. y' J *e>~! <--...: ;; Lakeland Park by Bernioe Boyof i^-VtVirv'i SP&J- _J_^_ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER LPJ>.0^. News . The following letter was received by Joan Krater, secreof the L.P.P.O.A, jar Mrs. Krater: It is with deep regret that I ,„$m compelled to submit my resignation as president of the . , L.P.P.O.A. effective at once. ~..r, As a result of my illness of the pa$t few months and the pressure of business affairs, I have found it impossible to tarry, out effectively the functions/ of my office as president, "please express my appreciation to the members of the 'board of directors for their cooperation in helping to make my term of office a happy and successful one. I am sure that my successor will effectively ---earry forward the many pro- • t jects and programs that have i made the L.P.P.O.A. so out- 1 going in the McHeriry area. «ie most important of these is e .construction of the community house, which will soon become a reality. . Sincerely yours, Joseph A. Cina. . Personal Note We are all sincerely sorry to see Joe Cina resign as president of the L.P.P.O.A., an office which he has held with estige. I wish to express the anks to Joe for everyone in Lakeland Park for all the work he has done for the community not only as president of the association, but in many ways too Various to mention. Good luck, good health and a speedy recovery, Joe. u There are four openings to e filled on the board of directs of the L.P.P.O.A. The elections will take place on March 30 at the general meeting. The nominating committee is as ^follows: Dorothy Uttich (chairman), Dorothy Meineke, Ray Rode, Len Blanc and Jerry Rogers. - Calls are to be made to the committee thirty days before the elections consequently the ^eadline for proposed nominees "ill be Feb. 28. Anyone having a specific person he would like to see elected to fill one of the .offices is urged to call before the deadline date. The vacancies to be filled are, president, vice president, secretary, and one seat on the board of -directors. The outgoing officers are, Joe Cina, president, Ray Grote, vice president, Joan Krater, retary and Glen Uhles, a diectbr. So don't forget the deadline date, Feb. 28. n * • ,. Helen Stradquist, treasurer of the association announces '"that the car stickers are ready and can be picked up at the Strandquist home at 515 Shore Drive on Saturday, Feb. 8, bef; tween the hours of 1 and 5 S^p'clock. These community stick- ^®rs are ava'lable only to the Residents who have paid their community house dues. If you {•* haven't paid your dues as yet pnd you do want a sticker, you can pay your dues and pick up ^your sticker at the same time. The fourth quarter L.P.P.O.A. y,',dues are now past due as the + .due date being the first of Feb- " -ruary. Please contact your l* Ibjlock captain and either have > nim call to pick them up or 'J, "you see that they are brought T to your block captain. « v< ' There is still another school • v* bus shelter to be built. Anyone, who is interested in helping ,,, construct this much needed «-* 'shelter is asked to call Joan Krater. Whoops! I almost for- • got there is still the shelter on " jjJ^eatJow Lane to be painted, so if you feel an artistic urge, " * there is no better place to try ,, ^out your talents. Joan will also . •. take these calls. of all the serious business for the association, now for some business on the lighter side. The L.P.P.O.A. big sprTng dance, on April 19. The dance this year will have the flavor of a western theme. Sounds good, but you haven't heard the best yet. Listen fellows, it is strictly informal, blue jeans, flannel shirts and that sort of attire which I know you fellows all enjoy wearing instead of stiff collared shirts and this goes for the gals too. This should make dear old dad that much happier as now maw don't need a new dress. What am I so elated about that means me too. So will be lookin' for all you '49ers at our diggins on Green Street (Legion hall) the nineteenth of April. are expected to wear their uni forms during that week. The next pack meeting will be Feb. 24. Social Night Yep! Tonight's the night. Hope to see all of you at Jo Rizzo's home, 313 Home avenue. We have a special evening planned so do make an effort to get there. Social Night Social night will be Feb. 14 at the home of the Larry Strandquists, 515 Shore Drive at 8:30. Bud Uttich is preparing a news letter which will be delivered to your homes. In fact, you may have the news by the time this article appears, however in this letter