tatffc Tin /.-. §ff^ jc-yg^g'? ^ ' * » * ,Jp*t , > r- W &>• e ^YWi iillllsliiS;- 1® M&ittM •( mm®1- $}>:. Johnsburg News By Mr*! (tatty Hetternumn Honored at Rwpptlon l^F- and Mrs. Charles Hiller vto&re honored with a post-wedding reception on Saturday, Nov. 17, af the Community club hall. Jfrany friends and relatives who Were unable to attend their wedffihg in St. Paul. Minn., on Nov. 3 Were in attendance. Turkey with all the trimmings were served to the guests. Charles and Pam have taken up residence in McHenry. eember as the anniversary of their first na'tatl day. They aire Holly Marshall, Maureen Mc- Guire and Marianne Einspar, Mary Wakitsch will celebrate her oirthday next month. Best wishes to all. Bazaar antf Carnival i The Johnsburg P.T.A. is planning a carnival and bazaar for Saturday, Dec. 1, at the school. ..M „ • This project will take placi? from- 4 p.nj. until 10 p.m. Besides games of skill and chance, the following items will be on salehomemade food articles such, as cakes, cookies, pies, rolls, etc. Handiwork of all types and miscellaneous items such as plants pottery, books, greeting cards "and white elephant items. Besides all of the above mentioned articles, there will be a boot and skate exchange. Round up the family and plan on spending a couple of hours at the bazaar. Food and refreshments will be served also. Around The Town Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hettermann and family, Mrs. Cora Herdrich, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hettermann and daughters, Mrs. Helena Hettermann and Gerry Hettermann and family were dinner and supper guests on Thanksgiving Day at the John Herdrich home in Mr. and Mrs. Don Mich£ls of Wonder Lake and Mr. -and Mrs. Emitt Roberts and daughter were holiday dinner guests, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jofc Smith were most happy to have their' relA-i tives share a delicious dinner oh Thanksgivng. Present were Mfi and Mrs. Bill Zimmerm&nn anil4 family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smeltzer and family, Paul Zirrimerrriann, Mr. and Mrs. William Morick and family, Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Zimmermann and family, Mrs; Andrew Dorari, Mr. and Mrs. Einar Fossum, Mrs. Edna GitChell and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Altendorf. / The Bill Schnditts of Chicago were weekend visitors at tht? home of his parents. The G<?orge Lasser family of Chicago enjbyed the holiday at the home of her parents the Rudy Lassers. ; • Good health is wished to Mrs, Mary Hettermann, who returned home. after a week's stay at the McHenry hospital. Shop At Home Gone for the Winter Our good friend. Bill Ricks has left our midst to spend the winter in Peoria wth his daughterana husband, the Emil Boilers Bill will be greatly missed by his many friends but we will all be looking forward to him along with the first flowers come next Spring. Pre-Thanksgiving Package Mr. and Mrs. Don Monte wel- i corned a new addition to their family shortly before the Thanksgiving holiday. A son was born to them on Nov. 16 at the Memorial hospital. Congratulations to the new parents. Engaged Recently Thanksgiving eve proved to be a most happy time for Marilyn Smith. On that particular evening, Carl Ohlrich slipped a beautiful ring on her third finger, left hand. As yet, there is no definite date set for the wedding. Marilyn, is the daughter of Mr. and airs. Peter H. Smith and Carl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ohlrich of