* H- i it J ', "^- \ 1 ,^, ^ ^ -y V*" Page Twenty-two McHEWHY PLAINDEALER m Sfe Wonder News M By Phyllis Whitfield Ninth Birthday |: Nov. 26 was the ninth birthday of Charles Pheniger. He celebrated the Saturday before by going to the stock car races in Chicago with his parents. He received as one present a clarinet and hopes some, day .to play in a band. Play Cards for Hospital Two groups played cards recently and turned over twelve dollars to ths Woodstock hospital building fund. Wednesday, Nov. 28, the Wooded Shores canasta group met. at the home of Mrs. Jean Motulowicz. High scores were held by Mrs. Delores Wines and the hostess. Others playing were Mesdames Sybil Johnson, Ruth Gorm, Olga Grosser, Lorraine de Laurier, Eloiste^ McCafferty and Ann Weretka. / . Mrs. Hejen Kopp was hostess to the Wonder Woods canasta group which „met Thursday, Nov. 29. Those enjoying an evening of cards were Mesdames, Catherine Wurm, Mary Sandgren, Riith Woodward, Ann Miller, Marcella Meeker, Neva Fuhrer and Mary Jane Sellinger. It's A Boy! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Kanegan are happy to announce that Thomas Jack arrived Thursday, Nov. 29. The little fellow is their third son. They also have one daughter. Mrs. Van Kanegan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brennen of Chicago, are staying in the Van Kanegan home. Brownie Investiture Thursday, Nov. 29, the Brownie Lone Troop I held their investiture. Twenty-fiist year girls were given Brownie and World pins. Twenty-five second and thirdyear girls were given stars to show they were entering another year of Brownie work. Pamela Huebner welcomed the new members of those mothers who attended. After the investiture, which was conducted by Mrs. Huebner and Mrs. Whitfield, the girls played a game and dixie cups and cookies were served. 4H Club Meets The 4-H club of Wonder Lake met at Mathews hall, Nov. 26. As land has "been provided for the use of the club, many are enthusiastic about raising animals. Eighteen new members 'joined the club at this meeting. Three delegates, Fred Dickman, Mary Jane Gillis and Tom Miller, will go to the recreation training school in Woodstock. After the meeting, records were played and everyone enjoyed the dancing. The officers will hold a meeting. Dec. 10 and the next meeting of the club will be a Christmas Darty to be held Dec. 17. Christ the King An election of officers for the Altar and Rosary sodality will be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. at Mathews hall. Each member should bring a fifty-cent grab bag gift as there will be a Christmas party after the election. The Altar and Rosary ladies will have a bake sale Sunday, Dec. 9, in the rear of the church before and after all Masses . A Christmas party for the children of Christ, the King parish will be held Sunday, Dec .16, at Mathews hall from 2 to 4 p.m. Children are isked to bring a twenty-five cent gift for the grab bag. The Sisters who teach the children each Sunday will prepare some entertainment for the pqrty. The Children of Mary, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Sullivan and Mrs Carl Walker, will also entertain. Nativity Lutheran We wish to thank all the members and friends of the church who contributed so generously to the Lutheran World Relief Thanksgiving clothing appeal. A whole truck load or good, warm, useable clothing was taken to the shipping center in Elgin,, and these gifts of clc thing will do so much to help the people in Europe believe there is still hope and that someone is still concerned about them. At a special meeting of the Illinois Synod on Wednesday, Nov. 28, the Rev. A. Howard Weeg was elected president of the Illinois Synod to fill the position left by the passing of Dr. Harmon J. McGuire. Rev. Weeg was the former Evangelism secretary of the Illinois Synod, but will now resume his new duties as president next September. Sunday, Dec. 9, will be Loyalty Sunday in the church, and it will also be Anniversary Sunday for Nativity will be 4 years old that Sunday. Just four years ago on Dec. 7, Nativity was officially organized at Grace Lutheran church, Woodstock. In honor and gratitude of this anniversary, Loyalty Sunday will be observed. The members of the church will bring their pledges and support of the program of the church to the services to be dedicated. These pledges, will in a real way express our appreciation and thanksgiving to the Lord for all of Fis benefits to us. On this Sunday also, the "every member visitation" will be carried on by the men of the church. The sermon topic foR that day will be "Blessings and Bounty." Sunday evening at 7:30 the Luther League will have an important meeting. Hans will be made for the Christmas party to be held at Harrison school Saturday, Dec. 15. Wednesday evening, Dec. 12, at 8 the Altar guild of the church will meet. „ The topic for the evening's discussion will be "The Church Calendar Year." All ladies are invited to this meeting. The brotherhood of the church is sponsoring a special family night to which they invited all men of the r+iurch and the community, and their families. This family night