> ' £ / - - < J * V " ^ v 1 ,,r "*•. *•-'• •• •NNUlMa^' \i' ' - • ' -••• . -, -•^HE-M«aBg^PIjaM13EAI1Eg' •' a' y1',- .•••'. ^ : thuwday, J«nu»TT 16. r^> if- . • .--... . . • , .. ^ ^ ,•,. Vy_. . - _-vv -• -- . . • » 1 ; J ----^ 1958 *$4*? HIGHLANDS by Wanda Dobecki & Carla Bales 583-R1 And 2895-J Wednesday night was cold ^ but "there was still a |W(pSy fair turnout for the Janu- *^?lj»<(#eting of the community as- •oeiatton. Reports were received fMtnthe various scout leaders as ,Wfill. iW-a report on the result of tite Christmas tree sale by the ®e«i scouts. Leader Pringston reporteda loss on the Sale but the association added twenty dollars to their treasury for their help in CHMirinjs away the old trees. Steve Vrbik, furnace committee chairman • reported that he is still J&Uowing leads to procure heating . plants^ for the center at a reasonably cost A cement mixer will be loaned to the association this coming Saturday and the men will finish the floor for the kitchen. . A committee consisting of Don Tbobecki, jTimmy Bales and Jack Erbin was assigned the job of -'planning the vhnter carnival to ibe held this winter. V There was a discussion on raising the dues and this war voted against. There will be a guest speaker at the next meeting who will give advice on how to keep our community from becoming a slum as many do. A dance will be held at the barn 'bit Jan. 24 and is sponsored by the 'teen age club members who will be selling tickets soon. There will also be a Valentine dance next month. benches for the skating area. The snow gets mighty cold to sit on while changing skates. If the construction committee or some kind interested parents would make a few benches it would Help out a lot. I'm sune there is some lumber on hand at the center that could be used. Volunteers? Help! Help! We are still in need of more news than we have been getting. With Carla \as my partner we should be abie^to handle twice as much news as we have been able to get. How about giving us a call. No matter how smay ' it may seem it's news and it's interesting reading to those who know you and live in your community. PTA News Why not plan to attend the January meeting of the Johnsburg PTA to be held next Tuesday, Jan. 21. Dr. Peter Griesbach from the McHenry Medical Center will be the guest of the evening and will speak on the theme "Our children look to us for better health." It promises to be an interesting eve- Serious Situation The packs of dogs running loose in the community has become a disturbing and serious situation to most of us. Each week the complaints pour into your reporters about the dogs hoping we can help. Garbage cans are knocked down, tied dogs attacked and lawns and shrubs damaged. Many have threatened to shoot any stray dogs as a last resort. Perhaps this is not a wise solution but people will "jjo,t keep their dogs tied ancT~we get no cooperation from the county authorities. Our deputies cannot take a dog away without a signed complaint and the signer must pay the fee if . the owner is not known. Naturally if we know the owner of a loose dog the best thing to do would be $o call and tell them to get them tied, up or a deputy will be called and they will be charged a fine plus a • license if none is had. This is' not usually done since it 'does not make for good neighbor relations but it seems a much better way than reaching for a gun. So please if you own a dog keep him tied for his good and your own and your neighbors. We'd hate to see any dead pets but that is going to be the result if something isn't done now. After thatvacation in Florida with her family. "Debbie DOljecki had a few. friends in for hot dogs last Thursday on the occasion n of her fifth birthday. Happy birthday to Stanley Wroblewski who celebrated last week and admits to being at least a little over twenty-one. We hope he has many more. Now Mr. Mumps is just about gone scarlet fever seems to be taking his place. There have been a few cases in the community already and it can be serious if not taken care of so watch for any symptoms such as red rashes or blotches, vomiting and a high fever. Hospitalized We are very sorry to report that Albert Corhrs was taken to St. Therese hospital last week with a heart condition and pneumonia. He was quite ill and at last report will be there at least four weeks-so I'm sure that any cards from his friends and neighbors would speed his recovery along. We wish him the very best and hope his recovery is fast and that he will be back in the immunity again soon. ofc^e^rag^l«fa»|ier?a^jEw the road than it usjed- to be. ^ " The Pan Cinftnus are, very, hag* py. about that ipanking brand neWj cair they are sporting arouhd. Still on the sick list ift Kip; Novotny who is having a rough time with a cold and the ffti;; • Garbage Cans There have been a good many complaints lately about the' people who leave their garbage cans in fronts of their house all week. I think we will all agree that if everyone did this it would n6t make a very scenic or well kept community. It is "little things like this that add up to make a slumlike neighborhood which I'm sure none of us want to live in. Have You Noticed the new main road is under way? It is in the process of being widened