•'nvftw'Sfc Thursday, October »•»••»• •|llii'i"i"|.|i.i..| lien Trendler Wed Sat^rflay • On Saturday, Oct. 27, in a 4 fclock wedding ceremony to take |BLce at Christ Lutheran church, ak Park, Mr. Allen jQhn Trend- |r will take- as his bride Miss pita Dianrie Williams. The future Hdegroom is the son of Mr. and Irs. John Trendler of River Terice, McHenry, and the bride is jfe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Igar Bertram Smiley of Maylowet Honors PriSe-TorEe ' A beautiful fall afternoon last funday helped to make a bridal hower especially enjoyable for mabeth Ann Stilling, a bridehbe. It was held at Memorial ll, Johnsburg. On her arrival, Miss Stilling as presented with a shower lquet consisting of kitchen _,ems. About forty-five guests ^ere present to enjoy an afternoon of games, after which the future bride opened her many, lively end useful gifts. 'The table was attractively decoikted with a sprinkling can and ah umbrella and wishing well, »e hand work of her mother, Charles Stilling. , At the close of the shower, a "delicious lunch was1 served by Eileen and Virginia Stilling, "Kathleen Freund and Laurayne Conway! Miss Stilling will be married Nov. 10 at 9:30 o'clock at St. John's church, Johnsburg. spent- an enjoyable evening and were presented with lovely gifts. Fox Valley Camp To Meet Nov. 5 Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A. .will hold its regular meeting on Monday, ^ov? 5, at the home of Mrs. George H. Johnson. PERSONALS •RECENT BRIDE. Juveiiile Forester Hallowe'en Party The Juvenile Foresters of St. Clara's Court, No. 659, will have a Hallowe'en party Monday, Oct. 29, from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock In St. Mary'p school hall. Penny Scholtx Has Birthday Party The home c>f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scholtz on Second street was the scene of a birthday party l a s t S a t u r d a y , h o n o r i n g t h e i r daughter, Penny, on her thirteenth birthday anniversary. Hallowe'en games were played ty the following guests: Joan Adams, Shirley Dowell, Linda Morris, Sandra Miller, Lynn Eiching^ r, Diane Diedrich, Nancy XJoiskwood, Lynn HampiCrstein and Judy Hay. Medlar Photo MRS. JOHN FLEMING Married in the Sacred Heart chapel of St. Patrick's church, McHenry, on Sept. 22 were Miss Margaret L. Lundy and Mr. John A. Fleming. They are residing on South Green street. AMONG THE SICK Teen-age Square Dance At Edgebrook /Jl 'teen-age Hallowe'en party and square dance will be held at Edgebrook school Saturday, Oct. 27. Utose attending are asked to come in costume, with prizes to be awarded for the most original. Parents are asked to be prompt in picking up their children at 10 o'clock. The dance will begin at 7:30. Observe. Tenth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Matchen celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary last weekend and were .honored at a party given by their relatives at their home. Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rolfs of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Glosson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tonyan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson, Mr. and Mrs. George Glosson, Mr. ajid Mrs. Elmer Glosson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Justen,Mr. q,nd Mrs. Albert Amo, and Mr. and Mrs. John Glosson. The Matchens MCHENRY HOSPITAL Medical patients this past week were Veronica Schopp of McHenry Shores, Selma Holmgren of Pistakee Bay, Walter Para of Lakemoor, Ann Miller of Lakeland Park, Mary Kranzeminski of Huemann's subdivision and Ford Hanford and Margaret B. Griffiths. Surgical patients were Allen Jones of Ringwood, Harold Morris and John Haddock. Mark Vycital was treated for a broken bone in his foot in an accident while playing football. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mrs. Paul Barbian and Mrs. Eva Burkhardt were both admitted this past week as medical patients. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely cards and good wishes we received on our fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers •25 Mrs. Rose Lessard and Miss Emma LeBeau have sold their home on Waukegan street "and left last Week to spend a few days with Chicago relatives before leaving for an indefinite stay to Daytona Beach, Fla. Later they plan to go to Los Angeles* Calif, to make their horned Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller, daughter, Carol, and son, Gerald Jr. spent i a few days the past week with relatives in Adams, Minn. Mrs. Nellie Bacon visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. "Carl Courier, in Marengo Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James", Hoyt of Sunset View have beef; vacationing in Florida the past couple of weeks. ** '• . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mjller of San Diego, Calif, splint a few days the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs" Arthur Edstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Laurence of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Lt. Norman Neks, Wife and children, Susan, Douglas and Leslie, of Milwaukee, ^yis.F were dinner guests in the Joseph Williams home Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell daughter, Mrs. Lafreda, and children of Waukegan were guests in the home of Mrs. Zend Bacon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld of Chicago visited McHenry relatives Saturday evening. Bill Weber, Who has been with the Navy at Great Lakes, left Saturday for'San Francisco, where he has been transferred. His father, Carl Weber, and sister, Jean, accompanied him to the airport. Mrs. Zena Bacon and son, Bob", were visitors in the Carl Hiatt home in Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Henry Scholtz visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Rose, in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Eugene Mendel and son, Jerry, of Westchester spent a few days this week with her par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sutton and son and Mrs., Laura Minteer of Maywqod were Sunday visitors in the E. R. Sutton home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly attended the Ice Follies at the Chicago Stadium Saturday. Mrs. Joseph May, Mrs. Wm. Staines and Mrs. Harold Steffan, accompanied by Mrs. Martha Henniken of Woodstock and Mrs. Lillian Winegar of Elgin, were guests in the Elmer Schmalfeldt home in Kenosfra Friday. Jack Schoenhoeltz wa& home from Great Lakes to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenhoeltz. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Porter of Hinsdale were weekend guests of Mrs. Irene Guffey. Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Arthur Martin were recent guests of friends in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly have returned from a two-week vacation at Washburn, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Hay and VILLA ON PISTAKEE BAT, NEAR McHENttY • ' • Hew© for the SENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 |' A STATE SENATOR f V:! FROM McHENRY COUNTY FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE 1915! mmmp. #r dhard F. Babcock c,.,^ ' * Democratic Candidate for |\\ ' State Senator year resident of McHenry ft? County, teacher, Lawyer, Farm Bureau Member e a u i t f u l a % • * J •;$. v B R E C K NEW B R E C K C R E M E R I N S E Breck Creme Rinse, a new preparation, used, after the shampoo imparts lustre and body to your hair without leaving an oily appearance. Hair that has a tendency to tangle is made easy to comb and arrange by use of Breck Creme Rinse. It is helpful in the care of permanent waves and in the prevention of dry, brittle hair. Applied professionally in our salon, Breck Creme Rinse will leave your hair soft, fragrant and manageable. AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 0 .iverside 186 N. Riverside Drive de ^J*Cairslyling ofl uJl McHenry, I1L to Phone 147 daughters, Judy and Karen,' enjoyed a few days in Tennessee the past week, where they^ visited Mr. and' Mrs. Toy East Jmd family. . - A . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode returned recently from a week's vacation in the Ozarks. They stopped to visit friends in Joplin arid Neasho, Mo., made while Mr. Rode was stationed at Fort Crowder during World War n. During their absence, their daughters, Julie and Valerie, remained at home with their grandmother, Mrs. Tillie Engeln. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, , who reside north of McHenry, Mrs. Christiana Brefeld, Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred Freuhd and family, Mrs. Margaret Foley and family of Richmond and Mr." and Mrs. Jack Draper and family of Lake Geneva attended the annual turkey dinner at the St. Francis BeSalle church in Lake Geneva Sunday. After *the dinner, the remainder of. the day was spent at the Draper home. * Those from a distance who .attended the fqneral of Christina Schmitt were Mrs, Anna Schmitt frSm St. Paul, Minn., Mr. and Mi-s. Nichlas Hein and son, Tony, of Aurora, Leo Bulfer, St., and Mr.. and Mrs. Leo Bulfer, Jr., and daughter, Elizabeth oC- Sublette, Mr. and Mrs. Jake M. Was- Senberg and Mrs. A. L. Butterfield of Sterling. WED IN OCTOBER Medlar Pfe^to THE PAUL BREFELDS St. Joseph's Catholic church in Richmond was the scene of a lovely wedding on Oct. 6. which united Miss Joanne Stilling^ of Richnpond and Mr. Paul Brefeld of McHenry. They are making their home in Chicago. , CARD OF T We wish to express ^ur. most sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent cards and gifts to our little boy, SteVie, whilo he was in the hospital. Your thoughtfulness kept Stevie very happy and made our ordeal rnuch easier. 25 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kitig M: ' October 25 : Card and Bunco Party ir--y33prrison School -- 8 p.m. sponsored "by Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ: the King Church, Wonder Lake. . lW.SX£.S. Diiy of Prayer--1 p.m. ChurchSartjjtuary. " W.6 6.t. Pot-Luck Supper and Costume. Party* -- 6:45 p.m. • • . "'/October' 27 ' Masquerade Dance--Community Club, Johhsburg. October 31 Lecture luncheon Cluty--Crystal Lake ^- iNoon. Niiyefnbcr 1 W S.C.S. iTfcll;, bazaar--Lunch-- Noon to 1:30 p.m.--Dinner, 5 to 7 p.m.--Methodist' Church. November 3 "Dance Theatre '56" Matinee --Evening Performance--McHenry- High School Auditorium. Dance Theatre -- High School Auditorium -- Matinee, 3:30 p.m. Evening Performance, 8:30 p.m. November 4 Turkey • Dinner -- St. Mary's Hall, McHenry -- Sponsored by Parent's Association, Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. Serv- Mt {ra^>JMJpn.,t<> 4 p.m. November 5 fo* Riy^Valley Camp, R.N.A. M«etmgr-Mrs. George H. Johnsqpi' Ijtome. . November 7 St. Mary's P.T.A.--3:15 p.m.-- School Hall. »|Girl Scout Adult Association-- llm. -- Legion Home. ; * November 8 Dancheon and Bazaar--Sponsored by: Zion Lutheran Ladies' -- Legion Home -- Starts at Ni0n. t Regular K. of C. Meeting. November 11 Bake Sale -- Sponsored by St. Patrick's Mother's Club--Following t, 8, 9, 10 and 11:30 Masses --Church Hall. 1 it,. November 13 sl;; ^Patrick's Mother's Club Meeting--2:45 p.m.--Church Hall. December 7 and 8 Christmas Bazaar -- Moose -- Sponsored by Women of the Moose. BIRTHS A son was born Oct. 18 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lennis. Daughters were born Oct. 20 at Memorial hospital 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson and Mr. -and Mrs. Ha^ld B. Smith of Johnsburg. The Smith infant has been named Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Scholtz are the grandparents of a girl, Susan Margaret, born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose at West Suburban hospital, Oak Park, Oct. 10. She has a brother, Bobby, 2 years old. TTT TT Before You Call us for free estimates on' CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • YARD GOODS • SHADES • VENETIAN BLINDS • BED SPREADS • CURTAINS • DRAPERY HARDWARE & ROE£ 214 South Green St.' PHONl!2yfl7 McHenry, HL Keep it under your (~y helmet! fimm neW1 - COI ER-DIVEI Even-keel stops start with Oldsmobile's new Counter- Dive ... a new front-ond suspension feature th6t reduces stopping "dip"! Wol» till you try it! It's tmoothl «T PRIOAV, NQV. ©, AT OUR SHOWROOMI s, 403 Front St. Phpn» ycHenpf < • R. J. Overtoil H DOROTHY DOHERTY BECOMES BRII5E OF PETER Ei W5INGART . In a very- lovely fall wedding at' St. Patrick's Catholic church last Saturday, morning, Oct. 20, Miss Dof-othy ; Marie Doherty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Doherty ;<jf Cooiiey Heights, McHenry,; became the t)ride of Mr. Peter E. Weingart, son of the senior .4>eter Weingsu-ts, also, of McHenry. Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley offieiated^at the 10 o'clock nuptial rite. ' Given ,;:;in . marriage by her father; tiifcpretty, blonde bride approached the altar, in a white satin dress, with 'Alencon lace at the neckline and short sleeves. Her . pearl and satin headpiece held a fingertip veil and she had a chapel train. Acting as maid of honor was the bride's 'sister Rosemafy, who chosfe a greeri faille dress; ballerina -length, princess style, with satin bow iri back. * With it she wore a green velvet headpiece. Miss Marlene Fasse of Waukegan and Miss Patricia Hay of McHenry, close friends, were bridesmaids, attired in green faille dresses styled like that of the maid of honqr. Eileen