progi am will be held at Harrison school on Friday, Dec. 14, at 8. For the entertainment of all, the marionette show, "The Adventures of Thumblina," vvill be presented This promises to be enjoyed by all, especially by the younger set. A free-will offering will be received to offset the cost of the show. . Refreshments will be served. / Mathews building Jan. 2. He, moved to this community recently after twenty-six years ln?the baber business in Chicago. Here and There Richard Mathews, who is.home on a two-week leave, and Jim Van Kanegan, who goes into service this month, were entertained at a dinner in Mrs. Pearl Mathews' home Sunday, Dec. 2- Jim will go to San Antonio, Tex. Arthur Beard of Shore Hills celebrated his ? ? birthday last week. Beth Smith, who was involved in an accident last week, is home from the hospital and is able to be about although her knee is painful. *,The McHenry Choral club's annual Christmas concert is to be presented Saturday and Sunday nights, Dec..8 and 9. This is the last chance to purchase tickets from the faithful Wonder Lake members, Harriet Bell and Phyllis Whitfield. Musical selections, from sacred to rock 'n roll, will he featured and everyone is sure to find, their favorite type of music being sung or played. OVER COUNTER OF LICENSE PLATES BEGAN SATURDAY aJf --5-- Over-the-counter sale of motdr vehicle license plates for 1957' began Saturday in both the Springfield and Chicago offices of the Automobile department, Secretary of State Charles F. fcarpentier announced. Mailing of license plates applied' for by mail began at the same time, he said. The deadline for displaying 1957 plates on vehicles Will be no later than Feb. 15, Secretary Carpentier said. This means, he added motorists should have their mail' applications in the Springfield office by Feb. 1 in order to be sure their plates will reach them in time to meet the deadline. "Announcing the deadline now gives applicants sixty days to take care of this obligation to the state of Illinois, which should surely be ample - time to avoid any delinquency," Mr. Carpentier said. * Secretary Carpentier pointed out that the Springfield office of the Automobile department has been moved in recent months from the capitol building to the centennial building. On other Saturdays except the first, the Springfield office will close at noon and the Chicago office at 1 p.m. Weekday hours for both offices are from 8;30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Chicago office is located at 334 South Ashland boulevard. PTA Sponsors Resale Shop Several ladies of the PTA, under the direction of Mrs. Jerry Lunak, are present Monday through Friday from 1 to 4 p.m. in the PTA resale shop located in Mathews hall. . The shop te handling a variety of articles, end tables, snow boots and ice skates to mention a few of them. It will be worthwhile to stop in and see the items available. Proceeds from these sales will go toward a better library for the students of Harrison school. Peter Bivona is opening a new two-chair barber shop in the T. P. T I L E IT YOURSELF AND SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST Prices W/i* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERG ANT'S fyai>i,Q,Jlea fya>un PHONE RICHMOND 4193 Located, on Johnsburg Rd., S'/t miles North of Jnhnsburg (About 2Yi miles North of Snnnyside Estates) SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE Thursday NOTHING me, * PARAKEET, owned b4 MRS B-F. Hvd&/ of sawfcagarbaM.Ofily has 3 VOCABULARY of 500 WOfc&S -$nd can speak to both SPANISH and ENGLISH If One of tubSAFEST PLACED DUfetNG A. 1 teUTMMe STORM |£ SOME METAL INCLOSUKE*- SliCH A& AN ALTTD WITH A METAL TOP/ HAVE PROBABLY THE MOST EXERCISED MUSCLES IN THE HUMAN BODY---- lN A DAY OF REA0IN6, MUSCLES MOVE YOUR EYES/ ABOUT 100,000 TIMES // RELEASE OFFICIAL CANVAS OF STATE ELECTORAL BOARD EAGLE - PICHER TRIPLE SLIDE Aluminum STORM WINDOWS and DOORS Liberal Trade-in Allowanefe on your old windows and doom. ORDER NOW! Zephyr Ventilated ALUMINUM AWNINGS and DOOR CANOPIES Also The Famous Zephyr Aluminum ROLL UP & ©OWN AWNSN©S ARTHU1 SOGER" PHONE 840-J 307 Waukegan Rd. McHenry President Dwight D. Eisenhower carried Illinois in the Nov. 6 electionby - 847,645 votes, the official canvass of the Vote by the state electoral board showed. The president received 2,623,- 327 votes to Adlai E. Stevenson's 1,775,682, and carried ninety-seven of the state's 102 counties. High man jn the state ticket was Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier, who won re-election by 600,277 votes. His total was 2,432,954, and he carried eighty-nine counties. He was followed by Attorney General Latham Castle, whose 2,310,346 votes gave him a 405,- 907 plurality for re-election. Gov. William G. Stratton was re-elected by a 36,877 vdte margin with a total of 2,171,786. The total vote cast in the state was 4,484,956. Members\-of the electoral board are Governor Stratton, Secretary of State Carpentier, Auditor of Public Accounts Lloyd Morey, S t a t e T r e a s u r e r W a r r e n E. Wright and Attorney General Castle. FLYING A WINTER TANKFUL IS A MUST, SINCE WINTRY DAYS