it will explain to everyone what these social nights are all about. It is our sincere hope that when you all are told the entertainment these games provide, more of you will attend. .Polio Drive On Thursday, Jan. 30, Dorothy Uttich, Betty Laurence, Fran Cina, Vicki Bottari, Joan Krater and the captain of the drive, Mary Laurence, drove our senior 'teens throughout the subdivision collecting for the March of Dimes. The mothers did the driving while ouc- wonderful 'teens did the leg work by going from house teahouse with their coin collectOTS, vXhis was really a wonderful help to the mothers of the march as we all know how terrible foot travel is these days ip Lakeland Park. Thanks 'teens, you are wonderful. Their efforts were well awarded and once again our community proved most generous with a total of $72.82 being the amount, collected for this most worthy foundation. Mary Laurence told me they were very complimentary at the polio h e a d q u a r t e r s f o r L a k e l a n d Park's contribution. The money collected in the McHeriry area will be used for this area if needed which I sincerely hope will not be the case. Cub Scout News An ice skating party was held, Jan. 26 and a good time was had by all. The boys really enjoyed' the skating and the races. I guess they were all such wonderful skaters that they couldn't pick a winner as I didn't get any winners' names. After all this workout, they were served hot dogs and milk which (need I mention) were really polished off in nothing flat. w. Well I guess that takes care The skaters were, Mr. Raiford and son, Allen, Edward Ozog, Michael and Billy Sullivan. The monthly pack meeting was held Jan. 27. The theme for the month was photography. Plans were made for the "Father and Son Banquet" which will be held Feb. 15, 7:15 sharp at the V.F.W. hall. The parents that attended the meeting were Mrs. Alice Sullivan and Mr. Raiford. Boy Scout week is Feb. 7 thru the 13. All Cub Scouts • » CRISTY AND KUNZE AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSEL Auctioneers EDWIN VOGEL 'J. 'The undersigned, having decided to terminate the lease, will sell all of the personal property on Public Auction on the Farm ij - known as the Kunze Farm, 5Vi miles North of Woodstock and t ' hit mile West of the Greenwood - Woodstock Blacktop Road, 3 miles East and North from 47, from Boal's Corners, on WEDNESDAY -- FEBRUARY 12. 1958 " *' Conunencing at 11:30 A.M. ^-^The following described personal property, to-wit: 44 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK ... , > Consisting of 34 milk cows and' 10 Holstein Heifers, ranging <•* from 11 to 17 months old. This herd has been in the Dairy Herd Improvement Association for the past six years, and we have been using artificial ;' breeding for the same period of time. This herd has recently passed clean bangs test, and separate health sheets will be ; furnished with each animal. A FULL LINE OF FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT f MILK HOUSE EQUIPMENT £ 3 Surge Units, Pump and Motor; Stainless Steel Strainer Pails. TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS % No Property to be Removed Until Fully Settled For. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS K, JOHN E. CRISTY, Tenant, and f' EDWARD L. KUNZE, Landlord FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, rwirlng - Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Junior Teen Ten Pin^Mty I just got the news on the "ten-pin party" the junior 'teens' club had a few Saturdays back. Sandy Bucaro, secretary reported a good time was had by all and that they were all home by 6 o'clock that evening. Sandy tells me they have plans in the workings for either another bowling party or something even more exciting, but have not quite decided what it will be. She promised me I would get the news. That's a good girl, Sandy. Those who attended the party were, Sue Dahlquist, Frank Sweeney, Judy Reining. Kenny Owens, Cynthia and Beverly Grote, Judy Meineke, Frank Dawson, Daniel Svitanek, Pat Saunt, Ken O'Gara, Eddie Manginen and Jim and Tom Kujak. _ I... asked Sandtf* who walktetf off with the honors and she told me she thought it was Judy Meineke. Congratulations, Judy. I surely hope Sandy gave me the right name, or my name will be -- . hospital in Waukegan since Jan. 27. On Jan. 31 she was operated on for a nose disturbance that she has suffered from for sometime. She was to have come home on Saturday, Feb. 1, but had to stay until Sunday, Feb. 2. Get well real soon Beverly so you can attend that