Mason of Elgin, niece of the groom, was junior bridesmaid, also wearing green faille., Harold Weingart served his brother as best man and Joseph Sullivan of Wonder Lake and Kenneth Moderhack of Chicago, friends, were groomsmen. Mrs. Doherty chose for her daughter's wedding a dior blue crepe dress, with matching hat in satin, and wore a pink rose corsage. Mrs. Weingart was attired in a rose-wine crepe dress and black accessories and wore a similar corsagfe. Breakfast was served to the bridal party at the Doherty home immediately following the ceremony and later, forty members of the two families gathered at the V.F.W. clubhouse for dinner. After 5 o'clock, 200 relatives and friends enjoyed a reception there. Following a trip South, the couple will make their home in Arlington Heights. The bride graduated in 1952 from the McHenry high school and has been employed in Chicago. The groom graduated from the local school in 1949 and manages a cleaning establishment in Arlington Heights. •* lif SUiMOltUM - . Ift memory of our daughter, Mildred Scheid, who passed away Oct. 31, 1053; Mf. and Mrs. George Witt *25 i and family OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd Jacobsen celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 21. They had a surprise visit Satur-. day from -Mr. Jacobsen's. nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kjartaii Turmo of Rio de Janeiro! Turmo is with the U.S. Embassy in that city. i - RESIDENCE CHANGES Mr. and Mrs. Roy Redwanz and family have moved from an apartment on Main street to the home of the late Gertrude Justen on Waukegan street. OARD OF THANKS Mr; aitfd Mrs? Joe Cammarata of the Cardinal Food; store ill Lakemoor wish to th&hk everyone foi* their patronage for the five and one-half years ?and hona their customers and. friends do their best by^the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony .B$nato. 2S I want "to . tak« "this way to thank the Alt&t- and RoS&ry sbdality and Hey. Cbakley for the prayers arid Mass, of thanksgiving ;for me: while. I Was iri"Memorial •hospital. Tliarik you, and also all Thy dear friends and relatives SW prayers, card, flowers arid gifts'. I surely appreciated it all so much. 'I 25 Mrs. Alvin C: Petepon HIDE, 2'/z Miles East of Cary FRIDAY NITE, OCT. 26, 1956 EVERYONE WELCOME 'Tor Shoes That Please See Peter Gies" . • Baby Shoes • Boys' & Girls' Shoes • Ladles' "Sho^s • Men's Shoes • Work Shoes • Rubber Footwear Peter Gies Shoes & Shoe Hepairs Phone 441-M 107 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, HI. Y AND In Everyday Living [G THE NERVE ©F THEM! Burglars are getting much bolditr --a recent nation-wide survey shows a definite - increase in daytime burglaries. How more than ever, it seems, it's important to giye valued personal possessions the kind of twentyfour- hovr-a-day protection that a safe deposit box affords. (We will gladly reserve a safe deposit box in our strong vault for you--just say the word.) * • • OIL-PAINTED WALLS inside your home can be protected, according to decorative advisers, with a starch coating. Dissolve 1 part diy laundry starch in 1 part cold water; add 8 parts boiling water and % part vinegar; stir thoroughly. When the walls to be treated have been washed, apply this solution with brush or roller. It will dry McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 •> , r iwiii Don't Overlook RAINBOW'S SANITONE DRY CLEANING * One trial will convince you better than 10,000 printed words why the discriminating, particular people in the McHenry area pref er our more i, U wthorough, gentle dry cleaning. Phone 927 lor Pfefeup Service or SAVE 10% Cash *N Carry at Around Cormi. North of National Tea OBEN DAILY: 8 A. M. tfa 6 P. M. -- FRIDAYS "Ml- 9 P. Mi transparent* will not change the color of tlw oil paint; and will prevent yoijir painted surfaces from becoming soiled. When the coating itself becomes soiled, simply wash it off with awartn soap-and-water solution. HESITANT about buying a larger-denomination Series E United States Savings Bond? Perhaps yoti fear that you may soon require sbriie of the principal for current expenses, and will have td redeem the Bond in full--with corresponding loss of interest. Note this fact: A Bond in a denomination larger than $25, may *be redeemed in part at current redemption value; and the remainder will be reissued as of the original date without loss of interest. Get full particulars at our bank, where you can get your Boind as well. •i-Av