Woodstock. Birthday Comer Three young ladies share Deannounces ALYCE JOYCE as our authorized Hammond Organ Teacher and Sales Representative for t|he ChaJn-O-Lakes Region" The HAMMOND ORGAN.. . . . the easiest keyboard in>- strument for adults and children to play. Lyon-Healy offers a complete line of Hammond Organs, priced from $1365, on terms to suit your needs. For full details, . see, phone or write . . . ALYCE JOYCE 308 West Elm McHenry, Illinois Phone 812 LYON-HEALY, 243 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 4, WAbash 2-7900 WE PAY MORE FOR YOUR SAVINGS AT FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION WISELY! WE PAY El For Your Savings and Investment Funds ALL ACCOUNTS ARE FiBEilALLY INSURED UP TO i CONSERVATIVE MAN^©iMiWT AMD LIBERAL RlSERViS -- OVER $500,000 Make 3'/2 Percent Earnings Possible There Is Safety dnd Strength Behind Your Money At MAMENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State Street * Phone JO 8-7258 M A R E N G O . I L L I N O I S CURRENT DIVIDEND 3Vz% -- SAVE BY MAIL ii of" 111 V row tisxsA ,110 U £ u /W II ><rfi Hickory Smoked mkq Head Lettuce • 19* California Iceberg Variety 24 Size Fancy Carrots 19 Calif. Broccoli 3 Green Cabbage . Nrk Loin Roast 'Super-Right' 1 y2 to 3 lb Size m cut RIB PORTION 1ST CUT LOIN PORTION 29' » 39c Center Cut Cbps * 59c Seedl«i< Q 80'»--fclorida 0 for • # Oregon Wihter Pears 5 1 3 91 LEG OF 'Super-Right" j j Shin Bone Lb* Removed PORTERHOUSE An jou Pears 2 29* Juice Oranges ^ 5>, McClure Potatoes 10149 Club or T-Bone "Super-Right" Steaks SIRLOIN STEAK ! Oeen Perch Fillets FRUIT i A top ndfel treat--over % Fmlt and Nuta "Super-Right" Lb. Quality P/2-lb. she 39 5-Pound Size. $3.98 3-•b. $275 size 79 lb. bulk 25 Bowman Milk Yz gal ctn. 30 LITTLE FOR IS MUNI MORE FOWW mp is (*oud ws v®rv significont A&P Apple Sauce 2 h„° 29° A^P Sliced pinedppic 3 *l°° " --- - - " - 10* 59' 2-TSE m, boiet Mlill 2 r 39' profit On the average imounts to only 8/10 of one cent.1 N© wonder more and more people ®r© swS^ehing to A&P convinced that saaeia ® small profit must mean they receive mare food for their money; GeMeis Corn Saltine trackers Great Northern Beans 16-oz. tint ©Gap customers spend AvM ifls A&P's Bel Monte Peaches °: 29° Fancf Sauerkraut Z t A&P Brand 17-oz. |AC ^ ^ ^ Whole Kernel tin IU • iCOVl WW Strawberry jar ST £25'Browsi Sugar TZ™ 2-ib ASe HAIahm O ,4ot 900 pk« pk«. of 12 )C | Pk«-:li f 48 . § SWIFT'S CLI^SiR Past pkg. Act. of 3 19 INSTANT FEIS Soap Granules 2 £ 6 f * FELS NAPTBM SCA? z ~ w SURF DETEI3EMT 2'"" pkg*- 55 Ajax Cleanser Briaie Detergent Rinii Blue Wisk Detergent Orange Juice Contain* Bleach 2 2f it Handy Liquid Libby Frozen Libby Frozen A&P B r a n d V 2 2 •ag 14-oz. tins large pkgs. giant mm®, Pkg. 13 pint Gift' Is, tins 10° Preserves 25* Browi 21' Brooks Catsup Kraft Cheese Spread *^25' Crisn Shortening3 - 95" 4 >»• QCc Q flit Jfv f KIC6 ""Mlnutei pkg. Id" 10-oz. pkgs. I@*@L Strawberries OniMAmii Chopped or Loaf •• |5| ^46 mmm Libby Frozen pfjgQ. lit Ireei leans2 21® Iraft laearoni Dinner,yi" Cream Iheese Philadelphia pkgt* Ballard !iscuifc°~-»4 25 lle Swiff i Baby Food IIs Pf i-Hy Mix 33e Star Kist Tuna w Cracker lick 5*«i. Mr Pure Ve9. PSG Shortening ' A Meal |4<0Z. in Mlnutei pkg. 2S,/a*o*. M |ars •§ f . Coffee 14-oz. CaU pkg. Chunk A 6(/2-OZ. Styl« L. tins Kreft American Pkg. Ctnuptye 16-OZ. fond pkg. Caramel J| Coated Corn IK pkgS. 29fe 59' •"* 33 25 pkg. '•«. ts KE OFSAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC All prices effective through Dr COMPANY ht