YOU CANNOT TRUST* tc/a, Xv- You can outwit Winter by keeping your home snug and warm with reliable Fuel Oil heating. Call 730 today and order your supply of high grade Fuel Oil. You'll like our automatic service. LYING HfA7tNOO/LS> ^eAolce 5M WAUKEGAN RD Mc/-/£N£tY, ///mots C?i~c,T3tO LIFELONG RESIDENT OF McHENRY WRITES TWICE TOLD TALES One of the PIa,ndealer's favorite columns through the years has been "Twice Told Tales" and it is especially popular with those to whom McHeniyhas been home for at least a few years. Many times we are asked the author of the column and, we are pleased co say it is a lifelong resident, Miss Ann Frisby, who has also contributed otherwise to the Plaindealer lor many years. Thisfall she Completed forty years as correspondent for. a daily paper in this area. Ann, as she prefers her friends to caU her, was born south of McHenry, the daughter of John and Bridget Weston Frisby. She has many happy memories of the early days, including the many times when she and her sisters and brothers would walk to town barefoot.' When they approached the city limits, they washed their feet in the river so they would be presentabla for cathechism lessons at old St. Patrick's church. Abojat fifty years ago the family moved to a residence on the corner of John and Fourth street and there she helped her mother operate a boarding and rooming house. Many lasting friendships >were made, and each Christmas time cards and letters from almost every state bring back word of acquaintances made a half century ago. She cared for her invalid mother for several years and during that time was busy keeping pace with her mother's generous nature by making cookies for children in the neighborhood. Business & Service Directory of Wonder iske Open On Sundays B to 1 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY m Free Estimates A Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 CRISTY and STENDEBA6H General Contractor* NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 Many of those generous chare teristics have been, inherited by Ann, who spends much of her spare time wilting, to, or calling on. 'those who are ill and unable to be about. , For .several years she has lived at 403 Main street in the home of her sister, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. ^ She also has another living sis-® ter, MrS. Mollie C.jvens, as well as many nieces -and nephews. Ann will doubtless be surpr to read this account, coverii just a few of the highlights Of her life, but we thought our readers would get added pleasui^ in reading "Twice Told Tale$T' when they realized that the wrii- " er had actually been a part Of McHenry in the "good, old day$"^ . ^ ^ FINAL BIDS The final bid letting of the season was held at Springfield last week when. the state Division of Highways took bids on 31 road construction project totalling $3,686,000. This brought to $96,106,378 the total amount of bids received on Gov. William G. Stratton's 1956 road program. Contracts totalling $85,849,000® have been awarded to date. Looking for CANADIAN INVESTMENTS? Investors Group Canadian Fund Ltd. is a diversified, continually managed mutual fund organized in Canada with investments in Canadian securities, seeking long-term growth possibilities through: 1. Investments in companies participating in t h e d e v e l o p m e n t and expansion of Canadian natural resources, industry, and commerce. 2. Automatic reinvestment' of all dividends and other earnings, providing special tax considerations. Get the facts on this mutual fund contained in a free prospectus-booklet from: George Collette Zone Manager McHEMY SAVIMGS & L0AB3 ASSOCIATION I is lor INTEREST If you're interested in bigb returns on your savings dollar, yovtll be gratified to know that we have paid the highest interest in keeping with safety -- currently much better than some other types of savings institutions. CURRENT RATE 3% 522 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. "A Guaranty Saving's Association" A SAVf TttlfC ADS Collect enough of the big capitals to make any word (of 4 letters or more) which appears in the messages, or in our firm name. Bring them in, and receive an attractive FREE GIFT. n VM,. There's a whole new outlook behind the wheel--a bigger view of the road over that sassy hood. And isn't that new instrument panel a honey! Look through that '57 Chevrolet windshield and you see how its new, deeper design gives you better, safer vision. Glance down--just a bit-- and your eyes rest on the sweetest instrument panel a car ever had. Then, take the wheel and you'll find the going's even better than the looking! (Horsepower ranges up to 245.)* Come in and see. CHEVROLET *27D-h.p. high-performance "'MOllifr also available at •dm cost. Sweet, smooth and sassy! The Bel Air Convertible with Body by Fisher. Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark CLARK CHEVROLET 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY, ILL. Diversified Services, Inc. OK, MAIL THIS COUPON Please send me free prospectusbooklet describing Investors Group Canadian Fund Ltd. Name Address .... City ----Zone... State V*