exciting affair that your junior 'teen club is whipping Up. Happy Visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold TuYner were honored by a happy three day visit by their favorite niece, Bonnie Lou Scard from Jan. 31 'til Feb. 2. She is in the June graduating class of Austin high school in Chicago. By this time next year she will be attending the State Teachers' college of Illinois in De- Kalb. Her parents purchased a lot in the new section, Lakeland Shores and Bonnie is looking forward to living in our pretty sudivision very soon ahd her aunt and uncle will be very happy tp have her so close to them. Happy Birthday To pretty Barbara Staley who lives on Shore Drive and will celebrate her birthday on Feb. 7. Manyi many more, Barbara you are still young enough to look forward to them. Ah! to be nineteen again. Pre-Operative Party We of Lakeland Park can „ have a party for just about jValentine s Day Page Thirteen LILYMOOR NEWS by Charlotte Sickafoose Once again, the month of February has come upon us, bringing with it, many events and happenings of the days._ Our snow and cold weather seem to be topping the list this year, ^e are sure having our share of it. Also, February is noted for it's famous births Many anything. On Sunday night, the | oth u e[ u events t are happening Bockmans, Joneses and Daw- i "ght here in Lilymoor. I will sons decided to give Dolores a little moral support to help her face the ordeal of going to the hospital on Monday. Dolores was feeling mighty low, however after a few cocktails and the company of these funsters, Dolores was feeling her gay old self and faced the prospects of going to the hospital with a different and happier view. No, not because of the cocktails, try to furnish you with all of the news that I possibly can. Births Mr. and Mrs. Seifert are overwhelmed with happiness at the birth of three great grandchildren. All three children were born within a month. Mr. and Mrs. .Seifert of Chicago, are the proud parents of Donald Lee Seifert. He ..was,' born but because she appreciated |Dec. 23. Young Walter Betray the fact that her wonderful J was born Jan. 22 of tnis year, friends knew she needed a lit-j The happy parents are Walter tie cheering up and came to j and Pat Betray. The third her rescue. Just another ins- | grandchild, Lynn Louise Taytance of what nice people we j lor, was born on Jan. 25. Conhave in Lakeland Park and gratulationii, art being offered they are too. ,to Mr,, and MMrr s. Judd Taylor. Impromptu Party Bereavements On Friday, Jan. 23, Elaine Our deepest sympathy is ex- Jett invited Lee Glorch over i tended to Mrs. Alice Foster for lunch and a little chit chat. | Kowal. She was called home Marge Franklin dropped in at attend services for her fathis most opportune time and ! ther, Frank Patten. He passed joined in. Later, Vicki Bottari j on ^an- ^2, in Southern and Edith Lavin were returndenly to Norwegian-American hospital last Sunday. Minor surgery was performed. This is the second time for Mrs. Dalanis in this past month. She hopes to come tjcfme Saturday. Mrs. Dalanis and her two sons moved here from Chi- -stead, Eddie Gray and Bobby Zahri. John Winston received a bear badge ahd gold arrow. He also received a recommendation from the Cub Scout Master for his good work. A. good time was had by all. M. C. H. S. by Dave Fantus . y, Card Party The Mother's Club from the Lily Lake school are having a card party. The party will be held Thursday, Feb. 13 at , , 8 p.m. at Club Lilymoor. Those wishing to contribute prizes or luck and best wishes for a purchase tickets please contact speedy recovery. We are sorry to hear that Charles Halle is back in the hospital again. He is in Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan. At present, Mr. Halle is undergoing observation. Good luck Chuck. We hope for a quick discovery to you misfortune. I Indiana. ing from town and noted something going on at Elaine's so they stopped in. Now they had the ingredients for a party so decided to play some sort of game. The game decided on was "Swedish Bunco." Lee tells me that they really.had a wonderful afternoon and a lot of laughs, coffee and yakitty yak. Happy birthday wishes to the following members of our Woman's club who will all be celebrating their birthdays during the month of February. Vicki Bottari, Helen Kotyrk, Ivv Lezak and Mickey Rosendahl. Happy "Anniversary To Mr. and Mrs. Lou Frindell who had an anniversary during the past week, but celebrated on Saturday Jan. 24 by entertaining friends and relatives from