and raised and will be blacktopped by the county in the spring. This has not been accomplished overnight but has nfng for all with social time and J been started as the result of many refreshments after the business road committee meetings and meeting and program. Every parent and interested person is cordially invited to attend their PTA meetings each month and get an opportunity to meet the teachers and discuss any problems with them. We HI see you promptly at 8 o'clock, Okay? many complaints over the past year or so about our roads. This will not include our side road problems but it is a good start since we all must use the main road to enter the subdivision. The Snow Is Fine Now that the snow is here the hills are fine for sledding and tobogganing and even skiing if you go to one of the shoyeled areas. We could do with a few more shovels with strong backs to push them though since the clear areas aren't too large. Come on you hockey players we're waiting for thai game. ' ' Caution Motorists With the sledding season in full swing we would like to warn all 'motorists in the subdivision to please watch out for the children on sleds. Perhaps it is true that the roads are not the place for sledding but then this is the country and the temptation is great. Remember we did the same things when we were younger so let's be on the lookout for those small fry -and let them enjoy the winter and being young too. Sick List We're sorry to hear that Glen Hayner has been sick with scarlet fever and his daddy Roy has been home for the past two weeks with the flu and a bad cough. We hope they are both better and back to normal by now. Ray Novotny has been on the sick list lately too with the flu and an ear infection. Ray, Jeff, Kip and the whole family went into the clinic for multiple treatment of their colds and such. Also home from school with the measres recently was Randy Jackson. He is well now and we hope he had a very happy birthday. Two of the Ray Thelen children had their tonsils out last week and even though they probably didn't enjoy the whole thing recuperating can be fun when it includes ice cream and chewing gum. Or has the treatment changed since I was young? Down Meadow Land Everyone down on Meadow lane reports that they too are very fed up with the packs of dogs that are running loose. They find that those who do ,the most complaining about other dogs running let theirs run loose the most. Gordon Rzechula is very happy to be discharged from the service and is busy working at his job. on the railroad. Kenny Krumwiede will celebrate his second birthday on Jan. 14. We wish him a very happy day. George Brusen of Broadway is very busy putting in a cement sidewalk to combat the mud. The snow stopped him for awhile but he hopes to get at it again soon. The people living near Meadow and Broadway have suggested that a sign warning motorists of children playing would be a very good idea since that hill is about the best and most used for sledding in the subdivision. During the Holidays Pearl Smolinski and her daughter, Darlene, Barbara Beamer, a friend of Darlene's, went to Genoa Wis. Also enjoying the trip were Mary Stanek of Richmond, and Myrtle Stanek of Spring Grove. A very delicious lunch and a good time was had by all. We hear that Bob VanZevern had trouble with his garage New Teen Club; News: Members of the rifle tei learned firing positions in a class instructed by first Lt. Francis Curulewski, Saturday, Jan. ll! They expect to start actual firing next month. This rifle team is a part of the National Rifle association which holds nationwide competition each year, and offers excellent opportunities for members interested in all types of target practice with various-weapons. A rifle team for girls is expected to be started in the spring. The 'teen club has purchased an eight foot toboggan for use of its members. This is the first of many recreation facilities planned for by the 'teen- club and has come at a time when the weatherman, has co-operated wonderfully. Our ! Sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lemons on the death of Jim's mother. Still on the sick list is Jim's father, who was operated on last Friday. Also in the hospital is Mrs. Jim Nicholsen. She is expected to be home soon. Entertaining Company this weekend are Mr. and Mrs. Dick Morley, who will be visited by Dick's mother and his sister from Round Lake. Marcia and Eddie Dowd will also have & houseful Sunday at the dinner table with Eddie's brother, his" wife and their three children. A New Car will be broken in by Steve and Jerry Vrbik on a vacation trip to Phoenix. Scout News The Cub Pack is having their monthly meeting, Jan. 27, at 7:30. The refreshments wil\ be served by Mrs. George Lammert's den. Be sure to be there. The Brownies and Girl Scouts celebrate their first birthday Jan- 21, with all the committee members and Scout leaders. They are having all the trimmings, including a birthday cake with a great big candle. johnsburg News By Mn». Betty Hettermann Good Cheer Club . As you all know by now, Mrs. Helen Pitzen is in the Sacred Heart Sanitorium for treatment. She will be remaining there for several weeks so why not send her a little cheer by remembering to send