the street torn up in front of. us. It's t..I ^prpgress i|i McHerir^.^^,^ tr . If you have something ir Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE in the PLAINDEALER CARD OF THANKS My thanks and appreciation to all my friends whose cheery cards, flowers and visits made my stay in the hospital a memorable one. Sincerely, 16 Mrs. Herman Buck ON PISTAKEE BAY, NEAR McHMM Hon™© for the Atqed' SENELE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 r're Going "Back To School " Too! Yes,. thaUs--right;--we^re--going bark--to school to learn our ABC's (Advanced Beauty Course t. Mr. and Mrs. GeoVge Pedersen and their entire staff of beauty operators are looking forward to an extensive training course at the Robert Fiance Hair Design Institute ^n New York City, starting Sept. 4th. This course is limited to advanced beauty operators only, and its purpose i.s to teach experienced hairstylists the very latest in hair design and the newest and finest methods of permanent waving. We will re-open outsalon September 11th at which time we will be able to provide for our clients an even greater selection of hairstyles than in the past, as well as the newest, loveliest permanent waving methods availablc. anywhere. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS AivvecrrssiiJdee 126 N. Riverside Drive airshjluKj McHenry, 111. "sif for th.? firsl lime, an Electric Shaver especially clesigw-ed to berve tlie needs of women. ...FOR THAT SATIN SMOOTH SKIN removes superfluous hair so easily SO QUICKLY 1 ' iv Whisk* off hair in seconds . .. from underarms, legs and arms comes with matching traveling case! • No messy creams or irritating razor blades • No nicks, no cuts, no scars, no odor! . • Its gentle, sqre performance will always safeguard your personal feminine charm The Ladies Vanity shaves both legs and underarms with equally perfect results it buzzes along merrily . . & high quality ladies Shaver at an unbelievably low price. PHONE 40 103 S, GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL Jlabw (Duty • H America pauses to honor its workers. Their productive efforts help build a strong national economy ... help build strong national defenses-- to the benefit of all Americans. IN OBSERVANCE OF LABOR DAY, OUR BANK WILL NOT TRANSACT BUSINESS ON MONDAY, SEPT. 3 McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 llO Phone 147 An Important Message To [ Parents Of Young Children Help Youn Grow light To help your child's healthy young feet grow normally, good-looking CHILD LIFE Shoes are carefully made with'these special quality features. Let us show them to you soon. GENUINE PRE-FLEXED LEATHER SOLES •* t-*^ " c'btnforV'aifd" " long wear. m°fo GOODYEAR WELT SEWN --finest-of-all shoe construction. STRONG COUNTER -- molded to the exact contour of the foot. QUARTER OVERLAP prevents ripped back / seams. BROAD RUBBER HEELS ' -- best quality for maximum balance and wear. BROAD TOE AREA ample roorh fof toes to wiggle atid.-^rou' straight. ONE-PIECE SUEDED NON-SUP LINING --r holds' foot snugly back in heel of shoe. TEMPERED SPRING STEEL SHANK -- correctly placed for support of the arcb. ANKLE EMBRACER HEEL FIT -- keeps foot firmly, comfortably in place. ng Feet •as PARENTS From the moment your little or pops from in tho * till it's time for good nito ,h«y're on toe 9° • • • averaging more than 22#0Q0 steps a day. Some of them ^ , most of them -- but all of them in comfort if they're taken in wonderful, preflexed CHILD LIFE See soon - in longest wearing leathers. TO! SHOP and Young Teen Corner 109-111 E,%lm Street McHenry, IIL PHONE 746