Chicago. Inventor Jo Rizzo called me the other day all excited and who wouldn't be. Her neice and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rober i Kutina of Oak Lawn, had told Jo sometime ago that Roger had been working on a child's bank. Jo had heard no more about the bank so you can imagine how surprised she whs when this happened. Her two little girls were watching a morning children's T.V. program on which they were showing unusual toys, bankfc, etc. All of a sudden her girts said "mama loolf at this cute barber pole bank, we want one." Joe came on the run and sure enough there was ^Ke barber pole bank that her 'Hospital Shut-ins Dolores Belohlavey was operated on Tuesday, Jan. 28 in the McHenry hospital. Happy to hear she is doing real well and should be coming home sometime the end of the week. Beverly Grote, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grote, has been confined to the Victory "Self Defense Is Nature's Eldest Law" v * (Author's Name Below) Recently, several doorto- door salesmen were prosecuted for making false statements during their efforts to sell vitamins and other medicines. In order to defend your health and even your purse from these opportunists, here today and gone tomorrow, follow this sound advice. Physicians and pharmacists are sincerely interested in protecting your health. Our Code of Ethics directs us to consider your welfare before personal gfdn. You are safer when you follow a physician's advice on what to take and get yj>ur vitamins and medicines from a pharmacist. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra ^charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS "ft/a/yMwt /Jynoif" PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •"Quotation by John Dryden (1631-1700) General When credit is due, it should be given. And credit should be given to Mr. McDermott. He employed the use of a local plow to clean the beaches, thqrebore making it possible, for the children of this area to have a place for ice skating. There is a ten foot trail leading from beach to beach and over to Crawley's house. This allows the children to skate from one area to the other. The children sure are enjoying it. Birthdays Mgsfer David Yardas became two years old Sunday, Jan. 26. Helping him celebrate was his grandfather, Mr. Redin of Park Ridge. Also present was Mr. and Mrs. De- Marco and their three children, Joie, Ricky ^and Viola. Cake and ice cream were served. Bruce Root, who will be four on Feb. 10. is celebrating his birthday in Florida this year. Feb. 2, (ground hog day) was the birthday of JoAnne Halle. JoAnne was three years old. Bobby Sickafoose will be four on Feb. 7. A family gathering is planned. A happy birthday with many more is wished to all of you children. P.T.A. Let's remember folks that the first Thursday of the month is our regular P.T.A. meetings. Your support is needed. Through your support, we will be able to continue our parties and activities for the children. Bring a friend or neighbor- with you. Let's keep our children happy. Mrs. H. Fantus at 596-J-l. Among the Sick" Bea Dalanis was taken sudnephew had invented. Did the girls get the bank? I should say they did. Extend our congratulations to your nephew on his creative ability. It is really cute and very unusual. No sneakies this week--darn! Thanks again for all the news called to me this week and to you nice people who brought your news to me persbnally. Bye now--See you next week. HfiiiimmmiiimiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifaiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii!: I VILLA NURSING HOME } I ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY ( I ' M 1 | Home for the Aged | I SENILE . . . . BED P A T I E N T S ' 1 | PHONE McHENRY 461 | iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cub Scouts The regulat;^meeting of the Cub Scouts was held at the Methodist church on Jan. 30. Mrs. Zahn's den entertained the group with a puppet skit on the Polio Drive. Members of the den are John Winston, David Tobey, Dutchie Huck-' over the state and the world Personals Mrs. Laura Belford has been having a change from her regular routine of work. She has been a substitute teacher in' McHenry high school this past week. ^ David Fantus was voted by his fellow classmates as the most musical student Charlene Crawley also came out on top. She was voted the cutest. Congratulations on your winnings. Keep right on pitching. We are sorry to see the Chuck Pearsons move, But good luck and best wishes to all of you in your new