heir a card. A card sent tcr her by one 6f her many friends will do so much to while away the long hours. Her address is as follows: Mrs. Helen Pitzen 1545 So. Layton Blv. Milwaukee 15, Wis. Room 208. Dances Coming Up In the 'mdod for a fancy step or two? Well get but your dancing shoes! There are two dances coming up on JTan. 18 and Feb. 2, both will be held in%ie Community club hall. The dance of Jan. 18 will be a benefit dance so be sure to lend your support by purchasing a ticket or two and attend the dance. On Saturday evening, Feb. 2, the Hettermann's softball team will sponsor their first annual dance. A good time is. promlittle professionals after their lessons at dance class. We are glad to report that Wally Sielisch and the fellows in his car pool were not hurt in the three car collision they were involved in on Rt. 12. There were a few banged fenders but luckily no broken bones. Jane and Jim Malek have been enjoying sledding down Broadway hill with the youngsters. That's one way io stay young. ised to one and all so be sure to get your tickets to both of these dances real soon. A note to the high school crowd --don't forget the record hops every second anad fourth Tuesdays of the month. Your .attendance at these dances makes it pssible to continue throughout the coming months. Get your gang together and come on over to the community club hall on these particular evenifigs at 7 :$0. You are sui*e to have some "real cool fun." Girl Scout and Brownie News Troop 135.,Keld their first meeting of the new year on Wednesday, Jan. 8. Janice Schafer and Diane Smith became new members of this troop after a short fly-up and investiture service. The troop has been divided into two groups. One is working on their second class badge while the second group on the proficiency badge--Home, Health and Safety. Twelve girls have just completed the requirements for the "cook" badge. thi new. coJeacter aj»d: as^tr ed by Lu Kuemanrt,- The ladies helped the girls start their new project of making felt head bartds. They plan to complete tha- bands at this week's, meeting* Two new girls were welcomed into this group at this meeting. They were Patricia Boight and Susan BShoche who were transferred from the troop which meets weekly in the public school. A special notice to mothers of Brownies -- you are to furnish your own transportation for the return trip home from "meeting for your child. The leaders have been asked by the children on occasions to be driven home which is quite a bit to ask. These women Tiave enough to do sO please be sure»to provide transportation home for your own child. turfi^7Sl:years young bi» while Johnny Dehn will observe d his sixthA milestone on Jan.28. Best wishes to both. --v Around the Town - ; . _ ' 1 Latest victim< of Mr. Mumps-is Mary Jo Haag while the Freunt^ brothers Kevin, Craig and KeitlW have bid; him a most happy fare* welL Mr. iuiiad Mes. George Breier were quite proud when their daughter who resides in'Chicago gave birth to one of the first New Year's babies. The Breiers also have a daughter and another, grandson who were also. New- Year's Day babies. Our congratu-A lations to the new grandparents. The Brownie troop which meets weekly in the community club hall found Dianne Oeffling as its hostess for the first meeting in the new year. While Lu Oeffling was ill at the time of this meet-; ing and was forced to remain at home, her job was capably taken over by Lorraine Smith who is Public, Party ,s Another "first" in this new year, is the first public party of the year sponsored by the Blessed Virgin sodality. This party will take place in St. John's school hall at 8 p.m next Sunday, Jan. 19. The proceeds will go into, the school building funds so please attend and ' make this party a huge success. Bowling Notes The lady Foresters hope that oh Jan. 22 at 1:30 in the afternoon, they will see more of their members at the Bowling Resort. The attendance has been kind of slim the past weeks but they hope as the year progresses more ladies will turn out for some good exer* cises as well as fun. Birthday Wishes To Mrs. Helen Pitzen who will The- Joe Huemann home was increased by two young boys for awhile recently. Joe • and Vera, have been caring for ..their two grandsons from Crystal Lake while their parents, Jack and Pat Laures vacationed for. two weeks in Florida. \ Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club., 29-tf New, Instant RELIEF for TIRED, ACHING BACKS! OOfgt.m ttB*M .N «ra (bubuwnc b ratcak uplmad.L _ .. M back bomIm. ' todrdlai Sfc sa ae For mm. IMmf kn SFto«p rr oBttAeCrlKn-*K:A aBrCdeKr Bolgers - TeL 40 Here and There The Vern Thelens threw a New Year's eve party for family and employees and a very good time was had by all. They also enjoyed entertaining their square dance *club last Saturday. Jack and Mary Beth Thelen got a thrill last weekend when they took part in a dance recital given for the Rotary club of McHenry. Year's Eve. Seems like the end I They are getting to be quite the Why Millions Call Him "HOLY FATHER Speaking of Skating It sure would be- nice to have • small shelter or even some Happy Birthday to Gail Nielson who recently turned six. We hope she had a very happy day and many more to come. She