home. Agnes and Herb VolkVhave moved in, to the Pearsons old home. They have lived in Lilymoor the past six months. Formerly from Chicago, they plan on making their home here permanently. The Volks have five children. Once again we welcome you to the community. Please keep the information coming in. For the next couple of weeks, please phone McHenry 2694. We are glad to receive the news regardless of how big or small ' it is. Remember phone 2694. OBSERVE CENTENNIAL Beardstown will observe the centennial of the famous "Almanac Trial" on May 6 and 7. During the course of the famous trial, Abraham Lincoln proved by using the almanac that Duff Armstrong,' the son of Lincoln's former New Salem friend, could not have committed the murder "by the light of the moon." Beardstown is already planning the official commemoration of "the event and Hodges' story, it is hoped, will do much to publicize it all First Semester Ends Time is quickly flying away as the first semester comes to a close. One-half of the '57-'58 school year is over. Exams were held last week and semester^ grades and the Honor Roll will be available soon. This is also the time wheh seniors begin to realize that they have only five months left before leaving M.C.H.S. Many seniors have their future plans centered around colleges, universities and trade schools. The popular choice for a university seems; to be Marquette. Also, Dekalb is among the universities being considered. Time is quicJUy flying as the second sen^fster begins. Seniors Down Stute o , Mr. Frye, the counselor from Milliken university in Decatur, 111., invited any senior interested in visiting the campus to let him know. Four seniors, Vince Cina, George Peterson, Carl Walker, and Vince Walsh, accepted the invitation and, by all reports, spent a very enjoyable weekend at Milliken. Sophomores Have the Idea The sophomores, seeing for two years the problems of a junior class in trying to get enough money for their prom, are starting for their own prom even now. The industrious sophomores are desperately trying to xjollect the sophorrore class dues in the front hall. If tne sophomores Can keep up this initiative they will be in very good shape. for better homes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING * Masonery • Concrete • Carpentry PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1877 Home 805 E. Elm St. McHenry Let every dawn of morning be to you as the beginning of life. Be not simply good. Be good for something. NO WOMAN WANTS WRINKLES I The skin's quickly evaporating moisture must be retained--the oils must be replenished. Ask about Merle Norman!s Dry Skin.. Twins. Keep those tiny surface lines from destroying your beauty. Dty Skin Twin* S*t 1.75 phn lax Miy at your (TI E RLE n O R m R R SO E. Ann Street - McHenry 1 BLOCK feAST OF OLD BRIDGB For Appointment Call McHENRY 1464 OFFERS YOU A NEW. SURE-FOOTED TO TRAVEL...WITH ANTI-SPIN A-tf-y f'^-y • ^ WAY AXLE*! You don't have to look twic* to toll K't a '561 It's fair weather all winter long WHh these advanced Oldsmoblle features I Oldsmobila'i Anti-Spin R«ar Axle gtts you roiling and k*«ps you rolling on slipp «ry ica or mow. In mud or on w*t road*. Oldimobile'j ne* Jetaway Hydra-Mafic Drive*, with new thermostatic controls, tmootfies out cold-day starting stiffness. Oidsmobiie'^ new Dual-Range Power Heater* gives you finger-tip control of heat flow--provides quick, even heat. ...The Success Car of the Veer Every window of every OMnnobBo is SAFETY PLATE Glass You rsally hold th@ rood with OLDSmobilits'! . ; i safely, surely! Driving anywher^--in any weather-- Oldsmobile's new Anti-Spin Rear Axle adds trustworthy traction to your travel. With the stronger, sturdier Wide- Stance Chassis, you ride in a cradle of safety. And you're headed for the smoothest, easiest -riding ever with New- Matic Ride*--Oldsmobile's true air suspension that features both comfort and reliability. You stop out with all the power you need, too . . . plus all the economy you want from the '58 Rocket Engine. So make a date to drive the most popular car in its -class (now in 1st place in the medium price field). See your dealer right away! •An extra cost option, Maway Hydn-MoHe k itondord oil a I MOB I • • • V O U I K L O C A L A U T H O R I Z E D Q U A L I T Y D K A L C R OOOD I U V I ON UUP HOCK1TII Rocketing sales of the '58 Olds have provided your Olds dealer with a wide variety of late-model Rockets taken in trade! Budget prices on these used Rockets make it easy to step up to Olds. See your dealer, rocket away. f