looks very healthy LUEDTKE BROTHERS AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSEL DAN POWERS Auctioneers EDWIN VOGEL Having decided to quit Dairying, we will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the Warron Estate, situated 3 miles South of Woodstock, 1% miles Pforth of 176 -- % mile East of Dean Street blacktop; % mile West Of Route 47, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1958 Commencing at 12:00 P.M. The following described personal property, to-wit '• 50 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK siz Consisting of 49 Holstein Dairy Cows; 1 Hereford Bull THIS IS A GOOD DAIRY OF COWS, AND ANYONE DESIRING ADDITIONS OR REPLACEMENTS WILL MAKE NO MISTAKE IN PURCHASING FROM THIS DAIRY. WE INVITE INSPECTION AT ANY TIME. • FEED 250 bu. Oa£8. •J MACHINERY Vflew Idea manure spreader; Ford 2-row cultivator; 1940 four door Plymouth car; Ford rotary hoe; Windrower for 7 ft. mower. MILKING EQUIPMENT 3 DeLaval milking units; steel strainer; steel wash tank; motor, pump and pipe line for 50 cows; DeLaval s. steel pail; Surge hot water heater; 21 milk cans. And numerous other small items. THIS FARM.,IS AN ESTATE, AND BEFORE FLUID MILK CAN BE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CHICAGO BOARD OF HEALTH, IT IS GOING TO BE NECESSARY TO BUILD A NEW MILK HOUSE EQUIPPED WITH A BULK TANK. WE, AS TENANTS, CAN NOT AFFORD TO GO TO THE EXPENSE OF THIS IMPROVEMENT. TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS NO PROPERTY TO BE REMOVED UNTIL FULLY SETTLED FOR - NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. LUEDTKE BROTHERS, Owners FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking ' Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Catholic loyalty to the Pope is the cause of never-ending amazement to many non-Catholics. They wonder how an exclusively spiritual leader can command die devotion of nearly four hun- * dred millions of, people. They cannot explain why this vast religious family... representing every race, color, language and political belief on the face of the earth ... lives and grows through the ages, while man-made empires have their day of glory and then disr appear. What is there about this one man that causes people to speak of him in a hundred tongues as "Holy Father"? We find the answer, of course, not necessarily in the holiness of the man himself, but in his Christgiven office. The answer is found by tracing the history of the Catholic Church ... the history of 262 successive Popes... back through nearly 2,000 years to Jesus Christ Himself. We know as a matter of historical fact that Christ did establish His Church... that He commissioned the Aposde Peter as its first head... that He sent His Aposdes forth to teach men to observe all things He had commanded. We know from the New Testament that the Church was actually organized... that it was governed by the Aposdes under the leadership of Peter... that it was teaching Christ's truth far and wide, long before the last book of the New Testament was written and the books of the Bible were collected into one volume. Christ's purpose in organizing a Church was to make certain that the good news of Redemption would be preached to all men... even to the end of the world. To (1 IS THE TIME FOR THAT 3 1 You Can Do So Much For So Little 'THE DO IT YOURSELF WAY' ALEXANDER HAS THE MATERIALS AND KNOW HOW WHY NOT A BASEMENT GAME ROOM! accomplish this with fallible men, required that He establish a Church -- divinely protected from error in transmitting His teaching through the centuries. The Catholic Church traces its unbroken history back to the Aposdes --back to Christ. And Catholics today call Pope Pius XII "Holy Father" because he is the lawful and historical successor to Peter, the first Pope. He is in our time... as Peter was in the first century... the Vicar of Christ on earth. Would you like to know more about the Pope... why the promises made by Christ to Peter and his successors make the Pope the most important man in the world? Then write today for a pamphlet which we shall send you free, in a plain wrapper. And nobody will call on you. Ask for Pamphlet No. KC-4. ) tICHMOHO WQJIOII UR< MIA M'NIMBT MRIMtlf Bring Your Home Up To Date ® •> It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and livability of your home by remodeling. We Can Help You Wilh The PLANNING - MATERIALS FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN | SUPREME COUNCIL J KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUS I VOW LOCATION •« 1ASY TO FlND RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU 4422 Lindall Blvd., St. Louii 8, Ma. I PUata Mnd ma Fra* Pomphlat antltlad | "Why Million* Coll Him 'Holy Fathar' " | ICC-4 I | NAML__ ; I j ADDRESS - ! CITY STATE S U P R E M E C O U N C I L KIHGHTS of COLUmBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU .4422 LIN DELL BLVD ST. LOUIS «, MISSOURI Spontored by McHenry Council No. 1288 OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM , , . :,jg- ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" ' On Highway 31 - South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIBST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" mjmrnmfSJBJsm/BfsmJBm:, si?